Thursday, August 27, 2009

S Leigh Hunt Jenny kissed me a discussion on poetry

S Leigh Hunt Jenny kissed me a discussion on poetry Jenny kissed me when we met   Leap from the chair you sat in;   Now, you thief, who love   Sweets in your list, put that in to say that I am tired, sad to say that I   To say that health and prosperity me   Say that I am old, but add   Jenny kissed me.Leigh Hunt was a 19th Century English essayist, critic, poet and publisher. Although at present no known poets, Hunt? S "Jenny kissed me" was widely appreciated and often for almost two centuries. However, Hunt lived in an era of English romanticism and influential in the life of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Lord Byron and John Keats. E 'was also contemporary with Samuel Coleridge, William Wordsworth and Charles Dickens. This great company has an illustrious Leigh Hunt status.About "Jenny kissed Me" in 1835 Leigh Hunt and his large family of Chelsea in London and became close to the poet and writer, Thomas Carlyle, on his proposal. The two became close friends and the house hunting has always been open to his circle of friends, of whom there were stories many.Two there. E 'has a story that Leigh Hunt visited the Carlyle for the message that he published the poems of Thomas Carlyle. When the message was sent to Carlyle? S Ms Jane, who jumped up and kissed him.The other story is that during a hunt in the winter was ill with influenza and absent for so long that when finally, and went to Carlyle, Jane jumped up and kissed him, when at the door. Two days after one of Hunt's personal note, is aimed at "by Mr Hunt to Mrs. Carlyle." E 'included the poem, "Jenny kissed me." The second story is the most commonly repeated.Thankfully, Hunt was editor of an essay, because the original Jenny was Nelly and the word "jaundiced" was of "fatigue" in the fifth line.Reputedly, Leigh Hunt was the flirtatious man, often in trouble with his wife. Even assuming, Jane Carlyle was a somewhat 'rough and best known for his acid tongue impulsively affection.The poem "Jenny kissed me" has been variously described as a whimsical, charming, simple, and unaffected. Many readers meet for the first time during their school-age years and remember them throughout their lives. Many girls have the name "Jenny" after the memories of PoemThe first poem.Features striking structural feature of "Jenny kissed me" is the trochaic meter. This is characterized by a foot, an accented syllable followed by one without the accent. This ad is not commonly used in formal English poetry, because the sound singsong.The trochaic meter is more common in children? S singsong rhymes when a rhythm is to be welcomed. Think of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I wonder what they are." Singsong The effect is due to the rhyme scheme ABABA poetry, as opposed to a rhyme scheme AaBb. The first system generates rhyming quatrain verse as the fundamental unit of poetry, as in "Jenny kissed me." This rhyme scheme produces two line pairs, the singsong effect, as in children? S nursery rhymes.Trochaic meters can also sound solemn or heavy due to the fact that the trochaic foot has a falling patte (stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable). However, "Jenny kissed me" is a fun poem and is supported by the use of female rhymes.Lines do this with a stressed syllable as male and lines ending with an unstressed syllable of females. In "Jenny kissed me" lines 1, 3, 5 and 7 are male, but the model does not rhyme in poetry. Lines 2, 4, 6 am to 8 p.m. are women, which is to offset the masculine rhymes and help make the poem feel lighter and insightful brighter.The end of "Jenny kissed Me" always brings a smile to the reader? Face .* *******************   Garry legs is a public school teacher and entrepreneur. He writes articles about politics, real estate, health and nutrition, and inteet dating services. He is the owner and

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