Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Poems on the war in Iraq America at War

Poems on the war in Iraq America at War 1) According to the Dawn of War II   [Iraq in 2006] I looked over the shoulder of the World   Through the fog of scanning   Felt the cold and crying   Given the emotion in your eyes   Heard the trumpets of war   Breaking the silence of Dawn   (Heard someone say):   ? The soldiers are dying today   For Iraqi Freedom?   Whether you endure. # 1371 6/16/20063) Flag War III   (Post Iraq) Lone are the days short and   Before the next war cruel?   That spirit of desperation to fill a cake?   To wave the flag of war? And say:   ? I am here and ready! # 1372 6/16/20063) the color of war   [Iraqi: war poem] I saw the other day?   A young boy colors via   (With crayons) in a Sketch Book;   Each pen   Under the rainbow?   And then some? And if you take a second look   I thought that the war in Iraq   (American soldiers and allies)   And for all colors: red for the blood was? Ve shed;   Gray, for depression, their families   Far?   Blue sky was sad;   Black and white for death and life;   Green, for which we have ruined? Ve ever seen;   Brown, for Dray and dusty nights   All welds had to fight? On   Foreign ground.I invoked to stop the boy,   Surprised, he looked at me?   With his deep blue eyes, penetrating   Me, said with a tear on the cheek:   ? I wanted to paint the soldiers? S feet?   I looked and read:? Peace?   Already in the color gray:   He said the boy is still on me:   ? That? S, as they came. # 1371 6/16/06Here is an unusual war poem Dennis is now on the war in Iraq. He said that after four years? And 'old, but it sells papers doesn? T? He was responsible   the war, when it was a war, so he told me, but now it's not, it is a police action, saying to me, and maybe he feels that we have exceeded our welcome. ? And what are the motivating factors now? He asks. He adds:? If we consider the reasons in question, after a war, if it is not clear, it is perhaps time to leave? Dennis is a veteran of Vietnam, knows a little 'about how everything works, and here, in this poem, he painted his picture of the war, the war in Iraq, and how the colors of war by the pastel color of a child. Rosa PenalozaCommentary at war: I? M cinquantotto anni, e non posso? T remember a time when the United States was not at war, preparing for another war, or simply through a war (not including World War I and World War II), so we? I had a busy half-century. But I was three years when the Korean War broke out in l950, and in 1953, when tranquilized. Then again in 1964, my friends in Vietnam, and in 1971 that the war ended in 1975, eleven years of war. I thought that? S pace, but we still have a couple of wars between (we always), as in the 80's involving Haiti, Granada, and some Central American secret things, nothing real big. And then we anni'90 in Bosnia, and some other small and Easte Europe to participate in wars (mixed with these wars, we had some riots in Africa and Granada); always help Europe with their small, squat, and are important when it comes to Americans squat, of course, are less important them.Also in 90 years I have Iraqis, and in the 21st Century, are we? I have had with Afghanistan and Iraq II We are a land of warlords to be sure. What next, from 2007 to 2016, as I predicted in 1984, we will be in line with the start of WWII. We have the fighting since l950 with Korea, is now set in motion: the war against terrorism is a part of its course. When I say set in motion, I think that things on the fly. We have Iran and Korea on the hot list, Syria is on the border, and that we have with the Arabs secretly through South America to North America and enlightenment, a path where they are on solid ground. Russia and China have economies of higher leaing, with ideas, we decided anni'90, but I fear that will change as often as they did. DlsilukSee Dennis' website: Source:

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