Thursday, April 8, 2010

S What to do is a prisoner

S What to do is a prisoner What is a prisoner to be done, if not justice Is innocent and coaching from prison? What is a prisoner to do when stigmatized Caged and abandoned and ostracized? What is a prisoner to do? s not one of confidence; the system fails, and the outcome unjust? What? prisoner knows when the family decides The penalty is warranted and justified? What is a prisoner to do while in a cell; the offender is free and very well done? What is a prisoner to make his reputation, when he died and his life was ruined because of what somebody said? What is a prisoner to do when it is not believed if he is telling the truth, he thought to deceive? What is a prisoner to do, as he is alone, Nobody seems to care; former friends all gone? What is a prisoner of sitting idle and lost and most of their thoughts about thoughts of suicide? What is a prisoner to do when deprived of their liberty And the will to live, take each day? What is a prisoner to do when the dispute; can not escape, no chance for a new life? What is a prisoner to do when you no longer see The beauty of heaven and the waves of the sea? What is a prisoner to do when the sun can not hear even the hint of spring, because it's sealed his fate? What is a condemned prisoner to do when despair But still praying, the electric chair? Tell me, what? prisoner knows? Rev. Saundra L. Washington, DD, is an ordained clergywoman, veteran social and founder of AMEN Ministries. It is also the author of two coffee table books: Room in the Snow: Poems that preach and negative disorders: sermons that the lessons that can be found on their website. Your new book, Out of deep waters: My Grief Management work, it must be assumed that, in the heart July.You to visit AMEN Ministries: your souls? Service Station for spiritual refreshing, soul edification or to browse our newly expanded mini shopping mall. at all!

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