Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Let me tell you about my Germany

Let me tell you about my Germany First, no other child is not in Germany to a million years - is unique and they are all MINE - No, no (I shake my head) and they say, do not share my special LADY Germany belongs to me - it is clear to see ... With his smile, the light in New York Citywhen she sees me coming, and that special sparkle in your eyes when you look at me! GER I have a heart of gold, and she gives me a little 'all over the guy you never want ... You say everything about your baby dolls - That's me! My GER is the wonderful woman who made me, embraced me, fed me, my "Poo-stinky'diapers, chased me across the house, and down the stairs for me to laugh hysterically, I cuddled chubby little body closer to her, I was shocked to sleep, instead of my small hands, like me, my first step and have leaed to walk, read to me a very good book, I showed the images in all types of jouals, has taught me how to say my first word Mama! "He always listens to everything I say and you understand what I'm talking about better than anyone else can ... My Germany has loved me with all his days were heartSince BORNAND love my mother the same way "We are so happy, my ger (And she is my mom to granni) Noboby ever take their place in our lives - love with all my heart and soul andWe thank God every day for my Germany - She's A BLESSING IN ALL WAYResource Box -? Danielle Hollister (2004) is the publisher of Bella Online Quotations Zine - A free newsletter for fans to offer, with over 10,000 deals in dozens of categories like - love, friendship, children, inspiration , success, wisdom, family, life, and many more. Read online at --

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