Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Elder's death and a poem in Spanish and English

The Elder's death and a poem in Spanish and English When my mother died, it was like blowing on a candle, almost as if he were ready for a vacation. If the death, I hope that is so easy for me, maybe live, it was much harder than to die in this moment (time and place) for them that Christ is in their coer, they felt much more secure, which has wanted, "she was not alone? t quite sure if the wind blow? to blow that candle. Sunday shows the old and dying are wiser. # 1161 [2/2/06] A Prose Poem (in Minnesota at the coffee house) Spanish version   Translated by Nancy Pe? AlozaLos ancianos y mi madre muerteCuando the Walls ", was built as a sail apagar, almost as if she estuviera lista para unas vacaciones. Cuando la muerte venga, espero que sea para simple m? Quiz? En la vida fue mucho m? S ver? Cil Morir el que, en aquel momento (tiempo y lugar) para ella; Christ estando en su lado, ella se Sinti? mucho m? s secure, ella querĂ­a irse? no estaba segura si solamente tenia viento sufficient to soplar? Para apagar la Vela. How?, Esto shows: Los Viejos y los moribundos son m? S sabios. # 1161 [2/Febrero/2006] un Poema en Prosa (s Minnesota writing en el Caf?) See Dennis' web site: Source:

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