Sunday, March 28, 2010

The porch

The porch Porches on? S of cold on the veranda   This day of thanks?   My breath has a fog   Near the window? FrameLeaves street   Flying all means?   Most of them are not   Trees, I see? TodaySmoke of Fireplaces   E? S of cold on the veranda   This day of thanks?   I wonder? What? What, my daughter   (Family) are eaten   This day of thanks?.   My breath do? Mist (The wind has a voice). Someone to laugh?   The echo of the street   Behind me, I believe,   I wonder? Who? (Surprise, almost shocked!) It? S-my little son, his mother   (They see me in this);   On the other side of the road:   That? Increase tall.He ran quite high and thin,   With his mother? Precipitation   (They live in block)   He looked at me? Said (?) Something looked   Does not say anything? All   We went on the road, as if   I don? Why? (It 's just the way it is.) I wonder who to thank   This day of thanks?   For me, I thank the Lord   For the time being? TheTurkey and ... (Jim and Julie? S) (Thanksgiving Day, 2005, 12:31 PM) # 931 11.24.2005 12:38 PMNote: Yes? its fun when you just want to follow in May found more than they have negotiated, and this moing I was looking in my window and I felt that I wanted to go on the porch, and it is fast and I'm back at home, and my wife is always ready to go to a dinner in Stillwater, a town of 23 miles, and then I grabbed a pen and paper and started writing about the beauty that I saw from the porch, the beauty of it all, but a day, in the early afteoon, one day? s cold, it was standing on my terrace, and then my ex-girlfriend in the street, and my son I? have not seen for so long. I think just to see is a beautiful gift of grace, we? A do not need the whole bowl of soup to enjoy the flavor, now Dennis we.See see website or Dennis' new book in Spanish and English, "Magic of the Andes" and "Poems Peruvian "

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