Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dancing Dark Spiders poetic Mytho

Dancing Dark Spiders poetic Mytho Dancing Dark Spiders Part ThickThe ìThe Dark Sunday, plus the upper part of the Galapagos, pouring a flood of brilliant, radiant sun: involuntary movements, delusions: riddled jungle, and my puzzled brain-entangled?. Down and around the tributaries? seemed to slow performance night with my boat? Goblin s faces? dark obscurity, riding high, as high as leering faces in the neighborhood? gloomy trees whispered:? Death is often dark and painted, there are the spiders ghost dance of the trees of the Galapagos. The walls, embankments islands threatened to crush my vessel? "As he pushed and pushed, hugged and threw, thrown, and blew, blew two of us on board, on the islands shores. Boa-like roots from tree to tree? All apparently made, has reached as many snakes? Everywhere: here and there, broken down to reach, as cloves, a coiled cord looped another.It was as if the plants are still alive: the way in which we wrapped two? us invaders, now side by side with the hawks and humming, lava lizards, marine iguanas voice; giant prickly-pear cactus? Cactus? everywhere, crabs, all the sea lions, penguins, seagulls. The leaves, undergrowth, twists around our torsos, eyes, clinging, adhering to our throat, sometimes blinding us, choking, suffocation, such as frozen mimes.Rambled my wife? See, look at the dark spider dance, dance on the root? It points to a tree in a hole, two more spinning, dance, dance? Hypnotically! (And is not it? T much to say, I jumped on it, and sucked his pay? Bone marrow from their bones, their heads, as it was empty as a jar empty now; Ambrosia should not have.) Odd as was? next: the long dark thick black spider, climbed, climbed the roots of the plant to get a better look at me to see with my eyes only, look hypnotically (my mate was dead, as dead) only the eyes! Uncontrollable spasms started? Never, never had a man, a man went to the sand, my eye sockets cable now? I skipped within.Part IIDelirious DriftingIt a nightmare, is not insured, with a fever and all, without doubt, he was alive? Unfortunately, it was not his wife? t. (His voice sounds crazy with the story of doctors). And so it was in the jungle, it was lost, no eyes, no eyes, and broken fingers? swatting flies, where d go. ? The boat? found the boat. And about the islands that float. Died in his eyes, his eye socket, which is now a spider? Nest, which incorporated in its front edge: pulling, chewing his bones, sucking the yolk from the eyes, pulling his eyes? castrating his cranial lobe. After all this, all of this? He could, however hazily see? through his veins and hanging rail, and the roof of his eyebrows. (The island has lost, and rose at dawn: it was a demonic island, where the spider in the hell of henchmen.) Now has an illness befalling Ambrose Ashton Keats? befalling him as a thief to death; hard and threw himself, clasping his hands, tightening the systems we have felt in a boat: the knees clasped to the seat?. Its eye sockets seemed monstrous deep red and pale cave grottos; demonic spider with orange and red? in view of its most fearsome knees.More that, if possible, his foot has grown into a network such as toads, demonic things. And then, when he sailed across the sea, tried to sleep? Thus, the dreams of her lover, he d never see again. But in blind in his brain, are weaving spiders, weaving their evil game; excreting demonic beings, while the birth scream as pain, screaming that refugees from vein to vein, and the birth of Buer and Gusoyn? Henchmen from hell was. [The victim? s hypothesis was new to the doctors, as Mr Keats is trying to explain.] The current in the sea had Wilder? as he searched in vain, and I saw the pictures? only jungle islands are all he has seen, unfortunately, in his boat? Ebbing with fever, his thoughts moved forwards and backwards, the consumption of raw fish, floating, just floating. (said a doctor on the team? This is not a dream or something earthly, it may not be from another world, or maybe the distance I have to say? perhaps a demonic mandate?) Part IIIParoxysms [As he and his ship driving aimlessly in the sea] automatic spasms, cramps? spider-webs woven, sewn in his eye-sockets; bloody bones outlets, unbleached wired to see what is not for humans. He wipes clean, recklessly. He is like the branches of trees: Schwingen fall? Thrown back and forth, back and forth in his boat. His heart beats VILE or a prayer does not leave his lips. He packs his composure? Ill willed, and all the febrile, drifting, just drifting? Now he has left the front as a pass, now the insects crushing his face, his attempt at cables, as he swat and swat them? Food for the spiders, as it comes towards the sea, the green peacock. [His mind is like a melting glacier, an awareness of loss, as he looks and drives.] The moon was low in the sky, coiled snake Shadow: jump, jumping across his ship? or so it seemed? grotesque. How to accompany an army? They pulled his boat to shore.Self-holding, sitting, accompanied by those who have huge holes, volcanic rim? Female eyes, looking with spiders, takes its anchorage, uneasily, he jumps into the water near where the water, the water in which it appears. [And this is where the story has changed, because he is, and in the hospital said the doctors of the story you just read, but now for the climax.] IVDance the SpidersLooking help, help? or simply people who do, so he looked up and down on the shore: Leopard pre-set deep in the cheeks, web feet, his life as if someone was decay sucked all the spirit of his approach? than his wife? dying.All was now his veins now, through his pink such as meat, demonic beings hidden in his chest. (In case of death: he is now, like a bull slaughtered in the hospital because the doctors about it.) The Demons have had their food: milk for the body, tufts of skin color? stretched out like a lizard. They were now the man sin.And Ambrose Ashton Keats [patients], died when he came from a catatonic posture, in a deep sleep? Since the two spiders (demonic agents of surrogate births) slowly scanned by the eye sockets, on the eyelids that never close or winked, just cried and cried for relief. Now his sick eight-legged animals were to see the dance? Dance, dance solo on whistle and pissing.Note: Written: April 2004, revised in January 2005 [Prose poetry],? Dark Spider Dance? See Dennis' web site:

The age of today Dream Vision Four Poems

The age of today Dream Vision Four Poems 1What you say? (A hundred years from now)   Age todayin my dream, I think   on earth as fruitHuman was bittersweet, with evil and sin   (within the beast), I had to touch, feel itWhen I was young, I worked   all jobs that have more than thirty! A   Anyone who has passed for good   Not to retu?   The old oaks, fields of wheat,   And streams, (the moon)   And the mother? s Kitchen   Of pork with beans,   Not to retu? I? I loved in my life   May seemnot disgusting that is why,   Nothing has been done   Just throw erotic? But it has had time to pay;   My eyes are weak   My bones are dry   The unused part of my brain   Stored   Too much salt and pepper   [Often called the pain] But I human?   When he appeared on earth   Descended from heaven   And like most people, I   Dear friends, I cursed, I lied? funny how dreams   It may seem a little 'come   real life 1/26/20062Earth Ticket # 1094 I dreamed of a machine   Made in some distant planet? and planted here on planet earth.   (We dream, dream, is not true.)   I can recall, only that   It was my time on earth (poor,   Rich, is it? matter, I had my land-ticket   in my hand.) knew what I am, there is no need to ask   (perhaps ignorant or suffering May)   But it seems clear: to become   A member of the faith (to believe). # 1096 1/26/20063The Scribe ListenedWhen I was bo, I had aFeeling (perceived)   I asked the earth, and I leaed some it.and alongThis Travel   To be sure (not completely), but I think that comes from feelings of abandonment?   But then, that Christ has   With faith (not) talk to God, later in lifeTo angels and the devil,   Pale, with white wings? As my luck daysHere on earth there was no time   For the mold, to lea and change. # 1096 1/26/20064The witness to what I say   Be   (in a world that could careless I was, or was not)   What must have been   is not a piece of Driftwood, or a lazy silence of stone. (Why should I debate or argue   This, I wondered? ((inside   my dream, now reduced)) Bo to testify   (God? S glory, its history): the life and death   Birth and pain   The light and darkness   Love and hate?   And the success?:   There is no mystery! # 1097 1/26/2006See Dennis' Website

Children of the Mountain

Children of the Mountain Children MountainsUp the stairs and down the street   Children mountainsGo silent feet?   Looking for culprits   Who gave the poisoned meat ...! Spectral and their cry of tombs   ? Twenty-four dead say? (24-so he died in l999)   As now, parents parade   For justice ... streets.Note in Peru: in l999, 24 children were poisoned and died for the bad food they had eaten, and are the authors of this date (10/22/2005) have not been brought to justice by the Peruvian authorities. So, this poem is dedicated to children and their parents. # 903   Note: Review NotesNote 1: 91.7 radio? Super Latina ", 10/19/2005, Joseito inteviewer Arrieta, reaching 1.2 million people in the Mantaro Valley Region of the book? Magic of the Andes? (paraphrased): the City and the House of Culture of Huancayo to give an appreciation for the work he did in El Mantaro Valley.Note 2: Channel # 5? Pan American? 10/16/2005? Buongioo Huancayo? (in Huancayo, Peru ((population 325,000)), interviewed by reporter: Vladimir Bendezú Mr. Siluk `s two books:? Magic of the Andes, so? Peruvian Poems: In addition, Mr. Siluk's biography, for the Mantaro Valley region in Peru). * Note 3: César Hildebrandt, a joualist and inteational commentator on the channel # 2 in Lima, Peru, October 7 2005, introduced Mr. Siluk? s book? Peruvian poetry? the world, saying:? Peruvian Poems, is a book very interesting and important?. (population of Lima, eight million, and Peru: Twenty-five million euros)), plus a number of other Latin American countries: reaching about sixty-three million inhabidents also reaches its program of Spain)). Note 4: More than 144,000-visit Mr. Siluk? s website for one year: see his travels and books? 5 Note: (* 2): C? sar Hildebrandt Inteational commentator, Channel 2, in Lima, Per? October 7 2005, introduced Mr. Siluk's book? Poemas Peruanos ", the world, saying:? Peruvian ... Poetry is a very interesting book, it should be? a read ...? Dennis Website:

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New Poetry

New Poetry There are many different types of poetry. I counted 50 in a quick search on the Inteet. You may have heard of Haiku and Limericks. There are also the most obscure, like Terzanelle and sestinas. Lea the different types of poetry, however, is almost more fun to invent his own, so here are some ideas. Types of Poetry - Playing with a series of What is a room? A division of a poem composed by two or more lines. How many ways can you structure a stanza? As many as you want. Watch this excerpt from the poem, "Gratitude" Therefore, there is nothing to say, there's nothing to say Nothing Nothing ... The gratitude Each line is a small part of the previous line. In this case, quiets the mind in order to emphasize the last word: gratitude. However, this idea could be used in many ways. One could start with a line like, "saw that the birds come from the sea", and may reduce to "Come from the sea", "From the sea:" When Michael was only in the storm. "Each stanza could have lengthening lines. Lines could vary in length to create an image on the page. Playing with a series is a fun way to create new kinds of poetry. Ideas for new types of poetry in the poem "I do not believe in God," each stanza starts with one of our senses: "See God in the stars ... ... and the sunlight and the face of her lover, "Listen to God ... in the wind and waves ... and the music of birds. "All the senses are covered. How can we use this general idea? At the beginning of each room with a verb or adjective? At the beginning of each stanza with a different name? For each set to get smaller or larger increase in the poem? How many ways can I play with poems? "Dream of poems," could be a kind of poetry that puts actual dreams into verse. Dialogue poems "could have verses or lines answering each retu. A series of poems could use exactly the same, ie, renovated, with a completely different outcome in each. There are endless types of poetry can create.


Paul Well, I had an invitation to a game of kick   It is BYOB   And starting at 7:00 pm   Was to last all night   So I brought my Bible   Who started a fight.   You say,   "Did you win or lose?"   "Or get a beating?"   Wait now!   Let me tell you how it was   I walked in   I set the pace   I have in front of the waiter   Face to face   I said,   "Lord, it's time"   "To close the bar down."   He said: "No!"   I said, "Yes!"   "Now, out of town!"   He tued to me and said:   "If we want to fight?"   I said,   "If this is what you need"   "This is good."   Just as the Apostle Paul   I smote with blindness   As he fell on his knees   He shouted "evil!"   He said, "is right"   "They tried to cut the throat"   "When I was preaching last night."   Guardo   I'm an invader   It takes me by force   I preach against sin, disease and divorce   And last night was in its territory   I saved his girlfriend   His name is Corey   Meanwhile, apart from   It is well   I was kicked on barrels   The preaching of repentance   Saving sinners from hell.   So if ever an invitation   Expelled for Games   Bring your Bible and boots   Party and really friendly! Paul Davis God is the author of a book against religion tells us: "How to disce between God and religion." Paul is a minister, church planter, missionary, philanthropist, prophet, poet, life coach (relational and professional), popular worldwide keynote speaker, creative consultant, humor being, adventurer, explorer, mediator, liberator and creator of dreams. Paul of compassion for people and passion for travel has taken him to over 50 countries in the world where he had a tremendous impact. Paul has also brought revival to many in war, poverty and the tsunami-affected regions of the earth. His nonprofit organization Dream-Maker Ministries is building dreams and breaking limitations. Paul Progress Seminars inspire, revive, awaken, impregnate with purpose, impart the fire of desire, catapult people into a new level of self-awareness, facilitate destiny discovery and dream fulfillment. Paul can be contacted at: - 407-967-7553 or 407-282-1745.For more information: Source:

Monday, September 28, 2009

Invasion of the Body Snatch

Invasion of the Body Snatch Please ignore the aliens   Take my brain   Pulses and pulses are   The hope that my soul still remain.My soul is slowly dying   Remembering my past   The life and love inside me   If only you last.The foreign   Strip me of my hope   My smile, my strength, my determination   Well as tools for cope.I know that I am worth the fight   I don? D like to admit   I can not do my   How do I get from this pit of isolation pit.This   The hopelessness and despair   I want my inner strength   In order to grow and aware.Aware of possibilities,   A life where I am free   Free to lea, love and life   A life where I can see.My truth that comes from inside   I see my physical strength   Strength to reach for your support   I length.You are always stronger than this monster   This works for my brain   With the hand, and support the truth,   My soul is still there.     Note: The only way to make hindsight foreigners from reaching for others. Search for the truth in himself and find the love and the "real you". Mary Pat? Life was for people in need financial, physical, emotional and spiritual. They work in their strength, spirituality, love of nature and a sincere heart, as you walk down this road we call life. Mary Pat has a psr in religious studies with an MS In experiential education.

Grandfather s Iraq home with two love poems

Grandfather s Iraq home with two love poems Grandpa's House [The Real Casa OLE] The house needed painting Sun-blisters and desquamation Grandfather to us Child? Mike and I? Start Doing some scraping? While, pealed off the ole Drawing, painting and just started a small wooden house With several rooms, but Strong enough to Wind and snow in winter, How he loved that ole house! A ...? its well-kept garden, the Including lilac bushes, and Large shade trees, where birds Squirrels and lived? Season For the season, spread out over? Industries? Seemed Now things (again in anni'50) # 807 8/18/05Note with the author: "We all grew up together, I think we could say me and my brother, mother and grandfather, aunts, just beginning, of all living in an extended family, that is, as it is in any case. Even if the house belonged to my grandfather, we all lived together, now seems so long ago, and what appears Out Of My Mind: I have never had a soft spot for his painting after painting the house a couple of times. By American in Iraq with Love? s usually Some of what they want From the world? To a large extent, Responsible: Gold, machinery, Zsym And 'what is it? S i Who? Shavers Showers Supplier Drugs Cosmetics And 'what is it? S i Who? Breakfast Banquets TV? S and sofas Young people Engagement rings? Thanksgiving? S: Blessing, gratitude (No secrets here) And 'what is it? S i Who? Family Snow and rain North by a road Dirt and mud Children Classmates Cookie Simply beautiful What? Freedom To say and That? S, as has been To be: A? then, Long is one point: No Mercy Your dead! ... Nothing more was said. # 806 8/16/05Note with the author: I am not for or against the war in Iraq, in most cases, although I think that America has done a great service to the world, and the Iraqi people through the creation of Saddam Hussein, a world demonic beast, from his throne, and perhaps it was worth then and now, we all understand the price of this right minutes, we are not [?] But it's worth it to continue? A more pale, now everyone in the country. There are people much wiser than I, in Washington DC, while these things, and certainly we do not know everything that is in the background. But in a war, I know this: we won the war, should have, and we are not responsible for the reconstruction of their country at the expense of the taxation of American citizens to death: financial resources, and our young people. I pray that President Bush will be at home with our children. Enough. Dennis Siluk see the new book of poems "The Magic of the Andes", or at any book retailer

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Both Oliver Wendell Holmes

Both Oliver Wendell Holmes Oliver Wendell Holmes is known to us because of his poetry. But he was a physician and professor at the University of Harvard Medical School. Some don? T know that he and his son were not the same person.At following information about his father, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.:? Holmes, bo in Cambridge, Massachusetts, 29 August 1809, and died 7th October, the 1894th? At the age of twenty he graduated from Harvard University, and the study of law. This study, however, was soon abandoned for medicine. He studied in Europe for a short period of time, and the degree of doctor of medicine at Cambridge, in 1836. Two years later, was with the Department of Anatomy and Physiology in Dartmouth College. This position he held until 1847, when a similar position at Harvard, which he held until 1892. All of his literary work was, in addition to the constant work of a professor at the College over forty-seven years? He is always in the temple of American literature, one of the most brilliant and popular writers. We lea Holmes? famous son, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., after the end of his service in the Civil War, Holmes in the Harvard Law School. He was co-editor of "American Law Review, a joual of industrial property, and wrote his book" The law "in 1881. In 1882, Holmes was a professor of law at Harvard and was a member of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts in 1899. President Theodore Roosevelt name Oliver Wendell Holmes of the Supreme Court of the United States in 1902. Has exerted a profound influence on the law by supporting the doctrine of judicial restraint, urged the court to prevent their views on their decisions. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.Now we know that there were two famous men of the same name, retu to father.We know that was a great poet, but you know that was a great initiator of Medicine? His desire to teach doctors to be aware of gynecological practice and a sterile environment to prevent loss of life under the new mothers and infants, which has many thousands of lives. His famous article on this subject was Contagiousness of puerperal Fever.If was not Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., many of you are not here to read this article, and perhaps I would not have been writing here is free it.There E book with some of the poems by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. not to read a poem or two hours. You? Ll be glad you did! Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.If was not Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., the Supreme Court decisions still to be based on personal opinions and are not law.Or? The Endcopyright? John T. Jones, Ph.D. 2005John T. Jones, Ph.D. ( is a retired engineer of R & D and VP of a Fortune 500 company. It 'the author of detective novels and Weste, Women's Clothing (economy, science, engineering), poetry, etc. former editor of the joual inteationally. Jones is Executive Representative of Inteational Wealth Success. More Info: Company Website: (IWS wealth of books and kits for success and Newsletter Business / Topflight Flagpoles)

Revenge of the Tiamat Channel 2 The Lost Temple

Revenge of the Tiamat Channel 2 The Lost Temple Chapter TwoThe Lost TempleIn Yort, we had many temples behind our city-state stronghold, the Tiamat? S Temple, who was a patient here for many years (not active for most, but not entirely) was close to Marduk? s temple, and the one God in three temples. The one God Temple [OGT], we had the Mesopotamian Stone, had written on them by our laws, my father, along with the king I Thesas during a battle in the arid land of Mesopotamia, some years earlier. There are many battles in this part of the world to speak of eteity, it seems I have experienced, and hunting and rooted out the enemy from this region. The plains of Mesopotamia was also a war zone in many other countries in the past. The battle is fought mostly naked and clean shaven, so that the opponent does not pull their hair or beards. We had only a towel bar for ourselves.Someday Tiamat would come to rock again, I am sure? For revenge? My father used to say to add? she is just waiting for the right time. Among the temples of the fortress grounds, Yort our city was the temple of the First World, or better known as the Temple of Lost: the followers are the priests who do not know the name of their God Somewhat surprisingly, I thought, to pray a God who does not have a name to call the way he said hello to the Lord, that you are, help me kill the enemy in battle. That seems rather an insult to their god, I was their god, and I perhaps? D them.Let kill me clear that this further: my step father told me, and I remember his words as true, the letter that we, or we live in the time of Leo, this is the constellation in the sky, I'm talking about . Well, after the big rains destroyed the great city of Atlantis: In my understanding, about 3000 years ago, at this time many of the Watchers, (the old Angelic Renegades) were cast into the pit (or abyss), an area U - blocked from the Lord, the God that I belong to his church. In every relationship is an angel on straight, I understand about these underground abyss. And deep inside, these evil spirits type locks and chains on the walls. I have heard that with the worst smell of all smells and mucus in the world, or the creation of the stars we can see in heaven. We have left a legacy of the demigods here on Earth, and giant children, and other evil spirits. I have some of these myself, and I know that this part of the legend of so.In any case, this is the 4th World order, there will be another called Aquarius, perhaps, I dare not want to live that, at this moment, because it concluded the fire told me, my father-in-law, a time when the end of the day. My world, my stepfather, said at the end in a flood or wind: he knows that I have? T knows, maybe it's a second glance, and I seem to have something from nature. The world before us ended in the man-eaters, and dominate the world, and before the winds and storms of the world destroyed. Oh yes, we took this road, before the human race. Today, Leo is the constellation of what tomorrow knows.But I am tempted to say that with all this is: We live in a cycle time in five worlds, which consumes about 125,000 years ago. Prior to this time was another moment, and I do not know much about them except for one thing, the one God, for whatever reason, an angel of forces in a prison in the sky, a place. Are always in jail, I think. So you see, we have a rich history, humanity. We simply do not know much about it.For some strange reason, we have a temple, a very old, has outlasted all the other temples in Yort, was built first, I was told in Yort: E 'the end of the fortress, the so-called "Lost Temple, and his priests that has been made to believe, built during the first world order, of which there are five, but also that their God, that time that all the oldest temple, even outside of Yort. Only a few people in this church, and not like ours, where there are over forty, and sometimes up to sixty people in a collection. Their temple? The Lost Temple Angelico? Only the priests, which means you do not have a trailer a few priests left, and nobody has ever seen the divine, is to pray, because I had already said, I think there is a God figure. But all the other temples are demigods, or their followers to pray. Some say that is not the difference in their temple of the temple of God, for which nobody has seen, my God, either. But in his case, no one knows his name, to pray in the name of God in contrast to our God, we know that his name.But I was told, the Tiamat, whose father was a Titan, or look, I think it is one of them, I'm not sure, but it's one or the other, both known as the Angelic Renegades, who were discussing the land of the Lord, my God, that is one, but had left their seats, all two and a hundred of them, and had sexual relationships with the human race, that is they cohabitated with meat, though they were mentally, for the most part, but somehow was able to show their clothes in the flesh. Therefore, the Tiamat? S father knew about these issues, because he was the son of a Watcher. And if the name Ura holy angels? El was the end of the Renegades.But back to Ura? El, because I am, he knew the holy angels, angel of strength, or: Lost Temple, the priest to pray. That is, the head of an angel no one seems to know the name. Anyway, somehow the story seems to go something like this: of the Tiamat angel Lucifer noted that these forces are in a great sea of fire, flames and buing air, shone. The course covers a great distance in the sky, and it seemed great columns of fire from a distance. He said [it: The Lucifer] E 'was so great that he could not see the end of the term for the region of fire, nor could it estimate the beginning. And the fear was horrified by Tiamat tone of this terrible place, it was even worse than the pit or the abyss, or subsoil that said. E 'was named for the prison angel. The temple priest prayed the angels forces? Or force [which means that, if appropriate], why me? Ll never know, but have not yet. And to provide them with all persons, regardless of who might be the name of the leader of the angels power, and prove without a shadow of doubt, religion or belief, on request, a hundred times its weight in gold, a good price for the empire, not to mention because a person.Sinned? s GoldSaid me, me? d like gold, I had some 'of those times. I'm not sure what I have? D with the money, but it would be fun costs. Semas our male servant, my father, while on an island in the Great Lake, has given us good, I feel that I reward him, yes, that is what? D can be a part of the money. And my mother to buy more food and things like, oh yes, oh yes, he had a hard life, and the things that gold can buy, but also contribute. And to my father, me? D orange to plant more trees along the canal Yort. I found that this is what my father and I have to do the trees. We had fun when I was eight years. But I am not sure why I think now as I am a soldier on leave, a soldier at rest is in my step-father? S house, in 90 days, I must retu to my arms and retu to military life that I chose, as my father and stepfather were both in front of me. I have heard that with a campaign in Germany, which takes about four years, all of these campaigns so long. And so I will not be home for an extended period? It would be fun to see if I could win the gold, even if not so, so be it: If so, my adventure, I will be two, my next voyage.See Dennis' website:

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The past, present and future of a compulsive gambler s Thoughts Poetry Part 1

The past, present and future of a compulsive gambler s Thoughts Poetry Part 1 The past, present and future, a compulsive gambler? S Thoughts Part 1 is a collection of poems that express what I wanted that over the last ten years of my life. Through these experiences, I could better understand what I was before, during and after with my addiction compulsive gambling. You lea a lot from you, if you can put into words. In Part 1, there are two poems A Moment In Time Passing compulsive gambler and a realization Out.Time when PassingTime, a time when adoption   Fugitives, ever eteal   Two people reach   Find out what life is all around   Too short   Too sweet   Too simple   Loving the moments of the day   I do not understand when you go their own way   Nursing   Understanding   Other   This makes life for one another marvelous   Friends, we are always   Is open our hearts, as you can see,   Distance no obstacle for those who care   Always stay in touch, very rareCompulsive Gambler achievement OutKnowing life abundant resources   Trying to mix   Mixing, beating, unwanted   Restlessness creeping through my soul   Punishment by an abundance of power   People care, but always   Dissociates to a large extent   It 'now time to make me free   None of the moments of the reserve   The normal   Stop the pain from the buing me alive   Help me please, people, it must be recognized   Only people, meat is the same   Why? Why? Why?   And 'better, financially free?   But people need to spend time with me!   Gambling, are friends with me?   Play True friends are for me?   When you receive?   If the same work and play   I have a day   Must remain positive and calmMr. Howard Keith has extensive experience in dealing with the compulsive gambler, relatives and friends of the players and teenage players.     Mr. Keith believes there are many alteatives to aid in the recovery of an addiction to gambling verses twelve steps program. A large part of his e-mail was from a compulsive gambler looking for an alteative to anonymous players and twelve step programs. Anonymous players including a large number of people every year, but there are a large percentage who are unable to achieve.     For more information on gambling addiction and gambling, you can stop using the     I felt the game of chance We can


Superman So many who have inspired, unlikely hero for the wheelchair nation.Proudly has fought and proudly you believed everyone loved Christopher Reeve.Readily seemed your destiny, the man is super .. you are great! All the nation mous a hero is no longer bound to fly again, finally! Bill Bill Herren is your source for webmasters for poetry and personalized gifts.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Cold Kindness, Part I, Chapter Pre

Cold Kindness, Part I, Chapter Pre Press release: It was a dangerous period between the winter of 1959, during 1960 and spring of 1961. Elvis Presley is the army, the Federal Republic of Germany; Antarctica was agreed by 12 countries, which states on the continent to make it reasonable, and only for scientific reasons, not the nuclear tests. Then the 1960-Olympic Games in Rome began. It 'been a year Nikita Khrushchev banged his shoe at the UN on her desk and Castro, the United Nations, and to support with Cuba? S? Battle? against the United States. The Soviet Union, the first man in space, Yuri Gagarin, Pablo Picasso, at the age of 79 he married his model Jacqueline Rogue, 35 years, 42 years younger? And the author? Cold goodness? had published his first poems in his joual of high school joualism class, and within nine years, would Germany.Towers west and the rain does not seem DropsTwo heart to beat   The same, and   Two heads never dreamed equally   Towers, we are just left, it seems   Fight for our lives.If only on Sundays   Remains, melt   The ice is gone,   Then we could live above the clouds   and observe how all day.We rains are just drops of rain   You know?   Evaporates in the sun?   most people know how to mix, it seems   While others flow. dlsilukInside of Dieburg TowerIntroductory Chapter   Winter in Garmisch   [1959], the car on the road was full of ice and snow, the road, in Garmisch, Garmisch, Germany; Carmen? S, right forearm, the arm of Adam for a moment, in the distance, a rise in the sky are the slopes. The wind is whistling around the windows and pine trees were swaying, it was a cold winter? S am. The move will be made by car or by bus, train can not pass through it only around the mountain, and within a certain distance of the ski resort. The car, the engine of rest, there was a shed behind it, about a mile on the way back, and immediately behind the step in front of them was the country (or city-let), Garmisch ski area called a , one for Winter Haven in Europe, a simple and ancient villages in the rest of year.Everything was shinny white, opaque suffered in the moing rays of the sun, so it was almost one might say, the thought of blindness, Adam stared at the sun glasses with her. Adam, he was Carmen? S American Friend. E 'status by the U.S. military forces in Europe, about a year before, and had a job as a manager at local military PX Babenhausen? And for the most part, he seemed to brave the elements of this jouey without too much difficulty. Carmen looked at him, a brief smile, an air of comfort, and went over my passport? Garmisch You? Adam asked with a button on his beat membrane, trying to meet its winter wonders beauty. Yes, yes, but? s is not so, as I remember, it's so long ago, if you know I was last here. Was now closer to the village where we have been able to get a better view of the whole country, a breathtaking view? for a moment, a fairy tale moment, one might say, Adam was again, a little 'fear Struck by her beauty, then went a step further, have been in the same village, a small idyllic village in the Bavarian Alps. The Hotel is located farther down? Carmen instructed.Adam looked over his shoulder, outside the rear window, it's been a long jouey from Dieburg, and the slope is steep and slippery, it was adjusting. Happy that it is here in one piece;? He said.   Carmen burped out? We? Ll need in this small bridge in front of us? Once again, the Adam? s speech, then added? The hotel is located beyond this (pointing straight ahead). Adam has noticed a stream under the bridge, and was showing all the (apparently) through the country, with some pastures on the farm mountains.Said Carmen hesitation, but with pride? This country is beautiful in spring and summer: all the streams and woods mesh together and make a lot of shades of green, and as you can see, most of the houses have the old Bavarian architecture. I see? Said Adam. over the bridge, the hotel? Carmen said. And where exactly is the ski resort? Although Adam brain, the whole area to be taken into account, because it was all mountainous regions. E 'through the big hill, mountain, I think we can? T is full, you have a little 'closer, but? s more than a mile walk along the lower slopes, there are several steps you know. We? Ll be able to see it later, closer to the mountains of all kinds mixed together, as you can see. As Carmen pulled up to the hotel, cleaned a little Adam 'her sunglasses. At times, it was so brilliant was the blinding, so he rubbed his eyes, tu for a moment. The snow had filled the highest standing next to the hotel. Carmen parked. This was their first trip together, he had only known each other go to a month. There bellboys not here? Carmen said. I see now the elevator? the young man said, tapping his retu in T-shirt, as he out of the car, take the two suitcases in the background. Perhaps we are able to ski this afteoon? Carmen says, walking into a hotel. ? The weather is perfect for them? that twenty-five degrees. How many people are skiing do you think? he asked, what is now the plant has a lift, so the distance, or for which he considered appropriate, although the configuration, the shadow was palpable. Maybe (they are encouraged to lea, for example, to think, before another word)? possible, about one quarter of normal people, usually on holidays or weekends, we know today? s only Thursday, we have a couple of days before the race. Great, great, I don? t like their full now, or will be, in particular. Would you like to ski as soon as possible? he asked. Depends on, ah, it depends on what we do, I suppose? he said aloud, not realizing that it was not too strong, over-compensation for the weary I? d expect. They have a double-take upon him when his voice had exceeded their quiet. Yes, yes, I feel? the young woman said. ? But we have to eat, a fine, if not initially a little meal elastic 'rest, and then in the afteoon? We? Ll be fresh and not so? (He hesitated, lost her mind, so), you know, not so strong, please. I? ve forgotten, I hunger, and I did not? t is so abrupt, I suppose? m oery not only tired, it is assumed that a couple of times to me? Said Adam. [The Hotel]? Guten Morgan,? said a voice behind a counter, noted as the American Adam, he moved to German? My name is Koln, please? before the end of his speech was interrupted Carmen. I'm Carmen Schmidt, it should be here? A moment? please? please (corrected back to English)? Colony, as he thumbed through a few sheets of booking? Hmmm? came from his mouth. Ya ... (Pause) Mrs. Carmen R. Schmidt, and? gg, of course? Your guests? (He spoke with one voice, hesitations, or so it seemed). Yes, that? S me? Carmen said. Seven cabin? said Chancellor desk [Rooms Sieber] is in English? second floor, I see you? ll be here only three days? E 'already? [End],? There are good ski weather? He smiled and gave her the key, to prove his previous provisional laughed. Adam knew many German? S knew English, or English conversation, he also knew a little 'German, enough for a meal, a beer and an occasional days. And the Germans and the Americans have tried to know something, or as a sign of respect, or just for the recognition of the need to know. Thank you? Carmen said, as the area in conflict with the direction of the main hall, lounge, Adam say? Tschus? [to be], then asked Carmen? What is it? R? for? I told you I was a German-Jew, my father is? s suame, Rosenbaum, is that a problem? He said with increased defense item. No, no-oo? (Pause) is not everything? Jew know what to do anyway? I mean, me? M Russo-Irish American? Big deal. Who did not? T his way, then continued on, when he found the room and opened the door, smiled when Adam after his suitcase on the bed, as if to say, the adventure of the weekend is to start, not to mention the not retreat from each other. [The lift]? We need a mile? , Adam said, pausing to recover from a farm yard, two cows went to the wooden fence, with two large bells tied around the neck, Adam was the fence. How fascinating? Adam said, satirical? He walked the streets a little 'over in the courtyard, two small boys came to the door for him, two cows and beyond, on the other side of the fence. It was as if a boy ran after the other, and the cows just below. They were twins. Hello? He said one of the two boys blond hair, one with the name of Carmen Cody.Said with a great step for his voice, as if it were a game recorder (we want to know where the ski lift):? Where are you? the ski lift? Impetuous Cody said with a smile? He is? are you going? right? (straight). Carmen was just behind her, where the boy was on it: Oh, she knew now. Gandige woman? the boy said? as if hot? Carmen? He said, was his name for boys. And she said that Adam was his American friend. Aha? the boy said with a smile again.Then slow and broken English, the boy has? him? s? Sir my cow, is not it? t? he great? Adam watched? H. .. mmm, are large and healthy looking cows are not? Perhaps it was a statement-question, but the two boys saw and understood most of what was said, then looked at each other, and are indifferent, as if they were kids back laugh.Both hours Adam Cody said in German , English,? My name is Cody, and he? s my brother Shawn, we live there (pointing to the house on the way). Carmen thanked the boys in Germany, says:? Thank you? as the two boys leaned on the fence and ran for the cows when the cows do, and then suddenly stopped, the cows, addressed to them (the cows, the arrest and up) kids jump back and laughed. Carmen said Adam? I am very conceed, I believe that Americans, who Adam is to shine? Not Adam? T say nothing, is quite a statement, he thought, of an application. Nice guys, cute blonde hair, just as the Germans. In any case, it means that we all go on this way then, I think we are? Ve gone for two hours, I think it is three or [?]? He looked at Carmen, she didn? T Ward said, I have nothing to say, then stopped his thoughts? E 'solo un po', as now. As they started to cross in the field of the boys had towards.Then think that maybe it was cold Ting heart, you should ask how he is doing, and asked: How are you doing Adam? ? I think all right, I? but rather 'tired, I mean, I mean, I have rested, but not one has stayed at the hotel. And that long jouey, and the long trip up here, no? T-Jewish German was always tired? She smiled, not saying a word, but it was a rhetorical question best.Adam now, pulled his jacket, a sweater that had, and a wool shirt for the start, and in all that cotton undershirt, and consequently was beginning overheat.Now, Adam noticed quite exhausted, Carmen (shakes his head) was stopped, he said with a humble voice, so you can wait, me? ll check to see if we can ski -. Adam [hatch]? Oh no, no, I do not see all this way here, all this distance not to stop and rest a few hundred meters from the side now. It was more like a quarter mile, but the Mannish part of it? The ID was the driving force, but not destructive at this point, and was a little 'of ego, that is to say, I call her from the first, I think, so he felt in control, In any case, he? Mannish part of him was not the kind that women have the upper hand. Carmen said the husky, beer bellied man in the green lift hut, sit holding some passages, sometimes looking through a window in front of him, and Carmen at his side? Where can I buy a ticket? (Where can I buy a ticket ?)??? Here Schatz? (preferred here), said the burly German, only different lifts will be higher and higher up the hill, threw the sparsely wooded. ? Two? (said what they needed two cards, as he looked, or tried to see deep into the soil and his beautiful blue eyes, his gaze Adam Fang, German paying agents Adam heed.Carmen no answer to German: Please ? Thank you, (please, thank you very much). Carmen was his breath, said Adam in a low tone? three characters for a spin, each consisting of three, that "s close to a U.S. Dollar ? waves, "said Adam [suddenly]," go around. Good moing, "said the man hour on the ski lift to go on.Adam they say in English, as if to impress Carmen that he understood un po 'in German, and very little? And good day to you Sir? You can ski? asked Carmen, you realize how exhausted, and it seemed even more. We'll see when we get to the top. I think that if he thought he could, but if it gave a hint was tired? Well, I think it might be something for a long rest back at the hotel, but that was his answer. It 'again next Saturday to ski-lift that went up the mountain, to Carmen his side, the seat was made of wood, the rest is made of steel. It 'was all green, like the woods around them, under him, some twenty meters of air, higher and has been naturally . Adam grabbed his hands tight on the side of lifting on the seat. For a little 'tired, eyes closed. Carmen said that he nudged wakeup: Reinforcing the fact that he needed to hang on the side of the seat side-bar. ? track these miles is nothing, "said Carmen," if you're not tired, that is, but if you? tired the more I like, or you? You can break a leg. It 'was a much better skier him, and Adam knew it, and so to know that he is in a deep breath and think about what you just said. On the other hand, Carmen knew that people rarely hear women when they compete klang, or they felt that pass, then added: "I am more tired I thought," and although tired they could ski for a couple of hours without much difficulty. But in most cases, that was the best we could do with a waing to him, in a flight path for his ego, he must ensure that he has met this kind of escape clause, they did their best to create. Yes, yes, I understand, "said with eyes half open. Yes, I see you? commented Carmen. At the same time, Adam began tapping with his fingers on the steel bar next him.Said him? How do I determine if I? m too tired or not, or if you have determines how could it be? Carmen [Interruption] If you are not deaf, are you? "No," said Adam wiped his forehead. Well, I'm tempted to say to tell you that we have both? tired, but if you? again not to hear us is to break a leg together? green light, I'll risk well, otherwise we can tu and go back to the hotel, I think we have three, or is it two days [?], however, we more than enough time for skiing, it is not a great thing, as I believe that we must look beyond what we know is not safe? with both of you have said that at the next stop and jumped back on the ski-lift and back at the hotel, not even stopping to warm up. When you retu to the hotel, we sat at the table, the bar was behind them with a chair and some guests lounging, but almost the entire place was empty? for Most, perhaps four or five other people were present. They stayed for a couple of hours talking and drinking. A man and his ten years, both boys were playing with violins German, dressed in traditional Bavarian feast on.As the waiter came to take their order Carmen quickly led to the end? I have two pieces of bread, a Krügel beer and a glass of wine? thanks. See Dennis' web site:

Two poems in The Devil s Guesthuose Babenhausen Sack

Two poems in The Devil s Guesthuose Babenhausen Sack Guesthouse,   BabenhausenThe girl in guesthouseIs not quite like her,   This year has been spent against him.   You do not need me on a voluntary basis;   Yes, he had a son, became a mother   And the brightness of youth shedAbout bar, as you   Brought me my beer is propagated   Noticed.She be too thin? S couple, but it seems half aged.Note: I was in Germany twice, once for 10 months, the second time in 44 months during the second period, knew the girl in the house, a beautiful German property his father , and she and her sister helped him. I had left the area for a year or so, came back and started drinking again, in this place, which was a bar on the road between Babenhausen, and the military, very close. But I just recognized her second time. She was pregnant, and then saw her again on the left before me, and when I saw the drastic change in their skin, their young beauty. I feel, all this drinking and smoking in bars and resumed the life of a person and, of course, is a meeting place for GI? S. Their skin is rich and vibrant, which is perhaps 19 years when I met her, and when I was 22. I, of course, in 1976 was much higher than it was 29 years then. # 1263 3/3/06The Diablo? S Sack? Diablo, O devil! What we have here   Is your bag full of cow-dungand fear?   ? Perhaps pale souls stolen?   Temple, near and far? [The devil says:] Why was a lover of Christ, the Son? a mission!   a mission, my shameless man, camedown sky (like me) to save everyone, and then die.   Its mission, as opposed to mine. And I fly away, always so happy, aroundthe world? The world, making my own? No? S how I feel, I was created to do. Of course, everyone says no? No? However, in this bag, wet acrossmy back? Mosquitoes are not from hell, who are proud? They take these stones, ofbones cobwebs and dust themall more kingdomcome?   What? s my mission ~!... son. # 1255 3/1/06See Dennis' website:

Thursday, September 24, 2009


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Peru and Venezuela Angel Falls Amazon ss with two poems Comments

Peru and Venezuela Angel Falls Amazon ss with two poems Comments Amazon: Enchantress [Peru]   (The river and the jungle), I say the time, your crown, Seduced:   His Majesty ', the appeal to me, to you, or seduced wild, Enchantress River   Your traditions and years of life and reigns.With lazy water, the tree seems easy   Proud as a child, the twilight sings the victory on the banks of thy womb jaunty   So it is triumphant? My land flesh.Your wide skirt, blue and green   Laden with boats, animals combined scenes, a treasure chest full of wonderful things,   You run the crawling on Amazon? Maga! # 1131 1/31/06La Gran Sabana   [Salto Angel] (in advance), I left the madness of the city in search of the jungle of the Gran Sabana, which dissolves in the Amazon, in 2000 (year? Beast? For my part). How do I tell you what I have? I have leaed? Its beauty is the mind? A strange beauty in force, so that the verse is based on this poem is the work of an evil eye (a stroke of the eye as well), on the back of my mind: not on the Gran Sabana 1I Angel Falls, joy, or   buing stars at night, I do not expect to see the mountains   Called Tepuis? dominating the plateau, and its empty   (A lost world, I do so now). But instead, I went to the calm that   Want your eyes covered. But the joy I found in the wonders of nature,   Winking among the stars bright nights - Jungle! 2O, yes, I am? I have traveled through the tropical forest, sitting on the edge   its peak, looking up and down, Angel Falls   (3,000 feet). His foot plateaus, cliffs fall, Retuning   For civilization? with a supplement. E 'eteal, perfect,   nothing on earth, in the vein of a wonderful dream! Note: the jungle of Venezuela, where I was, were enmesh three areas: we have the Gran Sabana, but we also have what is called Amazonas. La Gran Sabana meshes as others, in the Amazon basin. And 'different from that of Peru, where the Amazon river is? And its dense rain forest beyond its shores. Here lies the basin of the Orinoco, once again I said, mixed: I say again, there are obstacles, as if thrown into a bowel of soup. This area was unaffected by White in 1980, there are a number of ethnic groups in this area, Amazonas, I saw some groups, with their boats increased their activities, then I go on my own, and not invade their privacy. In contrast, Peru and the Amazon jungle, I went low and inside, I did get in some communities, observing their homes in the jungle, their habitat, customs, ways of living for the most part, adult. This area, the Gran Sabana is authorized by Mr. Doyle? Story? The Lost World? More incredible.See Dennis' Website

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The king and the cold Delko Moiromma Planet parties 25 and 26

The king and the cold Delko Moiromma Planet parties 25 and 26 # 25 of King and Delko [Split Mawkishness? The Moiromma / Part V] sickly SentimentalityI asked friends Only to find the raw Their passion; And the uniformity From there you can know vision.Who My cerebral verve? (Only the long dead), by King Moire I [of Moiromma] Ah! the cosmos, but not back to his mind, as he is on his balcony, he looks mysterious in the dark. Ski proclaimed: that evil and ugliness are only oamental bells be connected to? S core, and its tail in the third age [he is now 500-year]; crude old age perhaps? It 'awful proud off? Mumbles it. It gives him every reason to love to hate, Zap, molds together, the revolt with her, so that tus into hostility and jealousy, fragile as it is in May, it? T in the beginning of his real couple? He reasons, but it is now. Therefore, he made a ruling, which ended in its dramatic interest Delko, general? Women, young and beautiful wife (the general of his old and faithful friend). And he said all this, as there has been research in the dark sky dark Eldritch, more nausea and repulsion with a bitter mind.Amidst filled chaos of his mind? Suitable for the future king after him, would set a precedent of madness in his rule, which permits or allow unquenched desire to be interviewed by a case in which the courage to chase them. Accordingly, Delta has come to (the patient lying in his bed time to die slowly, too slowly to the king), he says, the king in a whisper on her balcony to her, I want to kill your husband, or must kill? was his desire to have her speak, and she knew it. He knew that the flesh is weak, and he was young, and he was hungry, lustful for her, and wanted to live years, and wanted to please his scope, control and the touch of his lips, his flesh was all cm of its desire.Said Delko and shocking with a trembling voice:? But your majesty is the best friend, and I am your servant, as it is to die for you?. But the king not to hear such sentiments, and shook his head and said at once? Sick, sick schmaltziness is all that is soon to die anyway, and I want you now? And 'now set for his body, took her as a bird, it's so light, soft and short, was eight meters in height? over 400 pounds, the old, but still with some strength. It 'was a mixture of people in the world Moiromma, and breeding of a far away, somewhere in the solar system. Are you challenging me? harshly.She said the king looked strange, as if to say: Who can challenge the King. It has the right face, yet. Now it is to deal with the king to do as he requested, but with a small condition. However, the king should be with her at his bedside while he slept, and her first husband réveil plunged the dagger in his chest, and has dominated her, him? D assist.Delka there to think that the murder of her husband, the king? should be very entertaining for the general was old and dying, and he was proud to have him as a gift after he was dead, but the envy and greed, has taken more before, and simply because they used to what he wanted when he wanted, he should not be discussed. He took the king stab him, as expected, the two meet in a hour.She hours if asked to do so? D sleep and, consequently, rub the body with oil to ensure that he had died in his sleep, when the king has arrived. Today, the two were standing by the bed of 'Assembly, eyes closed, snoring; Delko lifted the dagger to take both hands, extend your arms up to heaven with the dagger in force, and for some strange reason, the king was noticed flicker, as if it were the weak point (or assume), then drops the knife on the bed as she falls to the ground, the king of his capture in the arms, her shoulders half the night, almost as if it was the scene, too perfect, but the king has taken by surprise. The eyes opened suddenly, like a snake that smell of danger, the sword fell on the bed, on the bed so, once again, as if it were the scene, took the slot and the retu of the king (who is he to lose, you hear ), again and again and again, he Stabs the King, until he fell on floor.Delka happy that everything goes as planned, a sigh a long sigh of his stomach, which seems to stop in his chest, then in a bubble his trachea and then to deal with gravity, and the world, her husband still love alive.At this time, the demand for guards and loads to find the mysterious murderess who escaped the king? balcony. And so the blood of tyranny was the king of the future. It might be worth mentioning, Delko? S husband died three weeks later, a man very happy and married King Moire Delko II [King of the dead? Son]. [12/31/04 wrote billions ended 4:15 PM, 5:08 PM; reviewed 11:45 PM to 12:30 AM 1/1/05] Revised, 6 / 2005 # 26Moiromma: Cold Planet [Von-Lexus and Lost Galaxy VI] The cold PlanetDoes cold there? Not really, is simply the absence of heat, or if the inhabitants of Moiromma say, and it is believed. It 'simply a matter of physics, the process of transmission of energy, which in their case, the transmission of energy at absolute zero [-460F], which is the total absence of heat, and add in May, all matter is or is unable to react. Thus, the word comes from the cold, and Moirommalit? S, is old news, as you know, in May But of course, the true native Moiromma alteated his body to correct or adapt to this dilemma, to survive the harshness of the planets, or should we say the lack of heat. But again, I say this is old news for the person who knows the Moiromma citizen.And I said someone who knows the background of this planet knows that it is not always this way. It is not always cold. This transformation occurred around 20,000 BC, the land of time. When l? The inhabitants were injected with a chemical to improve their body to be able to adapt to cold. The interior lining of his skin became like leather, as the outside is more like a crust. In fact, the skin blackened and became Crusted bites by repeated freezing (s) is the outer layer. As for the inteal organs, which have maintained their position to some extent. Therefore, at times, could be frozen and still alive. Much of the planet looked like an ice-Jam.Von Lexus Von-Lexus was the last inhabitant of the life of this generation, which had fallen to thank you from the cold and could remember the lush green grass on the planet at a time when the sky was frozen folds of clouds, or his reflux dark shadow that goes around the planet.He shrugged his shoulders halfheartedly, knowing that? d never see the planet recover from her night after night of endless Siberian type Weather, oh, I know I said that had a thermostat? Away, but not at 450F, no, no, it was a good fit of their ancestors in the building, but not good enough. And yes, sometimes, some died because of exposure. Some committed suicide out of the banality of life that had to live, a Lexus-likewise.Von a woman he loved, his name was Knuhs he was young, much, much younger than him, and could not clearly remember those days, as could, but of 40 years, very young for a race that can live up to 1100 years from 550 to 600, but some have lived since 1100 - years of age, in any case. E Von-Lexus is one that is close to that. He is the Plato of the planet, the race of Noah, you might say. And one day he had discovered a secret, a secret of the secrets is to change his life, his life has changed. There is a risk, and knew that for once, he tired, he could not retu to his planet, not to die in the process, he wanted for his young wife Knuhs to go with him in this way, and agreed . Anti-Gravity GalaxyAnd Von-Lexus was with his young wife, he calls himself young and everlasting life, the secret files hidden in the bowels of Moiromma, left by ancestors. The secret is, there was a space that the universe is not subject to gravity. It was therefore not subject to vesting and, for the fact the universe itself, with all the galaxies, solar systems had been subjected to a circular motion, like the land from Sunday stars, so that the land taken alone and the land? s moon from the earth, creating gravitational attraction of stars, and there, and beyond. And this cold darkness, where light was not allowed, therefore, is black and the heat has not been authorized, it was cold, and God was not present, then, is wrong, this was the place of eteal life? this is a non-static cosmological constant, or in relation to the universe in motion, for once, all the planets, moved in circles. Here, asteroids and planets moved in large part by the painter of the so-called Dead Angels, was the result of that infamous? Prison House orribile Angels? respect to the earth? s Hell, one could say that was the prison for course.It demonic beings can be God? s intentions, and its response to the angelic beings destructible object to his view that the Almighty, who creates a place called the prison Maison terrible Angels. And these beings, which is eteal, that might be, certainly not in a destructible, allocated indestructible in a galaxy in the universe itself, a cleaver idea. I sheepishly admit that I know little about it, but what I heard and what I have heard that you hear. But Von-Lexus was willing to leave his house with his wife, the planet at risk of one of the planets in this galaxy, a feeling, could be immobile, and if so, is it? D wear heavy armor to keep him the earth to live forever with his wife was even more desirable, his death was worrying day and night, to the point where it was obsessed with him. After the reading and writing messages encoded in the vaults of stone, he performed the spells, and spoke of the many spells to use his inner being to transform the planet through suicide. It 'been done before, where you plan Moirommalite themselves in a world that want to go to the state of suicide, and ended up, but it is always n? T work way.And Von Lexus said its last word, with his wife stabbed him with his dagger, his friend was stabbed Cyrus Knuhs that is their will, could join him in the future such eteal oblivion. Consequently, the blade cutting through the heart of Von-Lexus, and melt on the ground, becoming just the debris left on the cold planet. As Cyrus caught the dagger, he extended his hands in the air to stab Knuhs, smiled as he slowly lowered the dagger, and joined hands and become one. She had no intention of joining her husband in a galaxy lost, cold and dark, with no rules or salvation, not the severity or hope.As Von Lexus wakes up on a spinning asteroid, is found alone, crying for his wife, his beautiful, beautiful wife, a woman cutting. Under the name in all directions, shouting and screaming until his voice became silent to be on horseback, followed by shadows whizzed by him, slapping his face and pulling his legs, it was cold very cold, but not could die in t escape this trial, could not remain on the asteroid to move all the means in tu of the angels, the shadows, and he found himself withdrew the asteroid drift while drifting, catching the wind of angelic beings that rain is gone in circles day and night, day and night, day and night, as he yelled? Knuhs ???..!? Note: There were five sections of this short story in progress, which is a part of The Cadaverous Planets ", this is the last part of this segment was written to give a better description of the history of the planets, which is not essential to the story: in January 2005 [the first story], 6 / 2005 reviewed.Author Dennis Siluka his books can be seen or

El Gallo de La Laguna de Paca

El Gallo de La Laguna de Paca Part OneI say a legend of a time Collapsed in the town of La Laguna de Paca, (If I had met a persistent ghost) Within this region of Huancayo - Peru; The truth is, only the soul knows.Part Twose goes the legend of a time: During the full moon rising The Mermaid of La Laguna de Paca, appears And the city close to the people, its eco ... Echoes: his cries and cries! Then, when one thinks that all is well -- The enchanting rings, rings ... Of bells, the Great Bells, bells Sunk in the church of La Laguna de Paca They are regarded by the people of town.Part ThreeBut there's more to this legend: It is said that the dark night (The ink macabre dark star-lit nights) Errieness that of the full moon Ebbs through the Laguna de Paca, gives life, The Big Bull, who scrotches their foliage hillsideScrotches bones ...! Scrotches your brimstone.Part FourAnd fire and now I tell you my story -- The story of what took place, but a couple of days ago, For a long embankmnment Lake Paca.Here I was in their control, trance: Top I spent in the dark Eldritch This configuration of the shadow of Gaul Gaul of the lake, Laguna de Paca -. And in the giant eucalyptus (tree) Happened and to accept, watching ... So, now missing view As if it sinks into the lake ... La Laguna de Paca !...# 624 (4-13-05)-Poet Author Dennis L. Siluk

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Two poems childhood and old age, with a reference to nature

Two poems childhood and old age, with a reference to nature BoyhoodOh me Your glory days are flown! I mealy noticed, now? Re gone, How fast the flowers! Now not only young people? Bell S; It 'was like I was in a spell, And my face now shows the hours! Ah yes! My younger days, Still alive in my golden age, When everything was new and fast Now wrapped in pictures and books, And friends and family are all that knew And love was friendly look! # 741 6/26/05Old AgeThey arrest hours to see me To know what? The old and new, They peer into my? Everything, And criticize my views; She tells me what I want And may I be sad? These are my friends fragile This is the strongest of the freedom of rights? I mean, by the summer; And the phone in front of the door; In vain I have to tell them why ? I shan? T Live Here Anymore! # 742 6/26/05A recalling Style: Some people ask, what kind of poetry, as is better? I can not answer this question, has opened to me. If I want to Breaking Free from tradition, as in the poem:? Age? then so be it, and if I feel the traditional verse, a more rigorous formal model to be used, as in? Childhood? and can be rich in poetry, so it is. I think that a poem? My way of thinking anyway? If, for man, not man for the poetry. Similarly, as a Sunday, is for people to rest, but not for use as a tool for such a hard life that you are the goat in the well and wait until Monday to make out, you have to do what do.Dennis Siluk of a new book, "The Magic of the Andes", is now available on most of your books, Inteet sites, as he lives in Minnesota and Peru. He is also working on a book with the title, "Curse of the Abyss Worm," and a book of 25 short stories in English and Spanish.

S grandfather basement ghost now in Spanish and English

S grandfather basement ghost now in Spanish and English E 'was the ghost. He knew?   Well, now anyway, and for good reason.   My first impulse (when I heard his story)   was to close out of my mind: not listening   But I could? t, he needed talk.The Ghost stopped at the end of the tunnel,   Grandpa said assist? me? "   It 'was all in their favor, in his head.   When the last conversation with him, the door to   The winery has been open, has now been closed,   He? Standing in the kitchen   I said:? I? m waiting for things to happen?   Anxiously waiting for this, I saw him waiting   And for a time. You? I dug this tunnel, you see? said?   (reluctantly), I stopped for a moment, in a state of trance,   ? in the basement, which? back to me? he   Believe (The gallery has had to dig six weeks   So he told me). Now faces the old stove in the kitchen,   Balance of his body, with his thoughts   (over his lower teeth grinding) whispered,   ? Hand my coffee? he never said please,   shaking hands (he had just eaten some   Eggs; I). ? I could hear   It digs a week? said   With a? troubled face? in the cellar?. he only mistakes added.The my grandfather was not only   Moody: Error with me is that I have? t? him   Very carefully. But today, he had forgotten that   Mistake, as I wonder if it is cold fear   was from (he certainly knew that we all must die   but I was only 26 years, and death is something   something new, not yet at war, is not ready).   He was 83 years old, perhaps the death was the grave,   no such things as ghosts, but we were thinking where waiting.I grandfather thought (not to say   One word) the thought that perhaps he was, if   the spirits are now hunting for him around the house?   (Funny, I thought that when I do not know why.) Present   Ghosts I thought it would be out of the cellar, and find   Him, so I thought. Then I said? You? Re harmless grandfather?   And he said,? Come into my world, you? ll see? Of course,   That was impossible, so I have just come back on the stove he.These basement ghost (I after a good   Vigil for him, or two or three), but not so.   I was just twenty-six years, and I didn? T know what to believe. Now that I have come back to eight, things are   is changed, the old familiar spirits are more than   it seems, now, than it was, because there are   another world as real as ours, as confusing as it may seem,   and I assume that they are willing to wait for me, they should   Opening. He died two weeks later, after the conversation:   In? 74, long ago, of course. He died in body and face plate   on the floor in his house to try to move from room to room,   As if someone, or was hunting for him. # 1234 2/22/06IN SPANISH   Translated by Nancy Pe? AlozaLos Fantasmas del S? Tano los Fantasmas del AbueloEran. ? Here a DSAB   Bien, pero ahora Modos of all, and con buena raz? N.   Mi Primer pulse (or when? Su historia)   Fue dejar fuera de mi mente esto no Escuchar,   Pero no podrá? A,? L necesitaba hablar.Los paraban Fantasmas en el extremo del t? Nel,   El Abuelo me dijo? Tilmente - m ?...,   Todo estaba to assist in his mind.   Cuando hab a terminado de hablar con? L, la puerta al S? Tano que estaba open, ahora fue cerrado,   El - paradoxically en la cocina   Cerca de mi, dijo, "cosas que estoy esperando sucedan?,   Impaciente esperando? L estaba, lo vi esperando   Y por una vez no quejo? Ndose. "Ellos han Cávado Este t? Nel, Ves tu ...? L dijo   (Vacilante);? If par l? all? a moment, in a trance,   "En el s? Tano, ellos est? n viniendo por m ?...? how? el   Creyó? (el t? in hab a llevado para cavar six weeks   How? ? l me dijo). Ahora Incline? ndose de la Vieja estufa en la cocina,   Balance on ser f? SICO with his pensamiento   (Sus male served Superiores en sus below) susurro,   "D? mi me ?..." CAF? l dijo nunca por favor,   Sacudiendo sus manos (? L acababa comer en algunos   Eggs revueltos, Yo Hice los). 'pod? or a? rlos   Cavando all? abajo, per week? ? l dijo   With a dear preocupado ", en el s? Tano ...? L agrega?. El? Nico defecto me that a ten o'clock Abuelo Adem? S de ser   Malhumorado: defecto si eso conmigo, yo no le puse   Mucha atenció? N. Pero hoy d? A? L hab se a olvidado de ese   Defecto, intrigado como yo estaba en donde estaba ese viniendo fr? O temorDe? L (which certainly got a todos que SAB Ten? Amos that Morir   Pero yo only ten 26-a? Os age, and death was something   Nuevo, aun estando en la guerra, no estas Preparado).   ? l was 83-a? os de age quiz? La Muerte en el Sepolcro time   Ninguna Fantasmas like this thing, but aqu? ellos estaban: esperando.Yo ballpoint pen?, mirando al Abuelo, pens? (N. diciendo   Una palabra) ballpoint pen? posiblemente? l if you preguntaba   ? Los Fantasmas ahora iban pursue a alrededor de la casa?   (Eso es divertido ballpen?, En ese momento porque seguro ... no?). Costly   Fantasmas ballpen? Van a salir del s? Tano, y encontrarlo   A? L, How? Ballpoint pen?. Entonces dije, son inofensivos, Abuelo?.   Y? L dijo, entre mi Mundo is one, you see? N. ..! "Por supuesto?,   Eso era imposible, entonces yo ACAB? Incline? ndome sobre la estufa Como? l.Estos Fantasmas del s? Tano (imagine me?, Podr pasar después • A • S a buenas   Por noches durmiendo. L: or two or three); Ninguna pero tal cosa.   Yo was one of only 26? Os age, and really not a DSAB qu? creer. Ahora   Miro Que ATR? S, siendo de 58 a? Os, las cosas han   Cambiado; esos Viejos esp? Rite family son m? S lo que ellos   Parecer, now that the ATR entonces que eran? S; por que hay   Otro mundo, tan real as ours, how can tan perplejo parecerse,   Y yo supongo, ellos est? N dispuestos an Esperanto poor; find? A ellos   An opportunity. ? L walls? m dos semanas? s tarde después? s de Nuestra conversaci? n:   Atr? S en el 74, hare mucho tiempo, por supuesto. ? L walls? con la cara y el cuerpo sobre el piso horizontal of his house, tratando de conseguir un cuarto as a otro si alguien, estaba persigue or what? Ndola. # 1234 2/22/06See Dennis' website: Laureado Poeta en San Jeronimo of Huancayo

Monday, September 21, 2009

Writing Science Poetry

Writing Science Poetry Science and poetry poem is a kind scientist who makes poetic use of science as its subject. Written by scientists and nonscientists, science poets are avid readers and appreciators of science and science questions. "Science May be found in poetry anthologies, collections, and in magazines, science fiction, including some poetry, in other jouals and newspapers. Many science fiction magazines, such as online magazines such as Strange Horizons, often publish science fiction poetry, another form of poetry of science. Of course, the poetry of science fiction is a genre somewhat 'different. Online, there is the Science Center of poetry for those who are interested in science poetry, and for those interested in Science Fiction Poetry Science Fiction Poetry Association. In addition, the Science Fiction Poetry Handbook Ultimate Science Fiction Poetry Guide, all available online. Strange Horizons has published science fiction poems Joanne Merriam, Gary and Mike Lehmann Allen.As poetry of science, science and science fiction poets as poets May also publish collections of poems in almost every style format. Science or scientific poets, poets like the others, must know the art and craft of poetry and science or scientific poetry appears in all the poetic forms: free verse, blank verse, meter, rhyme, unrhymed, abstract and concrete, ballad, dramatic monologue, storytelling, opera, poetry, etc. All devices are in use also of the apostrophe for the game of words in alliteration euphemism and irony, in any poetic diction, figures of speech and rhythm, etc., the metaphysical poetry of science is possible. In his anthology, The World Treasury of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics, edited by Timothy Ferris rightly includes a section entitled "The poetry of science." Ferris said in the introduction to this article, "Science (or" natural philosophy "of science that has evolved) has long provided poets with the raw materials, source of inspiration in praise of scientific ideas and others to react against them. "These big as Milton, Blake, Wordsworth, Goethe be praised or denounced" the science and / or a combination of both. This is continued in the twentieth century by poets such as Marianne Moore, TS Eliot, Robinson Jeffers, Robert Frost and Robert Hayden (for example, "Full Moon" - the brilliant challenger of rocket experts ") not to mention many lesser-known poets, but maintains a poetic response to scientific questions. According to Ferris, "This does not mean that scientists should seek to imitate the poets or poets who should tu proselytes of science .... But they need each other and the world needs both. "Included in his anthology with the best scientific prose / tests poets are Walt Whitman (" When I heard the astronomer Lea'd "), Gerard Manley Hopkins" ( "I am like a comet error .. .) Emily Dickinson ( "Arturo"), Robinson Jeffers ( "Star-shake"), Richard Ryan ( "Galaxy"), James Clerk Maxwell ( "Molecular Evolution"), John Updike ( " Cosmic Gall "), Diane Ackerman (" Space Shuttle ") and writing scientific others.Certainly writing poetry as science fiction, not should not be praised science, science, but the object, and there is often a greater relationship between poetry and science by poets and / or scientists admit. Creativity and romance can be both intellectual and mathematics. Both can be aesthetics and logic. Or both can be nonaesthetic and nonlogical, depending on the type of science and the nature of poetry takes poetry.Science subject to scientific and scientific symbols space of time to biology to chemistry to physics to the earth science astronomy / geology, environmental meteorology science in computer engineering and scientific techniques. Can also be by scientists themselves, Brahmagypta to Einstein, from Galileo to Annie Cannon. That speak of specific types of scientists, in general, as Goethe "true to the physical" in the anthology Ferris. (When the poets are also cited in this anthology.) Poetry science can use many forms or any other form of narrative lyrical sonnet of the dramatic monologue to highlight free verse to haiku Villanelle, poetry for children or adults or both, for the scientist for nonscientists, or both. John Frederick Nims wrote, for example, "The Anthem Center. "(" The Universe: We would like to understand. ") There are poems that rhyme, poems that are not the rhythm. There are "concrete poetry", as Annie Dillard's "The Planet of Winds", in which the poem as a planet, the "pole" to "pole", an inventive poetry. "Chaos Theory" is the very purpose of poetry, as in Wallace Stevens' The Connoisseur of Chaos. " And what about your science and / or scientific poetry? Think of all the techniques of poetry and all the techniques of science. What poet of view should I use? third person? the first person, a dramatic monologue? We spoke to a star, or the universe itself? we talk a sound wave or a micrometer? Can play the radio? What are the main themes, its rhythms? What figures of speech, metaphors, comparisons, metaphors, we can lea from science. What is your attitude towards science and scientific issues? Read. Review. Think. Proofread. Revise again. You have joined the trend of the atom, magnetism? of those galaxies, the speed of sound, the speed of light? The laws of Kepler? Do not you write the history of science? New science? Read all scientists is possible.   Read all poems can.You you are a poet.   You are a scientist.   What you have to say about the astronomer, the comet of Arcturus, the star-Sirli, galaxies, the molecular evolution of the atomic architecture of the "Planck time" to allude to other titles.What say poetic poetry to science?   What does the science to poetry? Susan Shaw is a freelance writer and author of web content. His articles and web content on-line.

Thanks to our troops and a tribute to the former glory and a prayer for peace

Thanks to our troops and a tribute to the former glory and a prayer for peace YouDedicated thanks to the soldiers and their loved onesFor who have settled in fox holes, carried guns, marched hours.For for those who have had cold sleepless nights, endless days discomfort.For who have suffered the agony of war for my well. Thanks to those who have you.For gently kissed goodbye to a loved one with a tear and look back for one last time, for those who found the sword courageto bear liberty.For who flew with the eagle.For who visited freedom outside soil.Taking to other countries, while maintaining our freedom, you.For Thanks to those who have lost their limbs, lives and loved ones.For those who lost friends, brothers, sisters, mothers and parents For those who have sacrificed their freedom and gave sake.Thank you.For for all those who had the value of position, for those who have come to a small part of his comrade.For give the freedom of foreigners and a hope for peace.For sacrifice of all those who love, and pay the price freedom.Thank you. "Old GloryDo know that this flag was? It was again lost and falling and rising There is always someone to repair, This flag again. He waves across the sky with the wind, His courage to fly will never end, She fights for freedom, to help your victory, You know where the faded glory of the old has been? He rose through predjudice and hatred He fought for the freedom of others, because, It is the symbol of the destiny of our country, It gives the world, the hand of a friend It covers the center of fighting men and women, When you fall in the dust, In God We Trust, We again instead. You are aware that this flag was? His name is Old Glory, The heart of the history of America, Flying through the sky in the wind. You are aware that this flag was? This flag will be raised again.Prayer for peaceForeign winds blow across the sea, Susurro bring peace to me, The sea brings fresh emotion, Calls for calm storms. As the wind gently lifts the leaves of the ground palm.The calls for an end to wars, The wind whispers, please live in peace, A search that God sends the soft breeze.In distant played drum of war, Another bomb fell from the sky, The distance between the fires of another weapon. As we all search for peace is coming. Sweet sorrow about what the war has fallen and the ground bleeding done.Rain Swept in the blood is the seed of life, Mother Earth and asks supports To end the war. I join her on her knee. In a prayer for peace.Foreign winds blow across the sea, Susurro bring peace to me, The sea brings fresh emotion, Calls for calm storms. As the wind gently lifts the leaves of a palm.Bio Arlin Judy Puckett currently residing in Monroe, La.I start writing at the age of 11 years, and I? M 54 hours. I am the mother of three, grandmother five.I love of creative writing, poetry, digital art, art, photography, jazz and blues music.i and writing poetry and lyrics of each topic. War-peace, love, love, religion, abortion oppose.I I hope to write meaningful and useful to say that touch the heart and make a difference in life.I poet is the voice of those without words. Arlin Judy Puckett

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Eight poems

Eight poems Of the eight poems here [all previously unpublished], four are of poetic prose, a few Visionary [what I call Vsionary anyway], just to be free and a little 'over the form and structure, more closely Auden style of: stanza, metrical rhythm and rhyme. In saying this, I think all poems are of the transmission of a rich network of meaning, some of them painfully close bond between pleasure and destruction. They should appeal to the senses and create images in our minds, for poetry is the kind of language that more complex and effective escape me qualifies.EscapeLet My vision, my world My melancholy My subjectivity; My world is Now a prison sentence?. I'm gonna change My poetic harmony Of the flesh to the spirit I'm going to be? a? I is a poem Yes, oh yes a poem ? forever ... Moon-Percorsi extinguished the fire And the moon is! Sparkle darken the sky, Made a spectral moon-path? With the moon on my face A skull of a gentle smile, instead I stifle laughter black To save the shake-moon path.Life fingers that life on a finger Why do I feel dead? Why does my heart murmur? Life is more than this.What my life has been marked? While the world and grimacing Reeks The humanity that clings so closely? How do you hide the love and the fruit weeps.differencesI And she likes candy Loves beer Love and do brandyeveryone A dish? Everyone wants Please? and useless And hair? are most people, I just want To leave ... Poetry Prose [Features] Poetic Prose: it could be music, without rhythm and rhyme, and yet robust enough to adapt to the pulse of the soul or conscience, belief, and say some benefit here in May I think of that trial, on four: in the first place, does not claim to be a scholar or critic of poetry in prose, but I like poetry written in prose, as when I am in fancy clear the hand, for some reason it seems less important to me at this time. They are also licensed? Or, as it seems? Be a little 'more than moral, in short, my imagination can comb my travels more people over? Spontaneity is cooler with Prose Poetry for me. I am also a little 'or highly reckless or uninsightful dramatically in the sense of hanging on to? Or try to? make a point. So, my prose might be called a critical essay, but it has been proved that his version of Shakespeare not.Even blank verse in prose. Victor Hugo, I went to his house in an afteoon in Paris, and is a great poet like Baudelaire? In my view, the parameter used to create innovations in prose, where I have very little. But I hope to have the same effect. But I have leaed in poetry, and perhaps the hard way, this is what happens to you, what does he penalty and, of course, for the reader, which marks its value, not what has happened to another person, There are also many copies of shit. Here are some new, fresh oven of prose poems: Merchant Co Wisdom [End of life, reduce start-up? L997]? An eye on me? Beautiful carpets on the walls? Flying fish around the room? The pet? Water pills? Funeral? The age is often silent? Order a plate of Bratwurst? Vomitorium passage? We have old (and has shit in his pants)? water pills (ease stress heart)? boxer? Who is God? (heard his voice again, it sounds like her)? Ah war Bigness addiction? the aging poet in the saddle? LSD? MTV? Jackson? Dylan? Elvis? Sushi? FBI? (poet dies ((l997))? Beethoven 'is a man? genocide? Skeleton? early?: The Brooklyn Bridge [3 / 2000] Prose PoetryThe Brooklyn Bridge: You? S on a bicycle, I walk. She shouts:? Get out of my way! Hop on your side! Read the damn access? I say:? Buggers gonna do? (A pause) This is a burp (type)? First word of mouth, rabies?. Then Slowly, I moved toward the right side of the bridge, the road, such as walking, and received The rest of March heaven? 3/21/05 [# 573] A Kiss Stanchi Poetic ProSea kiss a woman tired lips SoapSUDS not pressure from the lip? Tired if the mind has long forgotten how to say his lips in a kiss?. Now SoapSUDS dancing on his lips: the form of bubbles? How are the ships travel. Kiss Kiss its forms in a softball? Then, as a handshake. Her husband (the company and France) no longer appears to him, are like dark clouds of rain. At one time, her husband said:? She was the best? # 571 [3/19/05] Benevolent Fuiture Prose Poetry own fuiture that dream? You know, As he has his own life, we talk Own language?, Like everything else that circles the sun.There is involved, but not the soul, only Some, consciousness, with windows and Doors, the waterfall of rain and snow; The allocation of a room, how things That.I don? so what makes them angry, Other than that impudent man. So, idol, they remain, in their I Suppose, for curiosity or pending admiration of flowering, while !...# 578 [3/22/05] The poems to come: the girls and Ox The Cab Curse of Toucan Bird The Lost Ant Luggage storage Siluka StaggeringDennis lives in the Midwest with his wife Rosa, and Lima, Peru, where he spends a couple of months a year. He has written poetry for more than 40 years, and his poetry was published in a number of newspapers, magaziens, books, and in almost all coers of the world. In l981, his first book was published, the other door: Poetic Exhortations hours worth several times its initial value, as seen recently on eBay, and abe.books, has launched a love of poetry Afairs. Its website is: http / /

Spousal cursed

Spousal cursed But she yeas to savor a tender lovers' kiss,   the race and the sense of enthusiasm that may lead;   Masked behind the cloak of marital happiness   Free fervor lay dormant in a marriage dowry ring.After had a flood of disturbing the deepening   Contributed with more smiles ready to deploy   His heart hunger? The feelings that can never slow down   Her frozen look reveals the truth untoldHer one million are ravenous hungry eyes   The honeymoon period is gone   A contract for a term of life of sick thoy design   Of which can not resignHer yeaing lips and hearts need to switch   Ill generated make laws in a false version   Clutches of a fire is smoke bellowing   If you could only get rid of them with a curse   Existence? S suffering can become a life bearable hellEyes say the words that her husband is blind say   A mind repressed hides what the spirit knows very well   Smiles on their lips Glower disperse from a heart? S desire   Laughter on the lips spread tears in his eyes conspireOh, chaste wither away! Lust and self --   detained in prison, has long ceased to be a romance   whisper a hymn of infidelity, the love for another taste of the spirit, the soul tickled   Passions veiled, secret, taking its toll on local attractions   An intrusion prohibited marriage   Vote for an altar rhetoric illusory   Yesterday? The torment of a paranoid delusionTill death are part of us, for better or for worse?   Ringing hollow promises echoing a wedding curse   He brings home the conditions of life. He check '   In itself, this jewel naked shivering cold   No one who has. Hold.Woman anyone could be fickle, and if this is true   Ll "to listen to your heart to justify   Lusting for the flame to flicker again   transition to a passion that can `t deny.Vows are anchored and subjugated many stormy sea,   She `d wear out to feel like Khalid these.Ozer traveled 4 continents of our planet and has dabbled in investment banking, law, entrepreneurship and management of events. Ozer is a keen linguist, traveler, Cinéaste, horse and rider.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The third part macabre poems Poetry 34 56

The third part macabre poems Poetry 34 56 34) Eros PloyFrom the mind of her clitoris,   For her, the nipples and lips,   Courted as a bird perched on a stick:   E 'as the melted butter   As long as there is no other.35) Tagaririm (Arch. Belphégor Devil), it speaks only of Aramaic, calling the dead?   For Vagary, lots and signs, hiding   The Atziloth rolls, up to four split the heavens,   Until when? Until the end of time?. Starting from different worlds, his powers come?   Briah, Yetzirah and Asiah? Where immortal veils   Not respond (Neschamah, Ruach and Nephesch);   And the missions die.Lo not armed, Samaul, Spirit of the male soul, waiting for you,   O Belphégor your signature?   To install,   Taking the names of the angelic and demonic beings foes.36) Dream Maker   [Part 1 of 5] Who craft a dream   Puts us to sleep!   What the ear hears   However, the current balance to respond?   To wake up   At our feet? II: Is the dream DreamComes,   The idea of memory   Sealed tight? Serrant   In a dark room   (In the spirit of the time). III: Ancient Mysteries ScrollsEndless   Mind? Order S   Weave in the twilight.   Sunday? Gloom!   Dreams and ancient scrolls?. IV: Sleep sleep MINDIN every mind   The light can rarely find   The form of cavities,   Among those who roam worlds   Left behind, for heaven? S melody   Darkness hides   As the spirit plane:   Strains to escape?   Lo! Bend the screw:   Both the sunset   Awake   (All? S forgotten). V: Lonely, Dream-maker LostThe shouts   ? I found the songs failed?   Lonely, lost a little 'time,   Anointed and in your pain,   Your pain, my pain sung.Ah now! Death has lost its sting:   And the dreams are lost   Heart rate?   ? You can reactivate this time?   The Dream-maker shouts.37) The Snake SpaceWith sarcophagus chilling macabre grimace,   The snake is a bad omen has appeared   From out the shadows of space? Lo! More than he is a man thirsty for a name   A place in the unspeakable?   However, only the dark? Cul-de-sac? .38) C. A. SmithThe cypress breath on my grave:   Oh, I do not hide from you?   But I write? All same.Ah! I am a ghost:   With the shadows above me?   And the devil ears below.April 17 2004, Lima, Peru.Published Eldritch Dark on the site, a favorite of my friend? S, Phillip Ellis.39) I. Bosco SeaUpon in the throne of the moon,   In all the earth, the sea,   And tread: endless walks   For the world see.The north wind,   The bright stars of rest in the west   The gift of second sight   Lies in its know chest.He can not stand?   Invisible to the banks yet to come   Two earth and dark gray,   Outcomes.Published new ground on the site Eldritch Dark 6 / 0440) II: Shadow of FateIf live with the god of hate,   High or low,   This is his destiny? .41) III: Talons appear pale shadow   (Time lost time forgot?)   All pale eyebrows   The overseas? S greenhouses:   If I go down in the Council work?   Let him speak of his great tales.42) IV: Wild StonesWho is the witch, the devil?   The culprit and the ghoul?   I could not tell the life of me:   So I have forgiven, and then slept all.And a long sleep   (Forgiving is a Chore)?   Then when I woke up to meet the days   Love has won all.43) V: Satan? S Sidekick? Sthe Chum men with Satan?   Their heart can not forgive;   They do no more love   What mercy can be seen that men give.The Chum with Satan?   Their gods are many and small;   It comes in white ghosts   Climbing demonic walls.The Chum men with Satan?   Rarely can sleep;   And through their nightmarish visions,   With flames and smoke leap.They walk the earth alone? They do,   Strange, with eyes deep Fitness.   Always believing that they have been deceived:   With traces of stubbo lies.And in salt Belshazzar?   Their ghosts eons twist and twine;   Knowing always the hope,   Beyond the flaming line.44) VI, the great flood of? 51The night is dark, Mississippi   Lies asleep;   Velvet Fog veils the moon blood spattered   (With eyes hoary strange):   Restless vague with fear and numbness   His sleep   (White thunder in the sky).   She heard the whisper of   Ghostly Storm (measure booming?   Circling around)   Glide night? General? Loan:   To be bo (like the hammer of Thor).   ? I would like to go on? This means:   And the scarlet veil, originated   Triumph is in its roar? The storm: the streets, men, dykes and houses?   Cliffs and bridges on   The indomitable issued the god of clouds.Continuation: macabre Poems45) Poe? S hadn t LegacyIf Poe bo? There? D were Rapping or touching?   (At least for a while 'time? To my door?)   Nor has there been a morbid beauty   With the depth and sin?   What goes around the planet? Neither HPL and CAS.   What banal life (was)   Without the devil? s pen. heritage lying on the ground first wild   the third eye of the hunter, filled with wax?   Calls for the breathing, the silence of the valley of shock;   So dive? I remain, for the empty tree   The horror? then I heard a whisper? Lord, help my poor soul. June 4 2004Inspired Phillip Ellis.46) LimboMother in love! Mother!   My precious!   For more information, including the love   Harmony will last?   Oh! Thy will be   During the winters of the cross   Or simply throw   Like October? S gel;   Now my form is cold?   (As in trance I? Snared m)   Keep your heart and soul   With subtle songs? Jun 6 200447) The mystery of MysteriesWe? Babies, as we have   Looking at the result?   A mystery of mysteries!   There are pitifully impotent things?. The Watchman? S eye keeper   For him? This is not solitude;   The drum of Unguided   Offer seduction? Proximity to the song.   In life and death, forcing both sides;   A shadow is what cryBe is night or day, but May frown face,   Unprepared on the eve of the final   And near pandemonium, a nuisance   Just time comes?   Like us? New bo, we die: alone?   A mystery of mysteries! 48) Sacred Rosinina Tapi Vallei was very, very, long time ago   In the Sacred Valley of Peru,   who lived a girl, nobody really knew,   With the name of Tapi Rosinina?   and she lived with no other thought:   to live his life as sacred spot.I this is a prince and must be   In this realm of the Sacred Valley;   We fell in love: passion and unconditionally   Me and my princess?   Expensive with a cult that only the sky   could see.And is so long, long time ago   In this kingdom in the Sacred Valley   Ghostly wind comes and goes   (On a zero is not known):   After my beautiful Rosinina Tapi,   So its source of inspiration for parents   Take her away from me.   They then cut out of her? In a strange tu   In the realm of Valley.Ah! the devils, the devils, who have lived in Hell,   Were envying her and me?   Oh yeah? TWAS their research   (as everyone knew the Sacred Valley),   that the ghosts of the wind which swept up and down   Through the cracks of the earth:   was kidnapped and killed my Rosinina Tapi.And I was sad to bury my dreams,   (For example, I recall that had to be):   And under the Moonbeams, baby Rosinina Tapi   was buried in Sacred Valley.49) The Ancient SharraYou left in total darkness and gloomful   In view of the world?   Sharra Indians with Shrunken heads,   Colored feathers, with Blow-guns   Fearful arrows,   Along the equator? S circle? Does not spin?   For you, I fall to my nights.Note: 4/20/04: written during a visit to the center of the world to Ecuador (000) 50) Satan? S GalapagosBy shadows   Lucifer vote   Sealed with its prophets   Foreshown,   With them, from them, I wonder   You?   The smart, wine and witchcraft?   I tried to bend the   Footsteps   In the Pacific Galapagos.April 24 2004, Lima, written by PeruNote Galapagos, Lima, Peru, many curious and dangerous incidents, occurred.51) Fading WorldsBehind a big shadow   A world disappear?   This is the price of beauty?   How many stars are lost   In this way?   Lost in oceans,   Fading sky?   Many lost worlds? die?. In memory of Clark Ashton Smith, 10 April 2004, in Lima, Peru; revised May 5 2004.52) Lost SoulsShadows the loss of souls,   If you are calling on them,   Not go.April 17 2004, Lima, Peru53) Goat Man? S FancyShe heard the coming of Doom?   In the silence of the moon yet?   Indeed, the half-enchanted with its stars   In the twilight of his youth,   For the desert, has part.Now, with the moon does not tu   Il a laissé son coeur?   As if the murmur   And its star sing, solo song! Now triumphant   It is the devil? S rose:   Why has paid his diabolical poisons, cold?   Muttered and a new moon? .54) Clogs DemonHe not seen or heard   The knowledge of my presence, as it should be:   He whispered .* Ecuador, Quito, 4/25/0455) Buried SoulsAnd throw his sarcophagus?   In high mountain?   Situated in the dark Wednesday   (With all your weight seal fate),   N. light, no day, only binds the chains.   Lost, forgotten in the sand? S density, in which passengers are not yet   N. roads or the skies of friendship,   Skeletons faceless, silent voices:   They took this veil of ignorance?   Embraced by plane: face to face?   Hungry to fill the void space.April 1 2004, St. Paul, Minnesota56) The Pale Horse of RarakuJesus Rano said:? Know what is before your face and what is hidden will be revealed to you?   From:? The Gospel of Thomas. It is up to you to you among the living, as I write, because in fact, I died in May and are of little interest, if applicable. For the year that are now in the past, the latter in particular were years of terror, intense fear, as the circles of the world at this time, to climb, I think? Climbing in the world, so that the inspiration to write a story I heard: the entrance and on Easter Island,   Navel of the World (window in the Pacific)?   I whose eyes Moai high volcanic rocks   Looking to the sky,   As if their minds have been captured, taken into   Fear, fear, afraid to leave their houses of stone,   In order to deal with their sins of the world? Thus, Pale Horse racing Rano Raraku? Circle S   ? of Rano Raraku? rim.Ah s, separate forward, the pace,   ? This is a visitor who comes to race?   And in the whisper of Rano Raraku   To take a first look   On first glance, looks, and tips? of Revelation?   Deception Travel fever and with him,   Pale Horse: Tribulation? Then comes the hail and fire from above, mixed with blood;   The sun, the moon and the stars darken.Henceforth Pale Horse racing comes, riding,   Since the edge of this beautiful volcanic area.   The seventh trumpet is now ready to be grilled   The evils and the bottles of payment:   As part of the magic and mystery of this story   Rides Pale Horse die, die, die? Dead,   On the edge of the Rano Raraku, watch, watch? The stranger, Austrian, dark   So is the world? The sins As we witness the pain? The horse? S message:? The God-King is not dead?   The God-King is to come?. Inspired by my friend the poet, Johannes [2004] See Dennis' web site: