Monday, December 28, 2009

Rose tinted glasses A Poem Part Two

Rose tinted glasses A Poem Part Two World? S ceguera and poet? Vigil1 s) world? S BlindnessMan possible? There seems   Him? S divided   The world in chaos;   We all just sheep?   Now I'm fast asleep   Even if Satan? And on his way! In the dark of night   Him? Ll bu daylight:   Covered with blindness;   When she wakes up,   It will be too late   Lost somewhere in the stars! # 1376 6/24/062) Poet? VigilPoet s, find a way   On the road;   Quickly, please? Today   Write, read the man of my   Very bright images   For the time is short for all   In today's world. # 1375 6/24/06Note: We must make difficult choices in the future as this new century moves forward, not magic, however, expects only mature actions, we live in a hard world, where the fingerprint is the one which is good and the evil of the law, it is not. When I was a child, when someone says this was? On the right, and this is wrong? Was scheduled to hear, is now pushed under the carpet. Editorial seems they need the newspapers to tell us what? S good and evil, and in most cases the document is only a matter of ignorance, people are indifferent to put something out there to make a ball on? Herald Tribune? comes to mind, have a lot of views, comments, I think it is written in stone, when, in essence, is a small green with life, and the war, had never been in one, he never tells us anything which is good and evil. They are recruited because they are able to get my words, phrases of welcome, not common sense, but it may be necessary, God help us all.In these two poems? Poet? S Sleep? For example, it should be noted that, as poets, parents, govement officials have a duty to demonstrate in word and action, what is really happening, extend the rights and wrongs. And in the second poem? World? Ceguera s? is nothing more than read a daily newspaper's inteational role, traveling all over the world and see what is happening: the devil is working overtime, how to play? blind? s bluff. See Dennis' web site: Source:

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