Friday, December 18, 2009

Arizona Blue gunfighter The Wolves Nest chapter of one of the seven North

Arizona Blue gunfighter The Wolves Nest chapter of one of the seven North [Episode Five] Arizona Blue? GunfighterThe Wolves Nest? In the North [Episode Five] Northe Minnesota Area? Winter 1877Chapter one of the seven: The NorthThe was known as Pigs Eye [St. Paul, Minnesota]; Northfield was a little 'more famous by Jesse James robbed the 1st National Bank, in September last year, and more in the West. But this was neither here nor there for Blu-Arizona. Did not? T, as this part of the country, for no other reason that it was cold, unpredictable weather conditions, and didn? T seem to offer sufficient freedom, which was not? T ill than thirty years ago, but had become weak, because the thought of Mark Twain. His conclusion, why was he here? Sometimes it's easy to continue riding and riding and in the end, if not? T care to be. As he horseback through thick snow, it is a cabin in a field where the deer is running like crazy? back and forth? The Mavericks were in Arizona, Texas and Wyoming. He smelled the smoke from a chimney in the area. It was a hundred and fifty miles north of St. Paul, but it seemed that Artic.As in Arizona came to a hut, a man came out of the door to his porch. Two wolves standing at his side, a gun in his hand. He noted on the back of his house more than thirty wolves on the fence;? Strange? Blue thought. Yaw can help a foreigner? asks the man in the porch.Blue knew more than everyone in this area do not know his name, and that was one of the reasons was unconscious for the Midwest, I suppose, a time for a pause for those who wanted to ask you shoot in the back, or had to tangle with next. His reputation in the West was before him where to go d, but here, here in the Midwest, who know his name? None, he speculates. Northfield was too hot for him as, after the James Gang shoot, and the appearance of St. Paul St. Louis, a conservative small town on the banks of the Mississippi that does not get enough and fight for him, and they sold little books on him? The Fast Gun of the West: Arizona-Blue. It is necessary, as all the gunfighter: Billy the Kid, Jesse James, Wild Bill, and so forth. I need a place to submit for a day or two. Are half frozen. The man laughed and motioned for Blue to tie his horse to the side and come in.As Blue descended on his horse, he was a boy, and took his horse and said:? I? Ll read him a spell checker, feed him for you sir. Blue is one of the Midwest, was the hospital for foreigners, they had to, because sooner or later? finished for all the other assist. ? This type of yaw is a nice feeling? He said Blue himself.As at home, he noticed a slim woman of middle age, some of Simmering stew (about thirty-six years has? D guess). Mister some hot cider? asked.Blue was not sure what that was, but he knew that it was not? t whiskey. Sounds warming, I think? ll be good girl? unsure how to her.She smiled and said:? You? Not here, I gather, you have a south-weste accent? I? m Arizona called, I believe, because that is where I am from. Arizona thing? He asked. That? S Miss it, that is Arizona? And what is my pop called me, neither more nor less. She smiled again, man back in the rear of the house, the snow all his feet. Yaw Hello, my name is Harry? his hand to shake, Arizona? s? and this is my wife who Feba? s Spanish and a little 'sweet, that woman. Harry! Stop Me blushing. Well? Arizona has said? it seems that wolves are around here. I raise. You can come in handy. It was everything that was said about the nest of wolves. Arizona has the exodus of the things that was private and he was not? T-step of a man? Privacy. Mr. Arizona, enter your jacket for my boyfriend, Tony. He was on the back of Arizona. He hadn? T heard Arizona has come as his jacket, Harry, Tony and Feba noticed the weapons. Arizona has had a close against his thigh, and deep into his belt. You won? T need here sir? Harry said with a small smile conce.Arizona. He was not a man in Minnesota, or anywhere for that, only a famous man, and only rarely is the road to the north, and this was new for him, if this is Wyoming, or Texas, or that the question Tombstone or dead, the weapons would remain. But he began to unbuckle Harry then for them to work for a safe jouey. How are the problems here in India? Blue asked. Sometimes it's ok, other times not? T know. We have had several stand here a year ago, and the Chippewa? S bued after three of them. Rapped women, after the intoxication, and diminished. The Indians are on the streets. You never know. I hunt bears and foxes and sell the skins at Fort Smelling. And yaw, a few wolves can be seen at the end fur. Yaw has to eat. I hate them, but to kill. Harry noticed Arizona where the weapons hung, right in the changing room, to your doorstep. If you need them, O Lord, that? Re right of capture. I have the picture, Harry. Time for dinner, you? s about 11-below zero is not so bad for the dead of winter. You? T think it was 10:00 a.m. clock, but is rapidly dark here, the only 6:00 PM. Not much daylight in the heart of the winter season. Tonight will be up to 20 + below. E 'as the cold knocks the sun soon I swear. There is now a cold, cold winter, strangers, I mean Arizona. Since all four sat down to eat, said Harry grace to thank God for his wife, son, and that foreigners do not get frozen as a cycle of ice before his cabin. Let's eat? Says Harry, and immersed in the hot stew stew.The was great, although in Arizona when it was his third assist. My name is Alex, Mr. Arizona. Are you a gunfighter? You know Jesse James and Billy the Kid? Shut up? Feba said? Mr. Arizona is a gentleman, not a murderess. Said Harry, a little 'uncomfortable with his arms hanging, where the coats and hats hung? Mater of fact, if not? T Spirit, what is your line of work? Well, what? sa good question. I? Ve, a soldier who fought in the Battle of Chickamauga, and I was sheriff for a while ', and an alteate. And I think one could say a cowboy Art Not sure what a gunslinger, but maybe. Jack of many trades do I see? commented Harry.Feba looked blue eyes, was almost frozen by them. But her husband was the jealous type, and said nothing, only smiled and continued eating his stew.Dennis Siluk finished his latest book, "Peruvian Poems" to do soon to happen, and in the coming months [ 29 - Poetry in English and Spanish] are looking for. You can see his other works or

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