Saturday, April 24, 2010

Romantic poetry is not

Romantic poetry is not Not bad poetry.I AKA love love your beautiful fingers   My love, because through immersion   Your silk, the sun of your love hair.I blue   Eyes, I gotta tell ya   They? Re pair.Your a liquid lips   Lava and their   I always wanted to leave stare.Just   You know that you,   I? Ll care.Unless always the plan is for you and your beloved to be the only light on the planet to read your love, poetry, you must avoid some common problems that occur in romantic poetry.1) as a clown in a small car - Cram bursts.Don as you try to dismiss any sense that he ever had in one piece. Find a metaphor or a single item and give it life. The reader feels the moment, not a lifetime.2) cliché? S - deeper than any ocean ... Avoid clichés? S. Find a way to tell the depth of your love is.3) MetaphorsYou With the Wind "? Re the hot cream on my Sundae? The strings on my angels are harp.Unless giggles, which is not necessarily a bad thing, or words to country music (sorry, Dad), see the number and stick to a few metaphors. Poetry shorter, less metaphors.Feel free to perform a single metaphor, in a long metaphor (poetry thread), but avoid things like the example above.4) RhymeYour forced liquid lips   Lava and their   I always wanted to leave stare.Just   You know that you,   I? Ll care.Forced always rhyme? Best, um, worse. It is better not to have a system that rhymes of strength and a hammer in your poem as a puzzle lost piece.Rhyme should sound natural, almost as if it were? L '. Do not try to tu words around them in a rhyme scheme. Moreover, I find the slant rhymes (May / hands) works better than perfect rhyme (possible / piano) .5) Finally, what I said? I love you? I love your lovely fingers,   My love, because through immersion   Your silk hair.Ack sun! Enough. One way out of this habit is to try to write poems of love, without using the word of love for everyone. It goes back to? View don t say? State of literature, which can be applied to all forms of writing. 2006 Holly Bliss. All rights reserved. This document may be freely redistributed in its unmodified form, and all copyrights, provided that the references are kept intact, with hyperlinks URLs.About Author: Use writing as paint on canvas of his life, Holly Bliss is an eclectic writer, newsletter editor and an author who is a site for Creative Writers.

Friday, April 23, 2010

History of the Brick Maker of San Jeronimo Peru in English and Spanish

History of the Brick Maker of San Jeronimo Peru in English and Spanish History of the Brick Maker, San Jer? Nimo, Peru [A Cup of Sorrow]? 1.For the Andes, in theMantaro Valley region of Peru, Isolated, lonely, silent, the little village of San Jer? Nimo. Near the village, here lay the fertile valleywith bent grass, and huge The mountains to the north, and towards the sea? S coastal old has his hands like a farmer? Swas, based on work and ceaseless; He rocks from the mountain? S tone, they cooked in the vicinity of firewood, and found Serenity by radiation alone, as night sankeach lived so twilight.And Director Augusto hishousehold po 'outside the village, It is not a rich man, a manufacturer of bricks, withgoodly hectares of land, was a Husband and eighty four winters, resting.Happy and was healthy, an ox, the manwith leathered skin and dark eyes; But how easy is shinned.Thus, at peace with God and man and, of course, the old brick manufacturers. 2I Saturday back in the Plaza de Arms, of Lima, Perulistened about the history of this old, And his wife long ago? A story never beforetold? These days have been lost and desolate Night after night, when the city wasasleep, trying to become a life, But it seemed like the sun was always darkin these days, with nothing in his pocket But a branch of a branch of a tree.He hadn? T eaten for a few days, so that the Oldman said?, He was still very young; Walking through the streets, the quiet, resilient, and the legs are down, As if you Broken Wings. N. jobs in the city, now in Trails End? He needed a friend? So Saturday downon some crossings empty febrile silent.Moistening his lips, looking forward to seeing --- (eyes half dead) A girl? Face him.All of view was, now is the hope that Power has now been restless, a vision disappeared, a yeaing unsatisfactory. Mr President, I can help? Why are you so sad? Said the little ten years. A dull pain deep, Augusto achieved? S lips, not knowing what to say; It still has a role? Eh? replied.She said once more, the bewildered Man? Ssir, why are you so sad? Hundreds of meters from where it went shestood he Sabbath? Miss, can I? T is the rent? Embarrassing, has expressed deep, he looked back down.Within one now? S time the child War, full of life, and with a check? Pay the rent one month in advance? 3But This is where the story does not end, my friend, it was only the beginning. As the old in the park, Saturday back allWondered us, and asked: Whatever happens, the little girl? (All most of us now enchants with its history); But he laughed alone?. I said what my Lord is so much fun? He answered, I retued, six years later, and married her. And you can see the twinkle in the eye, has long been forshe dead, and he loses her. And that's what she said?. # 757 7/10/05Spanish VersionTranslated by: Nancy Penaloza By: Rosa PenalozaUn del cuento LadrilleroDe San Jer? Nimo de Tun? N1En las Monta? How Andinas, dentro de la REGI? N Del Valle del Mantaro de Pro? " Closed, aislado, quiet, est? el peque? or Pueblo de San Jer? Nimo. Search for the pueblo, aqu? El Valle descansa f? rtil With franjas verdes, y enorme Monta? How estirar? Ndose desplaza? Ndose hacia el norte, Encabezando y hacia la Costa del OC? ano.El anciano ten hands como el de un Agricultores Fue en el trabajo enaltecido and incesante; El ladrillos with Arcille hizo en la Monta? A, CoCl? With a near Ndolos a hoo, y Encontre? The serenidad de los rayos del sol, how? as if these dogs? a Cada noche dentro del CREP? Sculo.Y how?, Augusto Loud?, Going Casa algo aparte de su pueblo, N. un hombre rico, a ladrillero with Preciosos ha de tierra;? L was now a EN 84 invieos Hombre, descansando.Feliz y saludable? L era as a time Buey El Hombre Curtido Con la piel y ojos oscuros; Todavia a cu? N delicadamente brillaban ellos. How? De paz con Dios y el hombre Y el mismo, el viejo ladrillero.2Me sent? de nuevo en la Plaza de Armas, en Lima, Per? Escuchar el viejo cuento de este hombre, Y Su Novia de hare mucho ... A story never before Contado? fueron estos d? as desesperados y desolados Tras Noche noche, cuando la ciudad estaba Dormida? L ganarse trataba de la vida, Pero parece si estuviera as a siempre el sol oscuro En aquellos d? As with cero en sus bolsillos Pero con una ramita en la rama del? Rbol.El not have a comido durante unos d? How, eso el Anciano dijo ...? l entonces era bastante joven; Peregrina por las Calles, de forma tranquilla El? Sticas y ca? The eran sus pieas, Como si fueran Rotas unfortunately. Sin trabajo De la ciudad, ahora de Caminos final? El necesitaba a friend? Por eso? L to himself? on some gradas febrile, silencio.Humedeciendo sus labios, mirando arriba, el Vio (Ojos average muertos) Carita de Una ni me? Ndola Hab todo a acabado now hope that the Podr a haber sido; inquieta hours, a visit? n esfumada; Satisfactorio deseo un poco? Where? o puedo ayudarle? ? Por qu? They are tan triste? Dijo la peque? a 10? os de age. A deep pain embotado, alcanzó Augusto de los labios, N. sabiendo que decir; ? Y eso de cualquier manera importaba? ? Eh? ? l respondi? Ella dijo una vez mas, para el del desconcierto Hombre? ESDP? Or is it? tan triste? Hundreds of cakes for andaban ah?, Where she Estuvo de pie? l dijo sentado? if? Orit, No puedo Pagar la Renta? Avergonzada, con voz muy profunda,? L Miro hacia abajo. Dentro de un time aproximado de una hora, la peque? Ni? A Estuvo de regreso, Llena de vida, y con un control ... Paying one month adelantado la Renta ...! Esto no es 3For where the story ends, my friend, Esto fue realmente el Comienzo justo. Mientras el hombre viejo en el parque, sentado, all Maravillados y preguntando: ? Que le hab a pasado a la peque? Ni? A? (All of us now with his cuento encantados); Pero? L sonrie soloist? ... Dije yo, ? Qu? Tan gracioso se it? o? El-competition?:? Regra?, Siusi Ein? Os después? S CAS y me? con ella. Y tu pod? How centelleo el ver en sus ojos, porque Ella ya hab an Muerto, y? L the extra? Aba. Y eso fue todo lo que dijo ... Dennis Siluk, poet and author, website, will be in Peru for the presentation of his book, "The Magic of the Andes", in October, lives in Peru and in Minnesota

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

As the river and the goats on the Poetry of War and War Notes

As the river and the goats on the Poetry of War and War Notes 1) Goats WarWe are all of us, dirty   Nobody innocent   All the same? War   Rolled over us like a train   High art?   Blood, boots, pumps   And heavy metals:   A raw lifestyle   Not seem to have   Fed up?   Emphasis brave?   Come home   Bitterly saved?   Trying to understand   What was the purpose   With sad eyes;   And then they bite   His lips, ready   To fight?   Who can ever understand?   The intestine of a man! # 861 9/20/05Note with the author: I fought in Vietnam, and how many soldiers believed in what was to fight, or is supposed to combat. I went because of the adventure too. There are options, as well as go to war for the soldier to send them one. It 'sad, in a sense, we are therefore Cree couple more on what we are doing that you have sent. I hope we can send our boys back home from Iraq. I do not know if it's all worth it or not, are just an old sergeant conducted now. But it seems to me, courage is still in our teens, like me (who are the most courageous of all the soldiers around the world), but by sending people have lost the vision in hindsight (after the fact of perception), and this is a curse shame.2) FlowsLife As the river is like a river   E 'flows and flows,   Not to retu?   The same drop of water   For the same place, etc? As the drop of water   I have to say? And   ? off! Off this platform?   Let life flow, the flow? Oo?   As the river? A   Who knows where?.   According to the plan!   There are only?   A part of the mainstream?   And you need to go! # 456 [1/19/05/reviesed 11/2005] Inspired after meeting the poet, Donald Hall of his wife was dead, he wept and expensive, and in memory of his mother's, Elsie T. Siluk, because he had offended too expensive at the time, seems to have a connection when he wrote this poem, for Dennis' mother? s way of thinking, as the poem says that living. RosaSee Dennis' web site: You can also order books directly from / to: o

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm sorry Mom A Mother s Day Poem

I'm sorry Mom A Mother s Day Poem Mother's Day Poetry, I'm Sorry Mom! I feel sorry for the problems and conces that I have. I am sorry for my mistake, does not mean that you are blue. When I was young and growing up, living at home for so long, I made many people sad, I have many things wrong. So I thought that you could make now, and will be out with my own, I finally had straight, I wanted to show that you have finally grown mature. But I have not done to well to think that I go to show You never really settled everything, you never know. I want that now, I have to take the time to say thanks for the adoption of good and evil, I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day! Laurie Meade Copyright 1989-2005 All rights reserved PLEASE READ: About the use of this poem. You have permission to use this poem on a card, a letter or an e-mail to your mother. Please leave the link to my site at the bottom so that the recipient can take a look at my site. You can also use your layout in a guest book for personal use but not for commercial purposes. If you are using, I e-mail with your comments! You can do it on a website, but please mail me and let me know where you publish!

Monday, April 19, 2010

We watered Desert 11

We watered Desert 11 We have a problem   We all have a noble cause   We had a dream,   all have long dreamed of a hope we dreamhow   Raze Since our homes?   How long will it look   destroy crops and pollute our rivers? who refused to us, all that nature has given freely   uninhabitable and has created the environment that surrounds us   Nor will we drink of the river?   laboriously planted and harvested our crops   our water is poisoned and the areas covered by oil spillagesthey said, we have the flow of oil   It gave us hope that the support   hope that we have filled in a country   We gave the fields, our cultures and clear the way for oil rigs   Supported the expectation of us? Now, we are tired   Our hands are empty is   our dreams are drowned, and the noble cause against us foiled   how long can we wait for the new future?   when, before the dividends are lots? bitterly, we reported   but what has never been a rain of bullets?   to stifle our call for justice in flames   we asked for dialogue, made the sign of attention   but our situation has remained the same in our sweat, we have been working platforms   in our oil fields, we gave them the gold ..   We gave them as gold washed their deserts   they built castles, and the height of our dreams   leaving behind us a notice to squalorswe have a question,   We were all noble causes   We had a dream,   but our dreams are now different Nigerian artist and poet

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Two poems on the traditions of English and Spanish in Peru

Two poems on the traditions of English and Spanish in Peru Atahualpa? S game [Peru] Sometimes? S did not know To share your wisdom --- As he did, Atahualpa (The Inca King) in Chess, then He was sentenced to death.6/6/05 # 713Note: Atahualpa, was the most famous of the Inca king of Peru in the 16th century, I relieve, and was held for ransom by the Spaniards. And according to legend, because of a game of chess, was killed while Catalina Wank what was in his path of gold for his freedom, which was abruptly interrupted, and hid, to discover at once , King was assassinated by Spaniards.El game AtahualpaA times, it is unwise Share your sabiduría? A --- As he did, Atahualpa (The Inca King) in Chess, then, ? He was sentenced to muerte.6/6/05 * 71321.Ica, Bruges [Peru] Do not go to Ica, dear friend You can find the witch? In the bread and toast? Maybe lose your head, Perhaps in the bed # 714 Maybe dead.6/6/05 [Ica is located in northe Peru] Note: there are stories that, even according to my wife, who has heard that witches find this area of Peru, a city in ICAN Peru.brujas go south to Ica, dear friend All? you can find Bruges -- The bread and toasted bread? Quiz? It loses its head Quiz? D is found in bed Quiz? S, is muerto.6/6/05 * 714Poet/Author Dennis Siluk site:

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cut the losses of a poem from Peru

Cut the losses of a poem from Peru Part 1 of 3AH! Love can be difficult   (If it does not work);   Unplug the power cord   E 'meglio   A new life alone   (Rather than dying slowly)   Fewer nodes in the   Venous   More in the bone marrow   Bones.We only the eyes   FMD   A body established under   A sky?.   Vacuum are just some of the   We are in this   World   (E 'the way it is   The way in which they are   Live and die):   Like an empty glass   Only with air   No substance!   There are all top   Under the earth:   Skin, eyes, everything.   That could over time   To hell or heaven;   Reduction of losses! Part 2 3Escape before   Fall, sink   In a hole   Silence   (So deep that it may be);   STONES:   Mind and eye?   So that the soul   It is not the light   To see?   Yes, the losses   Please   Before it? s late.Part 3 of 3One what should be   Know.   I used to   My window   See you   Nearby, in the distance,   Mind.Well away, time is past   Little by little we   Heal.   You do not need more   Ingratitude   Cut the losses   (What you see is not   Love,   Pretty crazy).   You can   Mad you know:   So   Cut the losses soon.Life past   Fast,   As roots   We grow old and   Tief   When a   I can not remember   Things.   Cut the losses   The wind blows   Si?   Sweeps away   (Such as the ashes in a   Open u). In true love   It is extinguished or   Forget.   Dirty Love bus   Like a fire   Around March   Life.Ah end, for the love? well   Cut the losses   (Remember that once honored   Once betrayed,   Third, the game). Go up a gear   Stay on the road   Find Love you.1287 3-22-06See Dennis' website:

Monday, April 12, 2010

The poet s Corner three poems with a review

The poet s Coer three poems with a review The poet? S Coer [Three poem / see review of poetry under the poems] The Poets CondorThe condor fly? S Among the open sky hillsIn San robatje? Nimo, Near Huancayo? Prohibit any On his way? For those who dare Risk of an attack, Near Huancayo !...# 685 5/27/05Fate a PoetPoets have an abundance of Consonants Some members (of transparency) MoneyThey and not days and days Moldy fabric Some show On Windows? In essence, the Poet Having a courtship With the Gordian knot? Rice and raw materials for the devil !...# 686 5/24/05Puppeteer PoetWithout legends The poet was never bo; WouldNot written language was invented; And nobody would have been Immortalized? . # 687 5/25/05Review [in this review is the poet and his three poems, which he called "The Poet's Coer"]: By Rosa Peñaloza: Ref: the poet, Dennis Siluk, a quick glance at the poet looking at the poet, as he writes poetry with the poet, as inform the reader, the poets are needed in the world, if not, we do not have a language for writing. The author adds the value of language to inform the reader: see, there are vowels and consonants, but not to say, the vowels are the food of drinks with the poets, and the consonants are chewing food with the poets, because voice is not to use the teeth to make sounds, not the consonants, it is not [?] In any case, the poet adds his first poem in "... Condor, "of the three, for good reason, echoing vowels are: oe electronics and, in a poem and do them. Also use the S in the first verse of [three of them] to move quickly through the poetry and the creation of a window to reader.The Author lives in Lima, Peru and St. Paul, Minnesota, and was TV and many newspapers in connection with his writings.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

S What to do is a prisoner

S What to do is a prisoner What is a prisoner to be done, if not justice Is innocent and coaching from prison? What is a prisoner to do when stigmatized Caged and abandoned and ostracized? What is a prisoner to do? s not one of confidence; the system fails, and the outcome unjust? What? prisoner knows when the family decides The penalty is warranted and justified? What is a prisoner to do while in a cell; the offender is free and very well done? What is a prisoner to make his reputation, when he died and his life was ruined because of what somebody said? What is a prisoner to do when it is not believed if he is telling the truth, he thought to deceive? What is a prisoner to do, as he is alone, Nobody seems to care; former friends all gone? What is a prisoner of sitting idle and lost and most of their thoughts about thoughts of suicide? What is a prisoner to do when deprived of their liberty And the will to live, take each day? What is a prisoner to do when the dispute; can not escape, no chance for a new life? What is a prisoner to do when you no longer see The beauty of heaven and the waves of the sea? What is a prisoner to do when the sun can not hear even the hint of spring, because it's sealed his fate? What is a condemned prisoner to do when despair But still praying, the electric chair? Tell me, what? prisoner knows? Rev. Saundra L. Washington, DD, is an ordained clergywoman, veteran social and founder of AMEN Ministries. It is also the author of two coffee table books: Room in the Snow: Poems that preach and negative disorders: sermons that the lessons that can be found on their website. Your new book, Out of deep waters: My Grief Management work, it must be assumed that, in the heart July.You to visit AMEN Ministries: your souls? Service Station for spiritual refreshing, soul edification or to browse our newly expanded mini shopping mall. at all!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sipan Tomb Valley verse s

Sipan Tomb Valley verse s Sipan? S TombWhat Valley is your tomb?   Bleeding that its sacred nameOf recent years:   Once in a long-forgotten tombForedoomed midnight?   Now for resuscitated mankind.O head tu, you love me   In which the eyes see the emptiness, eteal legends!   Because I know, there is no need to thyTo say anything.Ah, gave them time to flee   Sipan goveed through the Valley: This old man lost in the glory years   Now remember: Back property? As the sun grows bright   Again, all Sipan? S grave? Today is yesterday? SunsetRenewed s? # 337 5/2/06 written parquet, Lima, Peru; Note: In April I took a trip to see the tomb of Sipan, and its surrounding environment [northe Peru]: their tombs, and pyramids and valley, and all seem to lead a force, a force hidden in the sand. The bones of the Lord of Sipan was found in a nearby museum, and a replica was made, this fear, you can also hear, as they are outside the tomb, about fifteen meters in depth, as it looks to he. The spirits are upset, to say the least. The Lord of Sipan, equivalent to King Tutankhamen in Egypt (he was called), corresponding to the value of a great discovery, which dates back to 200 AD, was originally discovered in l987, and then is to discover a new, as Caral in northe Peru, discovered in l992 (the site dates back to 3000 BC). The tomb has been replicated to look as it did on the day of the discovery of five bodies from the tomb, but his real costume is a moving site, however, even with the original bones of the Lord of Sipan, taken by posterity? s sake.See Dennis' website: Poet Laureate of San Jeronimo de Tunan, Peru

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sleep and Dreams Poem

Sleep and Dreams Poem The Incubus? Flash-lightHe looked in my head He found a dreamHe n? Love? As I looked back on it, I found a nightmare shines the light (and stole this poem Him? last night). Thoughts: Dreams and Poetry: in dreams we let go of our inhibitions, the poetry we write back. Some seem to be divine messages, while others seem more like satanic nightmares. But in May, are the gateway to our: fears, wishes and desires. Our brain is active during sleep, which some of us can plant a clock in our system and our dreams.During show our dream, the muscle tone is zero (the body becomes paralyzed). Why? Well, if you do not really want to act on your dreams? Not me, I am? D end on the floor of the sea swim, or fly to another country without plane.It may be of interest to some: animals dream, just watch their eyes. But why? I ask you, and it would be a good question, there are a few reasons. First, they are vulnerable, and yes, it is as it should, part of the disposal process so that other animals can eat. Second, the cold-blooded animals (reptiles) obtain energy from the sun, and then at night, very little, while the warm-blooded animals get food, and other ways to save energy, and sleep is a way , like us humans. Thus, sleep disorders need to dream, sleep and gives energy. And the animals need time to address strategies for survival, expect.So I have to ask: what dreams or memories are worthy of a poem? For our brains? During sleep? Kind of things are important to the memory of our banks, and discard the rest. If not us? D have a big head with lots of useless knowledge. Of the 642 poems # I? I wrote, about 20% came out of dreams, and even with my 150-short stories, some more than 40-stories. So I can thank my sleep and dream, to give most of my daily writings.Note: # 640, 5/10/05. Written as a library, a cafeteria, in Roseville, Minnesota, Dennis USAPoet Siluka,

Monday, April 5, 2010

The legend of Peru poetry

The legend of Peru poetry If now the flow of legends and flow   And scattered pieces of the hero? S pyre, singing stones of Kuelap, Chan ChanCuzco? The ring of Amazon and ring, as   Barb wind blow their pipes echoes? Thus, Strings Music sweep the sand into the jungle to the Andes, where? Here lies the Andean Community cityOf the sea? Fortress of stone, the blood of builtBy with stones and clay,   ? Machu Picchu! Here are the visions   ? From ecstasy;? Sharp a Condor? The legends and the oscillations of flow --   And sing! ? and the flow and sing, sing and flowand? infinite! ? The legend of Peru? # 1286 3/23/06 Posted in Lima, Peru. Peru has much to offer the adventurous person from: Legends of Amazonas, to Cajamarca, Ancash, Lambayeque, La Libertad, Lima, Ica, Arequipa, Cusco and Puno, in far-flung places as Lima, Machu Picchu (Cusco) Kuelap (in Amazonas ), Chan Chan (from Trujillo) and the Huacachina Las Lineas de Nazca at Tambo Colorado. Most of these places that I to.Wherever In Peru there are the legends, and discovered just discovered, yes, you are a part of history only in Peru. Part of the adventure in Peru, or can be the trekking route, for me it is more archaeological sites, for others perhaps a magical jouey with a travel plan. In addition, however, the legends of my ancestors, perhaps, and the jouey? I want the whole cup of coffee, or soup of the entire intestine, and in Peru you can do it. I hope that Peru is still the price of South America? He is right now.See Dennis' website: Poet Laureate of San Jeronimo-Lima, Peru.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Poet George Sterling s s Suicide Suicide

Poet George Sterling s s Suicide Suicide George Sterling committed suicide in 1926, perhaps, has written some 14 books during his life. Some say he committed suicide after being sick and unable to reach their goal of obtaining the poet of the United States. That may have played a role in this, but if one did a search on Mr. Sterling, which are more variable than that. First, for a long time friend and mentor, was killed by one of their hands, or killed in some skirmish in Mexico or South America, Ambrose Bierce. Second, his long time friend, Jack London died of alcoholism, of which George was two of the characters in her books. Thirdly, it was only mentoring the next poet, Clark A. Smith, who appeared to be faster than him on the move, for his style of poetry, which deals mainly with the image was fading, and the new Robinson Jeffers was the glory, if any, behind the scenes. Jeffers has adapted to the times. The three instead what we might call his long poem that seems to be the coerstone of poetic fame. CAS wrote? Hashish lunch? over who was more a space of fantasy, with short stories (Sterling was no luck with short stories in all), then, has two ways to CAS, which completely failed in Sterling tales, N. CAS; Sterling 58 hours - years, was past the average age at the time these people (the elderly may add) and that life was about to terminate in any event, once acclaimed Sterling Bierce wrote the best poem ever written on images to be his? Wine magic. Even at this time (1925) Jeffers? ? Tamar? left, and the world like it. Thus, Sterling was put on the shelf. And when this happens, as many poets, who take their lives in one way or another. You must know your time is now, not the past. Although times change, as the appetite for literature, George does not feel he had to wait for the moment. In addition, it was almost a penny. His contributions have been few.Perhaps of alcohol is a factor and, like the poet, novelist Robert Howard, committed suicide after his mother died, life is more difficult to live that sometimes death. Things acid H.P. Lovecraft, like cancer and has taken over his life. All Sterling? S-workers and friends are changing, and plays a significant change in depression? Slowly does it, or is too unbearable.So when someone says, George Sterling committed suicide because he was after winning the gold, because it was not alone, as he was, his time may have been more courageous All Sterling for.In give credit? s letters we see a patte of development of depression, loss of hope, despair. He does not? I do not want to live like a has-been, I wanted to live as a great poet. Some have criticized his poetry, and not say or not? Not always understand. In the poem that the poet must understand a little 'what we want to do alone. It is not necessary to write to you, but for another reason, and groups that are little appreciated. Only a poet can properly criticize a poet. First know what your goal is it not a question, and wants one, Robert Frost may be the link. Fantasy and macabre, it might be Clark A. Smith, or Poe, or Baudelaire.George has done what has been created to show the beauty of words together, and hang to dry in the sun called? Pictures. I could not adapt to anything else, was too poet.See Dennis, select a site:

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Top 20 Poetry Quotations

Top 20 Poetry Quotations Discover the importance of poetry and the motivation of poets with this special collection of evocative quotations ... "A poet is someone who is surprised about everything." - Anonymous "The reality is revealed only when a ray of poetry. "- Georges Brague" The poet does not invent. He listens. "- Jean Cocteau" In science we try to explain to people in a way that everyone understood, something that nobody knew before. But in poetry, is the exact opposite. "- Paul Dirac" genuine poetry can communicate before it is understandable. "- TS Eliot" The accidental beauty of poetry may be more blessed with a verse, which offers a happy than in poetry. "- Ralph Waldo Emerson" There is a lot of the life that is not in his poetry. "- Gustave Flaubert" A poem begins with a lump in the neck. "- Robert Frost" Poetry is the language of the people studied their own amazement. "- Christopher Fry" There is money in poetry, but there is no poetry in money. "- Robert Ranke Graves' poetry is to judge the soul. "- Henrik Ibsen" When power narrows the areas of human conce, poetry reminds the richness and diversity of his existence. If power corrupts, poetry cleanses. " - John F. Kennedy: "Perhaps no person can be a poet, or even enjoy poetry without a certain unsoundness of mind. "- Thomas Babington Macaulay" Poetry is the point at which our strength will be. "- Richard Rosen" Science is for those who lea the poem for those who know. "- Joseph Roux" poets are the legislators are not recognized worldwide. "- Percy Shelley Byshe" Wanted: a needle swift enough to sew this poem into a blanket. "- Charles Simic" A poem is never finished, only abandoned. "- Paul Val? ry "Poetry is the music of the soul, and, in particular, and a feeling of great souls. "- Voltaire" Poetry is the breath and spirit to all knowledge. "- William Wordsworth Resource Box -? Danielle Hollister (2004) is the publisher of Bella Online Quotations Zine - A free newsletter for fans to offer, with over 10,000 deals in dozens of categories like - love, friendship, children, inspiration , success, wisdom, family, life, and many more. Read online at --

Friday, April 2, 2010

Why write poetry

Why write poetry I use words as others use algebraic signs: with rigor, with prudence, with the precision of the artisan. I sculpt in words. I stopped. I tilt my head. I hear the echo. Scales of emotional resonance. The fine tuned reverberations of pain and love and fear. Waves and photonic ricochets answered chemicals secreted by my my readers and listeners. Be nice. I always knew in the biblical sense, was my passionate lover. We made love. The cold we procreated children of my lyrics. I admired his aesthetic measured. But this is the mathematics of grammar. It is simply the undulating geometry of syntax. Devoid of any emotion, see their reactions sated with the enjoyment of a noble Roman. I wrote: "My world is painted in the shadows of fear and sadness. Perhaps related - I fear the sadness. To avoid the arrogant, sepia melancholy that lurks in dark coers of my being - I deny my feelings. Doing in depth, with the spirit of a survivor. I persevere through dehumanization. Automate processes. Gradually, the parts of my body tu into metal and I'm there, Sheering exposed to winds, as grandiose as my illness. I write poetry because they do not need it. I write poetry to bring attention to ensure the adulation, in order for the reflection in the eyes of others through my ego. My words are fireworks, formulas of resonance, the periodic table of healing and abuse. These poems are obscure. A burst of pain remains ossified landscape marked emotions. There is no horror in abuse. Terror is the resistance, the detachment of the dream that remains very existence. The people around me feel my surrealism. That, once again, alienated, discomfited by the limpid placenta of my virtual reality. Now I only write poems and other umbilical speak. Before and after prison, I wrote books and reference test. My first fiction book was critically acclaimed and commercially successful. I first tried my hand at poetry, in Hebrew, but not. Tis strange. It is said that poetry is the daughter of emotion. Not in my case. I never felt in prison, with the exception - and even there I have written in prose. Poetry makes me an author and mathematics. Syllabic was the music that drew me, the power to compose with words. I was not seeking any express or convey a deep truth about my thing. I wanted to recreate the magic of broken metric. I still recite aloud a poem until it sounds good. Write vertically - the legacy of the prison. And I type on a laptop perched on a cardboard box. E 'ascetic and, for me, so is poetry. Pure. An abstraction. A string of symbols open to exegesis. It 'the most sublime intellectual pursuit in a small world and only became my intellect. "

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Conquering Confusion

Conquering Confusion God is not the author of confusion   So where you start?   So how can we alleviate it?   The word itself - confusion   Can be divided into two words   Con? Meaning of misleading   Or the Spanish translation   Significance with   It is a paradox of nature   Perhaps it is chronologically backwards   The translation into Spanish and should be in first place   Say that   First, we are with our desires   In our hearts   As for what is true   But then in some way   About Us   Being double-minded   Deceived and that there   Allow our doubts   So a shadow on our will   Or mix and coexist   With our desires   Hence the merger   The combination and fusion   From what is true   And what is wrong   From what we want to   And what we do then notHow is a human being   To distinguish between   Both desires and doubts   Since it looks like?   Furthermore, which of the two   If the majority of weight   Determine his fate   And of course the action?   Which of the two   Create satisfaction? It seems desire   E 'in surrounded by faith   The assumption is that its interior in   Can fully satisfied and again   Doubt on the   It is embedded in fear   Throwing caution to the wind   Throughout the year   This reluctance   Leads to oscillation   Trend towards a deviation   With regard to a restriction   An end? S self   Inteal decreased withdrawal reservationsSuch inteal and reservations   Continues to lose cases   Your visit divine   Although the framework, there is always Meditation   In true   The heart within   Ponders arms and personal glorification   The lifting of the inner   The completion of the interior will   The ignition of a? S fireSadly but with passion   Most are usually double-minded   Find out reviews   Instead of listening   For the still small voice   Who gives birth to Dominion   Dominion over the thoughts   Dominion over the flesh   On exteal domain   Activate divine silence   Giving a zeal and enthusiasm   Among his best.   This balance of soul   Peace   Traveling the world   And draw your world   As you know it   It would be too   Most, however, know nothing of the kind   Meander is mentally in the mud   Blocked in the second opinion   Question   Overwrite them Impressions   Intuition   And the spontaneous expression   Is it any wonder   People go into depression   If recoil   From authentic expression   Expression of   I do not live for another   Breaking further into joy   Despite the resistance   Regardless of the pain   Projection of himself   Without disrespect   But most of them fell   Deep inside   Always looking   For some, that confirm   Unfortunately,   Most can not even   Emergence   Is it any wonder, then,   The fact that you have left out   Left feeling odd   Left feeling blue   Repeats do not know   What should you do to me DOAS   I do not know   This terrible scourge   A red soulish   I'm afraid, not for the mistakes   Or human upheaval   I? Ve leaed to live   And to live   I? Ve leaed to stay   And not to bend   No, never bow before   The altar of the people   For you have been clearly   From God? His hand   Skeptics have   Critics have   However, all   Soon know   That this man was bo   A copy of the original design   With the uterus   Without rejection   For I must not fear   No matter what   I feel or hear   Because in the depths of   I can hear him   The Eteal Father   Who loves me expensive   And I reiterated a day   So wonderful   Take me!   In me, I'm glad   Made in the image of God   I celebrate   There is no need for diverting   Why in God? Similarity S   I was   Sarò   On Earth today   So, I am   It should not be.   So, what I do   I'm so happy   Not for ambition   I am looking for some position   Yes more content   Complete in Christ   And he with me!   From a position of victory   I am amazed   How do I save my work   Every day   New discoveries   Seeing new events   Of all, which was   Its founders   With the power to create   I Create   Not with the future   Every day is new   In addition, a step appears to be mis --   With him, God has to make sure   Something deep   And always greatMy Lord and Creator   The Great I AM   It was through my past   And today is my hand   Via con me!   In future   Show me that   What is to come   Remove hesitation   I can   Although most do not   Understand   It does not bother me   I am in the hands   If I fall   He? Ll keep me up   With these security   I break out   Like a great volcano   As a calf from stable   I go over   Permanent High   My eyes in front of me!   Mine is too late   Not required to provide a reminder   The future? S can find happiness   Surely, I resize   For the stronger in me   This is the secret   Listen to me!   Before   First,   What you? Find   Security   Right now   On this rock of revelation   We know with certainty   And without hesitation   The limits are broken   Chains fall your mind   Self-awareness and authenticity   Find   Then confusion   And you? Ll know in   Knowing God   The intuitive ability   The magic of the sky   For him te   Flow   To admire   To participate in Miracles   To calm   To achieve   In order not to despise   Who are you   Who are you here   Never again   I want to put your   Awakening of the Lion   The winner in   The need to overcome the confusion   It 'a pity   A sin deep   In fear of man   A fear that paralyzes   Paralyzes and hampers   Illness soulish   Your life to tease   Rob is   From the possibility of recognizing   The reality is in the vicinity of   Only under the eyes   It is not without   It is also not complex   The reality is within you   Now only relax.Paul Davis is the author of neutralization of a broken heart a book tells us: "How to overcome disappointments and flowers in your dreams!" It 'a minister, life coach (relational and professional), experts, known worldwide keynote speaker, creative consultant, humor, adventurer, explorer, mediator, liberator and dream-maker.Paul 's compassion for people and passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries around the world, where he had a huge impact. Paul has also led to recovery in many war-to, impoverished and tsunami stricken regions of the earth. His nonprofit organization Dream-Maker Ministries builds dreams, and against limitations.Paul 's Breakthrough Seminars inspire, revive, awaken, impregnate with purpose, impart the fire of desire, catapult people into a new level of consciousness, the discovery and destiny dream fulfillment. Paul can be reached at: - 407-967-7553 or 407-282-1745.For more information: