Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Disputes or my fantasy is reality

Disputes or my fantasy is reality Fantasy / or dispute my reality: a collection of poetic writing that comes from the heart. Written by a mother, as her escape from her boring filled day on which the collection is very exciting and makes you contemplate.After I thought I had the opportunity to relax and clear and appreciate my life in this way. As the author, I must admit that when I read this book, I found a new gem in it. I would invite the readers to find a certain satisfaction and losing all their conces about things that they regret in the life of my book.Designed reading the rhythm of your step back and Zing, to all that painful, this anthology is the your day. Through the fascinating ways have inspired and motivated. This heart felt poems about the good, the bad, the happy and sad with a hint of repeal. Of course, for all to understand this literature was expressive for all. If you need encouragement; Order your copy today at line.Diginity: one of the Top 150 in Fantasy Poetry / or dispute my reality: another day dawns DignityAs As you move the triumph of life, While the sun shines Light on our eyes and warmth to our face, We as a people with the courage to stand up Our challenges with honor, not disgrace.For is not what we do, is how we do it! It is not what we say, but as we say! It is not where we are our goal! It is not like us, but how we see ourselves! It is dignity, self-esteem and pride, It makes us lift our heads high, The refusal of delivery, the attack of all side.For more about this book and the author on his Web site at ya Andrews was bo in Belize, the second of six children. She moved to New York City at the age of eighteen. After studying nursing, she worked in the emergency room at Bellevue Hospital. She lives with her husband and seven children in the Houston, Texas. Having always had a heart for children who had injured four sisters. Through his writing it is hoped to be able to hurt a difference by providing children from all over the world a voice to their struggles.

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