Saturday, August 29, 2009

Review of Stephen B Wiley s first book of poetry HERO ISLAND

Review of Stephen B Wiley s first book of poetry HERO ISLAND Stephen B. Wiley poet? S first book of poetry, Hero Island, reflects tender snapshots and recalls overview of the various phases of his life as a child working on a farm in New Jersey, spent the summer with his family in northe Vermont, and his positive life.His elegant command of language and explores the magic leads to life, subjects as diverse as the blade that are reluctant to engage with the life of the city, opening up the summer cottage, shucking co, Albert Einstein and the World Federation, the lesson more important as the death of a loved one. All are made with a high degree of introspection and a sincere commitment to the palette of words that are easily accessible to less experienced reader.Particularly touch of poetry and struck a house? Go? Wiley, who portrays the death of his ninety-four years, the father-something I personally have only been recently with the death of my stepfather. The end of poetry? S pure spoken touching describes your feelings? I knew that would be the father? Do not die I folded on her bed, even if And we embraced with a kiss Would like. Above all, Wiley? s strength lies in the fact that his poems are characterized by feelings of fear and nostalgia that pervades their thinking, that is neither sad or frustrated, as often happens with many poets. Moreover, the descriptions are fresh and effortless, reverberating with vitality, as demonstrated in the first two rooms of his poetry for my hands: Yes, yes, I admire his work as a soloist How to launch a ball Write your name I hatAnd tip? I am proud that the name things are for you Help Transmission limits of its clothing including the delivery of something that should be? Have not you? Wiley is very important? s remarkable ability with the language, perhaps attributable to his legal training. When interviewed him and asked him how he had struck his poetry writing, her answer was concise? The words are the subject of the law? words and written words? and precision of language is more important. The poem is based on the same strengths. Only a summary of the poetic style of Stephen B. Wiley. Although, I must admit that initially open Wiley? S poems with some trepidation, my only complaint, when you reach the last poem, I had enough of it. My hope is that the island of Hero marks the beginning of a long and creative career.Norm Goldman is the editor of the book review site   and travel site, is also a travel writer and together with his artist wife, Lily, combining words with art focusing on romantic and wedding destinations.

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