Thursday, December 17, 2009

Easter Resurrection Poem

Easter Resurrection Poem Many cry and wonder why   And for more insights   By Big Daddy in the sky   Not knowing what? Los S   After no one on whom to keep   If the church is more than   And all you gone.Once and the offer was   All shake hands   An exchange of smiles   A reminder of some names   Dreams remain open with   Waiting for Christ in continuous   The hope of the glory of   To burst the bonds of   Take the form   Fulfill his word   And all surprised.   The meaning of life   As can be   Christ through   Would be below   In order for me!   Amazing Love   Moreover, understanding   That on the cross   Christ knew how painful suspension   Brutal torture   The lashing of whips and languages   The departure of the Holy Spirit   After he was numbIt? S in the quiet moments   The defeat seems obvious   That the seed sown is of importance   The power of the Resurrection has grown   The sufferings of Christ fully known   If they seem to stay single   Many don? T understand   And they are ready to judge   However, be careful not to   Knowing that the judges   I also judge strictly   I consider all my heart   The desire to walk circumspectly   To divine selflessly.Nevertheless and live life? S can be difficult   And his ability to delay temporarily   They make contracts, such as lard   Dulling your senses   Worrying your soul   Implementation of all areas of your life   Conce, and their tollThanks, but God   The son has   With power, force and fire in their eyes   Although many do not recognize   And he publicly despised   But when you retu from defeat   Many hid in fear   Others asked for a surprise   The victims have applauded happy   Counting his resurrection   Your staff is my urgent request victoryIt   That the personalization of Christ? S Triumph   In case of death, hell and the grave   For you, it certainly   He came to   His death   As your life   His step   Breaking the chains for you today!   Liberating for all aspects   No matter what you do or say   Christ? S victory personally appropriated   Can your day better   Illuminate the path   Reversing the curse   Remove the tendency to try   Your pain and setbacks   For in Christ   Also bounce back!   And you are blessed   It can boldly Express   Its more about your less   His goodness   His mercy many   His infinite joy   His grace foundation   His spirit immeasurably   So, before you walk or step back   Consider God? S Height   For Christ? S mouing   In your joy   His pain   In your gainHis less   In Your Plus   So why the noise?   Take your eyes of course   And watch the sky   Where your help comes from   Get a perspective   And outside of your problems   It is no longer active   Now is the time   For life for fun   And, as Christ our example   You are too powerful to overcome! So arise and take your love   And all that the dream of   Bounty is one of the nations   Build Dreams   Pause and Limitations   Because many abroad   To be touched and transformed   Because of Christ? S Crucifixion   And glorious resurrection! This is the pain   This power is known   To love is not vain display   Even if you try to deny that   It continues to grow   Despite months of abandonment   It is not where   Given the cruelty and criticism   Still alive   Although the killing   Streamline or he   Try   And to the outside are   E 'on by Nags   Do not rationalize away   With psychoanalysis or spin   Christ is the hope of glory   Always wins! The argument against love   You can not win   So that this provision   Take this boundless, immeasurable love   And if it is the people   To overcome the world   Tu on its head   Take in the head   Down in the depths of the heart   Ignite a fire in   From which the soul can not multiply and departMagnify   The infeo is raging in your heart   And to erect a monument of love   An eteal masterpiece   From the hardest of hearts   Can not depart   We try all know that the human race   The foundation has glorious full-screen   This can in winter   E 'also   And it will be until the spring   A time to develop   A time to sing   For Christ has certainly emerged   And for you, a new thing.By Paul Davis Paul Davis is author of Breakthrough for a broken heart a book tells us: "How to overcome disappointments and flowers in your dreams!" It 'a minister, life coach ( and relational, Professional), composed of experts, known worldwide keynote speaker, creative consultant, humor, adventurer, explorer, mediator, liberator and dream-maker.Paul 's compassion for people and passion to travel has taken him more than 50 countries worldwide, where he had a huge effect. Paul has also led to recovery in many war-to, impoverished and tsunami stricken regions of the earth. His nonprofit organization Dream-Maker Ministries builds dreams, and against limitations.Paul 's Breakthrough Seminars inspire, revive, awaken, impregnate with purpose, impart the fire of desire, catapult people into a new level of consciousness, the discovery and destiny dream fulfillment. Paul can be reached at: - 407-967-7553 or 407-282-1745.For more information:    

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