Thursday, November 19, 2009

S Aquatic Uamak now take English and Spanish

S Aquatic Uamak now take English and Spanish Gently, my mind was selecting a tone deaf, the dead dark empty space surrounding me? I saw a figure on a rock, you are not certain, however, had a sensitivity, a sense of call, or second sight, I? I've heard before, not sure if I put a lot of credibility there, but there was numbness and sensitivity. Not? No? any sense of danger at the moment, appears in the moonlight, sitting on the rocks, looking, looking inside. It gave me a feeling of stomach cramps, however, as it centipedes sting? From every coer? In red and pink flesh of my inteal organs, their poisonous sting FANGS them.I just stumbled into the dense foliage, pungent lost in mud and covered with wild plants, and God knows what else, in corollary, I have come close to the shore of the sea, overlooking the water, the edge of the cliff, has for many years I was here. I zigzagged through the last of the bushes, carefully now, is the edge of the cliff, and then I have a clear opening. I could only hear the sounds of change in the water now? The waters below me, like waves of clattering success, and splashed against the boss? Cliffs, directly in front of me. E 'was only a few seconds after sunset, after sunset, it was actually missing, swallowed by a turbulent night.Inscrutability always seems to bring an unlimited amount of threat, no? A rhetorical question, at best, it is not certain, and given in? The flow was more quiet, the rocks are mammoth, and overlooking the sea, jagged with FANGS. The light wind over the head, not as a couple of hours, I just suddenly evaporated. As I was about to say, the way in which the silhouette of the great rock, is still looking into the sea is like locked in a trance, or that I am a worm, but he, too poor to pay no attention to me. He seems to talk to himself, or maybe some sea monster, you kidding? Ma? S to talk to someone, something, and had his head down, down, down towards the sea. Except for the fact that they are not in a fishing boat illusion.A, no, not just a vessel of some kind, certainly not because I said the fishing boat, as I know, it was switched on a light their cover, guess what? cover know, is very distant. Now I have walked in my opinion, aimless, can? See much in front of me, because I end in the sea on top of that damn monster can? See, only to discover that it is true. Well, some shadows of the moon just left a little 'more vulnerable, but gave me a little' light. In September, it is cold here, I swear that height has nothing to do with this mysterious night. Here on the coast? my bones are chilled.If asking me? What are you doing here? I couldn? Tell, me? D are not the answer? Doing here? What? Perhaps that figure in the rock knows? Should be, but a hundred meters away from me now, if I? Ll find it fairly quickly, like you. I mean that is the night, but not all that afteoon. Conceivable that here indicated. I was visiting a friend, you might say, but only after I arrived. So what has caused me to take this little trip (again)? His answer is as good as mine. I've been to places all over the world that seems to draw people into a soul, shake your wrist to the point that should be or is it? In the end, where? In this case here. Aye, good teacher? I've heard (babbling)? Take the lot, as it is? This affects me in the wind if the wind pushes back in my ears no matter where that person is unknown, in great rock in search, simply looking for? I take, the sea, a black hole in the sea, yes, in fact, this is what we are doing, looking into a black hole in the sea, for some strange reason, I can see that now, or you can simply vanished as fast as has arrived. Clearly, it's something different, or should I say, is thriving. The module was tested with a pride of arrogance. I wondered, but now several meters away? Have an idea of my presence? Who is concentrated so hard, I mean, look, we ask something of seawater? Perhaps someone, I think he lost something and want to renegotiate? Death reveals a strong desire for man and beast: and look at once. Or is it something that the planning is huge, terrible mass. I? Ll take a couple of steps, a site now, should go around thinking I d. I? Surely you can feel my heart beating, beating, I mean, listen, I can not hear myself.Again and I say again, if you retu to me? D see me, then? Now I have heard mumbling my thoughts, some spells too early. One way to what I asked myself, "now what, me? I am behind him, three feet? I? U M? Do, and below me, is the minister of Doom, and there are several ways to die, have a plate and bone in the skull carved in it, seventy-two ways of dying. He brings a plate at a time to me, shows me. Are forced to watch as it makes fun of me. Doom is a strange sense of 'humor. I am afraid of him, to play with my age. He says that I must choose one, and I know that I can not? T. Meets and echoes of my voice to those under the earth's crust? As a laugh at me. To do so he has chosen for me, I know that have second sight? I was mortified, he tued around and almost lost control of my bodily functions (it was dark meat, a demigod, or so it seemed), and is not into it. In any case, he knew he knew and wanted to say what has been chosen by his death. For what? And the reason why they brought me here, no? I dunno, punishment and fingers, as the city of death did not say, perhaps for a long, long time, and this would be his death, to the punishment of hell, and prayed to say that I was his messenger. I started in the dark, which had focused on the study or in being, and I can not? See what you saw, but what I saw was his death? His death? What do you see? asked the demigod. A being with wings, putting rocks on your body. You are in a desert, chained to the ground below you, and the rocks on you, you can not move. What is death? I asked. The life of death? Chokingly told me. Will I be aware? He asked. Always !...? Note: Written 8/12/05/revised 8/19/05 (by Dennis L. Siluk) In Spanish Translated by Nancy PenalozaU? Manufacturer 's Acu? TicaCon gently, my mind you select a Meloda? A deaf, dead space outside the dark vac? Or ride? Ndome? I saw a form on a rock, which is not secure? N time, ten years? ll a sensitivity thinking? a bad feeling, you feel, or second chance; room? ao? do it before, not sure if I want to give a lot of cr? credit, but how? sea, the sensitivity and numbness were all?. Unsend? tion? No danger for the moment, in the figure illuminated by the moon, sitting on the rocks, to be stalking, looking in depth. Actually realized? Conscience of a cramp in my est? I think magician, like centipedes? s to chew on it - from all angles - in the flesh of my pink and red? inteal organs, their small ellos.Tropec poisonous bites FANGS in you? The thick foliage, they lost too thoy wild and cultivated plants of mud, and God knows that m? s in corollary, I came close to the edge of the sea, facing the accused? tion to the edge of the rock, hac? many? and you, hab? say here?. The zig-zag through a? S? Last of the bushes, beware, this is the edge of the cliff, and then get an opening in m? S clear. I pod? Or only one? A noise of change of water today - m under the water, "as the strike that makes the sound of waves and splashing against the rocks of the sea, to be settled directly in front of m '. But this was a few seconds before nightfall, DETR? D CREP? Schools, s? Indeed, this room? one disappeared, swallowed by the darkness seems impenetrable inquieta.La always carry an unlimited amount of threat? Really? Ret a question? Rica at best, this is safe, and which appears on the tide? has become more calm, and the rocks were the mammoth, from the high seas, with rugged FANGS. The wind was gentle on the head, and not just a few minutes ago, I just suddenly evaporates?. As I was about to say, the shape, the silhouette on the rock huge, yet? To examine the sea, is like? L is locked in a state of trance, or that I s? That a worm? L, l and too poor to pay attention to any? No ? l seems to be talking to the same or quiz? ALG s? N. sea monster, only joking - but? he goes to someone, something, and his head down, down, towards the sea. Except for the fact I am not a ilusi? N. A fishing boat, not just a NAV? Or some kind, I'm not sure what for? I said the fishing boat, as we know, this has tued a light on the roof, I suppose it is a cover, est? measure the distance. Now I have no way, I do not see much in front am ', because I end up at sea monster that I can not see shit, s? Find out if it's true. Ah well, just some shadows left the moon a little 'm? S above, but this gave me a little 'light. In the month of September is fr? O lo, I swear to stature has something to do with this mysterious evening. Aqu? off-shore? my bones are they? n cooled. If you ask me? You are doing here? I could not? To say this, not me? In response, the compilation? Qu? Perhaps that figure on the rock known -? L s be? Hundreds of meters of m? Now, this possibility is to find out? very soon, and you too? No I think it is already night, but it's not that late. Obviously I was here? out. I was visiting a friend, you? To tell you, but s? What next? S arriving?. So, what has caused me? take this small? or travel (again) - your guess is as good as the m? a. I've been to places in the world that seem to use the souls of people, waving his momentum to the point where it is? O L? L enters - and ending with, no matter where you - in this case here?. "Also, good teachers," O? (A murmur)? Take as part of this? This is what Reson? On my retu, the wind, s? The wind pushes? Atr? S or I? two of the point where the person is unknown, as contained in the huge rock to see, just looking around in - which I assume, the sea, a black hole in the sea, s? in fact, is what they are doing, assuming a black hole in the sea, for some reason? No extras? One can see that now, or pod? one has just disappeared?, as r? I wonder how the wine. Clearly, something was m? s, or should I? say, is thriving. - How proud was watching with the sound of arrogance. I wonder, "Now is a distance of several meters away? Are they? An indicator L? N my presence? ? Here? N concentrates so hard?, I look? L is the seawater Quiz ask something? And someone, have the feeling that he has lost something and want to negotiate for the retu to this in many death wishes delivery man and beast: and? l look for both people. O? L is planning something? L is huge, terrible mass. Dar? m feet? s, a building site now? l duty? a curve, I could? to think. I am sure? L can feel the beat of my heart? No, I heard the heartbeat, or is it possible? RLO me. -- -? Again and again I say that duty? A? Tu L m? do with me? one, then? Now? L Oy me? stammering my thoughts, as some spells too? No A path that, I wonder? -? Now that, "I am behind? S l, three feet; -? Are U? Do, me here, "the fate of the Minister, and there are many different ways to die? L is a bone plate of cr? Neocolonialism, carved in it, seventy-two ways to die. ? he brings me a plate at the moment does not show. Are forced to watch while it mocks m?. Destiny has a sense of 'humor funny. Me har? fear, the pitcher? with me for ever. said that I must choose one, and the s? I can not. ? joins my voice and repeats one who is under the earth's crust, as r? in m?. ? Qu? path was chosen for m, "s? you have a second chance? -? I was mortified? GIR L? and almost lose? control of my functions f? Basic (? L semidarkness was made flesh, a demigod? S, or "is one), and well, do not enter into details. In any case? L Saturday? One Saturday I? Ay? L wanted me to say what room? Amos chose for his death. This is what was working? Bring here? Do not know? One of them, and the fingers of fate? as the city of death is not dir? one, perhaps? s for a long, long time and this be? one until his death? to hell and asked them to tell the destination, I was his Messenger. ? Mir? d be in the dark? NDE? l hab? concentrated, or where? He looked, and I could not? see what? the violence, but what I saw was his death? his death -? What do you see? "Question? The demigod? S. -? A being with wings, putting rocks on your body. Are you? in a desert, chained to the ground below you, and the rocks on you, you can not move?. -? What is this death? L, I wonder?. -? Infeo, "the death by drowning? Ndome said. - "? I'm going to be conscious? "asks? ? l. -? Ever! ... "See Dennis Siluk and book travel on their website:

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