Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Rio Rimac poetry

The Rio Rimac poetry I wonder sometimes, if you are looking for a real (My River);   I see that you are worried and fearful.   I am sure   None of us were still something to be feared   But the element of time:   Some call this death, death, death? But you river, timid as can be,   Va ', e and (strangely):   Apparently without change?. I? ve noticed you? ve been suspicious   Many things   Especially me?.   In this context, I just thy.I were viewing the world,   And all? s chaos and weak smile,   For everyone? s lips?. Well? I said,? They were on me;   But someone does not want me.   This   Small game that you and me, me and you?   game, it's almost ridiculous, how we hide   From the truth, or at least   They have the courage to recognize it.I Take? Suppose   I'm glad I have nothing of value   Others that my life.   And you have for my silence;   But I have leaed:   No matter how many times a man? s soul   Silence, silence. serena:   Offenders are now in the valley   Therefore, make no mistake?   Pride comes before destruction   However, none of   Bow the knee?   It is the animal in you? ! I feel like a foreigner   In a world of strange beings,   We are all thrown together   in a sort of fade mystery.The takes time, but once   Time? we, ourselves, are we?   are all occupied, obsessed with time?   Time, time, a rhyme flows;   I also see the flow of bleeding defenseless   This is perhaps a point of weakness is   I do not want see.The river gave me a terrible aspect itsmost?   Load it to me as if I was on the hook. and? he says;   So what? shut up, get dressed? E 'confused, like many of us;   This is to produce something. I don? so what are   Who? I say to the River. Betrayal? he replies: bark back at me. I have no idea what you're talking about? I say, almost no plead.But the river bends, to kneel   anybody.I jump to my feet and waves of   River tomb of me? use me: many hands   Around me?. Take him under the water,   Created him? I hear the Rimac said, and then   Comes the words? a spy, spy, spy ..?   But I think: I have nothing, nothing   But my life? Ho, that was the end of all this:   Time? So to be (and will soon be available).   But I leaed, you have someone to trust,   It 'only healthy for the river, and,   They find someone better than me, me   Suppose that, over time, but also to die: why?   The river can no longer say, the wolf from   Sheep, it seems only greed.Note Mans: # 923 11/12/2005 (written in Lima, Peru, after a visit to the Rimac River.) See Dennis' web site:

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