Thursday, January 28, 2010

Find the magic

Find the magic Find the Magic MAGICFind As you release old bondage Come out of hiding And see starsFind Magic As the pain Let the tears flow And to find the beauty in his bodyFind Magic Since the beating by urlo Run from the threats And feel the warmth of a Magic hugFind As the girl is silenced He said it was too smart for your own good It finds its place of honor, and that speaks your Magic mindFind As the ghosts creep into dream Pester your daily life And to meet them and go step onFind Magic As is clear from the body, to avoid the wrath Note the separation It joins the body of the temple again to rejoice in this unique wonderFind Magic As you listen to the conflicts and Watch in horror And leave the water as a whole and a beautiful rainbow of magic colorsFind, For those who are once again? 2004 Susan BaconSusan Bacon is a researcher, teacher and author. Contact via their website

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