Thursday, November 5, 2009

Poems and poetry of William Wordsworth

Poems and poetry of William Wordsworth William Wordsworth was one of the key figures of the Romantic movement, his first poems, the creation of a new movement of Romanticism. Wordsworth sought to individualistic approach, its high-flown poetry avoided, however, the language of poetry Wordsworth is best characterized by its high affinity with nature and, in particular, in the Lake District, where he lived. The early nineteenth century was a period of rapid change and industrialization, but like his contemporaries, Blake and Coleridge, Wordsworth was often appalled by what he saw and sought comfort in the grandeur and beauty of nature. Wordsworth not only offers a beautiful image of nature, but also illustrates the healing power of nature with the spirit of man.My heart skips when behold   A rainbow in the sky:   So it was when my life began;   So now I am a man;   So be it, so when I grow old,   Or let me die!   The child is father of the man who   And I could wish to be my day   Tied to any individual piety.In this poem jump Up My Heart, Wordsworth also a different concept, a theme throughout his poetry, the importance of childhood. For many, the romance, memories and visions of an idyllic childhood on a powerful emotional strength, as they sought more life of harmony and simplicity.Worsworth? S poem contains passages of great hope and joy optimisim best summarized by his famous poem? Daffodils? I wandered lonely as a cloud   That floats on high o'er hills and valleys,   When all at once I saw a lot,   A host of golden daffodils;   Beside the lake, under trees,   Flicker and dance in the wind. For often when on my couch I lie   For free or pensive mood,   They flash on the active eye   Which is the bliss of solitude;   And then my heart with joy,   And dances with the daffodils.However Wordsworth? And life has been touched on many occasions tragedy. His suffering and the consciousness of humanity inevitably suffering a series of passages where the beauty of nature in contrast to the fate of men. In this poem by Wordsworth suggests that man? S inhumanity seems darker, even in comparison to the original beauty and purity of nature that Wordsworth through.Lines in spring   (Extract) I have heard a thousand blended notes,   While in a grove I presented SATE,   In this sweet atmosphere when the thoughts   Bring sad thoughts mind.To to have their works fair Nature Link   The human soul that through me ran;   And it is very sad, my heart to think   What man has man.Through primrose tufts, in that green shade,   The periwinkle trailed its crown;   And 'tis my faith that every flower   Enjoy the air to breathe .... Especially in its early years, was a genuine radical poet Wordsworth, perhaps, to some extent influenced by American and French revolution and the new radical ideas of democracy in the world. (For some 'time has lived in France but had to leave when the revolution, which is dangerous) London 1802 His poetry is a strong plea for social change. These sentiments were repeated by other contemporaries such as Blake, Wordsworth and Blake, even if they have been largely unknown to each other.As Wordsworth grew older and has lost its conservative poetry? Radical? Edge, but was still in high priority and it was in 1848 the poet Laureate.Richard is a business teacher at Oxford and a member of the Sri Chinmoy Center. He has a website on the changes spiritual poems and poets called

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