Friday, March 12, 2010

Three poems Dona Leonor s Revenge The Old Moon shared all parties in Spanish-English

Three poems Dona Leonor s Revenge The Old Moon shared all parties in Spanish-English 1) You? A Leonor? S Revenge [1627 AD] Rafael Ortiz? S Fate What we have on the plate Leonor one to do? SWhen arrived In Lima, Peru; To enjoy the beheading revengeFor By her husband. And so the plot? Now playing (In an alley) How, with the exception of trout! In SpanishTranslated by Nancy PenalozaLa leyenda de: La venganza de Leonor to make a (1627 después? S de Cristo) The fate of Rafael Ortiz Estaba sobre el plato Be done? A Leonor.Cuando Ella llegó? In Lima Pro? Sabor venganzaPor for the decapitaci? N De su esposo. Y entonces el complotFue llevado a su fin hours (In an Calleja? N) Destrip como ella? So Trucha! 2) The Old MoonThe wind, the wind? Moments Pass Step in years, years and years And the moon continue reading For me, with fear and incredible nights? Under the shadow of the twilight gone E 'alone, looking into the eyes; At dusk, you linger on, on the road How Sphynx? You follow me: look, look down, down on me?. This is a time between now and then I call it forever? And soon? But this? And between me and you? Me and You and the dusk is his secret moon.She eyes you know Flashing across the sky and the meadow Passing, passing in silence? Con? Flashing on the lawn and the sky !...# 474 2/5/2005Spanish VersionLa Vieja Luna [The Old Moon] Los Vientos, los Vientos? Momentos Pasanen Pasanen converti? Ndose it one? O, a? Os y m? A spirituality? Os Y la luna neighbor? A light produciendo Noches y sobre mi espeluznantes intr? Pidas? Bajo sus sombras en el pasajeras CREP? Schools She is? Sola, mirando de mis ojos; Al anochecer, nn rezagamos, a lo largo del Camino Como una Esfinge alive? She follows me: Mirando, mirando abajo, me? Ndome are they? Hay un tiempo entre ahora y entonces A esto llamo para siempre? Y ready? Pero esto me from YT? 3) shared pages [English version? N] is a time for young people The age and its pride; The man thinks he knows The other thinks, why; But the youth and the relationships ageWith divide? Are common side: life, death and desire, And a hope chest Never rests.Note: The poem is the author, after 25 years, is out of place, written in May l981, and the Northe Poetry Review, Anchorage, Alaska, by Dale A. Stirling, Editor / Publisher l980-86, Northe Poetry Review your comments? very smooth and transmit real feelings?. Author is not known when he was released from a previous anthologies, but feels up to this point has not yet been published and then for the first time in this series of poems. # 82In SpanishLados ComunesLa Juventud tiene su age Y su orgullo age; Piensa which one? L sabe, por el otro piensa qu? Pero la Juventud y la edadCon lazos separados? Tienen lados common: Life, death, and b? Squeda, Y una esperanza en el pechoEstos nunca descansan.Note: Este poema fue found después por el author? And a 25? Os siendo extraviado; writing Mayo, l981, a Poe y revisada por the review? s al norte, el anclaje, Alaska to Dale A. Stirling, Editor / Editor, l980-86, a review of Poe? s north, sus comentarios? muy sencillo y el Sentimiento true transport. The author is not aware si esto fue publicado por cualquier an earlier anthology, but this writing has not conociendo sido publicado, por consiguiente, por primera vez en este publicada en Juego poemas.Dennis Siluk, poet, his new book as " Spelling Andes, "and "Cold Kindness" in your website, or perhaps in some book Operations or

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