Sunday, September 27, 2009

Revenge of the Tiamat Channel 2 The Lost Temple

Revenge of the Tiamat Channel 2 The Lost Temple Chapter TwoThe Lost TempleIn Yort, we had many temples behind our city-state stronghold, the Tiamat? S Temple, who was a patient here for many years (not active for most, but not entirely) was close to Marduk? s temple, and the one God in three temples. The one God Temple [OGT], we had the Mesopotamian Stone, had written on them by our laws, my father, along with the king I Thesas during a battle in the arid land of Mesopotamia, some years earlier. There are many battles in this part of the world to speak of eteity, it seems I have experienced, and hunting and rooted out the enemy from this region. The plains of Mesopotamia was also a war zone in many other countries in the past. The battle is fought mostly naked and clean shaven, so that the opponent does not pull their hair or beards. We had only a towel bar for ourselves.Someday Tiamat would come to rock again, I am sure? For revenge? My father used to say to add? she is just waiting for the right time. Among the temples of the fortress grounds, Yort our city was the temple of the First World, or better known as the Temple of Lost: the followers are the priests who do not know the name of their God Somewhat surprisingly, I thought, to pray a God who does not have a name to call the way he said hello to the Lord, that you are, help me kill the enemy in battle. That seems rather an insult to their god, I was their god, and I perhaps? D them.Let kill me clear that this further: my step father told me, and I remember his words as true, the letter that we, or we live in the time of Leo, this is the constellation in the sky, I'm talking about . Well, after the big rains destroyed the great city of Atlantis: In my understanding, about 3000 years ago, at this time many of the Watchers, (the old Angelic Renegades) were cast into the pit (or abyss), an area U - blocked from the Lord, the God that I belong to his church. In every relationship is an angel on straight, I understand about these underground abyss. And deep inside, these evil spirits type locks and chains on the walls. I have heard that with the worst smell of all smells and mucus in the world, or the creation of the stars we can see in heaven. We have left a legacy of the demigods here on Earth, and giant children, and other evil spirits. I have some of these myself, and I know that this part of the legend of so.In any case, this is the 4th World order, there will be another called Aquarius, perhaps, I dare not want to live that, at this moment, because it concluded the fire told me, my father-in-law, a time when the end of the day. My world, my stepfather, said at the end in a flood or wind: he knows that I have? T knows, maybe it's a second glance, and I seem to have something from nature. The world before us ended in the man-eaters, and dominate the world, and before the winds and storms of the world destroyed. Oh yes, we took this road, before the human race. Today, Leo is the constellation of what tomorrow knows.But I am tempted to say that with all this is: We live in a cycle time in five worlds, which consumes about 125,000 years ago. Prior to this time was another moment, and I do not know much about them except for one thing, the one God, for whatever reason, an angel of forces in a prison in the sky, a place. Are always in jail, I think. So you see, we have a rich history, humanity. We simply do not know much about it.For some strange reason, we have a temple, a very old, has outlasted all the other temples in Yort, was built first, I was told in Yort: E 'the end of the fortress, the so-called "Lost Temple, and his priests that has been made to believe, built during the first world order, of which there are five, but also that their God, that time that all the oldest temple, even outside of Yort. Only a few people in this church, and not like ours, where there are over forty, and sometimes up to sixty people in a collection. Their temple? The Lost Temple Angelico? Only the priests, which means you do not have a trailer a few priests left, and nobody has ever seen the divine, is to pray, because I had already said, I think there is a God figure. But all the other temples are demigods, or their followers to pray. Some say that is not the difference in their temple of the temple of God, for which nobody has seen, my God, either. But in his case, no one knows his name, to pray in the name of God in contrast to our God, we know that his name.But I was told, the Tiamat, whose father was a Titan, or look, I think it is one of them, I'm not sure, but it's one or the other, both known as the Angelic Renegades, who were discussing the land of the Lord, my God, that is one, but had left their seats, all two and a hundred of them, and had sexual relationships with the human race, that is they cohabitated with meat, though they were mentally, for the most part, but somehow was able to show their clothes in the flesh. Therefore, the Tiamat? S father knew about these issues, because he was the son of a Watcher. And if the name Ura holy angels? El was the end of the Renegades.But back to Ura? El, because I am, he knew the holy angels, angel of strength, or: Lost Temple, the priest to pray. That is, the head of an angel no one seems to know the name. Anyway, somehow the story seems to go something like this: of the Tiamat angel Lucifer noted that these forces are in a great sea of fire, flames and buing air, shone. The course covers a great distance in the sky, and it seemed great columns of fire from a distance. He said [it: The Lucifer] E 'was so great that he could not see the end of the term for the region of fire, nor could it estimate the beginning. And the fear was horrified by Tiamat tone of this terrible place, it was even worse than the pit or the abyss, or subsoil that said. E 'was named for the prison angel. The temple priest prayed the angels forces? Or force [which means that, if appropriate], why me? Ll never know, but have not yet. And to provide them with all persons, regardless of who might be the name of the leader of the angels power, and prove without a shadow of doubt, religion or belief, on request, a hundred times its weight in gold, a good price for the empire, not to mention because a person.Sinned? s GoldSaid me, me? d like gold, I had some 'of those times. I'm not sure what I have? D with the money, but it would be fun costs. Semas our male servant, my father, while on an island in the Great Lake, has given us good, I feel that I reward him, yes, that is what? D can be a part of the money. And my mother to buy more food and things like, oh yes, oh yes, he had a hard life, and the things that gold can buy, but also contribute. And to my father, me? D orange to plant more trees along the canal Yort. I found that this is what my father and I have to do the trees. We had fun when I was eight years. But I am not sure why I think now as I am a soldier on leave, a soldier at rest is in my step-father? S house, in 90 days, I must retu to my arms and retu to military life that I chose, as my father and stepfather were both in front of me. I have heard that with a campaign in Germany, which takes about four years, all of these campaigns so long. And so I will not be home for an extended period? It would be fun to see if I could win the gold, even if not so, so be it: If so, my adventure, I will be two, my next voyage.See Dennis' website:

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