Sunday, December 13, 2009

The man who could not say sorry for his sins

The man who could not say sorry for his sins Sorry start.Though would make your mistakes, And do not discard the time Think there would be remorse, For a car service of crime Send others to die, to pay the price of blood which have made, Only when his posture and represent All about vanity and greed, to secure a perceived niche in history Glowing, over the years Is the extent of your ambition, Pathetic is the limit of your fears, When those who were sent to death, Implicitly believe in you, Parents who leave to see, You said that nothing is true, There is no thought for those who today Whose numbers do not count Have forgotten the past, But continue to mount every day, No thought of resignation, No apologies to those left behind, Only by the ego, Fast forward to now, As if nothing had happened, as if you are absolutely right, as if now is to focus on what And then another day Lost in time, Obscured by clouds half seen, Is not an attack on life IMPEACH and not obscene, May you want to move forward now, Ignore the past and the shame, But it must be tried for treason, And imprisoned for blasphemy.Malcolm Pugh

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