Saturday, September 19, 2009

The third part macabre poems Poetry 34 56

The third part macabre poems Poetry 34 56 34) Eros PloyFrom the mind of her clitoris,   For her, the nipples and lips,   Courted as a bird perched on a stick:   E 'as the melted butter   As long as there is no other.35) Tagaririm (Arch. Belphégor Devil), it speaks only of Aramaic, calling the dead?   For Vagary, lots and signs, hiding   The Atziloth rolls, up to four split the heavens,   Until when? Until the end of time?. Starting from different worlds, his powers come?   Briah, Yetzirah and Asiah? Where immortal veils   Not respond (Neschamah, Ruach and Nephesch);   And the missions die.Lo not armed, Samaul, Spirit of the male soul, waiting for you,   O Belphégor your signature?   To install,   Taking the names of the angelic and demonic beings foes.36) Dream Maker   [Part 1 of 5] Who craft a dream   Puts us to sleep!   What the ear hears   However, the current balance to respond?   To wake up   At our feet? II: Is the dream DreamComes,   The idea of memory   Sealed tight? Serrant   In a dark room   (In the spirit of the time). III: Ancient Mysteries ScrollsEndless   Mind? Order S   Weave in the twilight.   Sunday? Gloom!   Dreams and ancient scrolls?. IV: Sleep sleep MINDIN every mind   The light can rarely find   The form of cavities,   Among those who roam worlds   Left behind, for heaven? S melody   Darkness hides   As the spirit plane:   Strains to escape?   Lo! Bend the screw:   Both the sunset   Awake   (All? S forgotten). V: Lonely, Dream-maker LostThe shouts   ? I found the songs failed?   Lonely, lost a little 'time,   Anointed and in your pain,   Your pain, my pain sung.Ah now! Death has lost its sting:   And the dreams are lost   Heart rate?   ? You can reactivate this time?   The Dream-maker shouts.37) The Snake SpaceWith sarcophagus chilling macabre grimace,   The snake is a bad omen has appeared   From out the shadows of space? Lo! More than he is a man thirsty for a name   A place in the unspeakable?   However, only the dark? Cul-de-sac? .38) C. A. SmithThe cypress breath on my grave:   Oh, I do not hide from you?   But I write? All same.Ah! I am a ghost:   With the shadows above me?   And the devil ears below.April 17 2004, Lima, Peru.Published Eldritch Dark on the site, a favorite of my friend? S, Phillip Ellis.39) I. Bosco SeaUpon in the throne of the moon,   In all the earth, the sea,   And tread: endless walks   For the world see.The north wind,   The bright stars of rest in the west   The gift of second sight   Lies in its know chest.He can not stand?   Invisible to the banks yet to come   Two earth and dark gray,   Outcomes.Published new ground on the site Eldritch Dark 6 / 0440) II: Shadow of FateIf live with the god of hate,   High or low,   This is his destiny? .41) III: Talons appear pale shadow   (Time lost time forgot?)   All pale eyebrows   The overseas? S greenhouses:   If I go down in the Council work?   Let him speak of his great tales.42) IV: Wild StonesWho is the witch, the devil?   The culprit and the ghoul?   I could not tell the life of me:   So I have forgiven, and then slept all.And a long sleep   (Forgiving is a Chore)?   Then when I woke up to meet the days   Love has won all.43) V: Satan? S Sidekick? Sthe Chum men with Satan?   Their heart can not forgive;   They do no more love   What mercy can be seen that men give.The Chum with Satan?   Their gods are many and small;   It comes in white ghosts   Climbing demonic walls.The Chum men with Satan?   Rarely can sleep;   And through their nightmarish visions,   With flames and smoke leap.They walk the earth alone? They do,   Strange, with eyes deep Fitness.   Always believing that they have been deceived:   With traces of stubbo lies.And in salt Belshazzar?   Their ghosts eons twist and twine;   Knowing always the hope,   Beyond the flaming line.44) VI, the great flood of? 51The night is dark, Mississippi   Lies asleep;   Velvet Fog veils the moon blood spattered   (With eyes hoary strange):   Restless vague with fear and numbness   His sleep   (White thunder in the sky).   She heard the whisper of   Ghostly Storm (measure booming?   Circling around)   Glide night? General? Loan:   To be bo (like the hammer of Thor).   ? I would like to go on? This means:   And the scarlet veil, originated   Triumph is in its roar? The storm: the streets, men, dykes and houses?   Cliffs and bridges on   The indomitable issued the god of clouds.Continuation: macabre Poems45) Poe? S hadn t LegacyIf Poe bo? There? D were Rapping or touching?   (At least for a while 'time? To my door?)   Nor has there been a morbid beauty   With the depth and sin?   What goes around the planet? Neither HPL and CAS.   What banal life (was)   Without the devil? s pen. heritage lying on the ground first wild   the third eye of the hunter, filled with wax?   Calls for the breathing, the silence of the valley of shock;   So dive? I remain, for the empty tree   The horror? then I heard a whisper? Lord, help my poor soul. June 4 2004Inspired Phillip Ellis.46) LimboMother in love! Mother!   My precious!   For more information, including the love   Harmony will last?   Oh! Thy will be   During the winters of the cross   Or simply throw   Like October? S gel;   Now my form is cold?   (As in trance I? Snared m)   Keep your heart and soul   With subtle songs? Jun 6 200447) The mystery of MysteriesWe? Babies, as we have   Looking at the result?   A mystery of mysteries!   There are pitifully impotent things?. The Watchman? S eye keeper   For him? This is not solitude;   The drum of Unguided   Offer seduction? Proximity to the song.   In life and death, forcing both sides;   A shadow is what cryBe is night or day, but May frown face,   Unprepared on the eve of the final   And near pandemonium, a nuisance   Just time comes?   Like us? New bo, we die: alone?   A mystery of mysteries! 48) Sacred Rosinina Tapi Vallei was very, very, long time ago   In the Sacred Valley of Peru,   who lived a girl, nobody really knew,   With the name of Tapi Rosinina?   and she lived with no other thought:   to live his life as sacred spot.I this is a prince and must be   In this realm of the Sacred Valley;   We fell in love: passion and unconditionally   Me and my princess?   Expensive with a cult that only the sky   could see.And is so long, long time ago   In this kingdom in the Sacred Valley   Ghostly wind comes and goes   (On a zero is not known):   After my beautiful Rosinina Tapi,   So its source of inspiration for parents   Take her away from me.   They then cut out of her? In a strange tu   In the realm of Valley.Ah! the devils, the devils, who have lived in Hell,   Were envying her and me?   Oh yeah? TWAS their research   (as everyone knew the Sacred Valley),   that the ghosts of the wind which swept up and down   Through the cracks of the earth:   was kidnapped and killed my Rosinina Tapi.And I was sad to bury my dreams,   (For example, I recall that had to be):   And under the Moonbeams, baby Rosinina Tapi   was buried in Sacred Valley.49) The Ancient SharraYou left in total darkness and gloomful   In view of the world?   Sharra Indians with Shrunken heads,   Colored feathers, with Blow-guns   Fearful arrows,   Along the equator? S circle? Does not spin?   For you, I fall to my nights.Note: 4/20/04: written during a visit to the center of the world to Ecuador (000) 50) Satan? S GalapagosBy shadows   Lucifer vote   Sealed with its prophets   Foreshown,   With them, from them, I wonder   You?   The smart, wine and witchcraft?   I tried to bend the   Footsteps   In the Pacific Galapagos.April 24 2004, Lima, written by PeruNote Galapagos, Lima, Peru, many curious and dangerous incidents, occurred.51) Fading WorldsBehind a big shadow   A world disappear?   This is the price of beauty?   How many stars are lost   In this way?   Lost in oceans,   Fading sky?   Many lost worlds? die?. In memory of Clark Ashton Smith, 10 April 2004, in Lima, Peru; revised May 5 2004.52) Lost SoulsShadows the loss of souls,   If you are calling on them,   Not go.April 17 2004, Lima, Peru53) Goat Man? S FancyShe heard the coming of Doom?   In the silence of the moon yet?   Indeed, the half-enchanted with its stars   In the twilight of his youth,   For the desert, has part.Now, with the moon does not tu   Il a laissé son coeur?   As if the murmur   And its star sing, solo song! Now triumphant   It is the devil? S rose:   Why has paid his diabolical poisons, cold?   Muttered and a new moon? .54) Clogs DemonHe not seen or heard   The knowledge of my presence, as it should be:   He whispered .* Ecuador, Quito, 4/25/0455) Buried SoulsAnd throw his sarcophagus?   In high mountain?   Situated in the dark Wednesday   (With all your weight seal fate),   N. light, no day, only binds the chains.   Lost, forgotten in the sand? S density, in which passengers are not yet   N. roads or the skies of friendship,   Skeletons faceless, silent voices:   They took this veil of ignorance?   Embraced by plane: face to face?   Hungry to fill the void space.April 1 2004, St. Paul, Minnesota56) The Pale Horse of RarakuJesus Rano said:? Know what is before your face and what is hidden will be revealed to you?   From:? The Gospel of Thomas. It is up to you to you among the living, as I write, because in fact, I died in May and are of little interest, if applicable. For the year that are now in the past, the latter in particular were years of terror, intense fear, as the circles of the world at this time, to climb, I think? Climbing in the world, so that the inspiration to write a story I heard: the entrance and on Easter Island,   Navel of the World (window in the Pacific)?   I whose eyes Moai high volcanic rocks   Looking to the sky,   As if their minds have been captured, taken into   Fear, fear, afraid to leave their houses of stone,   In order to deal with their sins of the world? Thus, Pale Horse racing Rano Raraku? Circle S   ? of Rano Raraku? rim.Ah s, separate forward, the pace,   ? This is a visitor who comes to race?   And in the whisper of Rano Raraku   To take a first look   On first glance, looks, and tips? of Revelation?   Deception Travel fever and with him,   Pale Horse: Tribulation? Then comes the hail and fire from above, mixed with blood;   The sun, the moon and the stars darken.Henceforth Pale Horse racing comes, riding,   Since the edge of this beautiful volcanic area.   The seventh trumpet is now ready to be grilled   The evils and the bottles of payment:   As part of the magic and mystery of this story   Rides Pale Horse die, die, die? Dead,   On the edge of the Rano Raraku, watch, watch? The stranger, Austrian, dark   So is the world? The sins As we witness the pain? The horse? S message:? The God-King is not dead?   The God-King is to come?. Inspired by my friend the poet, Johannes [2004] See Dennis' web site:

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