Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The use of colors in poetry

The use of colors in poetry Remember, the first few days of training, how to select the color Crayola box, the color within the lines? Maybe later, your teacher in class, to encourage the imagination, asked you what color looked like or smelled or tasted like.Poets, even with their colors for their thoughts in a similar way. Most of the time, the colors can be used as symbols or intangible means concepts.Here is a short list of color effects in poetry over the past centuries: green = jealousy, rebirth, money purple = royalty, l 'lighting, fancy pink happinessbrown = = = qualitiesorange earthly curiosity, wisdomgray = depression, defeat, the monotony, boredomgold - happinessred = anger, danger, war, seduction, passion black = mouing and death white = purity, but even death (implicit in the shroud) = blue sadnessAside of its symbolic and impressionistic application of color was added to the poems' visual.   "green waves and wet, but if they die, Rise others larger, and are brown and dry." From Robert Frost's DunesUsing sand colors on the poem goes far back in history. Greek and Roman poets, as poets of other races, colors for their strong links with the emotions. For example, Homer uses the color of bronze to average power, and in Roman poetry, in particular, combinations of gold and purple mentioned royalties, while the red and white and designed to conquer other concepts. Virgil alone more than 500 words colors used in the Aeneid. "I gave (Ulysses) is a bronze sword and a beautiful purple mantle, double lined, with a T-shirt that up to his feet, and I have him on board his ship with all the marks of honor . "The Odyssey - Book XIX" poor and their walls the Trojan troops defend: The town is fill'd with slaughter and o'erfloats, with a red tide, an increase in the trenches. "The Aeneid - Chapter 10Later to Dante uses bright colors to paint his Infeo, the picture in the readers' imagination. "In a bag I had yellow blue sawThat the face and the attitude of the current lion.Proceeding I believe, another of them I saw red as blood, which shows a white goose rather than butter is.And that sow and a blue gravidEmblazoned had his little pouch of white, "By Infeo, Canto XVII of Dante AlighieriShakespeare was also frequently used colors for color and the word itself, by other names most dramatic paint word pictures. "ANDREWAy Sir, 'tis strong, and is irrelevant in   Flame-colored stock. We must have some Revels? "   From Twelfth Night - Act 1, Scene III, William ShakespeareDuring past centuries, the use of colors and the poetry is subjective, even if the colors were also with their real identity. "Up rose the merry Sphinx, and is no longer employed in the stone, merging into purple cloud, a silver moon, which spired into a yellow flame, with flowers red flowers, from Ralph Waldo Emerson," The Sphinx " ; With the snow-white veil and garments as flames, in front of you, for so long agofilled your young heart with passion and pain. 'From the Divine Comedy by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow "In the circle of life Do not enter plodding moments of a blue tone," From Winter Memories of Henry David Thoreau "In winter in my room, I came to a wormPink, Lanka and hot . "From Emily Dickinson's" In winter, in my room, "So the next time you sit at your desk with the pen or in front of the computer to write poetry, think about the use of colors. Maybe you can create a new dimension to their usage.Joy Cagil is an author   This is a site for Poetry. Their training in foreign languages and linguistics. E 'una poesia enthusiast.Article Source:

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