Friday, April 2, 2010

Why write poetry

Why write poetry I use words as others use algebraic signs: with rigor, with prudence, with the precision of the artisan. I sculpt in words. I stopped. I tilt my head. I hear the echo. Scales of emotional resonance. The fine tuned reverberations of pain and love and fear. Waves and photonic ricochets answered chemicals secreted by my my readers and listeners. Be nice. I always knew in the biblical sense, was my passionate lover. We made love. The cold we procreated children of my lyrics. I admired his aesthetic measured. But this is the mathematics of grammar. It is simply the undulating geometry of syntax. Devoid of any emotion, see their reactions sated with the enjoyment of a noble Roman. I wrote: "My world is painted in the shadows of fear and sadness. Perhaps related - I fear the sadness. To avoid the arrogant, sepia melancholy that lurks in dark coers of my being - I deny my feelings. Doing in depth, with the spirit of a survivor. I persevere through dehumanization. Automate processes. Gradually, the parts of my body tu into metal and I'm there, Sheering exposed to winds, as grandiose as my illness. I write poetry because they do not need it. I write poetry to bring attention to ensure the adulation, in order for the reflection in the eyes of others through my ego. My words are fireworks, formulas of resonance, the periodic table of healing and abuse. These poems are obscure. A burst of pain remains ossified landscape marked emotions. There is no horror in abuse. Terror is the resistance, the detachment of the dream that remains very existence. The people around me feel my surrealism. That, once again, alienated, discomfited by the limpid placenta of my virtual reality. Now I only write poems and other umbilical speak. Before and after prison, I wrote books and reference test. My first fiction book was critically acclaimed and commercially successful. I first tried my hand at poetry, in Hebrew, but not. Tis strange. It is said that poetry is the daughter of emotion. Not in my case. I never felt in prison, with the exception - and even there I have written in prose. Poetry makes me an author and mathematics. Syllabic was the music that drew me, the power to compose with words. I was not seeking any express or convey a deep truth about my thing. I wanted to recreate the magic of broken metric. I still recite aloud a poem until it sounds good. Write vertically - the legacy of the prison. And I type on a laptop perched on a cardboard box. E 'ascetic and, for me, so is poetry. Pure. An abstraction. A string of symbols open to exegesis. It 'the most sublime intellectual pursuit in a small world and only became my intellect. "

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