Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Two poems by two old Jewish prose poetry in Spanish and English war Sonnet

Two poems by two old Jewish prose poetry in Spanish and English war Sonnet 4.Two ancient Jews   [Worms on a tree] (Advance: The two old Jews from the sea, just went straight from the sea, one day, so, a miracle, all around, for the world to see, and saw that the devil and his demon said "This is not good!)) And like worms on a tree fell on the Jews ?!))? How should we kill these two old Jews? said the devil? this long nose Fools, with silo-caps and all. (He spoke to the Assembly of the United Nations). Said Agaliarept [Satan? Henchman s], the Secretary-General in disguise? And 'This is a situation a problem? If yes, how can we make them flee. How do we kill the two old Jews? He said the appreciation in the devil, the old enemy, now ruthlessly, with discretion, with sorrow because he had done many miracles and slandering his name. Drug them, their souls become sleep, like a sunken ship in a channel yet? He said the Secretary-General, bright and welcoming. Anyone can say they have the courage? He said the devil of despair, but their souls to touch I do not dare ...? Ah! They were desperate men with broken teeth, chewing on something that does not eat. They were hungry to include in their graves, saved, God would not prevent them, two old also.The Jews, so that the Devil looked as if he had a straw hand the crown on his head? He said the Devil with a bleeding, suffering vibrant spirit, toxic? Hass, eyebrows raised: fragrant animal skin, a groan of death spells? I have to kill? then one of the ancient Jews, to this hearing, said:? I don? t revive the dead? and with the fingers, the devil of the flesh to fire, to punish him.Charity mixed in her iris, (the crew), which bus his heart has compassion for the old Jew was like an angel, before the multitude, and as a snake that captures the ecstasy of the kill to be that wound around them, as on an old tree.Breathlessly men, soaked in sweat, reverberating heart, heard the echo from the devil? Yes, I prayed again, nice and quiet, because you are from me, here is our body-worm! ? Now it is possible? Once again, boredom is brutal, Wake-up God Almighty? he yelled and screamed at the sky. And then the vicious aggravated his thigh, and the two dead Jews?. And they danced by shaking in a rhythm, from the Middle East, Europe, the United Nations, said:? The infection died Jewish, we have the Messiah come, and we are the kings of the country. Then the earth shook and cracked, swift as a sword, a sharp drop in his party, the whole earth trembled demise.Said in a distant voice in the sky? Be There! Damned to hell! And for Jews, you are worthy of our help? (And the clouds were the same with angelic beings.) Henceforth, the Vampire of Hell (with scorpion tails, the wings of iron and long hair ghost, soaked with the blood of hell-torment) and fill the earth? A billion corpses lay side by side on the spread of Gog Magog, in the valley: it is the blood reaches seven feet high.And the Lord of lords has seen all this up, saw the mouth of Satan, the time like a lion, with eyes of metal and agate (in real passion), and the two old Jews as a fire, has grown under the sun, has appeared to all, and then the Lord of lords, his hands , as in all the demons countries unfathomable despair, disappeared! (For a thousand years.) 2/6/2006In # 1172 Spanish   Translated by Nancy PenalozaDos Viejos jud? Os   (Gusanos sobre el? Rbol) (Avance: Los Viejos dos jud? Os vinieron desde el mar, justo caminaron Directo desde el mar UN d? A tal cual, por doquier haciendo milagros, para los que el mundo VEA, y el Diablo vio esto y su Demonios, dijeron: (This is not? bueno! y sobre el gusanos come? rbol, cayeron sobre ellos los Jud? the ?!)?? C? Monday mataremos a estos dos Viejos Jud? OS? dijo El Diablo? narizones con esos tontos Cabezas de todo y Silo?. (El estaba hablando por la Asamblea de las Naciones Unidas). Dijo Agaliarept (El c? mplice Saturday's), El Secretario General disfrazado? E 'Esta es una situací? n, a problem? de ser as? C? mo Podemos apartarlos? C? Monday mataremos a estos dos Viejos Jud? OS?, dijo en el demonio reputaci? n; el viejo enemigo, now despiadado, discrete con dolor, por que ellos hab • Un hecho varios y milagros hab • A difamado su nombre. dr? galos; hazles adormecer sus Almas, todavia? one as un barco en un canal hundido dijo el Secretario General, p? Lido y acalorado. cualquiera puede decir que ellos tienen tripas! dijo el demonio de desesperaci? n, tocar sus Almas pero yo no me atrevo? Ah! desesperados Ellos eran hombres, served with rotos, chew tratando de algo que ellos no podrá • A comer. ponerlos estaban uno de dentro de ellos hambrientos tumbas redimidos, Dios no lo evitara, tambi? No. Viejos Los dos Jud? os, solo miraron the devil as si tuviera el mano de Paja-impl llevando? quote a corona sobre su cabeza, digo con el demonio a sangrante, sufrido vibrant mind, venenosa. By Hatred, Cejas levantadas: Piel de olor animal, muerte de un gemido, hechicero? as: I matarlos.Entonces uno de los Viejos Jud? os, or habiendo? do esto, dijo? Yo no resucita a los muertos?. Y with its Dedo, el diablo IBC? his flesh to encendiendo, punishment? ndolo.La Caridad mezclada dentro de sus Iris, (mirando el equipo de c? Mara) on coraz? ardiente se n compadeci? Viejos de estos dos jud? i: as a going? ngel delante de la multitude, and as a capturar al serpiente? xtasis ser de la muerte, el se enrollo alrededor de ellos, how about a? rbol. Jadeando los ancianos, empapados with the sudor, retumba el coraz? n, oyeron los Ecos del Diablo, "Usted, a quien yo once Venus, silencioso hermoso y, debido a que usted se Aparto de Mi, aqu? esta nuestro CAD? ver-agusanado ? usted-Ahora, el aburrimiento is brutalizado, Despierta Todopoderoso Dios? l K? y K? esto, hasta el cielo. Y luego el Diablo apretó? SUS muslos, y Los dos jud? murieron i .- y todos ellos en una bailaron agitadora cadence, the Middle East, Europe, a las Naciones Unidas, diciendo: "The infecci? a jud n est? muerta, paradoxically, the additions of Mes Hemos? as y ahora somos los reyes de la tierra." Entonces la tierra tembló? y se raj?, comparada con una ESPADA r? Pida a rebanada aguda en su lado, la tierra de fallecimiento.Dijo ENTERA sacudida lejana una voz en el cielo? "Sea you? condenado al Infieo! Y para el jud? or? that Digna Tu arte en nuestra ayuda? (Y las Nubes Llenas estuvieron en Seres angelicales.) De ah? en adelante, los Vampiros de Infieo (with cola de Escorpi? n, alas de hierro, y el pelo largo Fantasma de la, mojado de la sangre de los del Infieo tormento) llenaron la tierra an account? n de cad? Veres recostados de lado a lado, desde a Estirado Gog Magog, en el Valle: All? alcanza la sangre? cakes are high . If Y el? If o de? mineral vio todo esto, estando de pie on Alto, Vio de las Garras Saturday? n, paseando such as the United Nations? n, con ojos de Metal y de? gata (de PASI? Llena emplumada n), y los dos Viejos jud? comparados os to a fire, if arrastraron bajo el sol, aparece? ndose one each, y luego el If? If o de? mineral levant? sus manos, as all the devil en todas las Tierras, en la desesperaci? n incomprensible, desapareció? (During one million? os.) # 1172 2/6/2006Aqu? esta historia de una po prose? tica, en los tiempos future b? blicos, esto esta presagiado not only en la Biblia, but traducida por el author in 1984, sin poner in a format so far, talvez este es el tiempo correcto para esto tambi? n.Los Viejos y Muri muerteCuando my mother? apagar time as a sail, almost as if she estuviera lista para unas vacaciones. Cuando la muerte venga, espero que sea para simple m? quiz? en la vida sea mucho m? s ver? cyl Morir el que, en aquel momento (el tiempo y el lugar) para ella ; estando en su Rinchi Christ? n, if she Sinti? mucho m? s salvada, Quiso ir-ella, ella ella no estaba segura only si tuviera enough viento para volar, para apagar la Vela. How? shows: Los Viejos y la muerte son m? s sabios 1161 .* [2/2/06] prosaSonnet un Poema de guerra,   BonesCalm is the day on foot, with the clouds of heaven angel is very worried. Just me I see the passage of the wind and the cross is thrown.   If once sold the world, praise the Lord.   Now all I hear are the sounds of death and war.No more frontiers to the world.   The feet of armies human bones.Yea March! Thus, the deep barks: restless heart.Voices rooted from afar, and in the oceans, above the sky? Satellites: Look!   From Ocean to Ocean (unspoken) vessels   From horizon at sunset, is to research (The powder descendant, Dim and grave-types)   The heart to predict death, not birth! # 1163 2/4/2006See Dennis' website:

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