Monday, August 31, 2009

A book of verse from the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

A book of verse from the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam A book of poems under the branch,   A jug of wine, a piece of bread? And you   Beside me singing in the desert?   Oh, Wildeess were Paradise enow! The quatrain above comes from Edward Fitzgerald? The second edition of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, 1868. Fitzgerald? S treatment of Omar Khayyam? S poems by the Persian poet, the attention of the weste world more than 700 years after the poems were written.Omar KhayyamOmar Khayyam (1048-1123), bo in Nishapur, the capital of Khurasan, Persia, now Iran. E 'nato Ghiyath al-Din Abul Fateh Omar Ibn Ibrahim al-Khayyam. And 'little known, his first life, but the name Khayyam means "Tentmaker" meaning that either the father or May Omar Ibrahim who practiced trade.Omar was trained on the spot, and a treatise on algebra, as a young . He came to the attention of Sultan Malik Shah, Omar offered to the presence in the royal court. The vizier Nizam al-Mulk Omar is a pension, which allowed for the research himself on his favorite subjects of mathematics and astronomy. He has been to create an observatory in Isfahan, and was then assigned to eight other scientists to review the Muslim calendar. Omar has published several books on astronomy and algebra, which studies the contemporary competitors Europeans.Though noted as a mathematician and astronomer, Omar wrote poetry throughout his life. His preferred style of writing, four four-line, and it is assumed that he had more than a thousand of them over the course of his life. Not all manuscripts survived, but were about 600 poems to him, though most critics agree that not everyone was Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.The word is a plural noun in the four line quatrains that Omar wrote. Each block of four may be true, as stole. In the mode convention Rubaiyat now refers to a four-line poem with a rhyme scheme in which each row aaba deliver a complete thought.The main themes in Omar? S Rubaiyat is the mortality of the human spirit and the fragility of human existence. The tone of his poetry is often pessimistic. Omar writes strongly that it is impossible to understand the universe. As counterpoint, he writes about the wisdom of life over time, the sharing of friendship and company to enjoy the wine in tave.Not surprisingly, Omar? S poems have been suspicious of orthodox Muslims. Because wine and drunkenness were not in conformity with Islamic law, efforts to interpret his poems on wine metaphorically, as in the romantic or spiritual intoxication.Omar said a student at the end of his life: "My grave will be in a place where the north wind that scatter roses over it. "Omar Khayyam died in Nishapur in 1131. According to the biography of Ali ibn Azidu? L-Baihaqi, Omar called his family to hear his last will and said, 'Oh Lord, I know that you look for the sum of my ability. Forgive me, for in truth my knowledge is my recommendation to you. "Edward Fitzgerald TreatmentThe world knew very little about Omar Khayyam? s poetry by Edward Fitzgerald? The second edition of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam in 1868. The first edition of 250 copies was published anonymously in 1859 and unnoticed. But the 1868 edition, extraordinarily well preserved. The output 101 of the Treaty Omar Khayyam? S quatrains as a long poem. Many critics believed that this was a poem in English with no translation allusions.Fitzgerald Persian Omar? S poems literally. He has also released and combines some of the poems of a new poem. His translation was inspired and wise, faithful to the spirit of Omar Khayyam? S poems, if not for his words.In fact, Fitzgerald said of his work not as a translation, but as transmogrification. Fortunately, Fitzgerald? The work is so good that only a few in the Weste world, given the fact that part of the work is Fitzgerald? Own creation.Fitzgerald created with Iambic pentameter quatrains. This means that the meter of each line contains five feet, and each foot is Iambic with unaccented syllable followed by an accented syllable. The rhyme patte for the four lines aaba.Notice is the last line of "A book of verses in the" where Fitzgerald chose the word enow the final Iambic foot.Other Penerjemahan There are many sources to read and Omar Khayyam? s Rubaiyat in the original Farsi language.The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam has been translated into many languages worldwide. Many translations into English are Fitzgerald? P. If interested and for the sake of comparison, there are some other translations of "A book of verses in the" quatrain.From the first edition of Fitzgerald, still in Iambic pentameter: Here with a piece of bread under the arm,   A bottle of wine, a book of verse? and Du   Beside me singing in the desert?   And wildeess is paradise enow.From the issue in 1882 by Edward Henry Whinfield: In the sweet spring a grassy bank I sought   And there is wine and a fair HOURI led;   And if the people I am clumsy dog   Has not thought of another paradise! The translation of 1888 by John Leslie Gaer: Yes, dear, laugh when spring blows   With you beside me and the Cup-o? Erflowing,   I am on the day that this shaking Meadow,   And the dream, while not thinking about the sky bestowing.From the 1898 prose translation by Edward Heron-Allen: I would like Ruby a 'wine and a book of verse,   Just enough for me to live, one and a half of bread is required;   And then, that I and you are in a desolate place   It is better that the kingdom of sultan.Lastly, just for fun, here is Wendy Cope? S transcription of the struggling South London amateur poet, a character who has created, Jason Strugnell? S Translation: Here with a bag of potato chips under the branch,   A can of beer, a radio? and Du   Beside me half asleep in Brockwell Park   E Brockwell Park is a paradise enow.At at least got that part right.Garry Gambe enow is a public school teacher and entrepreneur. He writes articles about politics, real estate, health and nutrition, and inteet dating services. He is the owner and

Man Unbowed A poem

Man Unbowed A poem UnbowedUnbowed man from sin, the world of men, is On her feet are gapes into the sky, The indifference of centuries in his eyes, And in his heart the curse of the ancient world. Who died for him and for the love of God? One thing that breathes only for wants and needs, With the lack of feeling, a brother of the fox? About tightened and pressed his rugged face? (By the look so great, so proud? So great.) Who was discovered that his heart? Who sucked the soul from its frame? And 'this practical work, and gave Satan? At the command man as a slave; Chase him around stars, which never sky; For him, for the period end cursed? E 'questa la vengeance he dreamed that God and man? The expulsion of the sky, in the dark: The ground floor and Hades, the hell? There is no disease is worse than him More greedy man with the condemnation of hell? S eteity More blind hatred and spells for Leach Mans destiny? More demonic vengeance him.What parties, is flanked by man and Satan! Slave to his passion, like a falcon on its prey I am Jesus and the swing of Merlin, the same thing? Who can take the soul of DIP hell? The crack of death, the darkness of tulips? Through this peephole, the soul is tired; Time? Unhappiness is the rule of thumb, Through this maze of humanity fades, Raped, blaspheme and leave his birth, Tears and protests to the courts of heaven, A protest that can not be given much credence.O opponent, Lord of heaven, the rulers of the earth, E 'hand by hand of God? S? This cruel world, it is with God? S smell? Why the retu to faith? To live through the gates of heaven; Retu man in his mortal light vertical; Build into it, the song of life lost as a result; Leave your old shameful evil Dull the pain, suffering and evil, O adversary, Lord of heaven, the rulers of the earth, How is God? S anger then have to deal with you? How are you in this protest doomful now? When the last trumpet blows and shakes the world How is your henchmen to hell? You have shaped the human race, as it is? When that day comes, and the man and the devil tremble In the eyes of Almighty God, after the silence Then the terror of the world: What will you say? # 481 [2/11/2005] Mr. Siluk was the winner of the contest by the magazine? The Eldritch Dark [. Com]? [Homage to A. Clark Smith], for the most popular writers [post] to the year 2004 [with a readership of about 2.2 million]. And a letter of thanks from President Bush for his, he has published numerous articles in the magazine on the Inteet? During his campaign for the presidency in 2004 [1.2 million readers]. His website:

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Once treasure

Once treasure Once treasure   This is my love   In his name   Heaven on earth   Passionate pleasures birth   The sadness is replaced with joy   Life itself has value to a new   As the dawn Sunday   Karla, that my heart is not working   My love is the fulfillment and fun   My eyes and heart awake alive   When radiant comeLike noon Sunday   Karla makes the face   Being with her is not a crime   I would, therefore, break   The barrier of time   For the purposes of my love   Is not measured by time   As in   E 'older   That the best wines   When the   I feel the presence of my Creator   The power of my Creator   The depth of infinite love   Originally aboveA by God eteal treasure   This is my love!   However, some say   ? Slow?   ? Love takes time.   This comment to me   It has no rhyme or reason   Not for him   Can I get a dime   Because I know you believe   This woman of mine   Whenever or wherever   We are together   We have a wonderful time prince of the universe   Is not bound by time   Being the alpha and omega   The beginning and end   It 'was like Abraham   He is my best friend   So why should my love   Being led to a bitter end   That can fit in   Within the cultural boundaries   Regarding timeTake time out of the equation   Need not hinder love   With its abrasion   The commitment is not measurable   For a calendar   Whether you? Retu Caucasian or Asian   Consider the age of the patriarchs   Who were so convinced and courageous   Abraham, who was Sarah   She is ten years younger than him   However, the promise of God   It was done together! Adam and Eve were united   For love at first sight   They were certainly excited   For them, everything went well.   Isaac and Rebecca   Met at a time   Fortunately Wednesday   And do not relent.   Boaz and Ruth was seen   He is spiritual and smooth.   Why then should we expect   When there is a lot to lose.   Expressing love and enjoy   It is not limited to expected and lifted abused.When God   Time stopped   Why can not   His heart is full now? Far be it from me   To submit to such mediocrity   Feeling the Lord   I have to go boldly   ConfidentlyOur with faith and love is not measured by time   By Karla is perfect for me   A work of art at its best   Why then should not be cause   When there is rhyme   As for me   I refuse to wait in line   Our love is divine   Why then have to be brain   When the Matchmaker is spiritual   The power, presence and the person who is here   Therefore, rejoice   On each day, month and year!   Causing all the earth and enjoy the experience   Love beyond time is at hand   Once every treasure yearPaul Davis is author of Breakthrough for a broken heart a book tells us: "How to overcome disappointments and flowers in your dreams!" It 'a minister, life coach (relational and professional), which dates back to the expert, popular worldwide keynote speaker, creative consultant, humor being, adventurer, explorer, mediator, liberator and dream-maker.Paul 's compassion for people and passion for travel has taken him to more than 50 countries in which the world has had a tremendous impact. Paul has also brought revival to many in war, poverty and the tsunami-affected regions of the earth. His nonprofit organization Dream-Maker Ministries is building dreams and breaking limitations.Paul 's Breakthrough Seminars inspire, revive, awaken, impregnate with purpose, impart the fire of desire, catapult people into a new level of self-awareness, facilitate the discovery and destiny dream fulfillment. Paul can be contacted at the following address:   407-967-7553 or 407-282-1745For more information:  


Trivia To do so is to know   If you do not know   And no one knows   The fact that you do not know   We can live --   Not knowing   If life   Not knowing   You should know   Not to live   If you   They need to know!   "Nero" Ideas "Please note that" Black Ideas "is my pen poetic names, so that you can see with all the poetry that is under my original name composition.Thanks2 can not be USEFULIf the sun   To shed light   You can use the moon   To reflect the light, if it can not be the sea   To keep a ship afloat   You can make a river   For cannoe; You can become a forest   For the production of wood,   You can use a bush   For herbs, if not the grass   For a cow,   You can be a worm   To cultivate a sparrow; Regardless of your life   You can always be useful   So, to be useful!   (Black ideas) 3) If I am a husband BRIDEGROOMIf   Bring trouble to my Eden.   When the earth in the garden,   I want my lover   From the danger that the hidden.   I wa my wife   Of all those who have never taken   The fruits, which prohibited   If you have not eaten   So that my beloved   It is never too beaten.However if by mistake,   My beloved is like   I will try   To pray for his pardonWhenever their error is forgiven,   We will move to the kingdom on the moon.   There are some days I count to seven,   Then I invite some of the angels of heaven;   For them, and only their   Witness our wedding.Now husband as ordered,   I will do my blessed wife in a room.   E 'la mia rose   From the garden,   Therefore, my beloved Offer   Your honey from Eden!   (Black ideas) My full name is Mawutodzi Kodzo Abissath   I am a Ghanaian joualist, writer and poet. I am a graduate of the Ghana Institute of Joualism. I was bo over 40 years, Accra, Ghana. I am currently working with Information Services Division of the Ministry of Information in Accra. I am the Information Manager of the Govement of Ghana Website in April 2002 has been training for Inteational Relations at the ENA (Ecole Nationale d'Administration in Paris, France. My specialty was the "commercial" diplomacy "in In July 2004, I attended a short course "strategy of E-Govement" at the Politecnico Nayang in Singapore.I are the author of a book entitled: "Friends of Tomorrow-Poems for Children" published in 1994 Ghana.I is also a co - author of a book entitled: "The traditional wisdom in African Proverbs", published in 2004 Ghana.I is a freelance joualist and how, and I have more than 400 articles in local media and foreigners in French and English

Poetry scams

Poetry scams My name is Jeffrey Michael Miller, and I am the author of the book of poetry entitled "From inside and outside" by Publishamerica. I take this opportunity to talk about some poetry is self-appointed gurus who freely give misleading information. Some of these people do not want to mention by name parade around on every website and forum you can find all those who express their ideas and insights about the world of poetry, while they themselves are the same things that the reporting to readers about you. These same people who tell us how to be successful in the world of poetry is not one with a bad reputation, which are documented on the websites of all fraud, because for the most part. Some of these people were accused of stealing the work of others and were unknown and ostracized by their editors, but even in places like this is hiding the truth about themselves and what they look to you as the player has successfully poets and searched for information with good information. You'll enjoy a great favor by ignoring these people and this advice, when you try to trash the poetry of other groups and organizations look bad in the process. The reason why some of these people are so crazy and run this kind of nonsense, because they never won a single award or recognition by organizations that are trying to ruin the reputation. His work is not considered sufficient to merit an award or recognition in the world without these people to create their own forum with the horrible reputation for all types of abuse and nonsense that is spreading throughout the world as a bad poem virus. Award Poet of the month, at their forum, and it is absolutely ridiculous and they do it because no other award that a poet of the month, if they do not do them. If you have the time to study some of these names are case after case of allegations against them in order to examine the source of the poetry of these elements before we heard the words of these people. These people logroll and a review of the books in another attempt to find and book the sales people come from another with little interest public.They selling their forum members misleaded think that these people are prominent poets when they laugh stalk of art. Do not be fooled by a snake rabbit wearing clothes my friends and look at the source of poetry that you receive information, because the dirt outside poets are widely known. Self-promotion and delusions of grandure are the only things that really know the poem is far from its knowledge base. If you prefer to listen to the people themselves the name of a poet of the month in your forum, please go ahead and do it, but I am sick and it is far from legitimate. Remember that I felt when finally realize you're reading the information. Always take time to know the source before getting involved in some rather misleading and words. The poeple point the finger, in fact, should point to themselves and not to mislead readers. If it walks and talks like a duck poem after my friends in reality it is a duck.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Review of Stephen B Wiley s first book of poetry HERO ISLAND

Review of Stephen B Wiley s first book of poetry HERO ISLAND Stephen B. Wiley poet? S first book of poetry, Hero Island, reflects tender snapshots and recalls overview of the various phases of his life as a child working on a farm in New Jersey, spent the summer with his family in northe Vermont, and his positive life.His elegant command of language and explores the magic leads to life, subjects as diverse as the blade that are reluctant to engage with the life of the city, opening up the summer cottage, shucking co, Albert Einstein and the World Federation, the lesson more important as the death of a loved one. All are made with a high degree of introspection and a sincere commitment to the palette of words that are easily accessible to less experienced reader.Particularly touch of poetry and struck a house? Go? Wiley, who portrays the death of his ninety-four years, the father-something I personally have only been recently with the death of my stepfather. The end of poetry? S pure spoken touching describes your feelings? I knew that would be the father? Do not die I folded on her bed, even if And we embraced with a kiss Would like. Above all, Wiley? s strength lies in the fact that his poems are characterized by feelings of fear and nostalgia that pervades their thinking, that is neither sad or frustrated, as often happens with many poets. Moreover, the descriptions are fresh and effortless, reverberating with vitality, as demonstrated in the first two rooms of his poetry for my hands: Yes, yes, I admire his work as a soloist How to launch a ball Write your name I hatAnd tip? I am proud that the name things are for you Help Transmission limits of its clothing including the delivery of something that should be? Have not you? Wiley is very important? s remarkable ability with the language, perhaps attributable to his legal training. When interviewed him and asked him how he had struck his poetry writing, her answer was concise? The words are the subject of the law? words and written words? and precision of language is more important. The poem is based on the same strengths. Only a summary of the poetic style of Stephen B. Wiley. Although, I must admit that initially open Wiley? S poems with some trepidation, my only complaint, when you reach the last poem, I had enough of it. My hope is that the island of Hero marks the beginning of a long and creative career.Norm Goldman is the editor of the book review site   and travel site, is also a travel writer and together with his artist wife, Lily, combining words with art focusing on romantic and wedding destinations.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning discussion How you love

Elizabeth Barrett Browning discussion How you love ? How do I love thee? Elizabeth Barrett Browning was written in 1845 while he was being courted by the English poet Robert Browning. The poem is also the title of sonnets Sonnet XLIII by Portuguese.Early ExperiencesElizabeth Durham Barrett was bo in England in 1806, the first daughter of wealthy parents who owned sugar plantations in Jamaica. It was home to school and read voraciously in history, philosophy and literature. Young Elizabeth leaed Hebrew to read the original texts of the Bible, and the greek to read the original greek theater and philosophy. He started writing poems when she was 12 years, although she has not published his first collection of twenty years.Elizabeth Barrett developed a serious respiratory disease by the age of 15 years and an accident driving on the left, shortly after his severe spinal cord injury. These two health problems remained with her all life.In 1828 his mother died four years later, and found the family business and his father sold the farm in Durham and his family moved to a coastal city . He was ste, protective, and even the prohibition of any kind and tyrannical to marry their children. In 1833 Elizabeth published her first book, a translation of Prometheus Bound by playwright greek Aeschylus.A a few years later the family moved to London. His father began sending Elizabeth? The young brothers and sisters in Jamaica to help with the family business. Elizabeth was distressed because they openly opposed to slavery in Jamaica and the plantations of the family and why he does not want her siblings sent away.Early WritingIn 1838 Elizabeth Barrett wrote and published The Seraphim and Other Poems. The collection is a form of classical Greek tragedy, and expressed deep sentiments.Shortly Christians, then, Elizabeth? S of Health asked to go to Italy, accompanied by his beloved brother Edward, who spoke of "Brother." Unfortunately he drowned a year later in an accident of navigation and Elizabeth retued to London, seriously ill, emotionally broken, pain and hope involved. She became lonely for the next five years, limiting his own bedroom.She continued to write poems, however, and in 1844 published a collection simply titled Poems. Also published in the United States with the introduction of Edgar Allan Poe. In one of the poems that praised the works of Robert Browning, who won his attention. He wrote on his retu, expressing his admiration for Poems.Robert BrowningOver the next twenty months Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning exchanged 574 letters. Admiration, respect and love for one another grew and prospered. In 1845 Robert Browning sent Elizabeth a telegram which said, "I love your verses with all my heart, dear Miss Barrett. I, like I said, the love for these books, with all my heart? And I love you too. " A few months later the two met and fell in love love.Inspired by Robert Browning, Elizabeth Barrett wrote the 44 love poems which were collected by the Portuguese and sonnets were published in 1850. His growing love for Robert and his ability to express their emotions in the sonnets and love poems allowed Elizabeth to escape the repression of her father and his father, depression recluse.Her strongly opposed the report so that it maintains its history l 'love as secret as possible. The couple eloped in 1846 and his father has not forgiven her or spoke thereafter.Move a ItalyElizabeth Barrett Browning and her husband, Robert, went to Pisa, Italy and soon settled in Florence, where he spent the rest of his life, with occasional visits to London. Elizabeth soon? S improve health enough to be able to give birth to the couple? S Only Child, 1850 Robert.In sonnets published by the Portuguese. Some have speculated that the title was chosen to hide the nature of his sonnets and to imply that the collection was a translation of earlier works. However, Robert? S animal was Elizabeth called "my little Portuguese," a reflection on Elizabeth? S dark Mediterranean complexion, possibly inherited from the family? S Jamaica ties.While of life in Florence, Elizabeth Barrett Browning published 3 of the most important. Italian tackled political issues and some other unpopular subjects such as slavery, child labor, male, and a woman? S right to intellectual freedom. Despite its popularity has declined as a result of these elections has been read and heard and recognized throughout Europe. He died in Florence in 1861.The poem, "How Do I Love Thee?" Sonnet XLIII, "How Do I Love Thee? 'It is probably Elizabeth Barrett Browning? s most popular love poem. It is sincere, romantic, affectionate, intelligent and simple. E 'also memorable.The enough love poem begins with the question: "How do I love you?" And proceeded to count the ways. Christian spirituality testifies that loves Robert "to the depth and width and height can reach my soul." He then professes seven more ways that loves Robert. His passion for using my old pain "refers to the depth of his former despair. The love that "I think to lose with my lost saints" refers to the loss of his mother and his love brother.The love poem concludes with the assertion that time and death does not diminish its love for Robert because "if God choose, I love you more, but after death. "To make love TheeHow I love you? Let me count the ways. I love you for the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling of view For the purpose of being and ideal love is Grace.I level of everyday life Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight. I love you freely, as men strive for Right; I love you purely, as they tu Praise.I love the passion you put into practice In my old pain, and the faith of my childhood. I love you with a love that seemed lost With my lost saints, - I love you with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life - and if God choose, I love you, but better after death .***************************** Images Garry is a public school teacher and employer work. Write articles on real estate, health and nutrition services and Inteet dating. He is the owner and

S poetry and

S poetry and Ed Gallagher Dec. 11, 1907 - September 5, 2004This was poetry Ed Gallagher, a good friend and close on the day his wife called me, I know that he is in hospital and was not expected to live. I was asked by the family to read to the gathering after the funeral and copies have been extended to his entire family members.It is important to realize that our loved ones, despite the fact that they lived for a good age, and especially when they die young.People say The fact that she lived a good life It 'been many years With your children and your wife.You lived a good life Yes, it is true But that does not mean that We do you.The sound of your voice The pace of the pitch, These are the things that We do not forget.Your years at the farm Are not spent in vain They have a whole team With your commitment and strain.Though eyes and ears He had begun to dim My mind was so strong, Tack or pin.Your as head filled All kinds of facts Sports, people, agriculture, The life of max.When came to visit Expects a hug And just a kiss When you smile mug.The light in your eyes If you have talked to a friend These are the memories That it will not be missed end.You There is no doubt And we think of you often About.Or if and only if A game on TV Listening and announced that He scores or strike three.You lived a good life Yes that is correct. But that does not mean that We will not miss you! Copyright September 2004Fran Watson "Expert Author"

Friday, August 28, 2009

The art of receiving Poetic Critique

The art of receiving Poetic Critique You can show your poem to your mother, your spouse, your colleagues or friends, but you may not get answers that can suck your little writing fingers to use in an effort to refine your craft. What does it mean when someone who truly cares about you, but not for poetry says, "Wow, this is great. I really like it? "Then perhaps you have done this puzzle and you've decided to put your poetry, ripe and juicy in the drawer of a cyber forum. Watch out. If the feedback is not only has never been carefully designed for your commitment was the sweet nothings of those around you, you may be shocked, shocked, or saddened by the response of the pile of criticism of his poem. You can get: "This line is killed?" The rhyme is a little 'forced here, "" The wording of this verse is embarrassing;? Or always dreaded, "What do you mean? "A normal response to a critical one, some or all of the comments above can be a poet is a critical factor for the cyber-output current, or poising the loan of a handful across the screen. Do not be afraid. As I said, these are the common initial responses, moreover, the poet has experienced its share of poetry infected by harsh words of a critic.So how we can handle criticism? Well, first of all, understand that criticism is not a criticism on the poet. Being a poet is not immune to negative criticism. The poet has to swallow every word critical throws his way. And 'well with the critics. A poet should not blindly accept criticism, but must examine the reasons for the proposed revision of the proposal, and then try to define how the criticism is the goal of poem.Say For example, you wrote a poem with the lines short chop. Your intention was to move the sudden sound, as was the theme of your poem. Let's say you have such a review, "Your line is too short and choppy." Well, now you have to go and explain to the criticism that you did on purpose and is ignorant of course. You can give your room a second look, wait a while 'more of an answer, and whatever you chew for a while' time. Thus, given the criticism as "too short and choppy, you may not want to completely change your room in an effort to respond to criticism that does not understand what it was like you were trying to do, but you can find a way to keep your style, leaving your purpose.Always discuss your intentions with respect to a person as your poetry recitation. If you find that people do not understand your intentions, you must re-work of your song in your design.The first honest criticism is always the most difficult to digest. After that, the critics will not go away, only that they become instruments for the welcomes and the candidate set poet.Devrie Paradowski is a freelance writer and poet. His poetry has been published by several literary magazines and has written numerous articles for various publications, including "Poetry Renewal Magazine" and "" She is the author of the Chapbook, "Some things in earth , which can be found at. In 2001, establish a literary community on-line () that has become very respected for some of the most honest and poetic depth review on the Inteet. As part of its commitment to inspire amateur writers to hone their skills, he also founded a group called the writer, "The Fire and Ice Writer's Group."

Coffee House Poet a poem

Coffee House Poet a poem (Written in the Coffee House) This is where I meet my friends,   He speaks in long, it seems,   Can I? I do not remember all their names?   (full time), my cup of coffee, often skipping   When it comes to breaking the   When my concentration?. Women want to borrow chairs? often   Around the table, me? m regular here?   Every day until the evening, nearly three   Midnight? writing, reading, drawing,   What? s what I do, I? poet.Three ma? s Professor of U of M;   E Johannes, a poet and friend, and   Therefore, it is Papa Bear, who works in   The airlines conceed? Northwest? is   you leave businessAnd Gene, who loves erotic;   And Kathy, her? s a fan of Faulkner, and   Royce, a lawyer, has no real choice;   Mathew and him? s a writer of songs, and   MusicAnd then there's Janet, you? s love   Word of God, and Michelle, who as   The law also, and we? s Cindy W., a poet   Ama? Plath? and Gary and Sue, the book   also lovers, and I, a simple poet.I have leaed a lot from all my friends,   Coffee House, in B & N in   Roseville? And we all love to inhale   the smell of coffee, books and conversation;   I believe that destiny has brought us here, Amen! Dedicated to my friends at the Coffee House, # 1257 3/2/06 revised 2/5/06See Dennis' website:

E 'un mondo t Care

E 'un mondo t Care War May bombs explode demolishing man and land. Devastating hurricanes in the months of May and leave us entirely bare. Earthquakes May devour old monuments and swallowing. But nothing is as destructive as the world is not penis care.Smog May atrocious in our daily lives. We all suffer from significant pollution in the air. Intoxicants can be debilitating to those who drink. But nothing is more boring for a world that does not care.Embezzlers May flee with the money not them. May a spouse to engage in extra-marital affair. May some malicious, evil, mean and raw. But nothing is as tragic a world that is not care.The May all the rich more rich than the poor languish behind. Seniors may find their days are lived alone. That the youth is lost in a labyrinth. But nothing is more terrible to a world that is incurable and can challenge care.Diabetes appetite. May cancer is omnipresent, creating havoc and despair. Rene suddenly in May and did not require dialysis. But nothing is more deadly in a world that does not care.Our world has many problems to find solutions. Great trials and tribulations of humanity can overcome. But hope remains alive, however, small sparks of May, If the world does not leave its ability to care.Rev. Saundra L. Washington, is an ordained clergywoman, social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries, is also the author of two coffee table books: Room in the Snow, Poems that Preach and Negative Disturbances, Homilies that teaching.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

S Leigh Hunt Jenny kissed me a discussion on poetry

S Leigh Hunt Jenny kissed me a discussion on poetry Jenny kissed me when we met   Leap from the chair you sat in;   Now, you thief, who love   Sweets in your list, put that in to say that I am tired, sad to say that I   To say that health and prosperity me   Say that I am old, but add   Jenny kissed me.Leigh Hunt was a 19th Century English essayist, critic, poet and publisher. Although at present no known poets, Hunt? S "Jenny kissed me" was widely appreciated and often for almost two centuries. However, Hunt lived in an era of English romanticism and influential in the life of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Lord Byron and John Keats. E 'was also contemporary with Samuel Coleridge, William Wordsworth and Charles Dickens. This great company has an illustrious Leigh Hunt status.About "Jenny kissed Me" in 1835 Leigh Hunt and his large family of Chelsea in London and became close to the poet and writer, Thomas Carlyle, on his proposal. The two became close friends and the house hunting has always been open to his circle of friends, of whom there were stories many.Two there. E 'has a story that Leigh Hunt visited the Carlyle for the message that he published the poems of Thomas Carlyle. When the message was sent to Carlyle? S Ms Jane, who jumped up and kissed him.The other story is that during a hunt in the winter was ill with influenza and absent for so long that when finally, and went to Carlyle, Jane jumped up and kissed him, when at the door. Two days after one of Hunt's personal note, is aimed at "by Mr Hunt to Mrs. Carlyle." E 'included the poem, "Jenny kissed me." The second story is the most commonly repeated.Thankfully, Hunt was editor of an essay, because the original Jenny was Nelly and the word "jaundiced" was of "fatigue" in the fifth line.Reputedly, Leigh Hunt was the flirtatious man, often in trouble with his wife. Even assuming, Jane Carlyle was a somewhat 'rough and best known for his acid tongue impulsively affection.The poem "Jenny kissed me" has been variously described as a whimsical, charming, simple, and unaffected. Many readers meet for the first time during their school-age years and remember them throughout their lives. Many girls have the name "Jenny" after the memories of PoemThe first poem.Features striking structural feature of "Jenny kissed me" is the trochaic meter. This is characterized by a foot, an accented syllable followed by one without the accent. This ad is not commonly used in formal English poetry, because the sound singsong.The trochaic meter is more common in children? S singsong rhymes when a rhythm is to be welcomed. Think of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I wonder what they are." Singsong The effect is due to the rhyme scheme ABABA poetry, as opposed to a rhyme scheme AaBb. The first system generates rhyming quatrain verse as the fundamental unit of poetry, as in "Jenny kissed me." This rhyme scheme produces two line pairs, the singsong effect, as in children? S nursery rhymes.Trochaic meters can also sound solemn or heavy due to the fact that the trochaic foot has a falling patte (stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable). However, "Jenny kissed me" is a fun poem and is supported by the use of female rhymes.Lines do this with a stressed syllable as male and lines ending with an unstressed syllable of females. In "Jenny kissed me" lines 1, 3, 5 and 7 are male, but the model does not rhyme in poetry. Lines 2, 4, 6 am to 8 p.m. are women, which is to offset the masculine rhymes and help make the poem feel lighter and insightful brighter.The end of "Jenny kissed Me" always brings a smile to the reader? Face .* *******************   Garry legs is a public school teacher and entrepreneur. He writes articles about politics, real estate, health and nutrition, and inteet dating services. He is the owner and

In the valley of the Beast Armageddon poetry

In the valley of the Beast Armageddon poetry Here's a poem about war, perhaps the last battle of WWII Dennis is biblical, but not completely. E 'un po' like what's happening today, and this poetry is to live as a reminder of the war and its development process. Rosain valley of the beast   [Armageddon] They were gathered for the feast, in the valley of the beast   The valley of Armageddon! The Feast of hell victory.The times today, have been opened, to conquer the land nationsof Thus spoke Hell:? Cursed is he who can not take account of these words to join us   In the valley of the beast, the war? And the world is waiting for the Saturday of the war, the war? S knees soaked in blood,   Beast.They in the valley of the near and far: from swamps, forests and valleys:   From the north, west is the farthest? Brother against brother   (To fight in the valley of Armageddon). They came to do better, commissioned by none other than not   Other than the hell? s Beast.With breathlessness, tightening the foot of Nations, who said:   ? War, war, war? and with swords of fire, many have died in   the valley of his anger Beast.In, caked with blood up to his knees in the Valley   Armageddon, the beast with wrath, roars as the sky? S ports   open (two million souls have perished), and, therefore, was chained   for a season, and peace came to by.Note he wrote to Caf? ? Calibrated? Lima, Peru, 5.1.2006 [afteoon during lunch). Dennis Website:

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Epigrams 33 Wake Up a joke in Spanish and English, hours

Epigrams 33 Wake Up a joke in Spanish and English, hours 1? There is an old saying that? S rightly:   ? Where? And there is a will, is that right? unfortunately   Make sure you have room for a   Though.6/20042 back? People don? t, their fears?   Their jealousy, envy and hatred,   Do.3 it? The secret is not that alien race   focused on earth to visit us, is   Who dies of a planet Sunless   Somewhere in nowhere.4? The origins of human maybe   A mixture of ancient genetic mutations   And a face lift from Homo habilis,   Homo creatures we are at today.   But who has collected? 5? For every effect there is a spring;   And who has the right to   Have? This is a good question.And to kill a murderess, it is necessary   Sever a murderess, or killed.6? Each effect   There is a price to pay   Of population security   It.7 guards? Faith is the view, but also the family? "   It is also tests.8 breeds evil villains? so,   The promoter has something   Happy?   9? There are things more powerful than all hell   and his demons: It's called self-interest.10? Sometimes we are back in the mouth of the whale?   And still other times, we are starting from the lion;   rarely are we in the jungle undisturbed, so that   if this is so, we must seize the moment? Note: epigrams: 11 am to 12 p.m. written 1 / 200611? TragedyWhen there is pain   E 'increasingly important   (For any reason), if   Happiness is nearby.1/25/2006 [# 1105] 12? Cold DispleasureCold displeasure a man leaves intertwined   so close, there are annoying him absenteeism rates   thinking.1/28/2005Note: The following two epigrams on   Characters [13 & 14] have been written: 2 / 199313? # 1I speed sign to say?   Statements in the character of a man   O is also the soul! ... 14? # Characters 2Character is often more of moldings   [In] egos, so that   Give the man a watch on   This is too crack.More: epigrams: 15 and 17, written 1 / 200615? Poetry Poetry Images: Images? (or imaginary) in   Poetry is life and character of a   Poetry? for you to clip its wings and   And 'cosmic'. # 1122 1/29/0616? The Living EarsThey the side of me   Ears with the sounds? "   Hand-made speakers (back)   Angel is considered by some, that   They are the twin Lake,   My brothers, with their   Emerald sounds in my head. # 1123 1/30/200617? barred windows and a Lost World ShoesIn figs and power-brokers,   Satan is after poets, can I? T   excuse for what is the truth, but poets   Always in search of a lost   Shoes? save, but not? t jump   Prior to Windows? 18? Scouting is God? None   Things this way, but the Americans. # 1136 1 / 0619? The belief in a religion   Others, because it was   If at the time of birth, or a specific value,   Marriage is how quickly and   And to make the best of it.20? An ideal IdealAn (your ideal), nor an ideal   Within one? s themselves, until it becomes a   Disturbance of public order (always annoying   For others), it is your fault, if   A price to pay. # 1135 1 / 200621? The double FlagWhat can say that America in the world? It hasn? t already been said? ? with   The walls of granite, the pilgrims and Rock;   For the civilization did not flag, you   Them all. It shares its   Flag with the world ... (where are we? Re   All). # 1129 1 / 200622? Advice for Mice? ve supported me, my senses   are better than me, [thinking or   Recommend]. And another? S Advice   With their own interest, so what can   Do? The like you, please   May, and to avoid, by law, the   More to say, with your spouse as   Them. # 1130 # 1/200623Character accelerate said 1I   Explanations for humans? S-mark   Also refers to his soul! ...2/1993 [# 1146] 24Character # 2Character is often printed shares   More information from (to), in their own interest,   Thus, in a way that a clock   That is ready to crack.2/1993 [# 1147] 25 Out of WorldPerhaps we must not   Contact with the world (s) outside;   What can they do, but we are in conflict:   Distortion, possess, sell? yet, it seems   As part of our need for the infinite. # 1148 [1 / 2006] February Epigrams26?   One-two hours hours [# 1157] I 2/2/2006TimeIf something unforgivable,   E 'a waste of time,   a world that we have so little of.WastedBeing unfortunately, the norm   For some people to make them   , Is simply throwing gun --   Powder in a fire.27? Don Giovanni and MeDon said he beat the crap   I screw your wife. He himself   Chased me around the pool table in the bar;   Then I said:? Ok, let's fight!? I tried to explain   What was not? t me, but said that John told him that she   Was. The next day I said to John: Why   Did you say a lie like Don? And John said   For me, for you? back more than I, and   Him up. # 115828? TaxesWe Christ and kill a million Christmas trees on   Celebrate a man? s every birthday   Year, it is very natural, and is   Deserves this ritual. And some people   But they must be fairly   Honestly, the IRS, for additional cuts   Taxes. # 1162 2/2/200629? The Old DyingWhen and my mother died, it was like bubbles   A candle, almost as if it were ready   to do when death comes, I hope   It 'so simple, perhaps life has been very   more difficult for her to die, and who had   Christ in his coer, he felt safe. They   Wanted, so they told me, so that   Shows the old and the death are the most wise. # 1162 2/3/200630? Planned PoetHopeful poets hope   Standing waiting for   Give poetry readings, if   Can not live? First   From the high life. # 1199 2/11/0631? KyotoGod vacuum created man from a vacuum,   Who has the shape of the void? God? E? Form? Eyes had   How did the sea, islands, and it was good. # 1200 2/10/200632? Magnificent rebellion? Many young people are drunkwith rebellion?   As if that was not welded. My   Advice: Get off the drunken   Stage, before they fall. # 1204 2/12/2006 Dedicated Ximena HP33? Cold Eye (Haiku) The devil Wiz? s long   The edge of the earth,   With eyes cold. # 1206 2/13/2006IN SPANISH   Translated by Nancy PenalozaEpigramas   (Un poco de Ocurrencia) Note: Epigramas: 1-10 Escritos 6/20041-Hay un viejo Refr? N, no cierto cases:   ? Si hay un desiderio, a hay stack?. Ay de mí,   Sin embargo, ASEG? Frase de un sitio para hacer   Camino de regreso.6/20042-La people escoger sus temores;   Sus Celos, y envidias hateful,   Privacy hacen.3 ellos lo que no es un extra a Raza   Haya venido a la tierra para Aos visit, esto esta   En eso, esto muere de un pianeta nublado,   En ALG? N lugar en ninguna parte. 4-El origen de la Humanidades: posiblemente is   Una mezcla de antiguas mutations in the gene? Ticas   Y una expresa? N disipada of Homo habilis,   Y las criaturas homo of us today.   ? But here? N incitar hizo? 5-Para todo hay una cause and effect;   Y? Quien tendre? the raz? n par   Poseerla? Es una buena para pregunta.Y Matar a un Asesino, you should be   Asesino mas a server or services? matado.6-Para todo efecto created   Hay un precio para ser pagado   Por la població? N Resguardo   The Fe-Esto.7 Cree, esta tambi? N conf? A,   Y tambi? N-El examina.8 times CREA times?   El creador tiene algo   To look at delante.9-Hay cosas m? S poderosas que el Infieo   Y sus Demonios: esto llamado is: Interstate? S-propio10 Some veces nosotros estamos en la boca de la ballena --   Y aun otras veces le escapa del estamos? N;   Raras veces nosotros estamos en la selva quiet, ASI,   Cuando esto ocurre, we Grabar en el momento .. 11-TragediaCuando hay un dolor   Este llega a ser m? S important   (Por alguna raz? N), where   La felicidad esta cercana.1/25/2006 (# 1105) 12-Fr? sinsaborFri? Deja un hombre sinsabor torcido   Tan firmemente Ausente le da al pensamiento   Exasperante.1/28/2005Nota; Los dos siguientes Epigramas on   Cars? Cter (13-14) fueron Escritos; 2/199313-Car? # Cter 1Me apresuró a decir --   Los comentarios dentro del auto? Cter de los hombres   Tambi? N refi if a su alma? .14 Auto? Cter # 2el car? Cter és a menudo moldeado m? D   (Inducido POR) propios interests, how?,   Abandonar a un hombre al encadenado Horario   Eso es, cerca de sufrir una crisis nerviosa.See Dennis' web site: Dennis' new book is only today, "last autumn and winter," or

Who am I

Who am I THE ESSENTIALHere'm only in the days of my youth,   And say my sacred trust.   Control of verses, songs of wisdom,   Accompany me to the distant star.   There? S for the thought, no? S a lot to do.   I? M still see the green and made me cry blue.Then? I'm going down   So, how do I receive the crown of light?   But the wind through my hair whisper your say   Singing and fat day.Fears the general strike, the anguish surrounding me,   But my spirit, the strength, I said it should be.   I spray water on my face,   And to believe that part of the human race.   Everything from war to peace.   Each of faith and fleece.Still, I am sorry, my girlfriend and her dance.   I think that the depth of my love.   Dust and fire, fog and storm,   Inside me all day is long.I   A strange feeling comes when they are in this sense.   I am constantly somewhere something is missing.   Give me any hard and do.   I wonder what is the pinnacle of my acting.   I think 'Who am I?   I am here, but I do not know why.I? I wonder what's on me.   I just do not know what I am supposed to be.   The soul is pure / impure?   My goal, of which I am not so sure.   I think 'Who am I?   I am here, but I do not know my work why.Are good or bad.   I followed, I am happy or sad?   My assets are grinding higher or lower?   My progress may be fast or slow.   I think 'Who am I?   I am here, but I do not know why.Lastly, I can step into heaven or hell.   But I can not describe my words and forms as well.   I do not know what to call.   I know that one day I cross the Styx, but could not be.   I think 'Who am I?   I am here, but I do not know why.My soul and will be separated from the trunk.   Then, of course, we hear Unscratched.   This scene is beyond my comprehension.   I don'y know something about my future situation.   I think 'Who am I?   Why.Yes are here but I do not know why I'm here.   I am looking for something pure and clear.   It 's my heart that wants to see.   I want to break the links to where I am wrapped.   I think 'Who am I?   I am here, but I do not know why.My work published in anthologies VoicesNet, Powell, Ohio. I write on various topics. Different from that of poetry, has also written prose.


Toffee We call you? Toffee Apple?   Or? Baby? Or? Kitten? also   We can call you love more than a name   And they were all for you.You bo in the house next to it,   A June 1 - 2003 was the year   They were a small ball of ginger fluff   And try to suck my ears! The year 2006 is now   And she, almost three years   Much has happened to you, little love   But you were brave and bold.A car tu left and   If you have seven months of age   A broken pelvis? under the Accident   Your tail amputated? Woke up in a cage.At veterinarians, remained for a week   And we were very conceed for you   We have come to see every day   They have gained strength, and we moved through.We love is like a child   For us, you? Once again our child   Its so funny? they have   You are such a treasure joy.This poetry is all about you   Toffee? our beautiful cat   If you give us your love in retu   And we? Re honored to that.You? Re like a little treasure   A comic, it's true!   Thus, in our special children --   ? Thanks for you?. This poem was also published in several books by the press forward.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Stage where your lightness of being Joy Out Of The Closet No More Living On The Down Low

Stage where your lightness of being Joy Out Of The Closet No More Living On The Down Low   CAT ASTROPHEShe stronger in the blue of the moing,   and looked at the sky and under their gaze upward and higher,   something strange on a pasture caught his eyeThere, high in the thin branches,   Swinging in the wind, and still was a silence tabby   curled under limbsShe she shouted, clapped their hands, their dogs soundBut improved only the cat will not move?   their silence was profound *** Knowing that the cat was dead   faceIn slowly slipped his bitter weeping, the undesirable   With pain? s wet, salty tasteShe fought in his home   With pain? s heavy waves and tried on what to do,   and who to call, at least on this point, once saveAt fine cat,   To make it back to see how groundShe it is for his safety   not back down, and how they Saturdays, hunger, thirst,   Forever caught in the embrace of green? *** E 'possibile? t is back outside,   But when he saw looked Space cat has just been away! He played great possum,   Only what they are not deadAnd? d, as the whole truth   was only a story in their headThen takes his laughter exploded from her,   Joy drawn in his soul and the promise of crystal clear blue moing   has been restored, renewed, and a voice for the sanity? D as a voice of reason,   A choice other than vanity,   Speaking of truth, not the madness, and then bring LOVE   BACK TO HUMANITY *** SE? S CURRENT   My irritation   WITH INTER-COUNTRY madness, me? D COME TO MY story   CREATIVE JEWELERY   LIFE IN Syndication? DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION   Increases MAN? S exaltation   With the passing of God? S CREATION   So ALL Damnation   For eteity? Length S *** YES, I? D LOVE   A voice for Sanity   So bring MAN   BACK TO HUMANITYOPINIONATEDWE? RE like our opinion,   We believe it is true? If you do not agree FIT   With all the things I see and opportunities   So what? S Du, are wrong,   Meyes WE ARE NOT WITH LOVE then in our opinion,   GLUE us how? And I? LL STAND UP AND FIGHT heftig   With all my strong EGO? S May   ? Cuz I know that I am right,   NOT YOUBUT? What happens if there are both wrong   And what if it is correct? THEN life would be   A melody   , In which we? D TANTO DELIGHTYOU see ISN? T The Gospel according to me,   NE The Gospel According to her,   And all our opinions, just add UP TO NOTHING   In view of what? Ewig S TRUETHAT SOUL DEEP DOWN A LEVEL,   WHERE? S NOT ABOUT ME OR   U.S.? RE ALL THE SOUL IN ONE-NESS   And who am I,   EVEN YOU ARE (All poems (c) 2005 by Author) Thank you for your time reading and visiting with me for a while 'time - I wish you peace, joy, harmony and fullness of all your efforts! An inteational award-mail and published poets, Rev. Rebecca Guile Hudson spent his first seventeen years in a violent family, where severe mental, physical and sexual abuse. Besides singing with the Albuquerque Symphony adult choir, Rev. Hudson is a certified peer counselor for the mentally ill a paraprofessional crisis / suicide line volunteers and hypnotherapists. and her husband of twenty-seven years, John, live in Adelino, New Mexico. I grew up three children, four grandchildren, four cats and two dogs.


Lucky You make me smile As I have rarely done before If they give me a reason To want more of you ... - We Anytime - anywhere No matter Until we are ... In your heart and soul Especially in mines We have a connection Gushing of time ... And probably the most logical As some would say But this is not if we can not be today or tomorrow ... To see all Because what we share Is between you and me ... We can not tu back time Somewhere else When our lives have been Different and we do not have to face ... The challenges of Together today ... Barriers that lead Find new ways ... To share a special moment Or steal a kiss ... Something so special that many people miss out on all their lives Not lucky enough to find This is a person who satisfies The body and mind ... We are very special Because we found each other No matter how Is to be together ... For now at least -- We will find a way To see each other Almost every day ... Until it is time When we are free Our past, decisions There will be more ... An amazing pair People One part love And friendship .. too dissimilar from that Most people dream To achieve once In this life, it seems ... Resource Box -? Danielle Hollister (2004) is the editor for BellaOnline Quotations Zine - A free newsletter for fans with prices more than 10,000 bids in dozens of categories - love, friendship, children, inspiration, success, wisdom , family, life, and much more. Read online --

The Elder's death and a poem in Spanish and English

The Elder's death and a poem in Spanish and English When my mother died, it was like blowing on a candle, almost as if he were ready for a vacation. If the death, I hope that is so easy for me, maybe live, it was much harder than to die in this moment (time and place) for them that Christ is in their coer, they felt much more secure, which has wanted, "she was not alone? t quite sure if the wind blow? to blow that candle. Sunday shows the old and dying are wiser. # 1161 [2/2/06] A Prose Poem (in Minnesota at the coffee house) Spanish version   Translated by Nancy Pe? AlozaLos ancianos y mi madre muerteCuando the Walls ", was built as a sail apagar, almost as if she estuviera lista para unas vacaciones. Cuando la muerte venga, espero que sea para simple m? Quiz? En la vida fue mucho m? S ver? Cil Morir el que, en aquel momento (tiempo y lugar) para ella; Christ estando en su lado, ella se Sinti? mucho m? s secure, ella quería irse? no estaba segura si solamente tenia viento sufficient to soplar? Para apagar la Vela. How?, Esto shows: Los Viejos y los moribundos son m? S sabios. # 1161 [2/Febrero/2006] un Poema en Prosa (s Minnesota writing en el Caf?) See Dennis' web site: Source:

Monday, August 24, 2009

Rules for writing poems

Rules for writing poems You? I've been writing poetry since his first job in high school writing class. You know the rules of writing poetry, right? There are rules? Well, if you frequent the poetry forums on the Inteet as much as me, you? D to find that there are many fans of the poets to declare firmly that there are no rules for writing and poetry, even if someone suggests reading poetry or books of poetry, many poets fans pulling against a defense. My opinion seems to swing fervently toward the opposition. You must know the rules before they break, unless it? And my knowledge is always say.I write a sonnet in iambic pentameter is an art that has been buried in the tomb of the Renaissance, but the understanding, along with many other forms of closed poetry is a powerful instrument that contemporary piece prosy. Being a great poet requires an understanding of the intricate way in which language works on the edges a reader? S conscience. A poem is a mosaic of sounds, syncopations, and images. All the small fragments of a poem must work together in a unique way to culminate into something new and fresh and new.Refreshing? Well, one might ask how an archaic understanding the attributes of poetry, including meter and rhyme can help a poet contemporary craft a refreshing new poetry. This is innovation and the sound of it. Even scientists standing on the shoulders of their predecessors. No? It is not necessary to perform a perfect rhyme or a walk in a poem that jumps from the inspiration of Shakespeare? S sonnets, but these rhythms and rhymes teetering in and out of the wrinkles in your brain sends a very subtle vibrations of sound through your pieces.In summaries, read, read, read, know the rules, and then, break the rules . Goodness help you, please rest them.Here are some references to help you along the way: Books: The Practice of Poetry: Poems by Robin BehnWriting: Robert Wallace and Michelle Boisseau Poetry Handbook: Mary Oliver-site: Do not forget to read some contemporary poetry: Paradowski is a freelance writer and poet. His poetry has been published in various literary jouals and has written dozens of articles for various publications, including "Poetry Renewal Magazine" and " She is the author of the chapbook, "something in the ground, which can be found at. In 2001, he founded a community on-line literary Devries () which has become highly respected by some of the most honest and thorough critique of poetry online. In line with its commitment to inspire amateur writers to hone their skills, also founded a group called the writer, "Fire and Ice Writer's Group."

Black Magic Angels poetic prose Unveiled Aquarius

Black Magic Angels poetic prose Unveiled Aquarius The characters and signatures, the stars and scripts, with all the sky because of this, the planet of life (as you breathe, races, and bleeding)) Blessed be the Kingdom? S honor for suddenly)); for the world and lighting (light that goes far away): This is an invitation to the holy angels of vengeance? Here you will find that the Supreme Council of the dead, is responsible for all matters confidential, no legal title, not the membership, without a doubt, this is the order of veiled (in the time of Aquarius): Black Magic Angels.Ang? Els? the archetype of the world come to its amoeba, the world of materialism (postulates? is zero: The tables of the time: one for the soul (three verses in one: the soul of spirit, his purity, and its agents), that is immortal by renewal (not to destroy its forms, so that its development will be dissolved, and we are lagging behind in some rooms unsacred? soul lies here, with eyes open: water, white circle and a scarab, blocking his eyes. He has not forgotten his Schleiermacher, his body and his shroud of purity. Micha? el good angel is near, its size, it dominates, has no effect in the poor efforts of evil and man, Sama? el, is nearby, with the devil, hard view: the ghosts that linger in the soul (or almost). You know good and evil intentions, tried: If you try to explain why the his opinion has changed from pure emanations to deteriorate, the negative features (Sama? el evil is at hand: man with his haughty, and piano). Sama? and said: This is the last time that its to work on the inscrutable [sphinx similar] spirit's Height: wisdom, intelligence, love, justice, beauty, strength, splendor, justice and material justice? E 'the basis of the material world. The meaning is, if "the Law untie the package: (oh), a potent? He sand immune proud (Blessed be the kingdom's honor for ever:) And the name of the Dark Angels have been sent to the four cardinal (a table of sorts)? and the echoes came with (72 deaths): 72-Angels: 18-archetype is one of the world, 17-one in the world of creation, and 17 in the world of the Foundation, and the rest of the rest: the material world. These are Black Magic Angels, in connection with the order of the Devil demons.And Arch Belphegor has domain and Archangel Micha? el, and his series of angels.Scrolls buried: mood, Moody writings translated into Aquarius? time, another story to tell soon, with a little 'easier to understand, but for now, the Angels had been taught to astrologers: the signs to read to imply that they were introduced in the zodiac, and not to the planets and the stars, or lights "but the writing on the signs in heaven (when comes to know)) maybe)). And Micha? El hear people cry? Please Hero, is upon us? The knowledge of the characters, meant the end of this period? s: rightfulness and mercy for the world ", because it was the tu of: Vehu, Yeli, sit Aulem? and more than sixty-eight rulers who ruled the world? ! # 1345 5/10/06See Dennis' website:

Precisely because it

Precisely because it To make my heart sing an old song of love   And so that is where you belong.Your gentle touch my body sends more than emotion,   No one else in this world could be my lover.Your strong arms around me, protecting all damages,   Darling, no one owns a tenth of its charm.All mistakes in my life that transmuted into law,   And all the darkness of life has become suddenly bright.The tender warmth of true love, is to revive me,   Feelings, once the dead have retued alive.Your essence is as beautiful as the graceful pink yellow   You can find comfort and hospitality repose.As live up to the termination,   You will always be my only love I desire.The and feelings of joy,   No power on earth destroy.As could appreciate the elegance and beauty of each flower,   Therefore, we appreciate that the honey, every moment of every hour.The the sharp increase in 'water of the Pacific,   Do not compare with my lover emotions.Emotions stirring once damaged, and resolutely inert   Deleted and suppressed to prevent further damage, Dear heart, the emotions that triggered the   And all the love I have for you not decrease.To a woman through life had just been drowned,   His dedication and passion was truly uplifting.So I do not have the ambition, no goals or tasks,   Except for the love and the prize, and now we know that nothing forever.And you had to do.   You have won my love honey, just because you.Rev. Saundra L. Washington, DD, was ordained clergywoman, veteran social and founder of AMEN Ministries. It is also the author of two coffee table books: Room Beneath the Snow: Poems that Preach and Negative Disturbances: Homilies that the teaching that can be reviewed on its website. His new book, Deep Water: My Grief Management book, though late in the publication, should be available in early 2006.You are an open invitation to visit us at AMEN Ministries: the soul of Season Service Review spiritual services offered, obtain spiritual refreshing and soul edification, your daily dose of humor, recently expanded our surf Stop & Shop store and visit our prayer sanctum for quiet God.Blessings all!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sukanta Bhattacharya young poet with a sophisticated hand in Bengali literature

Sukanta Bhattacharya young poet with a sophisticated hand in Bengali literature By the name of the poet Sukanta Bhattacharya, the first thing my eyes? Ranar,? the famous poem. I met him first in my class five Bengali text. The poem was later as a song sung by Hemant Mukhopaddhay.Shukanta, bo in Calcutta in 1926. With the passage of time is increased before the second world war was happening and the heat of the war was also the view that the English in Bengal. It 'was a crucial moment in the history of Bengal. The anti-British movement was happening to the economy and of Bengal was in bad condition, such as the artificial famine in 1943. Sukanta bo, observed and described the problems of society and the suffering of the people of that time. Sukanta during his school was in the left political movement. He was heavily influenced by Marxist thought and ideals.In his poems described the social problems like hunger, war, the suffering of the poor, especially farmers and laborers days. During the famine of 1943, it was a relief for workers, peasants came to Calcutta. He has also worked with organizations of jute mill. Sukanta died of tuberculosis when he was only one-twenty years. Within such a short time, has written numerous plays and poems. Some of his works are Chhadpatra (1947), Purbabhas (1950), Mithekada (1951), Abhiyan (1953), in Ghum (1954), Hartal (1962), Gitiguchchha (1965). In my letter I would like two of his most famous poems, and they are my favorites, as well. The first is? Chhadpatra,? a poem where the poet speaks of a child, just bo, and the reconciliation of his arrival to cry. The poet says that the child is of this world, and we now have for this child. The poet says that some times the baby cries, laughs and makes some noise, but nobody understands it. People are always angry, but the language of the poet. And 'the hope of a new world, a new position. People died, and the new baby is bo, and their place in this way the cycle of human life will continue. Here the poet is actually on the contemporary condition of his time was left, hunger and instability of life. The poet is not losing his faith in people. He hoped that the next generation to lea from the mistakes of their predecessors and try to make the world a better place. The new baby is bo, that the signs of poetry is hope.Another? Ranar?. And 'the story of a man or the Simple Mail Daak Harkara. In those days, communication was not very developed. The function is the mailman, letters and payment instructions and other important messages from one place to another place. This work was very difficult and even risky. The e-mail man is on television and working at night. There are dacoits Muggia and hide on the road. Ranar is like a mail man, his daily life brings important points for people and money. Ranar is a bad person. Wearing letter to each workstation, but there is no body wants to know him. He lives from hand to mouth. Ranar here is the representative of the working class. The poet here shows the suffering of these poor people who are not recognized, but hard work, their contribution to human health society.Both these poems are very clean and well written. You are very emotional words. Both poems on the same theme of a new dawn of human society a ray of hope. The hope of a new world where people do not oppress or destroy the other. This is a world free from war, disease and hunger. The new baby is bo, and Ranar are the messengers that the new world.SM Mehdi Hasan completed his degree in English literature at a university in Bangladesh. He writes for

The Ballad of Mad Dog fights Sergeant Rook now in Spanish and English

The Ballad of Mad Dog fights Sergeant Rook now in Spanish and English English version group of us boys in Hutin? Nam Playing cards, singing songs; In one, back room of the hut Lay-crazy dog, Sergeant Rook, and, looking from a distance It was her boyfriend, Corporal Cook.When night, he fights wantedTo This tyrant of six two Dog-drunk as a skunk smell is in combat too.He stumble like a duck IBlocked his fist? (Since I was too drunk), And I repeatedly kicked guess? Yet? T fall, as expected The sergeant, I have just met? There is no man could beatThis raw In our society, or So I started in groinAgain? And yet, is it? T shout! And this is me, as I lookedAt Conces before walking It 'been a demon from hell IThought This mad-dog Sergeant Rook.With face deadly stare bulldogAnd I swear, it was three hundredPounds; I twisted my body like a cobra Jumped in the air like a birdAnd when they are down The fire in her eyes were mad-dog Sergeant goneThis Tour! I pierced my fingers into his flesh As the nails and thos? WithFerociousness? Then I bypassed SIDE bit How has influenced as a tree in a storm Clutching the side of huti guess; We both knew we did not want more.In eco madness has cursed? As her boyfriend for his acclaimed But for him and me, the game wasOver It is new in the war in Vietnam! ... Note: 699 5/31/05Spanish Balada VersionLa of: la pelea del perro rabioso Sargento Rook.Un Grupo de nosotros los Muchachos in chozaEn? Nam Jug? Bamos a las cartas, cantando canciones; In fourth soloist, ATR? S de la Choza Sargento Tour, Puso al perro rabioso, Y mirando desde una distancia Estaba on businesses? I was a cable Cocinero.Cuando hacia el fuera de la nuit? L quisoLuchar Este mat? N "of the tart back six" perro borracho, oliendo as zorrillodesee luchar tambi? n tambi? No? If the dolls? Pato as an ace?, Yo Stuck on pu? ETE-(por que yo tambi? Estaba borracho n) Y le di patadas de varias vecesPrienso -- M? S el no se Cay? as esperaba. Sargento this yo, only know him? A? N. hab? A ning? N. hombre, you can? Un oso golpearEste a raw In our business? A, or for all? Entonces of the patadas en la ingleOtra-time ? Y de todos modos? L no grain? Y yo this era, how? L mir? M? Perplejo dejado de frente a cake ? l had a devil of infieoyo Pienso Sargento this tour rabioso.Con cara perro de la mirada fija bulldogY a mortal Juro que? Ten l? A trescientasLibras; Torc? my body like a cobra Salt? en el aire as when a pajaroY Baj? El resplandor a sus ojos se habian ido. Este perro rabioso Sargento Tour! Performance? Dedos Mis en su cae How u? By Spine-conFerocidad? Entonces me mov? un po ' De un lado al otro Como? L swings? a? rbol in a snowstorm Agarra el lado de la chozaAdivino; Ambos Sat? Amos, not quisimos m? S. ECOS? L-maldijo locuras undertakings Como? Alentar I was? Pero para? Ly el juego para mi hab? A acabado? Esto fu? Tras la guerra in Vietnam! ... Note: 699 5/31/05Poet/Author Dennis Siluka, produces a tour in Vietnam, an event in which the truth of fiction resides. The author lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, and Lima, Peru, and was a soldier in the war in Vietnam

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Love Poems Anthology Part 3

Love Poems Anthology Part 3   First Kiss     Flashing light, exciting, a feeling miss.Bodies not to each other, love enshrinedCradled near bliss.Sweet sensation, revelation, palpitations reveals.Passion completion, hold tight, Love finally embrace it seals.Clumsy, beat, all plants aglow. Blood fire pulses later in the cinema? Previous row.Youthful stumbling, fumbling furtive, The weather here in last.Aching feeling reeling senses, he was feeling oh so fast.Sensual winding sense, a moment not to lose, what enthusiasm, the sweet feeling of that moment of the first kiss   Love's Vortex     If I have to be, my pretty one   If you no longer here   Laugh with the sound,   As fragments of colored glass,   Tumbling through the life of the wind storm.   Where would be without your love,   Given so freely and properly   A love that brightened my life,   Through all the thick and thin   Like a sunrise over the sea.   Since the fullness of time,   My love is true,   Even now that is buing deep inside.   As if some celestial flames,   Had inflamed my heart,   The day when for the first time   And knowing that our love begin.   My greatest wish is to be with you,   Forever, by sharing our love,   With our highest emotions,   Like a bird on the wing,   Fly so high and so free.   I will always be your "alone,   As long as I want yet.   What man wants more and more,   As required by its side, with the warmth of love,   As the whirl of living rise.   John Roberts is a freelance training consultant trainers in the United Kingdom. Always open to discussions on education and technical training, John By contact by e-mail.   John is a prolific writer and editor for training and related technical articles, as well as poems and stories for children.

Poems H1ghlanders

Poems H1ghlanders Moonbeam Moonbeams delicate dance high above the star of the sky   filters crimson stream, where once we used to fly.   When you dance the night filled the air, a lively stream of fun,   where the parts and hot revelry ~ LeTruaM was time to dance the night away, the trees flopper, looking majestic frame,   fly night bristling transmission winds, difficult to conquer and tame.   Spiral of silence in the stream, riding on the back of sirens,   swim through the reed and purple, and persecution through the solid rock cracks.We race Glow-worm, as the pilots of age,   Josip picnic among the plants, swaying from side to side.   Until the moing dewdrops filled the air, shining in the light,   now is the time of giants, do not dare venture into its wings sight.But now the time has passed, you can not be seen,   from prying eyes, and mode times, have taished the brightness of forests.   Hum strange creatures, ripping the roots, the trees fall in their wake,   walk on the human folk want their homes now live below make.So now a dark and gloomy, the earth,   lost our wings, a living flightless, the future is dark in his hand.   Wait until the time changes, when you can stroll through the starry sky   to enjoy the Moonbeams, where all the popular fairy fly.A can kiss wingsThe with love, will not disappear   Walking side by side with us every day.   Hidden unprecedented, but always near,   Still loved, still missed, still very dear.   My father is so dear to lose   A pain in my heart, without separation kiss.   There are no words so I wanted to say,   Only a numb the pain usually disappears.   My mind wanders hours, once a sweet   Forgotten Memories, a tear in my eye now.   All my friends who curl round, the stories they say,   You defeat the Daleks, or find the long lost gold.   The teaser that is used to give me, as I Saturday at his side,   I, in fear of my father, my heart so full of pride.   Now roam the heavens and the earth free from pain,   Aspread wings, flying hours in the domain of men.   Now I send a kiss to the sky so blue,   Catch dad, tis a kiss with wings you.Scotlandoch, tae again walk through the hills of liquidation;   WAE but a foot in heather.   Jus tae roam the valleys, lakes roond n   Or climb Arthurs Seat tae Auld.   Tae maself missed the heady scent,   Rolling or heather bright.   Tae wonderful mountain climbing,   N. do not miss that look impressive in view.   But the drawings of a house flashing lights,   Like stars in a sea or brine.   hame now I feel a Wat, godbless this country or mine.   That a country or a part of me,   N thats a great pride.   N so full of legends and myths   tis but scotland.check Bonnie Wee poems and more fun things in my blogspot. . . that was a sample of my poetry, I hope you enjoyed them. blogspot for visiting my poetry, jokes and hilarious clips.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Hindu poet Kamalakanta

Hindu poet Kamalakanta Kamalakanta was bo in Burdwan India in the late 18th Century. From an early age his interest in spirituality and later in life Kamalakanta introduction to Tantra Yoga from a Tantric Yogi name Kenaram Bhattacharya. His songs, his famous during his life and his fame as a singer poets of the Maharaja of Burdwan, Tej Chandra Kamalakanta asked his guru. Kamalakanta was a great follower of Kali and composed many fans devotion and love for the poems Mother.It is said that the Divine Mother in her aspect of Mahakali wants his sincere followers to be the fastest progress. Kali is often described as the great destroyer of ignorance and hostile forces. The poetry of these performances Kamalakanta heroic attitude of imploring Kali to destroy the boundaries and slavery. The poetry of Kamalakanta a deep trust in all its mighty Kali. "The earth trembles under his ascent. They are horrible, with that sword in his hand. "While Kali is often described as black and terrible form, this is only one aspect of how a destroyer of ignorance. Kamalakanta also an allusion to the side of Kali, as in his poem - "If my mother really black?" "You are black, As you can see in the world? Sometimes my mother is white, Sometimes yellow, blue and red. I can not fathom your. All my life is Try. "The poetry of Ramprasad Kamalakanta and later sung by Sri Ramakrishna, who was himself a big fan of Divine Mother.These devotional songs send Sri Ramakrishna often in a state of ecstasy, as he has absorbed in the contemplation of the Divine Mother. Many of these songs are in the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna.Richard Pettinger

Three poems in the history of Kush

Three poems in the history of Kush Berenika? S MajestyThe beauty that has crowned his youth,   Neighborhood with all the grounds of his estate;   Years and women with mild   With laughs and lazy days of grace;   Now with its part of a triumphant life majesty.Her meat   In setting the challenge, love has been arrested,   And love was lost, but proud of her son   It is grown? Your child? And his victory, his   New quiet majesty?. 1/3/06 Chapter # 1055 # 15   Since when? The Sylphlike Alexandra? GamesStubbo sin, our sins are   Weak, it is our memory   On their own ...   As a vapor, which   Surrounding our will;   The tears are not cleaned   Our sins,   Covers only them.We have sunk in the shadows   Chop here and there;   Sly, I believe we are   With our hidden desires.   We squeeze the juice   Outside of our brain   To play life? S sinners games. 1/3/06 # 1056 of Chapter # 16   Since when? The Sylphlike Alexandra? 278 BCColdhearted Swan? I do not cry? the child-bride scoed   Silent as a rock, to marry a man   So, very, very old?.   ? I? They are so beautiful? she cried, eyes   Wide, his heart as a sign of protest:   ? Father marry me? in a haunted   Pose, to wake up.   ? Life? S, near the fair in the eteal glory;   It is not, in the real world.   And like a swan, which refers   Their wings, and becomes his trophy   His heart is cold. # 0157 1/4/06: from history? Kush, the land of his bow?   Part Two of? The Sylphlike Alexandra? 525 BC, in chapter # 5See Dennis' web site: see, for Dennis' books

Kafka Re Trial

Kafka Re Trial Kafka lands resurrected in Crewe filed by an alien craft silver And when asked what to do Being asked to show your passport A time or pay a fine of As a distributor of choice And they are checking all the time His face and iris voice.And naturally are not, They discover that they simply can not be there, Although it seems that, if visible, And in the hands and feet and hair If not the Great Data Bank, He simply can not be It is not in the list, and is not classified It is certainly not like you and can not me.So held in custody But they will not let him go He has never spent the period So, who can never say or know. Thus, on a single bench in the quiet shadow He is just and everyday Wondering what games they play In the context of park.And yes, we have just the opposite, We are all destined for cookies, Machines decide who we are, Where we live, and when we smile, Nothing is happening and, Unless the computer correlate true, And if your case goes wrong, How can you prove that you are really you.How you select for you a loan, If your ranking is, How did you delete all their data, Make a pariah in other eyes, May you keep letters of validity, Reluctantly that her you know, Unless their system of grants absolution, There is nothing that can tell us whether or not verifiable do.So such as sound, Our image and mitigate Superhal, No one will ever again trust in us, Nobody wants to be our friend, But it's not like before, When a request quickly erased your name, Your questions are simply recorded E complain.Complaints enough to say how they are collected and quantified They were lodged against the reference You should never lose this number, And you should never take offense You are constantly deferred, Or moved to another floor, In the hope that it waver, All that was attacked before.Meanwhile youre not statistically MRSA but not for registration, Your children can neither read nor write, But their ability to smile You always hit the holes that do not exist, To keep on coming trains, Hours flexible, but to show that you have lost The one at the end of fifty five.You shout loudly to be heard, But the echo of the voice of imagination, You can not pay the telephone, Can not ignore the pop-forced Unable to contact a single human being, With the service, the name or business, All this has evolved as a dripping faucet, Season on the big brother season.Then a day of walking in solitude, Your willingness to try almost wet There is a quiet shady park, He is the man on the bench, Who looks at you knowingly, It asks if you've already read, And then I said Kafka, You must tell me what Need.So He went to their doors, The man without a face to face Nameless, And in their holy beard den, Their plush and revered holy place It caused absolute consteation As he was never there, O physically existed, Firmly seated in his silence chair.So asked him what he wants, If that were true, and not a mere illusion, For his appearance was so bad Her face and features resulting in confusion, His DNA has been a source of embarrassment, Ever bo, or identified, or created, Never treated or imposed arrested, Not receiving a education.So, he rose to his full height, It has developed deep breathing, This makes him seem immortal And all fear of death, And his powerful voice resonated, These are the walls kept his words, We want people to be new We want to speak and be heard, We want our voices to really And we do not want to hear lies, We want illusion prevailed Replaced by the elderly, We want common sense must prevail, And no statistical subterfuge, Trying to tell us so good, When you know that needs to improve, We want to give and take Your machines and Mandarins away And we want to do it immediately, Oh yes, we want to do more, I today.Or shine in prime time And then I see, The man who is not Kafka, The man who simply can not So where is your credibility, They will always listen to your pleas. No, much better for you go now And leave me.And a reality that went away in confusion, Then he announced a new era Nobody knew who he was hell But everything seemed more clear, Everything was as it seemed, Nothing hidden, no longer, And nobody filed his disappearance, When finally our left skies.They means you can always Statistics show what can not be true, You can groped to justify their lies, Attempt to airbrush history in two, May see us all as fools, Force fed fake soap opera objectives, But can not always control our minds, Own or take our souls, For long-term increased And now cable and ring blank, What seems reasonable to yesterday May be denied for tomorrow And with those lies without end coating As the man who could not be The truth slowly become visible, And the truth is that the systems Free.exe programmer who lives in England

Thursday, August 20, 2009

UN prison poetry

UN prison poetry Advance: The author has a political tho in his side and that is that of corruption in the three branches of the United Nations throughout the world. As he said:? The UN is screwing the whole world with real U.S. dollars in a way that the mattress, and waiting for the taxpayer and the United States to do the impossible for most. Dennis has done more for the public on a corruption that every newspaper or magazine or a book in public? s eyes today, has provided more than 60 articles (almost all in the last three years) for their behavior, much closer to it by the United Nations for its employees. He was invited to the United Nations in Vienna, to decide every time I go there as a guest. He recently published an article in the harassment of a woman in the United Nations, even before the average of the results, or intent, did, and his reading of the articles that had. The new poetry of Dennis? (originally written on napkins in Roseville, Har Mar Mall, Minnesota, in BN-Caf?, 2/28/2006, copies of the napkin on your computer), describes the kind of danger on its long decades of corruption. Previously: Rosa Pe? Aloza.Dedicated: Paul Saey (and the CTBTO in Vienna)   and Ed Sanders (former Poet) Falling PoemIFalling   Horde killer   Are prophetsof doomand is wasand   United in NationsStompingall   Room; Andover the world?   UN fucked   For half a century   The oil of the gods, too,   With contortions   Receiving   Gallo:   China   Russia   Palestinians (with satisfaction every time). They jump   Lusting for the sun,   Disinter   Clot thoughts   Decrease falling.Tense   Beyond belief   Walking in   All? s short   Things, things   In search of the thing (and will)   Balling:   Daily   Around the world   Everyway   For the theory;   Lay in the mud   Hand   Smothering all   Masturbating   U.S. Dollars   Moistened and lethal   Hands?   ? Bend over   America?   Howl !...( once more.) IIRun   In stock   O nearest   Or bar   A po 'of   Not too far away (Budapest:   Will,   To obtain   Set). His eyes   And the brain   Vomiting   The world? s drainage   System   legsout suction intoOceanus U.S..   O America   O Japan   Or want Israelthey   Trembling Lambs   Advance onwardPut   Grosso sandals   Enter the   Cave   Made   Of the dark?   Between the stomach   He wants to be your   Really sad lover   Amante   Just pay the   Ticket! One enters,   In   20 million a piece   Without   Lights   Address   Just listen   (After   Responses). IIIFrom Geneva   In Vienna   The city of New York   Still farting   Around   As if   The world   Expected of them? with claspedhands   Behind   Shoulders   As if   If   Police   (American   Support). lovers   (Kofi Annan)   Posting   Preputial   Versus   Yes   Nudity in   As if to discover   Mutual   Understanding.No have   Do not hate.   (Or to care, but what? Stoo late)   Yes,   Death is not   Shameless   Them,   They   We anticipate that   Masturbate   Around him, as   If ISN? No   Them? They make their   Poetry   The toilet   Write   Tissues;   Close the door   Ejaculate   Their ideas?   After washing   His hands   Of Americans   Collect checks   First   To say:   How much   They   Love them.IVWhen   Youyou is?   Blamein his joueythru cosmos   Blame you?   We all   It was   The paper ass   Instead we thoughts.Let   Fault   When it feeds   The huge   Cowardice?   You! United Nations   O Tiamat, Zeus   Give them a heart   (This is not a goose)   Walking   Without   Their   Continue agitation   Of   The deaf-pool.UN:   Open   Darkness   A low   Where   Then   The flowers may grow;   Nowyou for you!   What? s on all   You,   The seedy pool   Of   The world.Falling the fall   I want to build   His tomb,   Then I? d die   Triunfal   Then,   O Tiamat, Zeus,   Gods of Chaos   Let us   More ...   Vomiting-lips   Of   The pukers   Are   Walking in this   Endless pit   Spit out   Desecrate   Well!   Against love   A multitude of toilet paper   At the United Nations   Flypapers   Belly   Lovers.O Lord of Lords   They scream   Again,   I think that d   Be better   Without them.For   Brightness   Came cunning   Y:   Blackness   The beast   Milking   The world,   America   Particularly in dry   (E Japan   Nearby)   Want your   His   Hands and knees   Lick   Disorder   Off   Immensity   His   Errors   Feed the Beast;   Your search   Is   Not in the interest   Peace;   Kill   In Africa   (Kofi Annan)   Or when   Feet.And must leave   America? S   Mind   Be shredded   It is how the clock think.VIThe   Passes   Now, there   Called from the teeth   Of   Doomsday   Expected (by the clock;   Expected   To stop   Ticking)   We   Have built   A (missing)   Develop   To destroy   Land   Now all   Get Connected   Our senses   Entry:   Computer,   Mind   As if   A dozen   Nuclear bombs   Active   Never   All   Under the carpet   United Nations. Chew up   All you can   You   Early   Ash?   He said that sexual UN.The   Appetite   The United Nations   It is improving   Very   Orgasm?   And we   Paying the bill   For all the United Nations   Even   Their   Club.You millionaires died   Machine.VIII saw horse   Della Morte   Ride   Outside the   Abyss.Freakish   Black   Beams   After having pursued   Followed   It   As the shadow of race:   Bloody Shadow   Bloody in thoughtsintertwined   Shadow   Were bloody handsall next   Out of The Abyss   Of   United Nations.I wants to fly   The next galaxy   (Living in a dream);   But the road is   Too twisted and   Life is too short.Poems   Then, write poems   This is what I do:   Made   Stone laughs   Theater and darkness, poetry   This is what I do?   As the water   The world   And see   Fall, fall   For their punishment?   Squirm   It   Outside   Stand;   Itsweat glare at him! VIIIThe pan   Is   Expected   The oozing   Mind   Rash   Getting Started   Low   Upwards   Give in   Tears of granite   Eye Balling   Each donkey   Walking through   In the United Nations?   (Or join us). United Nations   Suction   The   Valves brain   Everyone.Floodlights   Tu off   The sun is   Size   Darkness   Survived   Light?   Absorbed by   A vortex   And a   Amulet of showing   Tank   It is open now.Stomp   American   Japanese   And the Jews,   Grab   The horse   And do not let go   (United Nations:   Philosophy) (after   Paid   Bill) 1252 # 2/28/2005See Dennis' website:

To my mother

To my mother I can not believe When you do not understand gone.I I love how along.Your was my place of rest, Instead I want to do, Anything, No matter where Love always call flow.A A little 'hello, Where have you been? What do you know? Simply touch the base And share a laugh A smile or two, gaffe.What a joke or am I going to do when you're gone? Who do I call? There is much more like you love that no other means can do the things you have done, No one else could be my sun, Shine as get your call, "I'm at home hours costly What's going on? "Copyright August 2003 Fran WatsonFor more poetry and stories, you can go to the website of Fran

The need to learn new

The need to lea new Useless, useless This structure, fear, COME ALL Events ENTITY MAN must bear Giving birth to fear HOW FIRE.NONETHELESS destruction, Having problems with anxiety, As in QUICK SAND It attracts you ON YOUR DOOM.LAYING scar on SCAR RAGE IN unsuccessful, A TE Innocenti AM, I do not know who you are YOU ARE.UNLEARNENVELOPING in Righteous Anger Never STRIDE TAKEN To increase Your Mind THE KNOWLEDGE FOR YOURSELF.RUNNING here and there ROBUST like a stone. Stoic exterior, THE OPERATION OF ALL THE PAIN IS REAL SAME.AS from every direction It is blind YOURSELF Push and sit in the dark. REMOVE YOUR HANDS EYES.NEEDLESS decay HATE TO BE SCARED You know that KNOW THAT THE CREATION WHO To meet God thought BE.UNLEARNNOW ANEW.By Stan LewisWANT USE OF THIS ARTICLE in your newsletter, e-zine or website? You can, as long as the resource box below: About the Author Coach Stan Lewis is a Christian Leadership & Life Coach. He is happily married to the lady and the final love of his life - Barb. He has two children. He is a former naval officer and developed and trained leaders for 18 years. He worked in the Royal Ranger ministry for 20 years. He has a passion for training, the ministry and the development leaders.If you liked this article, you should really consider the new "Thinking Style Assessment by clicking here or on his other Freebies Questions about this article or you need help, please call me at 214-629-7217.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Two poems by two old Jewish prose poetry in Spanish and English war Sonnet

Two poems by two old Jewish prose poetry in Spanish and English war Sonnet 4.Two ancient Jews   [Worms on a tree] (Advance: The two old Jews from the sea, just went straight from the sea, one day, so, a miracle, all around, for the world to see, and saw that the devil and his demon said "This is not good!)) And like worms on a tree fell on the Jews ?!))? How should we kill these two old Jews? said the devil? this long nose Fools, with silo-caps and all. (He spoke to the Assembly of the United Nations). Said Agaliarept [Satan? Henchman s], the Secretary-General in disguise? And 'This is a situation a problem? If yes, how can we make them flee. How do we kill the two old Jews? He said the appreciation in the devil, the old enemy, now ruthlessly, with discretion, with sorrow because he had done many miracles and slandering his name. Drug them, their souls become sleep, like a sunken ship in a channel yet? He said the Secretary-General, bright and welcoming. Anyone can say they have the courage? He said the devil of despair, but their souls to touch I do not dare ...? Ah! They were desperate men with broken teeth, chewing on something that does not eat. They were hungry to include in their graves, saved, God would not prevent them, two old also.The Jews, so that the Devil looked as if he had a straw hand the crown on his head? He said the Devil with a bleeding, suffering vibrant spirit, toxic? Hass, eyebrows raised: fragrant animal skin, a groan of death spells? I have to kill? then one of the ancient Jews, to this hearing, said:? I don? t revive the dead? and with the fingers, the devil of the flesh to fire, to punish him.Charity mixed in her iris, (the crew), which bus his heart has compassion for the old Jew was like an angel, before the multitude, and as a snake that captures the ecstasy of the kill to be that wound around them, as on an old tree.Breathlessly men, soaked in sweat, reverberating heart, heard the echo from the devil? Yes, I prayed again, nice and quiet, because you are from me, here is our body-worm! ? Now it is possible? Once again, boredom is brutal, Wake-up God Almighty? he yelled and screamed at the sky. And then the vicious aggravated his thigh, and the two dead Jews?. And they danced by shaking in a rhythm, from the Middle East, Europe, the United Nations, said:? The infection died Jewish, we have the Messiah come, and we are the kings of the country. Then the earth shook and cracked, swift as a sword, a sharp drop in his party, the whole earth trembled demise.Said in a distant voice in the sky? Be There! Damned to hell! And for Jews, you are worthy of our help? (And the clouds were the same with angelic beings.) Henceforth, the Vampire of Hell (with scorpion tails, the wings of iron and long hair ghost, soaked with the blood of hell-torment) and fill the earth? A billion corpses lay side by side on the spread of Gog Magog, in the valley: it is the blood reaches seven feet high.And the Lord of lords has seen all this up, saw the mouth of Satan, the time like a lion, with eyes of metal and agate (in real passion), and the two old Jews as a fire, has grown under the sun, has appeared to all, and then the Lord of lords, his hands , as in all the demons countries unfathomable despair, disappeared! (For a thousand years.) 2/6/2006In # 1172 Spanish   Translated by Nancy PenalozaDos Viejos jud? Os   (Gusanos sobre el? Rbol) (Avance: Los Viejos dos jud? Os vinieron desde el mar, justo caminaron Directo desde el mar UN d? A tal cual, por doquier haciendo milagros, para los que el mundo VEA, y el Diablo vio esto y su Demonios, dijeron: (This is not? bueno! y sobre el gusanos come? rbol, cayeron sobre ellos los Jud? the ?!)?? C? Monday mataremos a estos dos Viejos Jud? OS? dijo El Diablo? narizones con esos tontos Cabezas de todo y Silo?. (El estaba hablando por la Asamblea de las Naciones Unidas). Dijo Agaliarept (El c? mplice Saturday's), El Secretario General disfrazado? E 'Esta es una situací? n, a problem? de ser as? C? mo Podemos apartarlos? C? Monday mataremos a estos dos Viejos Jud? OS?, dijo en el demonio reputaci? n; el viejo enemigo, now despiadado, discrete con dolor, por que ellos hab • Un hecho varios y milagros hab • A difamado su nombre. dr? galos; hazles adormecer sus Almas, todavia? one as un barco en un canal hundido dijo el Secretario General, p? Lido y acalorado. cualquiera puede decir que ellos tienen tripas! dijo el demonio de desesperaci? n, tocar sus Almas pero yo no me atrevo? Ah! desesperados Ellos eran hombres, served with rotos, chew tratando de algo que ellos no podrá • A comer. ponerlos estaban uno de dentro de ellos hambrientos tumbas redimidos, Dios no lo evitara, tambi? No. Viejos Los dos Jud? os, solo miraron the devil as si tuviera el mano de Paja-impl llevando? quote a corona sobre su cabeza, digo con el demonio a sangrante, sufrido vibrant mind, venenosa. By Hatred, Cejas levantadas: Piel de olor animal, muerte de un gemido, hechicero? as: I matarlos.Entonces uno de los Viejos Jud? os, or habiendo? do esto, dijo? Yo no resucita a los muertos?. Y with its Dedo, el diablo IBC? his flesh to encendiendo, punishment? ndolo.La Caridad mezclada dentro de sus Iris, (mirando el equipo de c? Mara) on coraz? ardiente se n compadeci? Viejos de estos dos jud? i: as a going? ngel delante de la multitude, and as a capturar al serpiente? xtasis ser de la muerte, el se enrollo alrededor de ellos, how about a? rbol. Jadeando los ancianos, empapados with the sudor, retumba el coraz? n, oyeron los Ecos del Diablo, "Usted, a quien yo once Venus, silencioso hermoso y, debido a que usted se Aparto de Mi, aqu? esta nuestro CAD? ver-agusanado ? usted-Ahora, el aburrimiento is brutalizado, Despierta Todopoderoso Dios? l K? y K? esto, hasta el cielo. Y luego el Diablo apretó? SUS muslos, y Los dos jud? murieron i .- y todos ellos en una bailaron agitadora cadence, the Middle East, Europe, a las Naciones Unidas, diciendo: "The infecci? a jud n est? muerta, paradoxically, the additions of Mes Hemos? as y ahora somos los reyes de la tierra." Entonces la tierra tembló? y se raj?, comparada con una ESPADA r? Pida a rebanada aguda en su lado, la tierra de fallecimiento.Dijo ENTERA sacudida lejana una voz en el cielo? "Sea you? condenado al Infieo! Y para el jud? or? that Digna Tu arte en nuestra ayuda? (Y las Nubes Llenas estuvieron en Seres angelicales.) De ah? en adelante, los Vampiros de Infieo (with cola de Escorpi? n, alas de hierro, y el pelo largo Fantasma de la, mojado de la sangre de los del Infieo tormento) llenaron la tierra an account? n de cad? Veres recostados de lado a lado, desde a Estirado Gog Magog, en el Valle: All? alcanza la sangre? cakes are high . If Y el? If o de? mineral vio todo esto, estando de pie on Alto, Vio de las Garras Saturday? n, paseando such as the United Nations? n, con ojos de Metal y de? gata (de PASI? Llena emplumada n), y los dos Viejos jud? comparados os to a fire, if arrastraron bajo el sol, aparece? ndose one each, y luego el If? If o de? mineral levant? sus manos, as all the devil en todas las Tierras, en la desesperaci? n incomprensible, desapareció? (During one million? os.) # 1172 2/6/2006Aqu? esta historia de una po prose? tica, en los tiempos future b? blicos, esto esta presagiado not only en la Biblia, but traducida por el author in 1984, sin poner in a format so far, talvez este es el tiempo correcto para esto tambi? n.Los Viejos y Muri muerteCuando my mother? apagar time as a sail, almost as if she estuviera lista para unas vacaciones. Cuando la muerte venga, espero que sea para simple m? quiz? en la vida sea mucho m? s ver? cyl Morir el que, en aquel momento (el tiempo y el lugar) para ella ; estando en su Rinchi Christ? n, if she Sinti? mucho m? s salvada, Quiso ir-ella, ella ella no estaba segura only si tuviera enough viento para volar, para apagar la Vela. How? shows: Los Viejos y la muerte son m? s sabios 1161 .* [2/2/06] prosaSonnet un Poema de guerra,   BonesCalm is the day on foot, with the clouds of heaven angel is very worried. Just me I see the passage of the wind and the cross is thrown.   If once sold the world, praise the Lord.   Now all I hear are the sounds of death and war.No more frontiers to the world.   The feet of armies human bones.Yea March! Thus, the deep barks: restless heart.Voices rooted from afar, and in the oceans, above the sky? Satellites: Look!   From Ocean to Ocean (unspoken) vessels   From horizon at sunset, is to research (The powder descendant, Dim and grave-types)   The heart to predict death, not birth! # 1163 2/4/2006See Dennis' website: