Thursday, December 31, 2009

Attitude and Meaning in Poetry

Attitude and Meaning in Poetry So keep saying that do not like the articles on poetry, but I do, perhaps because the writing of the whole world there, I respect and above all the rest of the poem. My wife was looking over a poem of mine today, makes the translation into Spanish, and you said, you enter a name as a verb, and if you put another word, will be two in the same sentence. And I said, this is not a sentence is a line in a verse, compliments and direct object. To be honest with myself, I could find the word I wanted, I did the floor to be presented as a plural adjective, so I can grow into what I wanted to put an end to line.Then I thought to myself: you are trying to help, and makes more sense for her (not me), so I watched the whole poem, and including, if I had to change this situation in a word, me? d have to change the whole poem, the two series of 10 lines. You can not write a poem, any more than is possible for the creativity does not happen that way. Then I said, let me look and see if there is something in this poetry beyond words that can save the day. And I have restructured the entire poem, and created a deeper sense of what I wanted? But he was happy with her, and left the floor at all, and my wife fell asleep in the chair. I wanted to show my work, I mean, I had to stop everything in my life thinking about this topic to see if we really wanted to change. I think I have done for her.Right or evil, no matter what is the approach or attitude, now I will start all over again.I my world, north, south, east and west, to do better, God, I, my wife and I poetry.First? I realized long ago, the poem that was? exit poetry or poetry that you want, throw away the rest. Good or bad, if? It is not for you, because you Gaver. So if someone you like what you teach, it is good for you, if not, why talk about something or someone that is not for you. If you? T, like I say, don t read me. If yes, then good, don? T conforms to the music that you are sick in this way you can maintain a good attitude. When Elvis was a record, if anyone is in the domain that worry him, he? D cease production and leave. E 'common sense, you can be creative with a bug in the nose, which is why it is good, or perhaps a reason.I give an example of an event that took place in l985, when the Ronald McDonald St . Paul, I was invited to a presentation, but will be shorter than I wanted. However, in the process of participating in my presentation, I was asked to do some 'history, as I do? The story of Willie the Humpback Whale? in l981. Well I did, but? T finished, but I have done this long, would enable officials to review. During the presentation, one of the officers looked over, said something like this: If you can not take the form of rhyme and change the theme of the tortoise to a human being, and thus and so was rude on.He and demanding and I could continue, but I said, 'You know what you want, go do it? and I got up and left. They do not? A need for me or will not, as I went my creativity, and he told me over the phone, which does not? T know what they want, but I found that n? Want to. So instead of trying to make myself believe, and not, I do not have? T or want to waste my time with them. If I missed something, it may be a potential future of a course he knows what I mean, I offered my services.Anyhow, a book that I had done on the whale is moved from a Pulitzer Prize, and I had a nice letter back , but not price. [Meaning of a poem] Sometimes you lose and poet? also knows of himself, or so? I noticed a lot of poetry I? ve read. Most of us think that is the title of the poem, but it could be otherwise. The problem is not when it ends on a subject in itself, but when he hobbles when he already appointed. E? S po 'like sitting with an old friend and the functioning of things to say in order to take what comes to mind: it creates confusion in the reader. If they say, leave them alone, we? No need to book for a person with her. Faulkner is that at times irritates me, but not for its own reasons: it is also lost, do not stop if you are writing? Just slow. I hate to say this, but I: good arrogance, un po 'di bene in poetry? in a poem, if well done, so that you do not? t take to heart, and the display outside of the series. What I write, I write because I want to, there is, in general, and I like a lot of imagination in the coers. Thus, the attitude and direction are important elements in a poem, the reader can see, hear. The reader is no dummy, May they not write, but do not know. Sometimes the best poets, because they do not want to write, but so is love, and what are often those who appreciate more, and don t like about it mopped the floor, that a good look inside, there are poets perhaps the most eccentric of eyes, somewhere in the back of our mind tries to reveal the monster. Is d? see if I can say this right: never write a poem that was written because someone told you they wanted to hear, write, why should it be, perhaps, and this is something that has been forgotten, and would have done, but not enter, you lose the touch of creativity, or at least I, and the meaning of the poem becomes stale.See Dennis' Website

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

S picking lilacs and four other poems

S picking lilacs and four other poems 1. Less LikelyThe past Stone   The future is unreal   This is eteal # 1340 [8 / 2005] 2 Satan is Satan Offergeld freedom:   Despite the Mans   Stupid confidence. # 1341 [8 / 2005] 3 ArrivalLove arrives in the present,   Gratitude in the past?   The future? Vice. # 1342 [8 / 2005] 4 Fill My Bell: FreedomSomething I like freedom?   With his Sidekick called Echo:   Liberty and pursuit of happiness:   Is not free you know?   It has never been, never will be?   Although it seems that it should be.I went to a shop yesterday?   Buy something to eat, my stomach to fill,   Oh, I know that's not all, exquisitely   Discrimination, an example   Simple as it is, is as follows:   Nobody said I could? D: Freedom! # 1343 [9 / 2005] 5 Picking lilacs? SWhen I was young, and then a boy, I have my elderly grandparents - their smell, as if as if? It is the golden apple cinnamon? golden apples of chance. I do not have? T know why find time, I was, saw the beauty simple: just like me. It would have been my life? I asked, choose the lilacs, as if the dandelions in the back: the yard - where, in fact, it lead? There I planted my seeds? I think that [unconsciously]. When I was young, and then a young man, I wanted to become: to grow in many things. Things, people laughed on that? Impossible? He said:? You? Recovery from there: nothing. You? D said:? You? King of this too? e? not enough of them. Not so? t expect to live your dreams? I was the joke of it.I was silent most of all, I remember, most of all this, but I thought it was better: the sick, the legal advice that free remote dogmatica Wisdom: negativisms.And with books , adventure in mind, energy and opportunities, I have traveled, it is free of debt, I was after the man I dreamed, planned, schemed: the expectations of a dead Dray voice, always haunting me. Piece by piece, the man that I was scheduled coming.Jumping every obstacle in my way, burying pride in a watery grave, buing all the bad memories from my back [about me and where I come from, where I would like]: I planted new seeds. Ed was the person I wanted to see some of the older collection little.After many years I have leaed that it takes time: the planting of seeds, the watering of plants, cultivation, which will grow up to see how my grandfather is many years ago. He shouted at me a lot in our family days, but never, never to collect from those lilac bushes in the yard, now I know why: Harvest Time. # 1344 [10/2005] See Dennis' web site:

Monday, December 28, 2009

Rose tinted glasses A Poem Part Two

Rose tinted glasses A Poem Part Two World? S ceguera and poet? Vigil1 s) world? S BlindnessMan possible? There seems   Him? S divided   The world in chaos;   We all just sheep?   Now I'm fast asleep   Even if Satan? And on his way! In the dark of night   Him? Ll bu daylight:   Covered with blindness;   When she wakes up,   It will be too late   Lost somewhere in the stars! # 1376 6/24/062) Poet? VigilPoet s, find a way   On the road;   Quickly, please? Today   Write, read the man of my   Very bright images   For the time is short for all   In today's world. # 1375 6/24/06Note: We must make difficult choices in the future as this new century moves forward, not magic, however, expects only mature actions, we live in a hard world, where the fingerprint is the one which is good and the evil of the law, it is not. When I was a child, when someone says this was? On the right, and this is wrong? Was scheduled to hear, is now pushed under the carpet. Editorial seems they need the newspapers to tell us what? S good and evil, and in most cases the document is only a matter of ignorance, people are indifferent to put something out there to make a ball on? Herald Tribune? comes to mind, have a lot of views, comments, I think it is written in stone, when, in essence, is a small green with life, and the war, had never been in one, he never tells us anything which is good and evil. They are recruited because they are able to get my words, phrases of welcome, not common sense, but it may be necessary, God help us all.In these two poems? Poet? S Sleep? For example, it should be noted that, as poets, parents, govement officials have a duty to demonstrate in word and action, what is really happening, extend the rights and wrongs. And in the second poem? World? Ceguera s? is nothing more than read a daily newspaper's inteational role, traveling all over the world and see what is happening: the devil is working overtime, how to play? blind? s bluff. See Dennis' web site: Source:

Saturday, December 26, 2009

How do I write poetry, the heart and imagination of the reader

How do I write poetry, the heart and imagination of the reader Poems express ideas, experiences and emotions in a concentrated form of ordinary articles, prose or speech. They can rhyme or rhythm in a composition of words. Have a language? The strongest forms of expression. So how can you write a poem that really exposes what you mean? Here are some of the most important elements in the composition and evolution of poetic form. Follow these important steps to write a poem to capture the hearts and imagination of your readers.Choose the poetic rhythm TypeIdentify the kind of poetic rhythm is used for his poetry. Three types are commonly used:? Iambic pentameter? a poetic form of five measures or long and short syllables, ie, without accent, to fight, to seek, find, and not to yield)? Tetra Iambic meter? a poetic form of four measures or long and short syllables without accent? Haiku? poetic form in English of three unrhymed lines of 5, 7 am to 5 pm with a total of 17 syllables syllablesDetermine the room TypeIdentify the verse grouping you for your poetry. Three commonly used verse grouping include:? Couplet? two lines that rhyme, one after the other, that is to say? Twinkle, twinkle little starHow 'I wonder what are they? ? Tercet? three lines that rhyme in different ways? Quatrains? a row or a poem of four lines, as is often the rhymes Ababa, ABBA abcbChoose primary or rhymes PatteHow the lines of the poem rhyme within a room? Different line rhyming pattes can be used, especially if your poem is a quatrain. Three simple line rhyming pattes are:? ABCB? ABABA? aabbSelect a main theme for poetry is your PoemWhat about? It should focus on a theme or a particular topic such as:? Love? Life? Nature? A feeling? One of the main PersonIdentify Redewendungen for PoemWhat are some of the keywords you want to use in your poetry? Write as many of you? D as well as in your poetry. Try as many as you comfortably use: Three or four might suffice for a short poem, while the words can easily be up to a dozen keywords. Some examples of words in the first place could be the love poetry? Passion? Desire? Loneliness? Beauty? Honesty? SincerityThese steps you will receive written poetry that is read and taken note and will help the party? Metzger word? Those who don? t with a rule or form, which can help their poetry written Excel. For more tips and techniques for the composition of this most difficult form of language in context, the companion article? How to evoke images, feelings and ideas in writing poetry in which your readers imagination? Prof. Larry M. Lynch is an expert author and photographer with Web Content Services for writing high quality articles on: education, language leaing, salt and fresh water fishing, exotic foods, travel and culture South America, the ethnic issues? Blacks, Latinos, native Indian tribes, health, inteet business and more? His work has in Transitions Abroad, South American Explorer, Escape From America, Mexico News, Brazil Magazine and hundreds of sites online. For fr * e * e sample articles and content Web E-mail:

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

War Poems Home Now in Spanish and English

War Poems Home Now in Spanish and English 1) The CurseNever, or death, was a curse, because   Crushed, of your youth for war   For the war machine;   Here, the hatred and madness kiss?   And the horror of the circles of the eyebrows   Die? (Middle East). Garlands of snakes there are, and   For peace, a golden chain with no name   Just whistle a hellish, with a kiss? # 1080 1/18/20062) Machine Warf the war machine with the red;   In the steel and lead?   I believe that our young lambs:   Our children, the dead?   Quenchless and bad and sad:   Feed the war machine with the red. # 1079 1/17/20063) Babylon? S SUNW give into the hands of strangers   Implacable and men?   The small disturbance, ie   We give our destiny!   And when you feel sorry for our dead,   We only regret, sad, but she argues.   Bitter in the twilight with:   Lips of steel and stone moan   Only in the deserts of sand?   Babylon, under the vulture   The sun? Like a crow: hanging   Most of America, have re   Come, for our children? # 1081 1/17/20064) Lonely Stari this world will never know   Only in this dark, shadowland thin?   The search for bodies and souls   Roaming from one place to another;   Observers of this planet? S   Beyond the game, go away from   (Among the clouds of heaven).   Where is the light? The light!   Here I have only the music and silence;   In this case say: let's forget   Today or tomorrow we can all   Fear of the dark horizon. # 1082 1/17/2006IN SPANISH   Translated by Nancy PenalozaLa war home [Poetry] 1) The DesgraciaNunca? Oh! The death was a shame as this   From your youth crushed by the war   With m? Quina of war;   Here, the hatred and madness kissed   And crowns for the fronts of horror   Dying ... (Middle East).   Snake is the garland? N All? Y   For peace, a golden chain with no name   Only a Silbido hell? with a kiss ...!# 1080 1/18/20062) m? quina guerraAlimente of m? machine of war with the red;   Violence and steel leaded   Supp? J NTEL our lambs? Same:   Our children? Infelice dead ...!   Insatiable and evil and sad:   Feed m? Quina the war with the red. # 1079 1/17/20063) Sol De BabiloniaDamos in the hands of strangers   And men without scruples   Just as memorable, ie   ? We give them our destiny!   And when we complain of our dead,   It just seems sad lament.   In CREP? Schools bitter with:   Lips of steel and stone gemimos   In the sands of the desert only -;   Babylon, under the Vulture   The sun - as a crow skulks   About Soy? Rica, the King has   Come with our children ...!# 1081 1/17/20064) Star SolitariaNunca know? this world   Only in this dark, dark dark earth --   Looking for the bodies and souls   Wander from one place to another;   Custodians of this planet   Game passenger, watching from afar   (Among the clouds of heaven).   ? D? NDE is? light? ? Light!   I have here? only the m? music, and silence;   Feast on this saying: forget? Mosler   Ma? Ana and today, we can all   Fear of the dark horizon. # 1082 1/17/20See Dennis' website:

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Before dawn in Beijing, a poem and love

Before dawn in Beijing, a poem and love [A Love Affair] The nights are long, it seemed an age   (All before dawn in Beijing),   Kam youthful smile, my magic age   And we, who belongs to every heartbeat   A sweet compulsion that the tone   The outbreak, a powerful moing in Beijing;   Then yellow flowers seem to fall (singing):   It was an empire with the pain and Summits   I am a sea and sky? The darkness is deep, a sleepy soul   Somewhere between reality and sleep,   Tides of Time and Matter disappeared?   Pure was released from memory   The items I have never heard   And the dreams and the echoes   Also, I have the Light of the Stars   Before dawn in Beijing,   What haunts the cable in my past? # 1371 6/17/06In write the story? An Affair in Beijing? Original title? Stockbridge Romance? I added an old poem that I had done in 1997 when I did live this matter, and it seemed right, a new poetry of this book. And so I came to this poem, and I say maybe change the name of history in the name of the poem. Usually I change the name to my lonely stories, novels or short several times in history. The title in important, but if you write the story and at the same time, so that history for others to read, often change. In the case of a recent history that I have? Ve on the Inteet? A Romance in Augsburg? the title is not and does not change just because the story is good, and it was five years ago. Now people are, as stated in a review of the species, is one reediting. For a time the book was in progress, and I had to publishers in the last minute to change the title, and did.See Dennis' website: Source:

Monday, December 21, 2009

Article about the two poems and poetry

Article about the two poems and poetry TomorrowWhat to write poetry that a man must be a poet, or tomorrow? S literary giant? Many questions that a student has applied to Harvard, the way in which all communities at a college? S was bo. What is the answer? Well, I can give you mine, and I? Of course, if you asked a hundred writers, or a hundred scholars, you? D answers.I get two hundred different? Surely some will say: hard work, while others may say, the right of universities, or a period of rest, or you know. Money can play a role in what others say, and the possibility, I mean, given the opportunity. And it can be for everyone, but allow me to believe that iron could put the cellar, for its rather well-cleaned by it.What is great for you? Well, for me is when something is natural, easy. And so must be the assumption that we are talking about. What's experiences in isolation, imprisonment (whether or not an environment: how mired in drugs or alcohol or prison, war, sadness or holes, or illness. What delicacy and beauty in themselves, then • S search for a sense of 'humor when the chips are special? wit might fit better, and what is strong, if not strange empathy and passion. All schools and brains in the world can not replace those requirements. If you have these, and the money, time and the school all the best, if not, probably, of its intention to tired to write, however, you have nothing to say but rather girlLittle report better.Hollow eyes hollow-eyed girl Of great impact in the world Wearing a pink flannel nightgown? And bare all?. Durmiente parents unknown Slipped out of bed (somewhere) A voice whispers, unexpectantly (A thin mouth trembling):? It is similar to a kind of Image that could be?. The mother comes to collect The child in her embrace ? Poor little thing? do you think (Still in his dream). The boy is back? Once abandoned by its mother Released again into oblivion. However, the echo? Mamma? Have you heard? Again and again (Like the sound of a train on the tracks). But aren? It is not cold? Asks the woman to dream? Come, take my hand? The child ste now look With pale lips? Puckered disappointed He whimpers a pathetic attempt tear.With Called once again (the child doubts) Says:? I do not know the way? And No? No time? And as you wake up, the child 585 disappear !...# [3/24/05] 3rd Day SpringBirds shit, while in flight Male bees lives, and die And the people who are alone! # 586 [3/24/05] Mr. Siluk is a poet, writer of short stories and for the most part. Althogh who did much of the policy, and received a personal letter from President Bush for his contributions in the month of May, in support of its policies. He lives in Minnesota, and Peru, and has recently completed a new book called "Cold Kindness," which will be soon. Website:

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Solitude and lurking Ripples Two Poems

Solitude and lurking Ripples Two Poems 1SolitudeAll I always wanted was a meal   And a bed? A roof over my head   (And maybe a little 'wine or beer)   I do not have? T really needs a good woman anymore.A   Nice, I thought later,   Order together with beer and a bed,   Roof and a little 'wine know.Anyhow you, I have always been good, with a   Small room, an apartment, to identify:   It 'was all I really need, in addition   With a pen in hand and some paper, paper from me to write my poetry,   When I sober enough to write or   Perhaps einsam now with my new wife,   Wine, beer? And, of course, that bed.And course: freedom, the cause   We all went to war for the way back when?   Many times! Unsure of how many friends   Was to die for them, again when.That? And all I ever really needed. Yes, oh yes   Why: Without a doubt, I found my   Soul? S solitude somewhere buried in all these   Somewhere in my little coer of solitude. # 1204 2/12/062Ode to ambush RipplesHere, windDid waves of the song of Hell?   The Abyss-door was openSomething foot theGrass? One form, a form? I see? Vivid as the veins in me;   Evil lurks (Mighty)! Dedicated and inspired by Clark A. Smith and George Sterling, after reading the many letters to each other. # 1099 1/25-06See Dennis' website:

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Poems of Nature

Poems of Nature Nature   The sky is gray   In this day of late summer   As the sun gives   The different colors   After the scene.   A look to see   A beauty to see,   Campfire one thousand stories to tell.   By defining twilight   And the night fixing   If the system of fog   About each protocol   Each part   Since the light is too low.   But you hear?   Yes, a family spirit,   What's the name   For us, patron of nature,   Those who believe, deep thoughts   All things above   And all the things around   And adventure, to which bound.   So,   Let us begin   Before this big night is over!   Nature II   How to continue to tread   The well-wo path between the trees,   Many thoughts in my head swim   From refreshing beauty   The fresh air and clean   Playing in my hair,   The rainbow   Which started to show   In the tops of the trees,   The birds? openly symphonies   And the rays of the sun to warm my face   Since I am open to all the Sunday lit room.   Nature has its own music,   Its specially tuned melody.   I never want to lose,   For what it means to me,   I can never fully express   I also like the feeling in my chest.   It is here, in the woods,   This place of nature and spirit,   I feel blessed that   And ignore the old habit   Humanity   In the sense   Its own activities   And forget about nature.   Come friend,   Let's go this way once again   Before the end of this great day!   Nature III   In this heaven so great   I see a small cloud of dense,   Holding tight and tense,   Ready to fall to their contents,   To delete   And clean   All this nonsense poetry.   Yes, I am guilty of many sins.   The gray of the day   While watching the flashes of fire,   I play with my too human   We hope soon to hope the sun's rays,   This piece of jewelry on my soul shadows in shades of gray.   I come now clear   Until that our death,   What is good and just   In the eyes of God   Our nature is often challenging   It denies.   Nevertheless,   Let me not digress,   I hope to work and for the better,   And I never   God promises   Salvation, not least   For those who believe in him,   And their govement quickly abandoned sinners.   Well, how to find the love of God strong and true,   We begin our new adventure   And the nature of new   Before the end of this great day!   Type IV   As I walk the beach, glittering,   I watch the waves breaking on the shore.   All natural joy seems within reach,   And I like even more.   There are many sites that I see:   A lot of people fishing on the pier,   Lovers whispers are not designed for,   And the younger swimmers who are not afraid!   But, as I watch the birds,   And they appear in the search for fish,   I am aware that these words   Can not describe all that!   However, the great flow of life   Even more to ebb and flow.   Live by faith, for all our disputes   Will be solved by God, not what you know.   Well, let's start this jouey again!   We walk on the beach hand in hand,   In the afteoon tide is   And it exceeds a foot in the sand! Owen Johnston, lives and teaches Wado Ryu Karate in Lake City, South Carolina. Enjoys reading, writing, teaching, and spending time with his girlfriend. The poem is an excerpt from the author of the book titled "Heaven on Earth", a sample of which is available at the Johnston Wado Ryu Karate - online community.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Arizona Blue gunfighter The Wolves Nest chapter of one of the seven North

Arizona Blue gunfighter The Wolves Nest chapter of one of the seven North [Episode Five] Arizona Blue? GunfighterThe Wolves Nest? In the North [Episode Five] Northe Minnesota Area? Winter 1877Chapter one of the seven: The NorthThe was known as Pigs Eye [St. Paul, Minnesota]; Northfield was a little 'more famous by Jesse James robbed the 1st National Bank, in September last year, and more in the West. But this was neither here nor there for Blu-Arizona. Did not? T, as this part of the country, for no other reason that it was cold, unpredictable weather conditions, and didn? T seem to offer sufficient freedom, which was not? T ill than thirty years ago, but had become weak, because the thought of Mark Twain. His conclusion, why was he here? Sometimes it's easy to continue riding and riding and in the end, if not? T care to be. As he horseback through thick snow, it is a cabin in a field where the deer is running like crazy? back and forth? The Mavericks were in Arizona, Texas and Wyoming. He smelled the smoke from a chimney in the area. It was a hundred and fifty miles north of St. Paul, but it seemed that Artic.As in Arizona came to a hut, a man came out of the door to his porch. Two wolves standing at his side, a gun in his hand. He noted on the back of his house more than thirty wolves on the fence;? Strange? Blue thought. Yaw can help a foreigner? asks the man in the porch.Blue knew more than everyone in this area do not know his name, and that was one of the reasons was unconscious for the Midwest, I suppose, a time for a pause for those who wanted to ask you shoot in the back, or had to tangle with next. His reputation in the West was before him where to go d, but here, here in the Midwest, who know his name? None, he speculates. Northfield was too hot for him as, after the James Gang shoot, and the appearance of St. Paul St. Louis, a conservative small town on the banks of the Mississippi that does not get enough and fight for him, and they sold little books on him? The Fast Gun of the West: Arizona-Blue. It is necessary, as all the gunfighter: Billy the Kid, Jesse James, Wild Bill, and so forth. I need a place to submit for a day or two. Are half frozen. The man laughed and motioned for Blue to tie his horse to the side and come in.As Blue descended on his horse, he was a boy, and took his horse and said:? I? Ll read him a spell checker, feed him for you sir. Blue is one of the Midwest, was the hospital for foreigners, they had to, because sooner or later? finished for all the other assist. ? This type of yaw is a nice feeling? He said Blue himself.As at home, he noticed a slim woman of middle age, some of Simmering stew (about thirty-six years has? D guess). Mister some hot cider? asked.Blue was not sure what that was, but he knew that it was not? t whiskey. Sounds warming, I think? ll be good girl? unsure how to her.She smiled and said:? You? Not here, I gather, you have a south-weste accent? I? m Arizona called, I believe, because that is where I am from. Arizona thing? He asked. That? S Miss it, that is Arizona? And what is my pop called me, neither more nor less. She smiled again, man back in the rear of the house, the snow all his feet. Yaw Hello, my name is Harry? his hand to shake, Arizona? s? and this is my wife who Feba? s Spanish and a little 'sweet, that woman. Harry! Stop Me blushing. Well? Arizona has said? it seems that wolves are around here. I raise. You can come in handy. It was everything that was said about the nest of wolves. Arizona has the exodus of the things that was private and he was not? T-step of a man? Privacy. Mr. Arizona, enter your jacket for my boyfriend, Tony. He was on the back of Arizona. He hadn? T heard Arizona has come as his jacket, Harry, Tony and Feba noticed the weapons. Arizona has had a close against his thigh, and deep into his belt. You won? T need here sir? Harry said with a small smile conce.Arizona. He was not a man in Minnesota, or anywhere for that, only a famous man, and only rarely is the road to the north, and this was new for him, if this is Wyoming, or Texas, or that the question Tombstone or dead, the weapons would remain. But he began to unbuckle Harry then for them to work for a safe jouey. How are the problems here in India? Blue asked. Sometimes it's ok, other times not? T know. We have had several stand here a year ago, and the Chippewa? S bued after three of them. Rapped women, after the intoxication, and diminished. The Indians are on the streets. You never know. I hunt bears and foxes and sell the skins at Fort Smelling. And yaw, a few wolves can be seen at the end fur. Yaw has to eat. I hate them, but to kill. Harry noticed Arizona where the weapons hung, right in the changing room, to your doorstep. If you need them, O Lord, that? Re right of capture. I have the picture, Harry. Time for dinner, you? s about 11-below zero is not so bad for the dead of winter. You? T think it was 10:00 a.m. clock, but is rapidly dark here, the only 6:00 PM. Not much daylight in the heart of the winter season. Tonight will be up to 20 + below. E 'as the cold knocks the sun soon I swear. There is now a cold, cold winter, strangers, I mean Arizona. Since all four sat down to eat, said Harry grace to thank God for his wife, son, and that foreigners do not get frozen as a cycle of ice before his cabin. Let's eat? Says Harry, and immersed in the hot stew stew.The was great, although in Arizona when it was his third assist. My name is Alex, Mr. Arizona. Are you a gunfighter? You know Jesse James and Billy the Kid? Shut up? Feba said? Mr. Arizona is a gentleman, not a murderess. Said Harry, a little 'uncomfortable with his arms hanging, where the coats and hats hung? Mater of fact, if not? T Spirit, what is your line of work? Well, what? sa good question. I? Ve, a soldier who fought in the Battle of Chickamauga, and I was sheriff for a while ', and an alteate. And I think one could say a cowboy Art Not sure what a gunslinger, but maybe. Jack of many trades do I see? commented Harry.Feba looked blue eyes, was almost frozen by them. But her husband was the jealous type, and said nothing, only smiled and continued eating his stew.Dennis Siluk finished his latest book, "Peruvian Poems" to do soon to happen, and in the coming months [ 29 - Poetry in English and Spanish] are looking for. You can see his other works or

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Easter Resurrection Poem

Easter Resurrection Poem Many cry and wonder why   And for more insights   By Big Daddy in the sky   Not knowing what? Los S   After no one on whom to keep   If the church is more than   And all you gone.Once and the offer was   All shake hands   An exchange of smiles   A reminder of some names   Dreams remain open with   Waiting for Christ in continuous   The hope of the glory of   To burst the bonds of   Take the form   Fulfill his word   And all surprised.   The meaning of life   As can be   Christ through   Would be below   In order for me!   Amazing Love   Moreover, understanding   That on the cross   Christ knew how painful suspension   Brutal torture   The lashing of whips and languages   The departure of the Holy Spirit   After he was numbIt? S in the quiet moments   The defeat seems obvious   That the seed sown is of importance   The power of the Resurrection has grown   The sufferings of Christ fully known   If they seem to stay single   Many don? T understand   And they are ready to judge   However, be careful not to   Knowing that the judges   I also judge strictly   I consider all my heart   The desire to walk circumspectly   To divine selflessly.Nevertheless and live life? S can be difficult   And his ability to delay temporarily   They make contracts, such as lard   Dulling your senses   Worrying your soul   Implementation of all areas of your life   Conce, and their tollThanks, but God   The son has   With power, force and fire in their eyes   Although many do not recognize   And he publicly despised   But when you retu from defeat   Many hid in fear   Others asked for a surprise   The victims have applauded happy   Counting his resurrection   Your staff is my urgent request victoryIt   That the personalization of Christ? S Triumph   In case of death, hell and the grave   For you, it certainly   He came to   His death   As your life   His step   Breaking the chains for you today!   Liberating for all aspects   No matter what you do or say   Christ? S victory personally appropriated   Can your day better   Illuminate the path   Reversing the curse   Remove the tendency to try   Your pain and setbacks   For in Christ   Also bounce back!   And you are blessed   It can boldly Express   Its more about your less   His goodness   His mercy many   His infinite joy   His grace foundation   His spirit immeasurably   So, before you walk or step back   Consider God? S Height   For Christ? S mouing   In your joy   His pain   In your gainHis less   In Your Plus   So why the noise?   Take your eyes of course   And watch the sky   Where your help comes from   Get a perspective   And outside of your problems   It is no longer active   Now is the time   For life for fun   And, as Christ our example   You are too powerful to overcome! So arise and take your love   And all that the dream of   Bounty is one of the nations   Build Dreams   Pause and Limitations   Because many abroad   To be touched and transformed   Because of Christ? S Crucifixion   And glorious resurrection! This is the pain   This power is known   To love is not vain display   Even if you try to deny that   It continues to grow   Despite months of abandonment   It is not where   Given the cruelty and criticism   Still alive   Although the killing   Streamline or he   Try   And to the outside are   E 'on by Nags   Do not rationalize away   With psychoanalysis or spin   Christ is the hope of glory   Always wins! The argument against love   You can not win   So that this provision   Take this boundless, immeasurable love   And if it is the people   To overcome the world   Tu on its head   Take in the head   Down in the depths of the heart   Ignite a fire in   From which the soul can not multiply and departMagnify   The infeo is raging in your heart   And to erect a monument of love   An eteal masterpiece   From the hardest of hearts   Can not depart   We try all know that the human race   The foundation has glorious full-screen   This can in winter   E 'also   And it will be until the spring   A time to develop   A time to sing   For Christ has certainly emerged   And for you, a new thing.By Paul Davis Paul Davis is author of Breakthrough for a broken heart a book tells us: "How to overcome disappointments and flowers in your dreams!" It 'a minister, life coach ( and relational, Professional), composed of experts, known worldwide keynote speaker, creative consultant, humor, adventurer, explorer, mediator, liberator and dream-maker.Paul 's compassion for people and passion to travel has taken him more than 50 countries worldwide, where he had a huge effect. Paul has also led to recovery in many war-to, impoverished and tsunami stricken regions of the earth. His nonprofit organization Dream-Maker Ministries builds dreams, and against limitations.Paul 's Breakthrough Seminars inspire, revive, awaken, impregnate with purpose, impart the fire of desire, catapult people into a new level of consciousness, the discovery and destiny dream fulfillment. Paul can be reached at: - 407-967-7553 or 407-282-1745.For more information:    

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Why do I write a masochistic s Dream

Why do I write a masochistic s Dream My site has given me a mission. I'm writing an article explaining why it is written. It seemed so simple that I have looking at the expanse of virgin white.Do you want the dramatic version, or the logic of meaning that almost, at least if you know me well? Oh heck, I just start writing and see what is out.Let me tell you what I think on the words to begin with, and because I believe that some of my most profound statements come out in rhyme c This is how you arrive them.What is this place? Why is it so unique!   Look, I have eyes and a face, feet? There is a blob on my face. I call a nose.   And those wiggly things stand, is toes.There on the keyboard, you need hands   connected with the rest, by a long flexible bands.At the end of my hands, fingers or feet?   I imagine that my choice, really knows.Words because that was created so that people could share,   all the things he lived with, with others that cared.If flower that I called and called the Star   our talks are not very far.But until someone said yes, he knew   if I wore my foot, an umbrella or shoes? I hope that you get the drift of this poem. I was in a silly mood when I wrote it, but it says exactly what I meant ... that words are the basis for communication, and the community of our language allows us to share ideas and lea from each other. And what I do with my writing is to take those words and combine them to make a poem or a story to you, or anyone interested to read what has happened in my mind. I write because sometimes I need to unleash the ideas that have formed. Seeing the clarity or confusion of my thoughts on paper allows me to order and determine exactly what I feel things. I wish to express my deepest feelings of my poetry, and if you do cry, you know that my face was wet and probably. My friends tell me to write when you know that I am in a state of mind to something, because they know that writing heals me. I can not tell you why it works that way, so if it is, maybe it's just a release.That version was dramatic. The logic is that I'm better in writing. Not long ago, I retued to university to achieve even some academics, and to take all the classes that could help me become a better writer. To get a diploma, I had to take a speech class. Yes, I would be very good with words. I have had poetry readings, and I spoke of my head to my children for 33 years, but put in front of an audience (no matter) and all the words that I made with great care, to go God knows where to lead. No, not a public speaker. I did discover from this class that are parts of our brain that gove our ability to use the words. In my particular case, the surface of the floor underdeveloped.But this is normal. She put me in front of a keyboard and my fingers wing, only the difficulty of keeping my brain as I compose.There another reason why I write. As I had some 'older that I realized that it is too easy to sit back and remain silent on something that I do not like, than to speak and give my spirit kicked a fuss. But if I do not know how my mind is that whoever I do not like something? And maybe, just maybe, someone out there agrees with me and he is just sit and be silent too. Perhaps some things should be changed, and perhaps my words will be the promoters of this change. I am not conceed to be more politically correct, and if someone has criticized me for being irrational I just wrote to the menopause. (I have found that to be effective a good excuse!) What I'm writing, because there are things I want to say. I hope that you find interesting as you read! Marie Pacha? Exploded on the scene of writing? in 2001.   His first two books will be delivered in the form   copy and its latest two are in bookstores now.Get Mary? s Newsletter:   The Dragon's Digest   Mailto:   Entering a world of magic, chaos and humor.     Copyright? 2005-2006 Marie Pacha

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Key Largo Frater Albertus

Key Largo Frater Albertus Key Largo: The fans tu lazily in front of the open doorThey with galoreAn mangroves in Everglades Egret stalks its preyHaltingly walking along the wayOn bright daya another woman? S Schlapphut shadow of their beauty, not so brittleThe silk scarf, hat littleShe waves only break the threshold of doorSurveying what is it? s forShe research is looking for Meher beauty review to see. Where are you from? noticed, while I had a frownOn other sofa sits elegantly downIn The small lobby bar? A city in the north and far away. My heart began a frantic beatHer wire was not just the heat. Let me guess? Toronto is enough? In New York? .. E 'grainy. The open lobby with lounge chairs rattanEncompassed we now came the ranMimosas Munchies wentPhilosophizing and led us to inventAll way of reasons to head spinWhile We have a special friend grin.A with much depth and timeWhen years after the largest Crimea Lobby InnRecalling back to the way cooedRemembering particular moodWe than ever broodThe a waitress noticed as I mumbled cried? We do not stock?. Frater Albertus Magnus: He Huddle on the small bowl I toldHe my arrival, I Boldi wait in a room on the ground floorAnd ask what is behind the massive door supervision of its "symbols, carved complétée identify Bathomet near my feetPtah T -square and gargoyles repleteA "spagyric" touch, a family Eyeon on top of the pyramid to reach the sky, and you wonder why I IHere in Salt Lake City to see Frater Albertus MagnusThe leader of a global group some call the "wizard . He comes from a healthy downstairsCobwebs dangle from his appearance and manner hairsHis are welcoming feel like this is my homecoming'Hello my son, he came to recommend? Before that night ended there is truth to "Stone'Now with means and methods knownHe told me about his look in futureAnd We have opportunities, we must nurtureThe iron" hot "one, well, I that I would soon become the "vote! But there is another covenant makeWhich I led my knees quake, there is always the truth of many thingsDo do not worry about the "toe touches rings'The complete nerve muscle spasms I can sense the ground under the feetAnd bring your "Vision Quest" Make your home on Gaia breast'I wish much success on your jouey? He closed the door, I heard! N., called the elixir of youth for less than lead into gold, I need to I look around the world seeMy "votes", the same soul FREEAnd in all, the love with the "World Mind'For me - think only rarely kind! Author of several druids Columnist for the magazine ES Assessment "expert" worldwide

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Power of Eating Disorders

The Power of Eating Disorders   We hope closeI on afraid.Afraid of what might be see.My eyes.My thoughts.My dreams.My heart.My soul.Everything that makes me who I am.My feelings.My emotions.The truth my own reality. The fact that I scared.Every second.Every minute.Every hour.Every day.Scared not perfect.Scared research stupid.Scared in way.Scared get comfortable comfortable.Getting means stability, stability forever.I terror forever. So, I am ready for the next step in my jouey to continue my life .... I'm ready! Mary Pat uses his gift of poetry, hoping to help others, their own gifts.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The man who could not say sorry for his sins

The man who could not say sorry for his sins Sorry start.Though would make your mistakes, And do not discard the time Think there would be remorse, For a car service of crime Send others to die, to pay the price of blood which have made, Only when his posture and represent All about vanity and greed, to secure a perceived niche in history Glowing, over the years Is the extent of your ambition, Pathetic is the limit of your fears, When those who were sent to death, Implicitly believe in you, Parents who leave to see, You said that nothing is true, There is no thought for those who today Whose numbers do not count Have forgotten the past, But continue to mount every day, No thought of resignation, No apologies to those left behind, Only by the ego, Fast forward to now, As if nothing had happened, as if you are absolutely right, as if now is to focus on what And then another day Lost in time, Obscured by clouds half seen, Is not an attack on life IMPEACH and not obscene, May you want to move forward now, Ignore the past and the shame, But it must be tried for treason, And imprisoned for blasphemy.Malcolm Pugh

Saturday, December 12, 2009

True To Your Art

True To Your Art My name is Jeffrey Michael Miller, and I am a poet with the American Public, a new book called "From The Inside Out." This article discusses the main themes in my eyes, and the problem is how to be true, what is your art, the art might be. My art is poetry, and then use them as an example, but my opinion about this article shall apply to any kind have a real passion for this, because I believe it is universal. I see many people who love to write, as I call it crossover artists who write in many genres, but have no real specialty. I see romance science fiction writers or authors, the placing of poetry entitled to authors / poets and this is worrying for me. I am a poet, loves poetry and focused on poetry, so that this kind of thing when it comes to the crossing, I personally find insulting. People who do this kind of gender crossing, in my opinion are just trying their names in as many places as possible, hoping that in a stick and someone will. I think we are little, what you are writing and are only for the treatment of the press, that is. In the field of music do not see rapper / country artists because the literary world, we see Romance / Science Fiction / poet? In my opinion, the crossover does not have a real passion or belief in a genre, then write in all and for me is worrying. In my belief, but also reduce the benefits and the real artists usually only one and only one gender. You will never become a brain surgeon proctologist and you should not mistake the author / poet of the world that the poets do not reduce what is happening in the arts. I study karate and I took the time to find a real street effective self defense system of the real value is not enough for the sport or acrobatic performances. I have a passion for art and I'm good, does not want Zapping with other things like a bad salad. E 'already perfect in every way to me, without me or someone else, that the mix and change the real and effective and valuable home. I think my message to the crossover would be to stop the thinning of the technique, is used only for themselves and then a poet, poets real shame, because in this way. Take a look at what M.C. Hammer, if you have more than dance, and the bat, and you will understand the true poet is wrong light in. Think with passion and originality, once and applies to your art with a particular focus on the party who asserts that his art. Leave us alone and stop diluting with your work and a little 'exaggerated ego. It applies to your art man. Once you change, and it is an 'art is no longer what it was and that begins to change due to Dabble and crossovers in search of another place for their name, and filter me. If you know your true and genuine interest is not the poetry, and then let the people there as a genuine interest in writing romance or whatever you do, because you are not and never will a poet.

Friday, December 11, 2009

A Poet s Journey Dranow Ralph will be a compassionate witness fillets s Homeless

A Poet s Jouey Dranow Ralph will be a compassionate witness fillets s Homeless Like libraries? This tidy, little worlds of paper and glitter and yesterday, ideas, facts, memories, observations and feelings, which, from time to time, the flesh and the blood enters the world? Poet and historian Ralph oral Dranow does.Having lived, worked and breathed book over fifteen years, celebrated the Sunday ritual, the nycBigCityLit by Tim Scannel believes are the best poems on the aura and library patrons. In its twenty-Fifth Sunday ritual poetry, Mr. Dranow pulled out of his fifteen years as a library used to tell stories of the world slide, and occasionally break, and out of him. I read the poems of the Lord always clear Dranow a compelling read. [Sunday ritual of Ralph Dranow, First Prize Winner, 2000 Nerve Cowboy Chapbook Contest; Liquid Paper Press, PO Box 4973, Austin, Texas 78765, $ 4] from the library now, developing his oral history practice in Oakland, the volunteering in the faithful Fools in San Francisco, where he was a witness to the lives of homeless people on the streets and reading to residents of Piedmont Gardens Community retirement, it is clear that the limits of physical libraries Haven? Re t-lovers, this book, physically or mentally.His Lanky frame remains unstooped Hazel and eyes, the world of San Francisco? n old-new, half-alive, Wicked innocent, compassion and gritty tenderloin with a twinkle as he sets off on new voyages of discovery that the challenge of his heart, mind, and good reading mind.I Ralph Dranow poems in His Book, tenderloin ratings, which for the people of San Francisco tenderloin and stupid believers, a fillet of district educational and charitable organization, in 1998? for the existence of poverty at the center of the material well-being? in this beautiful, famous liberal city-by-the-bay. Filet? Home glide, S. And San Antonio Boniface Church? is one of the most dense concentration of addiction, the homeless and other social services in country.I loved by Dranow? s poetry, as news, information-rich, the faces, voices, thoughts, feelings, and the conditions of San Francisco tenderloin homeless. I admired the skills of listening and observation, and courage, both public and private, these 21 poems represented. [Fillets Voices, by Ralph Dranow; Spruce Street Press, Oakland, CA; Price: $ 5; from portable Blessings Ledger, PO Box 21622, Piedmont, CA 94620] Mr. Dranow is also the author of "The woman that Knocked Out Sugar Ray - Short Stories; Sure hands Lifting Me Heaven? Poetry; voyeur of heart? Poetry, green leaves for the hair - a collection of poems in collaboration with Teresa Baumberger.Recently I ventured to ask what Mr Dranow helped him that he was.Mr Dranow said he had leaed from his mistakes. As often happens, the pain stimulates growth and change. He moved to write in poetic prose about sixteen years after a divorce, to recognize him, that he needed for his life to expand, more risks, and expand their consciousness. He joined a group of men, has studied Tai Chi, began meditation and reading books on Buddhism. Write poetry? He added:? was an important opportunity for me to retu my essential self, to overcome my sense of separation, but I feel my connection with all other living beings. So, my second marriage, Naomi Rose, is a great opportunity for me to lea and grow, to see where I'm from the mark and working to get closer and closer, with Naomi love, support and wisdom. and my work with the faithful was inspired silly, being associated with people with generous hearts and spirits, which are for the creation of more community and love in the world has been a great blessing. Mr. Dranow poems reflect its continuing jouey into the consciousness and the recovery? his essential self. Copyright 2005 Michael Chack Daniels. All rights reserved.ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Do not You Love people stories, their challenges and struggles to overcome these obstacles, their successes, and what strengths and skills, which used to be successful? San Franciscan Michael Chack Daniels, who grew up in Bombay, ha. He believes that every person, the story can be an inspiration to us all. Books: Writers Workshop, Calcutta: in two (1971, 2004), Everything is misplaced Dirt (1971, 2004), and Damn Romantic Fool (1972, 2005). Since 2005, he retued to work, the three novels, written in the past three decades, which had gathered dust in his closet, while he was providing services in Berkeley and Oakland at the Center for Independent Living, and later , to reach jobs for the homeless consortium until 2004. A flash-fiction piece of his, Sing an Indian Name, Denver Syntax magazine online free Read all Indian and his American trip on his website, US-India Writing Station, at:

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Poetic six poems crying attitudes

Poetic six poems crying attitudes Advance: Mr. Siluk? S is the value of the symbolist poetry, the sensual impressions, verbal magic and even children's jingle, at times the popular 8-syllable verse (ballad meters). Free verse, with lamenting poetic moods, even satire (poems, inside and out). Here are some of your most recent poems. Rosa Pe? Aloza.Lamenting poetic soul (Six Poems) By Dennis SilukSpring Scene: Rain [Along the Mississippi] Dusk falls. Mist Shows nothing of goodness. And now, as the sun goes down, A dead faint glimmer, hardlyseen? Conces the city, along theMississippi? With the rain overshadowed the spring? Everything is cold and gray. N. moon at all, only drabrain pale? Dark rain all day and night; Pale-dark rain along theMississippi?. Note: # 670 [5/16/05], inspired by the rain; St. Paul, Minnesota, and Juan Ramón Jimenez.Wariwilca [From ancient ruins in the Andes of Peru, 700 AD] ancient ruins hidden In the Mantaro Valley Huancayo? An aroma of silence? Living In the quiet of the sky From Wariwilca! ... A joyous breeze against my knee As I kneel And drink from the spring? In the silence of the angles The ruins, spirits remain Unruffled?. # 671/5/16/05American Company: Yellow Moon Lightw are Christians, but they It is not the faith? We are the Church, but Not spiritual? We have no roots, but They have big feet! E 'a land of all Goveed by everyoneEven mystics? There are the mountains and the sky And everyone tries to fly? We love God, or Without him? It should be clear? We are worried about death, money and beer! (And most people hate poetry At best). Our young people, and Congress With long grass and under the sky? It is on a road that leads to a lie! As for me? Books, New York, shortly before Sunrise: yellow moon light shines through My empty room?. Bye, bye, next stop My poetry is alive With cosmic garbage? # 669White PerilWeakness walks of life! Man against the anguish of Satan! Feeling aggrieved, and consequently suffer Madly altered your soul! There are many, but there ? white paint for the weak closure humans.The poor? the poor! Stick your face; Put in place, offering full destinies.Weakness golden horse of life of human beings! Madly altered the soul of Satan: Crazed eyes, shoulders high, high He calls us? In his hideout near !...# 668Cesar Vallejo? S: Black RosesBow ol feasible in your head? poet? To meet God? S grace before No more digging trenchesTo today? In the forest of heads, What? Lean, lean, Ol? barbaric poet! Death walks in front of the horse I heard the crackling of a whip See the crowds eyes death.He quote his lair? The winds of hell, What? Bow, bow downYour eyebrows dyed blood He will take you to a closer edge.Closer, I see hours Ah! a satanic movement of clouds I see a festival of black-rose: Hear a clamor from the crowd, bend, stoop, Ol? poet ? I heard applause! Forgive me Lord, I am tired On the evening of my life? However, the souls are seized by the black-pink devilsAnd festival: In recent days? Are you sick !...?# 666 [5/15/2005] Evangeline LimaEvangelina of Lima gave her a call breastsWarmth For his part in marriage With the young Feando captainDon? But the obsession gambleWoud tare your heart is squandered away his fortune And his diamond solitaire ring.But luck would be so, a solid wife is dead? To save the honor of her husband In the heart of his life.Note: Inspired by Ricardo Palma, and? Peruvian traditions?. Being a licensed counselor for many years, psychology and the school, and dependencies, the present case, he writes, it was more interesting to me, and then, my poetry that I wrote to him as an example. I do not believe that I took nothing of his writings, and was careful to note this.Poet / Author, Dennis Siluk,

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Shortly Negrito Negrito in English and Spanish

Shortly Negrito Negrito in English and Spanish Negrito, and his son, Negrito little (and often with his wife) to walk the streets, waste collection, not sure what to do with it: the bicycle wheel attached to a car behind her back, up and down the streets on foot Miraflores, a ho sound that people know that? come, put the pieces of garbage in the cart? on.He move is a simple man that I see, of course, the small, three children and I leaed a wife who cares. He, like me, came out of a naked mother and the two of us were naked, back when the main difference, my mother was bo in the U.S., I guess. Besides that, I do not know.All brown around it are the people who are black is white. I took him today in the heat, he and his children, to clean, to clean the trash behind our house. Date of water and a coke, a hat for your child, a towel, and twenty dollars. He said no? I do not need the towel, it was black: its land still covered research hands.He Monday, this proud man, a man of God, to sweat a little 'more, to do some' over dollars to cut our branches tree is almost hung above the door. N. black silo inside him, the man is pure, with the shadow, lean, like many in Peru, trying to ea a living. # 1282 3/18/06 Prose Poetry. Negrito, of Miraflores, which is known by his real name is Mark, not sure if you call Negrito, but no one seems to hide the user name, however, call Mark at his face. It looks very nice, and being black is not a Bourdon he, as seems to many in the U.S., which seems to go with God? S call, not out of the ore: intolerance, as many blacks in the United States today. So I thought, and this little sketch of a man who has met once and will meet again, which would be of interest to my readers.Spanish   Translated by Rose of Pe? ALOZ of SilukNegrito, Peque? O Negrito   (San Juan de Miraflores, Lima, Peru) Negrito, and his son, the little O in bold (and sometimes his wife), walking on the streets, waste collection, I am not sure that with this: tied behind the wagon? And this with a bicycle wheel, up and down the streets of Miraflores their feet, the sound of a ho, to know who I am? N. next, the machine is put in the trash? continue yendo.El is a simple man I am, flat, or small, so three children, a wife who cares. He, as I came naked from a mother, both naked when we come back we will be the biggest difference, my mother was bo? in Am? rich, I guess. Another thing apart from this, not people around se.Todos bronzed son, and I am black is white. D he used today? A, in the midst of the heat, he and his son for cleaning, to clean the garbage behind? S of the shop. I gave him water and a Coca-Cola, a hat for his son, a towel, and twenty dollars. He said that did not need it, the towel, said he was black: looking at his hands covered with suciedad.El back? on Monday, this proud man, a man of God, something Sudar m? s, d win a few? m like? s: the cut of our branches? tree, which is almost hung? climbing above the door frame. We are drawn in black, the man is a pure, with a subtle nuance, as many in Peru, "Just trying to ea a living. 18/Marzo/2006 # 1282 poem in prose. Negrito, Miraflores, how? he is known, his real name is Mark, I'm not sure if you called Negrito knows, no one seems to hide this Nick, but the picture is called for his side. It seems quite nice, and being black is not a problem for him, as it seems to many in the U.S., seems to agree with the call of God, and shows no sign of the intolerance, as many blacks are ? rich do today. And why feathers? that this regime Peque? or a man who knows? once and again? to see once again, it would be interesting for my lectores.See Dennis' website:

101 Those Sexy Poets writing

101 Those Sexy Poets writing Of course, poets are the most sexy Brownings.Elizabeth, which was the home and the school in Italy eloped with Robert, bo in England in 1806. He died in Italy for 55 years have produced a son, Pen, who survived her.Robert Browning was bo near London in 1812. His father had a big library which, at least in part, Robert was formed. Elizabeth is like? S and reduced their poems on-line. He wrote again. Who made them and create elope Pen. Robert died at 77 years and is buried in Westminster Abbey. They have a burial place of poets. What? Poet called S? S Coer.Read thought about greek in polls Brownings were sexy.John Keats was bo in London, but not until 1879. It 'been a good education, despite the fact that he was the son of a building caretaker. He studied medicine and worked in a gradual manner, but also results in a writer? S Never Never Land.Keats died of consumption in Italy (as Elizabeth) in 1821 a disease that killed her mother. Read his biography to see that both John and Elizabeth died in Italy is called by us writers draw a parallel. In this case, this is a week parallel.Edgar Allen Poe is another romantic hope. He liked yore.Note Poe Nicean crust that is almost always called by his full name, while John Keats called? Keats. After much research, I do not know because I know you must be is.But known to be called only by his suame, but with Adam and Eve, who are always called by their first names.I are on good authority that her last name was Jones: Jones and Adam and Eve were created in Missouri.This that do not have to be true? no? If Adam is my great-grandfather then ultra No? His name should not be Jones? Well, no? Do not take higher math to it. Their children have the suame Jones. Their children have the suame Jones. Get it? Back to Poe: Poe died in a ditch all know.That in Baltimore.Actually, was found unconscious and died in a hospital.They not? Do not say in his life or whether it was John Hopkins. But I? I am pretty sure that if it was John Hopkins, who had saved. (Writer? S call this drawing a conclusion.) His death was so in 1849 he lived 40 years after his birth in Boston.Did know that Poe was the army? He reached the rank of sergeant major in two years, a great poet. This is another parallel. I was in the army for two years and always admired the women sergeant.Poe. Read his biography on Poe Note that it is a museum. How many poets can say that? We need? Do not jump because Andrew Marvell wrote his Mistress.Marvell Coy was bo in 1621 in England and spent her childhood running around the city of Hull. Hull must have been an ideal place to grow. What? And the third largest port in England.Even Hitler knew that.He bombed the hell out of it during World War II.Marvell that have been exposed to the history of the area. He knows what an Anglo-Saxon, who was a Viking, and it was a Roman. Probably you know Adriano? S wall. You may also go to the camp on foot and on it. Well, it would have been too far from their house.Marvell was well educated and traveled widely in Europe.Most of his stuff was not published during his lifetime. He died in 1678. Read his biography in a lot of poets sexy, but must stop here. We need to see the poetry of some poets and those mentioned below, write a poem of our own. Therefore, take notes! Elizabeth Barrett BrowningThis is his most famous poem by the Portuguese sonnets. Robert called his dark complexion Portuguese.Sonnet my dear little wife XLIIIHow you like to do? Let me count the ways.   I love you for the depth and breadth and height   My soul can reach, when feeling of view   For the purpose of being and ideal grace.   I love you to the level of everyday life   Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.   I love you freely, as men strive for Right;   I love you purely, as they tu from praise.   I love you with a passion for using   In my old pain, and the faith of my childhood.   I love you with a love that seemed lost   With my lost saints, I love you with breathing   Smiles, tears, of all my life! - And, if God choose,   I like it, but it is better death.I later married a girl once. Elizabeth was the bride and groom was Robert. I read this poem. After the service of a gentleman asked me if I was a teacher of English. I told him I was an engineer of research and everything. Then she said the couple had married in time and eteity. I married for time and mortality. Well, I said, What have I done, I did! Always made mistakes at the wedding. My congregation always waited to see what would be a mistake. Once I said? I present Mr. and Mrs. Richi. This is wrong. ? Richi? is the bride? s maiden name.Anyway, noted that Elizabeth said? and if God choose, I am better, but love thee after death. Love is not immortal.If? read the poem aloud, and read back again.Robert BrowningRobert was a little 'long so you just cut short the first of its series of poem.A Pretty WomanThat-beige leather-dappled hair of it,   And the blue eyes   Dear and dewy,   Both the fresh air Infantino: thinking men can not have you, sweet,   And it envelops,   Oh, and keep you,   So, do you, Great! It is similar to one of us, you know ---   For the purposes of a word   Or a sword of it,   All the same, whate'er the chance, which in tu know.and that we, we are told ---   If young people and also   The eyes and mouth too,   All over the face, composed of flowers, always provided that say.I Elizabeth brown eyes that have to do with his dark complexion. The girl in this poem has blue eyes. Do you think that was written to Elizabeth? John KeatsKeats was prolific. I always liked the first verse of this famous poem: Ode to a greek UTHOU d unravish yet quiet girl,   Thou foster child of silence and slow time   Sylvan historian, so that we can express   A story as sweet as the flowers of our rhyme:   What leaf fringe? D legend haunts about your street   Of deities or mortals, or both,   In Tempe or the Dales of Arcady?   What men or gods are these? Loth What girls?   What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape?   What pipes and tambourines? What wild ecstasy? Heard melodies are sweet, but the unknown   They are sweet, so soft you tube, the game;   No to the sensual ear, but ultimately more? D   Pipe to the spirit of Companies no tone:   Fair youth, beneath the trees, you can not leave   Your song, nor the trees can never be discovered;   Bold Lover, never, never kiss you can,   Despite winning near the goal - but not sad;   You may not disappear, even if you do not have your happiness,   Forever love you want, and to be fair! Ah, happy, happy to arms! that can not throw   Their leaves, nor ever bid the Spring farewell;   And happy Melodist, unwearied,   Piping songs forever new;   More happy love! more happy, happy love!   For ever warm and still enjoy? D   Always panting and forever young;   All breathing human well above the passion,   That leaves a heart high cloy and sad? D   A buing front and a parking tongue.Who came to the sacrifice?   As green altar, or mysterious priest,   Lead? Heifer before following in the sky   And all their silken flanks with garlands drest?   What little town by river or sea   Or mountain built with peaceful citadel,   It is empty in this town, this godly tomorrow?   And in a city, your path forever   It will be silent and not say a 'soul   Why are you sorry, and you can? Er retu.O Attic shape! Fair attitude! with Brede   The men and women of marble tensions,   With forest branches and the trodden weed;   Thou, silent form, make fun of us thought DOST   E 'as eteity: Cold Pastoral!   When old age shall this generation waste,   You have to stay in the midst of other ay   More ours, a friend to man, you say? First,   ? Beauty is truth, truth beauty - that's all   Ye know on earth, and all you need to know.I wonder what happened to the u Keats was watching. When the gods or men looking around the empty box? Edgar Allen POED you like soap operas? Well, Helen was true. He was committed to Poe, but not outside. Read the whole story that tiring? Sa opera.Here soap is Poe? S poetry? Helen? but is a generic Helen (Poe liked the sound of the word) and went to Helen of Troy Helen or lost? For HelenHelen, your beauty is for me   Nicean barks like those of the past,   That gently o'er a perfumed sea,   The tired, so wo wanderer bore   In his own shoreOn desperate seas long accustomed to roam,   Jacinto hair, classic face   The Naiade airs have brought me home   The glory that was Greece,   And the greatness that was Rome.Lo! Yon brilliant window-niche   As the statue-like I see you standing   The agate lamp in his hand!   Ah, Psyche, from the regions   Tierra Santa-se! I? I am going with Helen of Troy.Andrew MarvellThis is one of my favorite poems. I hope you like it.To His Coy MistressHad world, but enough for us and now,   This coyness, lady, no crime.   We would sit and think about how   To walk and pass our love on the day.   While in India the Ganges' side   You must find rubies I by the tide   Humber complain. I   I love you ten years before the deluge;   It should, if you please, refuse   Until the conversion of Jews.   My vegetable love should grow   That the vast empires, and more slow.   One hundred years should go to praise   Your eyes, forehead and eyes;   Two hundred to adore each breast,   But thirty thousand to the rest;   The age, at least for each party,   And the last age should show your heart.   Why, Madam, you deserve this state;   I do not like in my lower back rate.But always listen   Time winged machine near a hurry;   And there are all before us   Deserts of vast eteity.   Your beauty is no longer to be found,   Moreover, in his marble tu, must play   Echoing my song, and then try to worm   And long-preserved virginity;   And your quaint honor tu to dust,   And in all my lust ashes.   The tomb is a fine and private place,   But I think nobody embrace.Now then, while the young tone   It is located on the skin like moing dew,   And while your soul that breathes   In every pore with instant fires,   Now the sport, while you can,   And now, as am'rous bird of prey,   At the same time, instead of devouring our time   Languishing in slow Chappe pow'r.   We're going to roll all our strength and all   The sweetness in a ball,   And tear our pleasures with rough fight   Through the iron gates of life.   So even if we are not able to make our Sunday   Stand still, but we will do run.Well, you know what to say, make love like the sun shines.Now it's time for you to write a romantic poem. I? Ll writing my right here.To AprilNow March wind have moved to the north lies   I look for having blessed the spring snow melt alpine.I want to feel my arms that have always waited for your smile.   I have time for you to keep close and long, I long to hold off all while.When endless winter snows that bued my ears and my fingers frozen   Although I will both day and night, until now, so not all right.Now you see in the distance, coming to me for help.   Wait! Please do not pass me. You? Han ido again. I cry.You? Han ido again. I cry.Well, I like hot weather.John T. Jones, Ph.D. (, retired Vice President of R & D for Lenox China, is the author of novels and weste books (business, scientific, engineering, humor), poetry, etc. ex Official editor of the ceramic industry. is Executive Representative of IWS sellers of Tyler Hicks wealth of books and kits for success. TopFlight Flagpoles also sells. He calls himself "Taylor Jones, the hack writer." For more information: website web:

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The tenants of threatening a poem

The tenants of threatening a poem (Ref: St. Paul, Minnesota tenant) Is there something wrong? Not sure what? Caused, a person who does not respect the others? S property was always what the repair? Ve ruined Felt   it is not necessary for the repair themselvesWhen in front, how? ve out of place, ill widerfährt them to the point where you please madder hoetTo these people, "Lighten your load, you have their godfathers   and their insultsNo suffer for us? Back in St. Paul, Whites, Blacks, Mexicans (just pay the bill, then I tell them) But if we do things, you know? Man for man or woman to woman (my wife is involved) I'm trying so respectful as possible, the thought for his own, and we do not believe, still, respect is not receivedAnd some people complain no matter what, we end in court, and   Court always has sympathy with the tenants, the courseWhen I go away, they say to another? He? S gone no need to worry, you can? T one thing, the law is on our side? True or false, they are right, especially in St. Paul, Minnesota, the courts, laws and their awayOh fart, they (the tenants) would play this game, beat the hosts, who put him in, to look for other to play with reality, none of us needs a defense, only mutual respect, but it is always unknown (for what) My home will never fool them, because they knew that? that is why all but they are not ready to merge was a concept out of the owner, for some 'time ago, and now I have, I thank the Deadhead godLet find their homes to destroy, and to hell with judges, like their something lawyersBut There, people of today, but I get annoyed, but I? d rather not offended (I'll try not) that says something? s all right for the lack of respect, so undisciplined, Deadhead possible, whatever it isThey shrewd move seems to me there, hoping not to find anyone of them, as for the Company # 1284 (12:43 clock) 3 / 24 / 2006See Dennis' website:

Comparisons and metaphors Poetry thread Oh My

Comparisons and metaphors Poetry thread Oh My Most of us have leaed that the comparison was made with the words? How? o? how? the second or third grade, so what? s all of us? ll say that some of our images toolbox.Unless you? I studied poetry or writing, you can not so familiar with the metaphor of the poem or thread (also known as an extended metaphor). MetaphorIn life, as in baseball, we have the Dugout of complacency, step up to the plate at home with the possibility of obtaining protection cup caution bar and swing the bat the hope of the curve ball of fate, hoping that we can take a guideline for the success of the past, stop short of a disaster, then the basis for sprint to be aware at all times that we can tighten the hamstring muscles and the inadequacy in the face first fall on the area of bankruptcy, if the fault of RCA, broken dreams scan in our nose .-- Dave BarryAbove a citation is crowded with metaphor. Even if you go to sea for comic effect, are all good examples of what a metaphor is.Perfecting use of metaphor is essential to writing in general, but in the creation of poetry, it is absolutely necessary. A creative metaphor in a poem is like the angels sing and a male, or no, everyone has your poetry may fall flat and key.Example: In life as in football, we have the Dugout of complacency (Dave Barry) ORYou possible? t stay in the Dugout? even if it is good and you? happy new thereWhy a metaphor, why not just say that as is? It is now possible, and this could be your personal style, but a metaphor takes your readers on a jouey temptation, riding his words as if they were? top Orient Express. With him, it offered a rich feast for the eyes and imagination, not with a grilled cheese in a cupboard. Most readers have with their heads as a language? wrapper around your poem enjoys exploring the taste of it all.Weave a deeper meaning with poetry poetry Threads thread, also known as an extended metaphor, a metaphor, and only through a great part of or the entire poem. Imagine your poem is a blanket. Each square of canvas is a word, and the seams, which all together are your extended metaphor. This thread gently tug the reader along through your work and create a deeper meaning and a vivid image in their mindStart with a simple metaphor, to say nothing? S move with your dog is a vehicle. Now here is an example that the extension of the metaphor: My dog is a car   I was totally crazy.   When they are ready for the garage   He? S speed for a road lane.His roar of the engines, when   He wants to opt for a break.   It ran right over me   Can Holler first? STOP! Note how I? ve, and on extended metaphor? I? Ve, the elements of the path (eg, parking, the joy of the activity, motor racing, highway and railway) and show the reader how on earth, my dog is a car.I? Ve a stupid example, why not? Re fun, but it works equally well in serious poetry, or essays, fiction and more.Whether wrap your readers in a comforter, the family household or a covered deck that is itching? them in another dimension with which your work. 2006 Holly Bliss. All rights reserved. This document may be freely redistributed in its original form and, provided that all copyright is intact with the hyperlink URLs.About author: With his writing, like painting on canvas in her life, Holly Bliss is an eclectic writer, newsletter editor and an author who is a place for creative writers.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Why People Kill A Little Piss Ant The Clown

Why People Kill A Little Piss Ant The Clown Why do people kill? And 'please? Where is the zeal? Let's get real! They are truly evil? Why did not you call? Can t you hear? For the life that fly? Are they? Re closed hearts? The question remains? DO isWHY kill people? UN PO 'ANT Piss!   He horses around the neighborhood   Like a furious bell,   Intimidate its neighbors, as   A Grizzly rages through a campsiteHe Attention everyone wanted   On it, like the men featured in a nude woman   During showHe a girl wants to be easy for everyone to focus   When they see him coming, as if it were   A review of its troopsHe wanted to be a molehill   Among the little molehills,   A big dog among dogs, small,   A big frog between small frogsHe wanted to be superman   When he was a po 'Piss ANT   About to be crushed by the heel of time!   BUT NOT IN SPIRIT! THE CLOWN   He fought like a caged animal wild to be   When they tried to make his own way! He was angry, like a child whose candy was taken from him   When he moved to later! Threw bricks, broke windows, flattened tires, and as a vandal   Try to make them go away! Now look through the mirror of time   It seems so far away! And his anger evaporated as the couple   A vampire caught in the sun in the moing! He shakes his head in amazement as gray   When things look so great if small.He hours smiling once frowned when!   Gaziing in the mirror, the jester, the clown! Copyright 2001 El-Veasey PublishingVC L. Veasey is a musician, writer, producer, consultant, with a degree in counseling PsychologyWebsite:   Email: vclveasey@yahoo.comArticle Source:

Sunday, December 6, 2009

In addition to water

In addition to water My soul yeas to be near the water   The waters softly ripple or? Er multicolores rock below.   Suave susurration spread across the land,   Beautiful harmonies that make all listen.Come sing and sit next to me with water,   Sit where everything is calm and all is quiet.   Let our souls with the resonant vibrational energy for the water to freely   Free for all to share, free for everyone to enjoy.   In fact, they do not feel thirsty alongside these waters.Sweet robins and friends come to sing alongside the water,   That her bare breast and heraldic trumpet their mellifluous melodies.   The Scarlet Tanager is to join and the music made,   Includes a chorus of ineffable peace love.Beside and water from the sky is blue,   Without clouds,   Only veins holy mists extend its infinite extension of Cerulean glass.   A rainbow stretches lazily through the water,   Its colors are mixed to the sweet sounds of bird choir   His arch dance reflects the playful melodies,   From side to side, as the occupied part of a symphony orchestra.   It 's so beautiful, even for water tell.Beside indescribable dark clouds do not stop,   We do not offend his melancholy serenity.   Halcyon stand guard or watch? Er that nobody dares to enter this mode,   That peace, that joy, we all come and in.My soul yeas to be near the water   The crystalline waters where you can drink from my mouth.   The water purification and sanctification,   Soul.My waters extend my soul yeas to be there,   Along these same waters.   I was there, oh, Lord,   I have been there anon.Joe is a prolific writer of self-help and educational material and an award winning former school teacher and high school mathematics. Under the penname, JC Page, Joe Author Arithmetic Magic, the little classic on the ABC? S of arithmetic. Joe is also author of the charming self-help ebook, make a good impression every time: the secret to Instant Popularity, collection of poems, Poems for the Mathematically Insecure, and the short but highly effective fraction for troubleshooting weak Fractions heart. The diversity of their writings, gender (novel, short story, essay, script, and poetry)? In particular as regards the taste of their education? continues to fascinate readers and win him recognition.Joe spread his teaching philosophy through his articles and books and is dedicated to helping educate children living in poor countries. To this end, we give ourselves a part of the proceeds from the sale of each book. For more information, go to Source:

Gotta Be Me

Gotta Be Me Take my words and   Make me confused   I lose my groundYou say you are a man   So, let me be who I am   I do what I say   I refuse to another day of struggle   'Cause baby I gotta meYou think that you are strong   Always trying to prove me wrong   Take me back   Convincing I wrong to say you're a man trackYou   So, let me be who I am   This time, I mean, what I say   I refuse to stay another day   'Cause baby I gotta mePretended are too sweet   His heart was my refuge   Has my soul for free   They have forgotten, not only me meRemember   I have changed and   Everything feels real   Live my life without thinking you're a man youYou   Their heart surface   Will we ever   Baby, I'm loving me   Life freeHowever luck we distrust the sincerity of men, we believe that we speak more honestly than others. ? Francois de La RochefoucauldThese words "Gotta be me", I came to many years before I published. Of course, they are bo, from my experience, the heart and growth. When I do, I stressed that the refusal is part of the processes of life and love. This is a piece of what I believe, François de La Rochefoucauld is playing in his supply. In life and love, becomes a subtle moment, our eyes opened, and the illusion begins to dissipate. After the dismantling begins, then we must accept the fact that we know that we lost, sincerity and honesty, that we once believed in so completely and our only option is to decide whether we can live with this problem loss.One at least, men and women agree: Both women mistrust.   ? H.L. Mencken has this statement in my mind, as I have always been a "girl children", and I do not want that all men are the only one who's wrong. Some women are more talented on treason, but I do not believe that all women are suspect, both. The deception and betrayal is a man of sin. My words can necessary.Respectfully sex PacificoCopyright 2006 Patti Patti PacificoLyrical can be used without credit note repartee with fatherhood, course.A the former computer professor tued Inteet writer, I have combined elements of film, music and publishing industries to create a new breed exclusively for the Inteet-Digi-Tome's. Are you interested in a different way of leaing and beautiful way to live, I have the world's first Digi-Volume, "life."     (RSS Feed for my ezine article.)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

A poem dedicated to tsunami assistance and education and the future of harmony, peace not war

A poem dedicated to tsunami assistance and education and the future of harmony, peace not war Real Power.One Tsunami, und alle unsere Armeen, Seem belittled by their wars, That the animals have fled the tribal members and read Finally, with the roar of crushing, Wholesale slaughter, purely by water, It makes us seem insignificant, Concepts of power, change the time, Since the original elements. Nature throws dice in a moment, In a grotesque game of dice, Its end result is a real shock and amazement, And the wholesale rewriting maps. Political reputation as seen by a nation, In his welcoming hole of choice Promises, Braille, while the actual email, Is about the peoples voice. And this is after all in the way Way is the pain and waste, Why does it take after the disaster, For all of us in the Guide. No discrimination, just abject fear, No religion or class escapes unharmed, N. wealth or show, deceive the wake, Everything under the waves. In mode times, our greatest of crimes This is what he had lost feelings and lost touch It takes a disaster for you with me, For all of us. In view of the apocalypse of our aircraft and ships, It seems reasonable, if not at war, But how our memories of the disaster slips Will we go back to stay litigation. Maybe we should try to obtain from all E harmonize more as of that date, Who knows when the next world is angry, Who knows the maze of fate.Malcolm James Pugh - Ex-systems programmer / engineer.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Poetry Exercises

Poetry Exercises Poetry is a very 'art. This means that the density of the means of exploration and practice. More than that, even if the poetry exploriation in writing can be very revealing. There are words that come easily to us, then there are those who finesse, thought, and perseverance to find. These are the words that are often burried under the skin behind the conext greater emotional depth situation.There are many nuances of every word is like shades of each primary color, a painter uses. Sadness, for example, is a word that is so great that one can not say the same for every situation. This is why the poet uses images, figurative language and other skills of poetic slice via adjectives and abstract language. The poet digs between the meaning of certain words, and sees the discovery of a meaning that exists in conventional language.Exploring ways to get the different nuances of words is an experience that, regardless of whether you write poetry for therapy easy or you can write poems in the hope that one day be published, will help you a direct route to the conscience. They are aware of their thoughts, as we see, and we lea to read the meaning of objects and situations in your daily life.Here some basic exercises, you think about your honesty writing.Rewrite poetry of a classical position. Play with the prospect. Write from the perspective of someone who is known or written as a response to the first author.Write a poem about himself, but not show to others. Here is a basic model. Feel free to rewrite the lines, and no response to the blank write the obvious. You should treat something that looks like a poem, and perhaps, if you are enough, with the manipulation, it could well be a poem. This exercise is not designed to create a masterpiece, but to show the kind of poet you are.When you are finished with this piece, not only display some information about you, in general, but you can about how to manipulate the perception of a certain style. Ask yourself these questions: What kind of metaphors I use? I completely change the direction it seemed, this exercise was for me? As I received the restructuring of the lines? I add rhyme? Are: an exercise in poetic self actualizationMy name (suame). When I (the child) I [...]. When (age) I [...]. I 've always wanted [...], but if I (age), I [...]. My thoughts are like them [...], [verb] as [...]. My skin is [...] are a [...]. I pulled myself [...], if I was (age). Even though I (age), I knew that [... ], I know for sure that [...]. I [...]. I'm [...],( name). Write a letter to a certain object. During our daily routine, there are items that we see that a certain type of effect on us. Of course, letters and special moments of great importance for us, but have you ever been caught in thoughts about a particular item that does not fall in this category now? This is what you are writing a letter to.Again, this exercise was not designed to create a masterpiece. It is rather a process of self-definition. As with other exercises, you can end up with something like a good poem, but the idea is to see how it comes to things around you. Keep on hand a notebook with you in the coming days, weeks or months. The next time you go to work, take your children to the park, or go to a store of food, it is consciously perceived as normal things.In In summary, there really is such thing as good or bad poetry, just poetry unnoticed . Just write what you think that sounds poetic, does not reach the public, and not do anything for her. Everything you need to dig, scrape the skin until it bleeds. Then and only then will a genuine process of poetry writing surface of a poem, if one day, or it may give you a year. Find the roughness of the poem is as revealing as the discovery of the importance of life.Devrie Paradowski is the author of "A Ray wedged Through", a strange combination of dirt smeared poetry, not attempts at self-discovery and fault awesome. Visit their website or literary opportunity to visit the exercise of poetry site

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Color Talk

Color Talk "I heard what you said, Red. However, I must disagree. There is nothing wrong with my voice, You're just full of jealousy. "" We just do not understand, Tan Let me alleviate your fears. This is not how well you sing, But it could inspire ears listening? "" What do you think of it, Rosa? Am I right or wrong I? " "I am not really sure that my friend, I have not heard the song. "" Well, what about you, Blue? Your thoughts are the same as mine? " "To tell the truth, dear Red I listen to it again. "" All that means, gray? " "Yes, I do not like what you're talking about. A hymn to soothe the troubled soul, N. Füssing awaken this. "Wait a minute companions," said Amarillo. "It's a little 'going too far. After all, we are committed to t?-Te?-T? Te What is not so irregular. "" Do not you think it means to be, "said Green. "But an anthem is a sacred thing. As if trying their best, He can not sing. "" I do not think you're right, "said White. "For me to sing well enough. Just take the time to listen God feels? S word prevail. "Colors, colors, calm down," said Brown. "It is not accidental that enrage Some other colors into battle ... " "What would be the ruin of us," interrupted Beige. Now that is pretty bold? gold But true, I must confess. ? Any Gum? asked Plum Looking pale and colorless. Sshhhh, the author is back, "Black whispered. "We will present our conces. We pick up where we left off In the evening, once again retu. Rev. Saundra L. Washington, DD, was ordained clergywoman, veteran social and founder of AMEN Ministries. It 'also the author of two coffee table books: Room Beneath the Snow: Poems that Preach and Negative Disturbances: Homilies that the teaching that can be reviewed on its website. His new book, Deep Water: My work is Grief management should be available soon.You are welcome to visit AMEN Ministries: The soul of the service station for spiritual refreshing, soul edification, browse our newly expanded mini center commercial or review our recommended books you can add to their staff library.Blessings all!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Poetry in meaning of words and Rocket Belt

Poetry in meaning of words and Rocket Belt In Poetry: Meaning of the WordsWhen write poetry, I am the meaning of words that all too often the same sound, but once, when clearly wrong for an entirely different meaning from what I have, I have a moment of mitigation. If my rhyme is flat, and my rhythm, so what can survive as long as the meaning of my words are not and I will be with them to be. Even punctuation can, and not too much damage, but not with my sense of the words when they are tued off, or not do, that is. I am not a teacher, or perfectionist in / from German, English, or to be somewhat 'in the literature, is, and will do, but here is the bottom of an iceberg of poetry? The meaning of words. Write what you put into words, and what do they say the words, writing poetry, or so I remember me, or at least from time to time to remind me, remind me that poetry is the highest point or in the form / text. But sometimes I have to give up something to get something, but never the meaning of a word. Well, that's how I feel anyway. Why? it hurts not only me, but for poetry on the Vietnam reader.A called:? Corporal Siluk and Rocket Belt? E? sa? ell for a night For the missile in flight? Private McGee reminded me? Thinkin? We finished for the day Ready to go to sleep (Perhaps, to think against it). If, by a clear Both could? Ear The whistle of a rocket? s push? ? ver? our little tin roof hut. Got to pack up our guns again? I said a private McGee? ? There constant, ol? PAL? Half drunk, and went on his knees? As the rocket explodes? Somewhere in the vicinity In the bushes. # 738 6/24/05Dennis Siluk of a new book, "The Magic of the Andes", he currently lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, and Lima, Peru. He is working on two other books and several short stories.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Bangla Bengali literature considerations

Bangla Bengali literature considerations The tragedy in Bangla (Bengali) literature today is the lack of information about it on the Inteet. Inteet is the greatest place for information and millions of people are surfing for information and entertainment each day. If you search on Google in Bangla (Bengali) literature, you must get frustrated. Besides Wikipedia and Bangla (Bengali) Pedia is no more information about Italian (Bengali) literature. This is tragic because, among other Bangla (Bengali) literature is one of the richest literatures of the world. Rabindranath Tagore, the greatest number in Bangla (Bengali) Literature Nobel Prize awarded in 1913 and was the first writer outside of Europe and America, for this prestigious prize.Tagore 's performance did not happen suddenly. Instead it came after 100 years of modeization and reform in Bangla (Bengali) literature, with Rammohan Roy, the father of the Indian reform movement. E 'stato realizzato Ram Mohan Roy the need to reform the Indian society and identification with the Liberals and the positive aspects of Weste civilization. Un po 'Later, Michael Madhusudan Dutt, this concept into reality in Bangla (Bengali) literature with the introduction of the sonnet in verse and blank. Thus, the social reform and modeization in the literature has been hand in hand in Bengal. The land was for Tagore to come and shine in the world literature.It it is true that almost single hand rose Tagore Bangla (Bengali) literature is one of the richest literatures in the world today. Tagore, the Bengali writer get all proud, and a new enthusiasm for them. After Tagore received the Nobel Prize in 1913, the golden era of Bangla (Bengali), literature, and started for the next 30 years continues with a handful of writers in all genres. Kazi Nazrul Islam signed to write poems on social justice and that will be successful, both Hindu and Muslim heritage in his poems. He was in his poetry, that the idea of unity between Muslims and Hindus was also time and again. Sharatchandra as the most popular writer in Bangla (Bengali) literature. His novels touched people from every sector of society and even today his novels are more often in Bangla (Bengali) literature. Jibananda that caught the attention of readers for writing poems about nature and Bibhutibhushon Banerje have the same prose in Bangla (Bengali) literature.History of Bangla (Bengali) literature is more than 1200 years and belongs to the mode Indian languages (belonging branch of the Indian languages Indo-Eurpean family), Italian (Bengali) literature is one of the oldest literatures. The first text of Bangla (Bengali) Literature Charyapada was perhaps the 9th or 8 Century. This book is a collection of songs and poems by a number of poets (especially Budhists). The poems, the description of everyday social life, instead of praise for the gods or goddesses. The most fascinating of Bangla (Bengali) literature is that the poets and writers, from 4 religions have in their development. Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and Christians have their contributions writers in Bangla (Bengali) literature and Bangla (Bengali) literature is enriched in these religions. The presence and interaction between the poets of the various religions have Bangla (Bengali) literature of liberal humanism. Bangla (Bengali) literature on the loudspeaker so that in 1952, Bangla (Bengali) Deshi people sacrificed their blood against the Pakistani rulers to the status of Bangla (Bengali). It 'really a sad thing that little information is available on the Inteet about this great literature. There must be based on a broad initiative to address this scenario. The blog is an attempt to divide.


Bleed Now is not the time to open That big door open again It is not the time to be more tolerant not the time to play a shot is not the time for justice Development grant options is not the time for the puppies to pet yipping with pathetic voicesnow is no time for courtesy Is not the time for compromise Is not the time for loving blindness It is not the time to close my eyesnow too many people for a I have not received anything good Heart has sown but flesh is to collect tears for the mind and the loss of my inner wolf seeks equal bloodnow Only those whose agreements can scream Social isolation or death young people or to defend prowltell not die Spines of my displeasure Live for me and for you appreciate each cell, as if I am not in a cage treasureput But roam with me through the snow and the sun be at my side or breathe the dust of my I was bleeding again noneNiki Lashes Artist, writer, and Webmatron

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Writing Innovative Poetry

Writing Innovative Poetry Writing innovative poetry, the kind of poetry that publish literary jouals noted the media know exactly what each word is a poem for the reader. A good poem should be evocative, skillful, and cohesive, but before groped to refine these qualities, the potential poet must know the different types and characteristics of contemporary poetry. A good way to become familiar with aspects of contemporary poetry is to take classes, join writing workshops, subscribe to contemporary literary jouals. Good reading and understanding of poetry is essential to be able to write well poetry.The first stage of writing a poem of a process of brainstorming. There are several ways to approach this process, but after a good dose of experimentation, the poet is one that works best for your personal style. Some poets actually start the process of writing a poem. Other poets who write in prose or notes until he or she spots something that could be developed into a poem. The most important consideration with regard to this first step is to write without fear. Write without trying to sound poetry, do contests, and be as detailed as possible. Write what is on your head without worrying too much about grammar, literary devices, and line breaks. Often when a person is free to reserve this kind of writing, he or she, of course, write in a kind of model or a model. E 'in the next phase of writing literary natural that these subtleties are smoothed and heightened.The next step of writing to find a form in which the words were written freely. Read aloud the words, paying attention to phrases and words that leave an indelible impression. Then prune some of the language, eliminating unnecessary lines and hackneyed phrases like? I walk alone on this road? or,? My heart cries. A good poem will have new images and is being offered unique perspectives. If you see a photo or too abstract expressions in his writing, which are significant to the overall theme of your room, try to rewrite using a language that has never been used before to describe these situations or feelings. Also, if your attention poem is indicative of his message for the reader or if it is the only message of the images. An example would be to say, I am sad and lonely. An example would be to show, I fall in his empty chair, listlessly holding her photo? Once you have found the shape of your poetry and language redesigned to include new files, you need to read aloud. Listen to the line. Listen to the language. Ask yourself if the line is adequate. There are no words suddenly rocking after all the lines? Have conjunctions or prepositions mobile at the end of your lines? If so, you may need to revise the lines and, sometimes, you may need to reformulate the entire line. This phase also includes constructive criticism, authors and lovers of poetry will be the target of their observations. You can find or create a poetry critique group in your area, or you can join one of the many criticisms of forums and workshops. This part of the process may be more difficult for new poets who are not accustomed to having someone dig around in their efforts to create a scalpel. Understand that incredibly well-designed poems receive their fair share of comments from critics. Also, add your own intentions. If a bad review your song, one might well say that you must redo your room in your aim.Finally, after writing your poem, with the knowledge and understanding you have gained through classes and reading, and after reworked and presented a review of your room, you're ready for the final project. Your final draft is not a final product. Your final project is that all your efforts so far, but you will need to read it again, maybe one day a month, sometimes even years after you? It.When written there is nothing to cut, add, edit, or poetry, May we consider the presentation of one of the reviews that you have when you started your jouey as a poet. If Paradowski has been published by various literary jouals such as Adagio Verse Quarterly, Eclips e - magazine and the Official Meeting of the mind. He has also published articles on poetry Renewal Magazine. She is the founder and editor of literary magazine on-line, the quarter: