Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Comparisons and metaphors Poetry thread Oh My

Comparisons and metaphors Poetry thread Oh My Most of us have leaed that the comparison was made with the words? How? o? how? the second or third grade, so what? s all of us? ll say that some of our images toolbox.Unless you? I studied poetry or writing, you can not so familiar with the metaphor of the poem or thread (also known as an extended metaphor). MetaphorIn life, as in baseball, we have the Dugout of complacency, step up to the plate at home with the possibility of obtaining protection cup caution bar and swing the bat the hope of the curve ball of fate, hoping that we can take a guideline for the success of the past, stop short of a disaster, then the basis for sprint to be aware at all times that we can tighten the hamstring muscles and the inadequacy in the face first fall on the area of bankruptcy, if the fault of RCA, broken dreams scan in our nose .-- Dave BarryAbove a citation is crowded with metaphor. Even if you go to sea for comic effect, are all good examples of what a metaphor is.Perfecting use of metaphor is essential to writing in general, but in the creation of poetry, it is absolutely necessary. A creative metaphor in a poem is like the angels sing and a male, or no, everyone has your poetry may fall flat and key.Example: In life as in football, we have the Dugout of complacency (Dave Barry) ORYou possible? t stay in the Dugout? even if it is good and you? happy new thereWhy a metaphor, why not just say that as is? It is now possible, and this could be your personal style, but a metaphor takes your readers on a jouey temptation, riding his words as if they were? top Orient Express. With him, it offered a rich feast for the eyes and imagination, not with a grilled cheese in a cupboard. Most readers have with their heads as a language? wrapper around your poem enjoys exploring the taste of it all.Weave a deeper meaning with poetry poetry Threads thread, also known as an extended metaphor, a metaphor, and only through a great part of or the entire poem. Imagine your poem is a blanket. Each square of canvas is a word, and the seams, which all together are your extended metaphor. This thread gently tug the reader along through your work and create a deeper meaning and a vivid image in their mindStart with a simple metaphor, to say nothing? S move with your dog is a vehicle. Now here is an example that the extension of the metaphor: My dog is a car   I was totally crazy.   When they are ready for the garage   He? S speed for a road lane.His roar of the engines, when   He wants to opt for a break.   It ran right over me   Can Holler first? STOP! Note how I? ve, and on extended metaphor? I? Ve, the elements of the path (eg, parking, the joy of the activity, motor racing, highway and railway) and show the reader how on earth, my dog is a car.I? Ve a stupid example, why not? Re fun, but it works equally well in serious poetry, or essays, fiction and more.Whether wrap your readers in a comforter, the family household or a covered deck that is itching? them in another dimension with which your work. 2006 Holly Bliss. All rights reserved. This document may be freely redistributed in its original form and, provided that all copyright is intact with the hyperlink URLs.About author: With his writing, like painting on canvas in her life, Holly Bliss is an eclectic writer, newsletter editor and an author who is a place for creative writers.

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