Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Memories I am grateful for the easiest times. Shops were Sunday TV seemed more logical Family members spent much time with each other, And people were so things.I am grateful for the good old days. Growing up in time before the porch swing And grandparents, which is to be welcomed, "Fix, please" One after another slipped out of our problems As we were told tall tales to fun.I are so grateful for the images. Video recordings of children before their first phase, As snapshots in front of a high-school-PROM, Candid moments are immediately And speak louder than words on a house greeting Card are so grateful for the childhood Grins notice. Chasing the cart of ice on the road Hook the piercing, popular jingle, Welcoming a greeting by my unrestrained dog Those who licked my face down.I and jumped up and are so grateful for yesterday. A mother of love, care of his father, A rocking horse, a chair for children, The smell of clean clothes drying on the line, An old rope swing for a child climb.I are so grateful for delicious scents. Granny's beans cooking in the oven, Eggs and crisp bacon in a frying pan Hot Chocolate fudge from the heat, And bubble gum pink, aah so sweet, I'm so grateful for a trip to Memory Lane. Musty corridors of the day knew, Use the time to a nostalgic atmosphere, The old times and old scenes smiles and tears, Classmates again, after many year.Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodoh are the authors of "Gratitude Works: Open your heart to love."

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