Sunday, November 8, 2009

The last trumpet is a prophetic poem in Spanish and English

The last trumpet is a prophetic poem in Spanish and English Part OneIn winter? S fog appeared the Christ,   And the crown of thos and light mat.   For several months, as work, I cried,   How came as visions tides.By Providence movement biblical rhyme   They came one after another, the future bright time.His hand, I saw his palm,   Each print, which is now!   Lights up the room, filled the entire space,   Filled my body, my face lit up? Death is the interplay with light,   Future pain had died as night.The was not a hedge around me now?   A spinning wheel with the ceramic,   God has taken a step back, I cried, O Lord?   It was this procedure and salvation? Door? O Mother Shipton in a long time ago,   Witches, prophet, his words come true.Part TwoA jackal in a horse,   Famine could get its name? Of course!   A double-edged sword, it was big and bright,   Three times I saw his brilliant light.Could this Eden is not the house?   Heil, verdict, swords of war? A mask, the screams of a wild card? S Death   It is a taste of Shakespeare's "Hamlet"   An unclean spirit seeks its Brim   You can see gthe wound on the head? Joker, Joker, or the mask of death,   Stained copper is at your head.In my fear and tears trying to   The Lord spoke softly in my ears,   ? Like David, since you are my heart?   And I cried in the excuse-Ah, me! And I heard a statement from Ste:   ? What do not they? Yes, it? S true.Oh angel, angels, as I try it?   Just like Paul, and still alive,   And to my land, human ears   An angel spoke with tears soft? St. Paul was a man like you;   And you have your limits. I? VE heard? N. tears in heaven   And thinking about what my friends in hell?   Then, in a mist of holy dew,   I was awe stricken regions? Hours Alive.I knew that the miracle is to   A touch of God? S eteity.Visions come and yes, visions go   But crying seems to be my goal,   I call, O Lord, give me peace?   Twice in his grace.And as a blank again   As mentioned in the Book of Revelation: One side is black, the other white;   Day and night light unbalanced.   An ancient battle is now   Swords and fighting everywhere.A black soldier covers instead my dream?   I have not see the suffering? Judea, Judea, is not she?   The Battle of A.D. 70, I;   The new mask, process waings   The prince of darkness: the sight.A copper bullet, rocket speed,   Faith, faith is? S line for me? And young men shall see visions?   Cried the Prophet long ago:   Daniel, St. John, David Wilkerson?   Not testify? Ruin awaits word on sleep:   Prophets of yesteryear ripe.Panic I see, and the buildings fall.   And 'my face, I witness now?   In addition to a stone wall, I layer and rest:   Pre-test, earthquake: The time is short.Trumpets, trumpets, where are you now?   The time is the solution for all?. As molten metal in the shell   It spilled on the ground as gold stripes;   If a husky and high frame:   Babylon, Daniel? S beast, fingers? Oh, but it is falling fast now?   Hollywood cracked, Sodom? S fall! Skulls, spirits, ships at sea;   Push demon standing, watching:   The Capitol, the Cathedral, a?   Seattle, San Francisco, Why? Points of reference: Florida entrenched war or play?   White Kaps, death forms, Saint by.Powerful go, not female   The Savior knelt in Garden Grove,   His piercing eyes in thought.I knew he was Christ, confirmed   And the spirit in me was Him.Taished cooked skin from the sun   He has a beard, taking admirable? Fine wool;   His hair is not long, as shown paintings   But the light-dark brown, like the profile Psalms.Unclean spirits circled the air;   N. distractions, still, he was Prayer.Avoid in this vision, if you can!   Christ on the cross-boned fish such as:   Ugly as sin, my body? S shocked   My mind is button, vomiting?. Now I know that the price paid;   No man has ever seen way.Odd-looking space crafts, workshops, all fear;   Machines unknown to me,   Demon fall from space?   Our atmosphere defaced.And the prophets prophesied:   ? There are strange things? In the sky. A pale arm terribly thin? Traps;   ? Tis called the plague, the mortal sin:   The fourth horse of apocalypse,   And the Lord said:? Penance, penance. And the world of taste rhyme gross =   Ah, this is a false prophet? S time.Then I saw as a high priest, the nature,   With a dress of precious stones,   Viola, prayer, with tones of mockery;   Which church? Nimrod! Satan? And the prince? The wheat will grow together and tar?   Shouts of enthusiasm and the sky? S Quest?. Then I saw an eagle, a dragon?   The injured eagle in the sky!   Dragon with a smile, abnormal?   Teeth like sharks, moping along by.Oh! The darkness is Befall the earth,   The abyss is 12:03 p.m., the curse. Visions visions come and go,   The spiritual world is real;   News scrum time   Hell's Abyss alive! Symbolic nature of Revelation,   But are the future Tribulation. Run to the hills and the caves?   Grida Bu and friend;   For death has its sting, to see   The last days are nearing.Reality with life? S Visions   There are witnesses Globalism.Was or hell? Lake of fire?   Prophecy, reality? Tis true.   Since I saw this vision, I was not? T say?   It 'been stored, consumed, and froze.O but a joke, mockery, or jest   Is it far from this research! Oh, but the age in which we live,   In truth, at this time is different, we feel;   Polarization of all things,   Not neutral? T exist? Time, relativity, the current;   Satan is soon to be at war Heaven.The universe as a collection of cells,   Cascading as the gates of hell.   And so the science of physics   Whispers of thermodynamics? God? S breathe spiritual life?   As the cell dies and grants. I have seen, such as Egypt, Russia, USA,   In various forms and levels of preparation!   Ezekiel and the crying of Scripture:   ? Fire rain on the coast. Israel, Jerusalem? Them!   Two wars: China and the Far North.Two see planets close   A as our Moon, Mars, like the others?   A third subject of a comet-acceleration   Through its channel, is it? S leaving.Another object, good cut,   In the direction of the earth? S atmosphere.Disaster riding the red horse:   Three times I saw the death of Washington?   Property, homes attacked   Jets, parachutists, flames! It is situated on the coast of Master Frog,   A satanic spirit, in New York? S god.A roaring jet around the world,   An injured eagle, falls slowly,   A dragon standing, teeth like sharks   Great Babylon? S dark.The in the seeds of what is so safe?   Daniel looked at him too? The lamb beast.Call now, but the answer is yes?   Control Room, people, and the clouds, fog, smoke   Acceleration missile (dust storm);   Throw loose soil as hay.Two crowns, wooden bowls, long table,   A change in the nature? God? S anger.The end of the snake? Coda S: Did you?   A scorpion-like enlargement,   Flashes of faces that I see a devil,   A giant is impregnated: Neptune? Prophecy: an animal from the sea;   And out of the abyss, tails sting.A showing his mighty mountain face   A pyramid, marine, fire, shame!   Egypt rises like the Nile?   In a political world as a child.Judgment unlined shells, with scales of balance?   One for the people, and Satan's Child? I see a Hawk? Palestine?   Its iris is inexorable, dark-design?   A bird of prey, I said;   ? Looking to the south? cries the prophet Job.Nations the booty, where is your light?   Israel, were the faces that seem to die plight.Angry   Four faces that cry of agony,   A wound on her head shaved   In four sections, the center spot? Beats Dread.Hoof mockery of the Apocalypse,   Gabriel is adjacent to the ho.In a vision for a moment   There Saturday? Oh, and anaesthetise benches,   Regardless, in a church Faithless,   People sleep in a trance.So is the end of the day   Apostasy? The Christian way. Where is the club of anger?   Screams the words of Isaiah:   Their goal is to destroy?   Who can move nations, like toys? And the prophet cries of the past:   People to leave his cast.Then and I have a deep story,   To give two views of a friend;   The Jews were behind the glass doors?   Collective bargaining, is preparing a black book.And the prophet said long ago,   ? And 'now, my people, we are going? And in the jungle, a puzzle?   Ten pieces, animals, various sizes;   The mystery was all together,   Apart from a piece called beast.The all the characters are alive   ? Set the time in case order? Isaiah cries! ◊ I saw her go to bed?   Gezabele, Gezabele, I fear;   Dabble is not with her, but noted:   The darkness, the last trumpet history.Tears him an ear to listen,   One child in prayer, and soldiers gear.Am I live in a womb? Dead?   In the sky by an angel of the breast?   Smoke, fog, smoke, smoke a lot, I see:   Jerusalem? S watch? New lighting? The White Knight   Untouchable in this dark night.Egypt, Paris, fields of wheat;   Machinery space collapse;   Life or death, an egg in his hand:   Hunger, war, plans global?. The shell is the ruling junta?   Rage and inside.Florida wounds are you? Once again, dark and dusty?   China, you? Back in the News:   People reading the documents (a world-event)   Poland? S red carpet, Java, Eclipse etc.Interplanetary-Woe!   The blood of Armageddon.Part ThreeAnd now today verse of rhyme,   The Middle East is no time to lose;   Faith in the Lord? His prophecies.   Deliberately.And not shy away from Hawk and the ships on the sea,   The thunder of war! Behold! Today I see the Christ,   Aging with a beard, who was not? T right.   If I had not been waed years ago?   I am not for that? S old.Then I saw a hawk, descending   Claws, wings, extension, providing, and yes, I asked for a prophecy   A sign that everyone knows, I think;   The shroud, the shroud: I see three times   The Shroud of Turin a pain mystery.Birth of the Apocalypse, I see   A stunned Adler (USA)   A woman, standing by a desert? Why!   Eight angels, Israel? By.Visions had visions come and go, is blessed;   Revelation says so ... IN SPANISH   Translated by Nancy PenalozaLa? Poema Ltima TrompetaUn Prof? TicoParte unoEn aparece la Neblina winter? Christ,   By Spine and Crown, y luz opaca.   For many months, como yo clam work?   Mientras las visiones VEN? In Como mareas.Por Providenciales Orden b? Blico   Ellas vendre? N, one by one, en el futuro.Su hand was brilliant, yo vi sus palmas,   ? Cada Huella ahora estaba visible! Esto ilumina el cuarto, Lleno todo el espacio,   Lleno mi cuerpo, ilumina? rostro.La mi muerte fue ganada penetrates? with fire,   Future Sufrimientos muertos la ventaja noche.No as Hubo alrededor m? Or now?   Una de hilado back with Alfaro? A,   ? Back? Dios? Yo grain? If OH? Or?.   ? Estos fueron los steps y la puerta de la save us? N? Part dosEl chacal se converti? de Caballo,   ? Podr to be the hambruna su nombre? ? Por supuesto!   Una doble con Filo permanece ESPADA? high and brilliant   Tres veces yo you do bright light. N. Podr be one? Sta la Puerta del Ed? N?   ? Save? N, sentencia, Espadas war? Llora a Mascara that the death of payaso   From a Sabor de Hamlet by Shakespeare,   An esp? Ritu impure running on TOPE   ? Observan ellos la herida sobre la cabeza? Payaso, payaso, the mascara de la muerte,   El Cobre deslucido sobre esta tu mi angustia cabeza.En yl? Grimas desapercibidas,   El self? Or Habla? A Suavemente or MIS? dos,   ? David Como, después tu estas? S de mi coraz? N?   Y yo de grana pretense? N-? Ah, yo! Y yo o? Severa una palabra:   ? No, es esto? Yes, it is verdad.OH? Ngel? Ngel as trato ...   Ser de Pablo, y todavia? A live,   Y para mis terrenales, or? Dos human rights   A? Ngel hablo con l? Grimas enteecedoras? San Pablo was Humano, just like you;   Y son tus limitaciones tuyas?. Yo he or? Tun, ningunas l? Grimas en el cielo,   Y ballpoint pen? Qu? de mis amigos en el Infieo?   Luego, entre una de Niebla ROCI? Sagrado   Yo llegue? a sobrecogerme afligido? vivo.Ahora yo sé, de ser de las Maravillas   A touch de la eteidad y en Dios.Visiones is yes, visiones van   Aun parece ser el llanto mi meta   Yo clam? OH itself? Or Dame Paz?   Dos veces yo ready? dentro de su graciaY as Vaci? esto empieza otra vez   Como en el libro de las revelaciones: A el otro lado is blanco y negro;   La noche y el d desequilibraron a la Luz.   Una antigua Batalla aparece ahora   Espadas y soldados que por todas Luchana partes.La Mano Negra cubre mis cause? Os ...? N. ver? yo el sufrimiento? Judea, Judea, no eres tu?   La Batalla del 70 antes de Cristo, Yo I decide;   La Mascara nuevamente, dispositivo de alarma   El pr? Ncipe de la Oscuridad: vista.Una Fuera de la bala de Cobre, a speed of a Cohete,   ? Trust, confidence, esto esta lead? Ndose a mi? Y Los j? Venesia Ver? N visiones las?   Clamaron hare tiempo de los profetas:   Daniel, San Juan, David Wilkerson ..   N. los han presenciado tambi? N? Las Ruinas dormida esperan una palabra:   Profetas the antigen? Age, El Tiempo oportuno.P it? Nico veo, y edificaciones desmoronadas.   ? Si éste mi Rostro atestiguo yo ahora?   Al lado de una y de Piedra I desplaza Descanso comparison:   Before juicio, terremotos: El Tiempo corto.Trompetas that trompetas,? Donde est? N UDS. Ahora?   El Tiempo concluye esta para todos? Como en un metal derretido taz? N   Y vertido de la Tierra de Oro, as the plague, Ronco and a high Permanece esqueleto:   Babilonia, La Bestia de Daniel, La alerta? OH, but t? Caer? s, r? pidamente hour --   Hollywood agrietado, the ca? Since de Sodoma! Esqueletos, ESP? Rite, barcos del Mar;   Grupo de Demonios permanecen, esperando:   El Capitolio, La Catedral,? One?   ? Seattle, San Francisco,? Porque? Reconocidos places: Florida atrincherada? War or game?   Capas blancas, sombras de muerte, pasando de santos largo.Mirada poderosa not femenina   Arrodillado El Salvador en el Jard? N of the olive tree,   Sus ojos de penetrating reflection? N. Yo se que el fue el Cristo, confirmed,   Y el esp? Ritu fue por mi en impulsado? L. Piel deslucida Quemada por el sol   El est? with beard, admirable mantenido buena-wool;   So not Cabello largo, lo muestran as Las Pinturas,   Marr? Pero ligeramente N obscure as the profile de los salmos.Esp? Rite impuros circular por el aire;   Distracci sin? n, Signatures, esta en el Orac? n.Evita this visit? n si tu puedes!   Cristo de la Cruz as pescado deshuesada:   Horrible Como el Pecado, conmocionado esta mi cuerpo,   I mind this empujando vomiting?. Ahora si el precio que yo el p?   Ning? N hombre alguna vez ha sido visto en esta manera.Extra? O-ships espacial parece Laboratorios all espeluznante;   Maquinaria desconocida para m?,   Demonios ask? Dos, cayendo del Espacio --   Nuestra atm? Sphere terrenal desfigurada.Y el Profeta profetizo:   ? Habré? N enters cosas? How? en el cielo? Un Brazo p? Lido-espantosa delgado? cayendo;   ? Esto llamado is pestilencia, Pecado mortal:   El Caballo del cuarto Apocalipsis,   Y el itself? Or hablo? Arrepi? Ntanse, arrepi? Ntanse. Y el mundo probara inculte Rima   Ah, ese es el tiempo del falso profeta.Luego vi yo, a high priest, as can be llamarse?,   With a Toga de Piedras preciosas,   P? Rpura, piadoso orando-con tonos lastimeros:   ? Iglesia que? ? Nimrod pr? Ncipe Saturday? N? El y el Trigo alquitr? N Crece? N juntos?,   Llora la b? Squeda del Cielo y el? Xtasis? Luego yo there one? Guila a draw? N --   El? Guila herida? Cayendo desde el cielo!   El drag? N. With an abnormally mueca --   Como Tibur served? N, abatido, pasando search? OH! La Oscuridad acontecer? la tierra,   Precipicio esta el open 12:03 p.m., the maldici? n.Visiones visiones van y viene,   El Mundo Espiritual SER Llegando real;   Events Weather revelaci sin? N,   ? El precipicio del Infieo esta vivo!   Signos SIMBA? Extracts revelaci? N,   Pero son revelaciones future. Runs towards the Mount? As y las guaridas?,   Gritan y las escrituras Freund;   Para la Muerte Habré? So aguij? s para ver   Los? Ltimos d? How is he? N acercando.Realidad with visiones de vida   Est? N la presencia globalizácia? N. Fue el este o el Infieo? Lago del Fuego?   The profecía? A La Realidad? E 'esto cierto?   Cuando yo vi esta visitors? N, Yo no fui dicho --   El fue preservado, y consumido congelado. OH but a Chiste, Burla menosprecio o!   ? Es una de esta gran difference b? Squeda! OH, but this? Poca de la cual vivimos,   Verdaderamente this time is different, sentimos;   A polarizaci? N de todas las cosas,   The no-neutralidade El Tiempo, La relatividad, the present;   Satan? S emprender Ready? la guerra en el Universo cielo.El as un cuerpo de C? Lula,   Cayendo como en las puertas del Infieo cascada.   Y entonces la ciencia de f? SICA   Susurros de thermodynamic? Mica. Respiratory Espiritual God from the life ...   Como la C? Lula, who Hunde muere y?. VI in Egypt, Russia, USA,   En diferentes formas y Representaciones? Preparation? Ndose!   Ezequiel Y grito desde las escrituras;   ? Caer lluvias en fuego? N de Las Costas?. Israel, Jerusalem? N-? T?   Dos Guerras: China and the pole of a planet search Norte.Dos del otro yo vi,   One as our moon as y el otro? Mars?   A third subject of a Comet? a exceso de velocidadDirecto on a canal, est? alej? ndose.Otro object Suavemente Tallada,   Moves towards the atm? Ball de la tierra.El désastre cabalgando El Caballo Rojo:   Tres veces yo vi la muerte de Washington   Edificaciones, siendo atacadas casas,   Reactors, paracaidistas! Nidia! All? on the coast if sienta Magistrale La Rana,   An esp? Ritu Saturday? Nico, el Dios de Nueva York.Un engine rugiente alrededor del Globo,   A? Guila herida, cayendo slowly   A draw? N posicionado served as tiburon   La de la Gran Babilonia oscuridad.Las Semillas de lo que ser? No doubt   Daniel lo vio tambi? N-de-la Bestia cordero.Llama now, pero? Here? N te responder?   Control room, gente, y Nubes, Humo   Misiles speed? Simos (POLVO, remolino)   Lanzando la tierra como heno suelto; Dos Coronas, tazas en madera, mesa larga,   Un trastoo, semejante a - anger Dios.El de la final de la cola de una serpiente? Tibur? N?   A escorpi? N-proposal as a   Destellos caras de los veo yo, a devil,   A huge ERA, empapado:? Neptuno? Profecía? A: A Beast of the Sea;   Y de los precipicios, which mounts a cola pican.Una muestra su cara impresionante   A pir? Mide, barco, fuego? Verge? Enza!   ? Est? Egypt creciendo como el Nile?   In a political world? Tico as a ni? O desnutrido. El juicio a los bolos game with the Balance de la balanza   Uno por hombre, y el ni? Or Satan? S? Yo vi a HALCO? N?. From Palestine?   So, Iris is an implacable designio Negro --   Un ave de RAPI? To me dicen;   ? mira hacia el sur ", el Profeta Clama work. De Naciones RAPI? a, donde esta tu luz?   O, Israel, situací you? N, which grave.Rostros enfadados parecer Morir,   Cuatro rostros atormentados ellos lloran,   A herida a cabeza. Afeitada,   Seccionada de cuatro, in the middle of a poquito el sobrecogido.El helmet golpeó Apocalipsis desprecio,   Gabriel, paradoxically, esta cerca de cueo.En about a moment of vision? N   All? sentados ellos? ah, Iglesia de Bancos de amortiguados,   Indiferente in a desleal Iglesia,   La Gente durmiendo como en esta de trance.Entonces a member? Los d? As a final   La-deslealtad cristianos los Caminos. En manos de quien esta el club de la ira?   Clama Isa de la palabra? When:   ? From here? N es destruir on goal?   ? Como Quien puede Cambiar Naciones juguetes? Y Los profetas clamaron desde el pasado:   Y son las Naciones su salida elecci? N. preguntó Entonces yo? with deep desconcierto   Conceder dos visiones a friend;   Los jud? Os eran mantenidos DETR? S de unas puertas de Vidrio.   Negocio, PREPARANDO: a book negro.Y Prophet clam el por mucho tiempo,   ? Este es el tiempo, leaves ir a mi gente! Y en la selva, un-Rompecabezas   Diez piezas, animales, en diferentes Tama? Os;   Poner el Enigma was all together,   Excepto por una llamada la pieza de las piezas bestia.Todas transformadas Vivas   ? Pon our house in order?, Clam Isa? How!   # 9674; Yo do you form dentro de una cama --   Jezabel, Jezabel, yo I fear;   Interested? Not with his Ndome system, if not with his atenció? N:   Oscuridad, la? Ltima Trompeta, historia.Lagrimas, d? Jale o? R o quien Please? Dos,   A nu? O de Orac? N, y Soldados en marcha. Estoy vivo, in a? Tero? Muerto?   ? En el cielo por unos amamantado? Ngel   Humo, Humo, veo bastante Humo:   Jerusalem? N esta me? Iluminado Ndome.Tu estas? El caballero blanco   Intocable en esta noche oscura.Egipto, Paris, de Campos Trigo;   Nave espacial, Maquinaria cayendo;   Vida o muerte, a huevos in one hand:   Hambre, War, aircraft GLOBAL? Los bolos de sentencia han Llegado --   Ira plagas y est? N dentro.Florida, polvorienta y tu estas? Dark ...?   China, t? estas en las noticias ...:   People leyendo el peri? I say (a global event)   El rojo de Polonia tapiz, Java, etc.? Accident de semidarkness interplanetary!   The Sangre de ahora en Armagedon.Parte tresY Rima towards a real   El pierde weather Middle East;   Crean en el itself? Or? SUS profecía? Like.   Lot rechace deliberadamente.Y desde el HALCO? NY los barcos del Mar,   ? Truenos de los Aliste this war? Ndose? Contemplate! Esta noche yo veo to Christ,   With a beard envejecida que no estaba correcta.   ? No lo hab a advertido a hare? OS?   N. pises la tierra que esta un vieja.Luego HALCO there? N, descend,   Garras unfortunately extend? Ndose, Aliste? Ndose, Y si, le pregunte for profecía? A,   A self? To which all Podr? Amos conocer, yo creo;   El Sudario the Sudario: tres veces yo vi,   Sudario El Tur? N ow misterio.Nacimiento de Dolores del Apocalipsis, Yo veo,   A? Guila aturdida (los Estados Unidos)   Una mujer, parada en el Desierto? ? Porque?   ? ngel Octavo, Israel? d? Jala is ir.Visiones visiones y van, bendecido Ser;   Revelaciones statements like eso? # 1632, # 1632, # 1632; See Dennis' web site:

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