Thursday, November 5, 2009

Good Poems Require great poetry Honesty

Good Poems Require great poetry Honesty I am an amateur poet. Probably have written a total of 100 good poems in my life that have no major poetry magazines. (Not that I have not tried, believe me ...) But I was very honest about six months to get accepted to a master of poetry written by a kind of good faith and the famous poet who directs the creative writing program one of major universities in my area is a man whose poems I admired a lot and has just completed a collection of works.My recently published his first reaction to the news has been called the writer of my heart and make sure not a joke or anything.No is true. I have accepted the Master Class only 12 poets for construction and the selection was made on the basis of our sample of poems by none other than Master himself.Wow! Floors me. That honor. What emotion the next delight.But was one of absolute terror and fear! It 'one thing to read my poems to my wife and loved ones.But would be a whole other experience to expose the eagle-like control of a poet of national reputation and, indeed, a? hero? mine.Jeeez what the hell I was going to get there? Once the laboratory was set up was very surprised by the quality of the writing of this small group of strangers ours.We all poets, some of us, like me, not yet published. But these lines, absolutely unforgettable, winding, exquisite lines, I was reminded once again why I loved the poetry in the first place.However although, of course, have been described in all the linguistic pyrotechnics, which means nothing to our Master. Means nothing to him was all.He after something else, something more than a flash in the pan. Hmmm, I was curious about that ... At that moment I began to talk less and listen more, and my ears open for radio astronomy dishes heavens.I exploration Ya soon realized the key missing ingredient in my poems and his poems that made it difficult to breath taking.It was a simple word that I had not thought about the context of the poem so far? HONESTY.Let I stomp explain.We all the gas and brake at the same time.We have been trying to say something very dear and important to us with the choice of poetry as a platform.Yet when you reach the end of the road, have refused to let it all go, our flap wings and fly precipice of our daily lives more structured mental landscape.There was a lot of resistance in each of us to tell the truth and nothing more, but all truth. Instead, it's easy to fall in the defense mechanisms of linguistic acrobatics and clever phrases and metaphors. Of course, to be intelligent and difficult was that it was not about.HONESTY poem is a word that I have left in this workshop and I will be forever grateful to him to demonstrate my problem with the source of all evil avrò poem.Whether value or not to write poems in the future, we are committed to this principle is essential else.But at least now I know how to write poems that reveal not just my little personal information (who cares?) great universal truth, but also (which is a service for humanity!). I survived the earthquake in the Master Class and now have no excuses for any bad poems more.Is because I have not written poetry since that date ?-------------- ------ ---------------------------- --------- Ugur Akinci, Ph.D. is a creative writer, editor , an experienced and award-winning Technical Communicator specializing in fundraising packages, direct sales copy, web content, press releases, movie reviews and hi-tech has worked as editor documentation.He Tech Fortune 100 companies for the last 7 years.In Besides being an ezine articles expert author, who is also a senior member of the Society for Technical Communication (STC) and a member of the American Institute of Writers and Artists (AWAI). You can reach him of free consultation in all its texts are more accepted needs.You to visit their official website for more information on his multidisciplinary background, writing career, and client testimonials. As you may also want to check the latest book he has edited: Article Source:

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