Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Are You Giving Up Without Even Trying An Inspirational Story

We all have dreams - whether it is a better job, making lots of money, finding that perfect soulmate, making a difference, or maybe travelling the world. Whatever your dreams are, they are available to you to achieve. At times these dreams seem so out of reach for us that we simply decide to either give up on them or cast them aside for a later date (also known as the "someday" disease).The Dream Many times we have obstacles in our way. We see these obstacles as insurmountable, feel defeated, and just simply give up on that particular dream. The truth is anything and everything is possible and available to you in life. The question you need to ask yourself is how badly do you want this dream to come true? Many people talk about how they "wish" they could achieve a certain goal or dream, but are just not willing to do what is necessary to get it. Here is a perfect example:Many years ago after graduating from university, I decided I wanted to travel. I wanted to work as a destination representative for a tour operator in a warm and sunny destination. This sounded like a dream job for me. I imagined myself working in a warm and sunny climate, learning about a new culture, visiting interesting places, and meeting new people (not mention the joy of escaping the cold Canadian winter). So I researched what it would take to make this dream come true. I found out that all the tour operators I contacted had the same requirement - you had to speak Spanish.I didn't speak Spanish. I was disappointed.Think Outside the BoxThen, I thought to myself, 'I wonder how long it would take to learn to speak Spanish'? Yes, I wanted that job so badly that I was willing to learn a completely new language. I already was fluent in Italian and French. So I decided to send my resume out to all the tour operators and then figure out the rest later. I received a call from one of them a week later and was booked for an interview. They told me that I would be tested on my Spanish speaking. Now I was getting nervous. How would they be able to test my Spanish skills when I didn't possess any? I started to think outside the box and try to figure out how to make this dream job a reality. The job would start in December and this was September; so technically I could really focus intensely on learning the language over the next couple of months. However, the interview was in two days. I needed to learn the language in two days!I decided to call my good friend Paola who speaks fluent Spanish and asked her to meet with me. I sat down with her and wrote out all the possible questions I could be asked in an interview. Why do you want to be a destination representative? Why do you want to work for ABC Company? Etc. I wrote out all the answers (in English) and asked her to translate it all into Spanish. She did.I memorized every word on those pages. The InterviewI went to the interview feeling very nervous and stressed. I remember thinking, what if they ask me a different question? What if they find out I don't really speak Spanish? I was terrified. I remember going to the restroom, standing in one of the stalls, taking my notes out, and reviewing every word on those pages. I wanted this job so badly.Thirty minutes into the interview, it was time for the Spanish test. I remember thinking "please, please, please, ask me one of the questions I prepared, please!"First question: "So tell me Sonia, why do you want to be a destination representative?"Second question: "Why do you want to work for ABC Company?"Three months later, I was basking in the sun in beautiful Varadero, Cuba. What was supposed to be a short winter getaway job, ended up being a four year life experience! I ended up working in Cuba, Colombia, and Mexico during those four years.Don't get me wrong. It was not easy. I did actually have to learn the language. I wanted it so badly though, that I was willing to do what was necessary to make it happen. I had to run toward my fears, think outside the box, and take risks.What amazed me the most during those years living abroad, were the tourists I would meet while I was working at the various destinations.I can't tell you how many times people would say to me, "Wow. I would love to do your job! I would love to work here and get away from the brutal Canadian winters."My reply would always be, "You can! If I can do it, you can do it."Their reply, "Oh no, I can't. I don't speak Spanish."A Few Questions to PonderAsk yourself the following questions:What is your dream?How badly do you want it?What is stopping you?What do you need to do to make it a reality?What outside-the-box steps can you take to get you closer to achieving your dream?Then, of course, take action!May all your dreams come true! Dream. Dream big. Remember, anything and everything is possible if you believe!

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