Sunday, February 28, 2010

Five Poems

Five Poems Poems different anime, in my opinion, and can not be structured and some figurative language? Heart, as all the consultants are not available to all customers, so that all the poems are not the same person, or purpose, when we read that we all have our likes and dislikes, do not necessarily know what poetry is per se, but I know what the dimensions of poetry, and great poetry is close to an illusion? I think the echo port? Yes mark, at best, questionable and, yes, by far. Here are five poems that I wrote recently, all with a different core, focus and style.1) The hive [Poetic cut-up] [Green]? USA Today? 75 cents, 18 20 March 2005:? It was acceptable in the l980? S? Like a cup of coffee? "What I do is not to ... to be clear, I never illegal drugs? In my 19 years in the big league? Around the World in 8 days?. McGuire has said many times? recent spat of vehicle accidents in Iraq? Rice is coming? Quest for Fame? Jules Vee 100. Birthday? Peterson to San Quentin? Jackson? young residents? Stun guns? [Audio] In the context of the CAF? Bookstore, I hear the music of Nat King Cole? We are not too young to know? Now I meet the pants legs? Dishes in the dishwasher [CAF]? Laughter, I believe that behind his Erica CAF? Counter? In squealing Galoshes? Coughing in the background? . [More] Three girls went to the bar? Lady next to me in writing? Michelle came to my table, talking about her boyfriend? Goodbye Mark motioned for the day, only his music field? Lady in front of me whispering? Great woman with a thin sport jacket on the front of ordering food, talking to the server (such as food to go, I believe)? . [Dreams] votes with which you walk to your will, but the voices, all the echoes, shadows, worse? Quiet please. The subconscious can hear ever operation. I am like all warm-blooded mammals: we all dream: bats, bears and animals? As humanity. Dreams are the key to keeping the heart beat, beat, to dream, everything you need to stop. Last night I dreamed of writing poetry. [Addendum] the spirit, the spirit, the spirit: documents, sounds, images and dreams? Coming from all parts of me, day and night, night and day and night, in all variations. From all parts of me, like a film, computer, application, registration are all gone? For what you say? 2) Old EdwardsOld Charlie Charlie Edwards had an office about a mile and a half from the town Most cars that come from you? d know why he was in possession of all property in the city, has never smoked cigarettes and drank alcohol, never played with his money, which most people can remember, during his years of training and up to his school dance is high? d play Monopoly year round and whip all good, as might be expected that his money only in this way, it was like playing chess, and he says that d? d never play for the whole day and a half in the possession of the town Well, Old Charlie Edwards? Office has always been white, until the city? S committee voted to build an easy to Interstate Despite Old Charlie and his ways Yes, Charlie had to move from the old one, since, as you may have guessed, and thereafter, Charlie sold his property after all cities people to his office to get around, as if he were still on some treasure But Old Charlie Edwards Simply from the city of laughter and laughter to buy other property in St. Paul? 3) The last angel came second (Sometimes) Within reach But do not dare touch The heart? s Beat; Outside of the sacred Melody? For your interest! ... 4) M. Sid [L966] a long forgotten, my friend Forty years ago this spring? He died when he was twenty, And I was nineteen.I find us in our high school halls, With boyish hopes and dreams; Her face has always been high, in front -- But he never me.To one who died very young, so And now, long time ago? In memory, unsought, I say: I never forgot you! 5) The scent of ParisCalm to Paris? River? S afteoon Hot in June And with spirits, crimson people Permeated with a scent could lead to A? S illusional dreams? Be! A Ghoul? S Cologne torturing my hands How to watch the bridges for one country to another As I touch hidden flutes of Memory The scent of Paris? Me.About retued to the author: Mr. Siluk is a world traveler, a lover of the mysteries of the world and visit many World Heritage Sites, for his last Passover Iceland, the Galapagos and Mesa Verde. His books can be seen on / at Bas and,, Wal-Mart, alibi, Boarders and several other sites and libraries. Many of his books can be purchased through the English Bookdealers. He spends his time between Lima, Peru, St. Paul, Minnesota, and has just completed two new books: "The Macabre Poems," and "Perhaps it is? S Love? He continues to work on "Pirates of the Abyss Worm? an exciting secret, and? Cold goodness? a tragic love story.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Grand Canyon 89 and Troy Kennels of Hell Two Poems

Grand Canyon 89 and Troy Kennels of Hell Two Poems Grand Canyon [? 89] Un-thought, the unexpected,   Now I was more and more flying   The Grand Canyon, the shadow   The plane stopped, the sun, so that   I could see its depth, its waves   And we grew up as I could see   In the desert, as he guided my eyes   In the vastness of the throat;   A purple beams its Sunday filtered air   My face, as I have not seen them   Porthole: civilization loomed   Back behind me, in Las Vegas;   I grabbed a piece of time,   Retu to? 89, for you, and this rhyme. # 1349 5/17/2006Troy:   And the farmers of Hell [a poem] All the dogs of hell came to the battles in Troy   Agamemnon, king of catch with three miles away   Achilles killed Hector sang when it was for the honor.   Red eared, red eyes and soaked with the blood of death;   Trojan Paris, Queen Helen was the cause.   With blazing arrows, spears and cut swards?,   All the vultures fought this war tear   Troy and fell to Hounds of Hell? Ulysses? Noise from the wooden horse   And all the doors were opened to Apollo? Place   It marked the city with fire flies   King Priam? S decreased with the Temple of Apollo;   They bear the brunt of poverty in Asia Minor. # 1348 in Troy 5/15/06Historical reference: in 1996, I went to Troy in Asia Minor [Turkey] E 'stato un momento magico, even if it is a decayed town, discovered by Heinrich Schliemann. The land where Troy sits on the data to the Neolithic settlers, perhaps to 3600 BC, and the gateway of Troy goes back to 2900 BC. I went to them, the city was sacked nine times in all their history.See Dennis' website:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

An old friend who died from Donkey Country United States of America

An old friend who died from Donkey Country United States of America In the heydays of the early sixties   Car loads of us neighborhood Bums   Ignorant and arrogant dreamer   Crash came to the streets,   Funny we are all still alive,   Free-spirited Christians infidels,   With stray spirits, many are not   the way out, so good for me to walk true.Often   Past the old church steps   Mount Airy bar from time to time   As you can expect something?.   The views expressed in this neighborhood, we have become dependent,   Two with honey,   Someone, somewhere to pray for our souls,   ? Where is God, give me this Booze. Now I find myself outside the holy land   Remember your high school smile   They lost, but as a, d won?   They are all over, long after God? S   Demon, man-Slayer with drugs and alcohol,   IMPS temporary, went out lice   back in the neighborhood as friendly mice   If they are dead the early Fifties,   Again, confused, and drugs,   true for your young-term confidence in the high school.Old friend to see his wife charged   live in one life, what can   Under his hand, was nothing   outlet, waiting to go home,   lion broken heart, hands of stone   Wait? then hung himself in prison. # 1374 6/25/06See Dennis' website: Source:

Was not Me

Was not Me It was not, as I am now. It was not like I was then. It was then that God was really on me. When God is upon me, I was a young man. A young man of hope, determination and desire. I would give my love and God's gift to the needy. You see, that was not me.Thus me, you evil, But, as I was then. It was then that God is in me. This is when I hurt though.Now can really see that it was not me, so that you marked. Their innocence, their trust in me, the weak point in their lives, It 'been abused by me. But this was never has to do is not like I was before, Or as I am now, Or I will. No! It was not me! E 'was he who was not me. E 'was he who was not me. It was he and I, that evil you. No! In reality it was not injured YOU.I me that feels that it was not her that I was so hurt. She says she does not Who stole my innocence Who stole my life Who stole my respect for myself. She said that it was not that she has hurt me so.I is only a child, ten years old when my parents abused me as well. I was weak, sad and confused. I've been hurt by someone you love and confidence that helps me to heal so.I. I came to you because God told me. I came to you because it says that God is within you. I came to you because you trust more than hope mysel I came to you, so the perfection of charity is in you. Yes, I have come to love you.Your tone of voice made me even more confidence. You heard me like no one had before. Her touch is gentle, soft and warm. His touch made me feel that I was in a safe place. His compassion made me feel the healing in me. His soft eyes told me that the God-sent man. The man sent by God to help me and others like you I me.When in her lap, gave me a hug. An embrace of love, which was without doubt. Transcendency I took all the pain. I felt safe because of you. I felt loved, once again, thank you. I heard it was a good boy for you. A good guy who deserves everything good in the world; A good boy with a bright future ahead of him.But to put their hands in my pants, I am confused, but refuse to do the same for you. For those of you that I said then: My sweet child is safe here. When you are sure who is with me. That are loved by God in me. It is God who has sent you here, And 'God who wants to trust me. So, my boyfriend made me trust in God; And do what feels good to you. It was she who said that the God in you Love and that he knew? S good to me. And God wants me to you, please. And I like it? Ll be pleasing to God; Thank God for my pain and not be away.But because they say that playing this way, And I do what I give you even more. She did not say that all this was going to destroy me. She did not say that their love is a lie. She did not say it was a bad man. She did not say that what is not truly God, But the opposite of Him.Now I'm a grown man, I know that the trust was a mistake, And I made a mistake. One mistake and the mistake with irreversible consequences. The consequences of that pain has brought me even more. The pain, confusion and darkness in me is too far for me endure.Now can see why I must go; Why should I go to a place without pain. For me, the pain is unbearable. Therefore, I have to go to a secret place, A place retu.Oh not my son, please do not go, There is still hope for you. Oh my son, it was not bad for me and you. Oh my son was not, as I am now; Not that I was that bad. E 'was he who was with me when the real God is in me. Oh my son, please do not go. There is still hope for you. It is not me, you evil. Oh my son, please go.ZORA TEOFILOVIC

Monday, February 22, 2010

Poetry Tips

Poetry Tips Here are some suggestions that come to my mind, what I see in poetry, and perhaps not always, and should :1-I [or believe] a "fact" in poetry is not poetry, nor can it be in the eyes, thoughts , and I think imagination.2 repeat, or it may be effective, or it may be useful, but not when it indicates the lack or shortage of imagination.3-I believe that the use of commas and semicolons or ugly, or dangerous, if it is unwise. The poetry may REEK with false [LY] breaks.4-I also believe in true poetry, or that true poetry must vibrate, it's a vibration, which is available, you must find and use. A sort of violence, or something to wear, is no longer the poetry of poetry is written on.5 I think, have felt like a personal experience. Also I think that the great texts (most of what I read, and how great) are much simpler diction.Note in fact the truth: the poetry, is what may be a valuable item, but nevertheless life is, it's almost a requirement today, as precious as it is, it's free, and it is beyond mind, beyond thought and speech, language, appearance, and I hate too Name ( as you may already know) that says: good advertising, as a product to bring it about. Thus, the poem is unusual and sensational, the burden is on the first stage of the scale. And if all the good poets are dead, we are not able to find the truth more, dare I say, only details and reality.See Dennis' website:

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Memories in the car

Memories in the car Sometimes, when they are sitting in the car   In the passenger side? home   After my love, as he went to our next destination,   I am responsible for conducting elsewhere.I can lead to more than one year, there are memories of childhood that we pass on some familiar places,   Busy, or dream of inspiration for music radio. Ll travel to the good times of a child when they pass through an old place   Where once stood a house.   All the beautiful sunny days that pass outside as a child,   Or the magic of Christmas is celebrated in this old house   Although no longer exists, it is always done in my mind.There are the links? After a public park in my city and I am old? Ll dream   When my love and I started dating? Many nights were spent laughing and frolicking in the park? And then I? It 'my tu and I love to smile,   Then take the hand, while we continue to drive.Minutes then as the memory goes,   Like the dance song in my ears to the radio, and also   Make up my mind again.I May km dreams of dancing, fame, the former high school, love,   Or, my little daughter, all adults.   It depends on how these strings are struck me.Slowly music, in silence, me? Ll derive special to my dreams.   Relax with playing songs in my memory mind.Before I know that my love gently nudges me and reports,   ? Honey, we? Es here. And our destination is filled with many more memories to create,   Conduct of those dream roads.Ariana R. Cherry is a writer and hand craft jewelry. He lives in central IL with her husband and daughter. You can buy jewelry or to read his poems to

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Promise

The Promise I held her in my arms   So soft   Look in the eye color   From the ground floor.   Hair of silk, small wonder   Your breath of an angel kiss.   I quietly whispered to you,   "Please promise you'll never be more.   Stay in my arms forever   And all my dreams. "I've held your hand   So close   Eyes bright with wonder   World   Sunday kissed hair curly   Your voice sings a chorus of joy.   I whispered a silent prayer,   "Please, let it never be older.   Let her stay in my arms forever   And all my dreams. "I shook my arms   So beautiful   New eyes moist with tears   Hair so soft under my fingers   Your voice to with emotion   She whispered softly to me,   "Please, I do not want to get older   I would stay here forever in the arms,   Since my dreams do not come true. "I was in my arms   A moment   Eyes light up with love   Shiny hair with the flowers   Your voice alive with promise   She whispered softly to him:   "Please, let us, together with age,   Let me always in your arms   Together, they will have dreams. "They have the arms in   So soft   Looking into each others eyes   Filled with love and joy   I held my breath as I heard   She whispered softly to her:   "Please, I promise never ages,   Stay in my arms forever   And all my dreams. "You have all my dreams true.AE practice is an author on Writing.Com   Based and can be used by everyone.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Passing through the cathedral in English and Spanish

Passing through the cathedral in English and Spanish I have often passed by St. Paul's Cathedral: The transition from one machine;   Maybe? I spent a million times,   I? I never counted, has always swellsMy heart.   I pass so fast, it's (today, or it seems)   E? S hard to do, but need not, by iknow heart?, I want to get out of the car and goes to him: it is based on a peak (the highest point   Saint-Paul, I think), what, I'm not sure it makes its way composure.A realized that I have? my eyes are notas fast or as fast as them?   Get old.When I was young: walking in these great hallsOf own, or under his foot dome   Around these monstrous pillars: the spirit crossedMy often? And one day I did, and I think   Thus, very small, hearing my echo? back! In autumn, the copper dome bluish appearance, withAutumn colors: red, orange, green and blue   (Around him): the most beautiful. Leaves brushed across? S and meadows surrounding roads   Minnesota winds?. They put on the brown copper dome, a new   Roof, they say, about five years ago, oneOn loves the land? Sky, I doubt even   Glance at this now.It? Its shame, the young are   Photo by examining the way in which he was, until, until the copper molds with the new age. # 1229 2/21/06In Spanish   Translated by Nancy PenalozaDe paso por la Catedrala menudo yo pasaba delante de la Catedral de San Pa? L:   Pasaba delante, en wagon;   Talvez esto last year a mill? N de veces,   Jam? S cont Me?, Esto siempre hinchabaMi coraz? N.   Yo paso esto tan r? Pido (hoy en d? A, O? Parece)   Es differences? Cil entender, pero no hare falta, Yolo conozco de memoria .., Yo quiero bajarme del carro y ello a acercarme: Esto descansa a vertex (the point m? S Top   A Saint. Pa? L, I think years), a lo que, yo no estoy seguro,   Raras veces esto cambia su compostura.Un Fugaz vistazo de paso es todo lo que consigo. " I do not estaTan OJO Veloz, or as a estar acostumbraba Ligero --   Volvi? Ndose viejo.Cuando yo fui joven: caminar en los grandes pasillosDe ella, o debajo de su gran c? Pola? caminar   Alrededor de esos pilares monstruosos: a menudo se cruzaronPor mi mente y-un d? A lo Hice, y me parece?   Tan Peque? O, ESCUCHAR eco-el? Regresar? In Ear? O, C uu? Pola de cobre parece azulado, concolor oto? Ales: red, Naranja, azul y verde   (Alrededor de esta); mas hermosa. Las hojas barridas a trav? Sde sus calles yc? Sped around, por los   Vientos Minnesota .. Ellos lo MARRONES set copas para su c? Pola, a new   Techo, lo llaman ellos, hare cerca de cinco a? Os, the sky-nadieSobre tierra como yo dudo echarán una mirada   From a reojo esto es una ahora.Esto Verga? Enza. J los Muchachos? Venas tendr solos? N   Fotos para ser look like solía, hasta que eso,   Hasta que el cobre moldee with one? Os otra vez. # 1229 Dennis 2/21/06See site: Poet Laureado San Jeronimo de Tunan, PeruSee his new book: "The poetic image of Peru", in

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Stone read a poem and an advance

Stone read a poem and an advance Stone Beds [Pompeii? Increase s] advance: after the great eruption of Pompeii? S in the vicinity of the volcano Vesuvius, about two thousand years ago in the flowering of the Roman Empire, which left the city were mostly ashes of stone from an unleashing fuace, it is difficult to imagine what the people have lived (no, not a single person survived). I can only imagine that is out of the city, today and in the early excavations, its people were baked alive or asleep, like pottery. In many cases, were read stones. I was in Italy twice, and Pompeii, the most ardent, the archaeological sites in world.For not with those of Pompeii (the city, because there was a Roman general in the army, called Pompeii, who gave his name city), for the people, let me make it clear: only the name stimulates deep insults, if not right emotions.Pompeii nightmare is located on the Bay of Neapolis. The time was the eruption of A.D. 79. Pompeii is a city of the city, as one might think of Los Vegas. E 'was the richest city Roman Empires, with luxurious villas, and everything seemed to live a very comfortable life. The city reminds me of the Titanic, and of Sodom and Gomorrah. Yes, Pompeii was very violent and corrupt city or community, as some would it.The poem: Stone BedsSkin evaporated But bones Cooked Brains? Then explodes! Painted by skulls Red brain matter Like a broken glass; disintegrated.Dim of teeth and weak was his fate.Suffocation Cutting Solidified: The types of jobs? Distorted positions? Buried alive: As the eggs are packed in clay pottery ... Note: 5/8/05 # 642Author/Poet Dennis Siluk,

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Love Poems Anthology Part 2

Love Poems Anthology Part 2   Important Three Three little words, important words are all I have to say,   Three little, important words, more to me every day.   Three little, important words, which lasted all my life,   Three little, important words, only for my wife preferred.   Three little, important words, so simple, but true   Three little, important words, I just LOVE YOU! As well as the love I long to be with you, and how my heart bleed.My no love for you bus deep inside, a consumer need.My love for you is still as strong as the day on whose first met.And us, like going through life together, the stronger will be removed get.Being, tears save me, I can hardly compatible with the strain.I? m just a desire to this day to come when you? Re my arms again.The days pass so slowly, it seems so long to go.Until I am with you, once again, my love, I miss so.I know sometimes I'm not much fun, When? m with you, but just know, my dear, my love for you is true. Only the love I feel small electrical impulses, and running my fingers spine.Like countless ice, every time that you could touch your lips mine.I in your dark brown eyes, and swim in its sparkling tears.I you want Only my arms and You can hunt fears.I? t describes the love between us, simply aren? say.I t enough to just know that my love for you, any more day.My passion is like a locomotive, the thundering track.Since this day the first time that I was not back.You? ve, the joy in my world, on Sunday for my life since that fateful day, when it was really my wife.I have been blessed by someone above, the thing that I have for you, my treasure, it is easy love.Through years, is simply stronger, this love that I share with you.What can say more, my darlingThan simply, I love youJohn Roberts is a freelance training consultant trainers in the United Kingdom. Always open to discussions on education and technical training, John By contact by e-mail.   John is a prolific writer and editor for training and related technical articles, as well as poems and stories for children.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


RISK Do not be afraid to shine. This world needs what we give. Go to the parts of your will; Put himself - for others. You are precious. You are unique. She has a lot to give. Have no fear, we it.As risk is growing. Every new experience is a risk: We can try, and perhaps not And, consequently, grow -- or hold back and you have the potential stagnate.You Be everything you want! They are free to choose. You are alone with your fears. Let your dreams take, Fly with the eagles, Protrude into life, The world is waiting for you! Copyright 1987 Fran WatsonThis poem was selected by Motivational Poems at Words of Wisdom 4U.For more poems and stories can be found on the site Fran

Friday, February 12, 2010

Six poems Times

Six poems Times FridaSpitting for its beauty and disgust, - He jiggled ghosts and skeletons - drained of blood and I was there. - I cleaned the mess - I fed the dog and I made her bed. - I watered the garden with the pyramid - has blossomed.In and life and death, I still see her. - Yes? S is for me - God and the devil - Packaged in a .--------------------------- Tamale ------- - - in a Rome DayRome sits on its seven legs - and pine trees, with fountains in their branches - Appia Antica road markers in the sun - are stolid, green and well managed. - A Conservative moing begins with the dawn - and its logic, as a pawn - is moved from one cell at a time - noon. It looks good, but - recognizing skip in my heart, - and the day is like co in the heat - a time of three hours. The key - time to my ear ticks. My intuition - my watch behind the scenes to hide - it's in front of the glow of white. The interior - The green needles and jack - The number of six. I have a lot - to see if they stick to that - such as fountains, pine trees in spray, share - their fate, loss, dry light - and Rome is running in the night .- - A Swallow OnMoing ------ --------------------------- Speed: two eggs, coffee with cream. - A flight zigs and noisily ZAGS. - Lunch: ham and cheese on bread. - A butterfly flits and flits silence. - Dinner: meat and French fries. - A hummingbird on the door while the plane. - Night: Four cookies and milk. - A bat threat .------------------------------------ zoom TidepoolInvent waves and pools great for me, - Cool, industrious, dibbling our feet - and munch on the lap of revolutions Wednesday - Wade in the deepest hole, where the algae grows, - Kick animated today, the coupling lowering your costume - and hold my hand. If you can not see, - Loosen the socket, sat on my foot friendly - Relax and let your hair float to me. - I? Ll pull into a vortex of us alone - where you can touch and floating or asleep after - and only that which we have some 'time? 've sown. - For all the love we give is that we are, - How the fish are awake from their sleep restless - to show us comes down to us? Re too deep .-------------- ---------------------- Medical ExamTwo soldiers, one white, one red -- maintains the north wall of the room into cubes. - Squat, each with a pedal - to open the lid speakerphone. - Fourteen-inch square, fifteen high, - in polished steel with the machine - Spare parts, tools, - Made in Switzerland. - Plastic bags gonna top coating - Overview on the edges of the door - how to play the children full of sleep unprepared. - The sentinel or bark, or rattle. - I'm so white and red - to keep predators away all .--------------------------------- - -- Center "Emergency Push-to-Open" - Reading of automatic doors for unwashed, dribbly glass. - The continuation port the same point. - Between the first and the second is a cross-hatched - Block construction of carpets, pale gray-brown mole. - The gateway to the garden even dribble - and moves automatically. - In the interior, the thickness of nurses, men and women through pad. - TV gurgles gently, patients and staff Murmure - Small clicks and taps to identify the heels and wheels - Medical equipment and reduced tongue depressor. - Outside the greenstuffs outside, and - traffic and acute Tooting. - Between the inside and outside is a - cross-hatched blocks, gray-brown taupe - Carpet. By Jackie Wilson? 2006Jack Wilson is a poet and artist in Los Angeles and Phoenix. His poems were published in The New York Times, The New York Herald Tribune and many magazines. He founded a magazine of poetry in Tempe, Arizona, called "All too soon," which was distributed to Changing Hands Bookstore and other establishments. Source:

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Night Poems from Minnesota now is Spanish and English

Night Poems from Minnesota now is Spanish and English Here are some more of Dennis' poems, clearly, wrote yesterday and finished at the end of the first Wednesday evening, when I alseep. He loves his Minnesota, and now its Peru.1) PotholesThere are two seasons, we say in Minnesota!   I refer to them: roads, because   Our winters.   And mosquito season, because we   tortuous, warm and humid summers.On the way today for lunch at Arby? s?   (where I am right now? m writing this poem)   I had a couple of dodge holes, cold   Winter asphalt.Unlike my Peruvian woman who drives over them?   Broken an axle a few years ago,   With their Jaguar;   They? s Minnesota has still leaing   Only two seasons. # 974 12/19/2005Spanish VersionHuecos? Hay dos de ellos dicen Estaciones Minnesota!   Me refiero a ellos like: construcció? N de Caminos, debido   A invieos our? speros.   Y estació? N mosquito, one of our debido   Veranos insoportables, Calientes yh? Camino a mi medos.En Hoy almorzar d? one, an Arby's?   (where, at this time estoy escribiendo Este poema)   Tuve que unos cuantos Esquiva huecos, sobre el asfalto fr? or   Unlike Peruvian invieo.A de de mi esposa, que ellos maneja su   Break? EJE a unos a? the ATR? s,   With his Jaguar;   Ella todavia a est? Minnesota aprendiendo holding   Pero dos Estaciones. # 974 19/Diciembre/20052) poetry night in Minnesota coldIt? s night. The coke is heated by the Registry, the cracking   ? bubbled my next record? s are all asleep.   (I'm from the computer). It seems I? Ve traveled throughout my old Victorian house life.This rattles like a mouse, which has its   own way, perhaps it will be like me, in the old age.My legs are stiff from sitting, the flakes of snow fall   With only one eye? the moon. Goodnight. # 975 12/19/2005Spanish VersionPoemas Noctuosen el P.? O de noche de Minnesota. The Soda calienta se por el radiador; el resquebrajar   ? burbujear of radiador; neighbors todos mis est? n dormidos.   (Yo estoy por la computer). Me parece he viajado all vida.Esta Casa Vieja de Victoria repiquetea style like a rat? N;? Sta tiene su   Propio camino; quiz? s? Sta se confundar como yo, it is the vejez.Mis pieas? n tiesas de tanto sentarme; copos Caen afuera de Nieve   With s? Here's an OJO? La Luna. Buenas noches .* 975 19/Diciembre/20053) Iron in MinnesotaOur Winter souls are all part of the invisible world,   Sometimes I think that maybe they want to go home,   But possible? to find the door ...   Some summer, some in autumn, some in spring;   But in Minnesota, is often in winter,   the iron-cold season (but the soul doesn? t freeze).   Strangely, nights as you think. # 976 12/2005Spanish VersionInvieo de Hierro de MinnesotaNuestras Almas son all over the world unseen   A veces pienso quiz? s ellas que quiere ir a casa,   Pero? can not find puerta! ...   Unos de verano, unos de oto? O, unos de primavera;   Pero en Minnesota, there is a menudo invieo,   The estació? n fr? de hierro (pero no el alma freezes).   Extra? Or how las noches te suggest. # 976 Diciembre/2005Spanish Translated by Rosa PenalozaSee Dennis' web site: Check out Dennis' poetry book

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

In the twilight shadows Haunting the devil in the Dusk

In the twilight shadows Haunting the devil in the Dusk In my poetry I would say the trials, tribulations and joys?   While yet unbo?   Sleep and death that awaits us? Strange and videos   As the world tus in its control   In the darkness of dusk worrying?. Somewhere I lost my pass from grace, and that was?   You face death?   At a time to say the riots hearts: in unconfused mercies   As the world tus in its control   In the darkness of dusk worrying?. Who owns the incessant fire (inviolable heart)?   Dimensioned is your take?   A hymn, he hums: shakes the night? Frozen meat   As he calls the world at his command,   In the darkness of dusk worrying?. Silent Passage of time, which has dominion over all?   As Orion? S passes the sword?   Gives way to the Devils Sky hostile war   As the world tus in its control   In the darkness of dusk worrying?. Unarmed, he and I (as the effect of clay) in the sun?   Waiting for darkness?   One final sacrifice for him, with Orion? S various sword   As the world tus in its control   In the darkness of dusk worrying?. Note: 908 (11-1-2005);? Written in Lima, Peru ', in my library, in the quiet dark of night? The AuthorSee Dennis' website:

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Banana Republic

Banana Republic Like a cat I slumber, blissfully unencumbered, With eighty percent of my allotted space, Sometimes you wake up, when it comes to dissent, And I invented another trick five-year plan, Recently, it was pensions, that have been mentioned, So I borrowed from the French and Robespierre, Scrap that, above all, saved from the claws and teeth, And my people are all equal, Currently, it's time for me to be my first, Because there is another election imminent I must be sincere, for part of next year, And assure everyone that everything is booming, No matter strict quotas, Ive imported multitudes of voters, And part of them that stay, Though Ive rigged the vote, and the defamation of the world notes You never know what might happen in day.So to go on the safe side, I swallow my pride, And allow people to listen to my voice my sacred And the spread of the charade, put on the cover, And I am also convinced that a choice The next time the crown, will be trampled underground House of Lords and Lord Chancellor history With the other Chancellor past, I just, the soldier, Yes, then it will never be me Bad elections for you, like all dictators, These positions and fill with grease my palm As for civil unrest, is still under house arrest, Secret or imprisonment for those I harm.So average nursery, through the history of education, You can reach in time, the New Labor Youth, Being gay has taught fun, and the State is the number one And any other view is untruth.Ask the media if you are unsure, or philosophically impure Brainwashing Britons is their strong They certainly made the right, or visit the site at night In any event, they cease to be naughty.Meekly follow all the rules set out in our schools When the state and leaing is deleted, And it can be ignored, can not be considered a defect, Just to be another number, as rest.Better far from being a part of the poor, Within your state and that the seeds were sown, Instead of dying, or live in constant fear, To have a spirit and all your own.How is that we lost the opportunity to be free, How can you give our right to choose, How can you believe it is wrong When we decided to lose our voice.How choose the politically correct, Because we are victims of crimes unpunished, We do not have these idiots not see the instruments, Or believe that they would result in time.The dripping tap is dark, gripping the droplets Our throat today our minds in time to come, We must reverse the trend and reiterate our pride, We must show that they are not deaf and is not good dumb.It complain, chained to your railing, If you want your vote to retu as before, No one knows the reason you are deaf you and me Does not bother us at all more.This manipulation, we and our nation, These illusions about the triumph of true reason, These are lies, and the power of mesermerise, This is a slow creeping treason, This is the eviscery, the neutrality of the BBC, E 'on this poison will soon take its place, These five-year plans, and citizens of Euroland, This is public service, with a red face, These soaps and plays, which, in very subtle ways, Try to put yourself in the spirit of the new range of plausible truth, This newspaper is in decline, with the pretext of way is located, While the State preaches through Pravda schools for our young people, This is the vision and sound, and that means that everything is permitted Try to convince against their common sense, This is the duplicity, to do what seems to be true can not be And hoping that meets at least on the unelected fence.This experience is paid huge costs for taxpayers Campbells school alaista sellers of used cars of integrity, This issue of the use of these lies and their race and their connections, To pull the wool over her eyes and the opposition is weak leadership me.Maybe this question, But this is not the parties or their skills, This is simply a war, not those who vote, But who doubts against.Malcolm Pugh vote was a civil engineer, a systems programmer - a little 'crazy now retired.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Caesar Vallejo Black Roses in English and Spanish

Caesar Vallejo Black Roses in English and Spanish Cesar Vallejo: Black RosesBow ol his head? Poet? A God? S grace before No more digging trenchesTo today? In the forest of heads, namely: Bow down, bow down, Ol? barbaric poet! Death rides the horse first I heard the crackling of a whip See his crazy eyes death.He of citation? The devil and his wind, that is: Bow down, bow down Your blood stained face He brings to edge.Closer closely, you see hours Eh! a shift of the cloud Satanic? I see a festival of black-rose Clamor in crowd.Bow hear from bowing, Ol? Poet ? I hear the applause! # 666 [5/15/2005] version? N de Espa? Ol Translated by Nancy Penaloza By Rosa PenalozaC? Sar Vallejo: Rosas NegrasInclina tu cabeza viejo poeta? For encarar la Gracia de Dios adelante No hay m? S trincheras Cavar for today? En El Bosque de tu cabeza, Entonces?: Incl? Nate, inc? Nate ? Viejo poeta barb? Rico! La Muerte Mount adelante el caballo El oigo a nitrogen crujido Enloquecidos veo los ojos de la muerte.El te emplaza one in guarida? El viento y su demonio, Entonces?: Affetti, inclinations Tuesday manchada Frente de sangre Tomar el te? to borde.M? Search tips s, m? s cerca, te veo ahora ? Ah! Como una Nube m? Saturday Vil? Nica? Veo un festival de Rosas Negras, Oigo el clamor de la muchedumbre.Incl? Nate, inc? Nate viejo poeta ? Oigo aplausos tus! # 666 (15 de Mayo 2005) Dennis Siluk Poetry is known throughout the world and has been published in many newspapers, his first book, "The other door, now a rare book to find, of which only 750 - copies were made, is a treasure for many people who, if they can find one. His new book during the month of October is Peruvian Poems [in Spanish and English] to watch ... see his website [this poem is in the book]

Monday, February 1, 2010

On the banks of the Amazon a poem

On the banks of the Amazon a poem Along the northe Amazon?   How nice if for the first time I see her! ...   Uninterrupted green towers: savage   Watery seams? (Si) exuberant patience with everything?.   Some, here and there,   But is not it? T defaced by? Jungle Madness?: Ego tourism, which can bring.   Safety, like the infinite sky, when a thick   Alligator's hide? To lea more about them,   Devi UN humanize their point of view? At first:   Too, is convinced that what we are. # 1014 1/28/2006Note and a brief comment: When I was in the Amazon, 2001, some of the big planes and the scenes were the giant lilies; young cats puma, cocoa plants, rubber plants, it was a world themselves. I am not a person, kind, but it could be one right after the visit of the different jungles around the world I? Ve seen. In Amazonia, the tropical look is all around you, paddle boats, boats of many types of work and the River. I spoke in the Amazon for 10 years, my friend, Diane Horton, a retired teacher, I was reminded that when I was ready to retu in 2001. There is a river full of piranhas, I ate the two I caught (my wife ate them caught Rosa) and, of course, is a land of snakes, and pink dolphins, when I saw them walk in Rio, and yes I had to swim in the river, just to say, I did it.The Amazon from Iquitos by boat, the great river, where I wanted, it was over 125 miles, there are cabins for tourists, from a more primitive Ting . During the night I went hunting tarantula, sleeping under the big roots of huge trees, my wife behind me, if our leaders watched a couple with his magic stick. Also in Iquitos, where the iron is home to Mr. Eiffel, the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Even deep in the heart of the Amazon, the world? The longer hair, I went, their 115-foot, to the point that was able to tip over the top of the trees of the jungle, which sensation.See Dennis' Website