Sunday, September 6, 2009

The past, present and future of a compulsive gambler s Thoughts Poetry Part 2

The past, present and future of a compulsive gambler s Thoughts Poetry Part 2 The past, present and future, a compulsive gambler? S Thoughts Part 2 is a collection of poems that express what I wanted that over the last ten years of my life. Through these experiences, I could better understand what I was before, during and after with my addiction compulsive gambling. You lea a lot from you, if you can put into words. In Part 2, are two other poems in control of my life and you? Re Gambling addiction is no longer bear the blame.   Control of my life     Positive thoughts will heal the soul     Enormous stress toll     Further     Do not Look Back     Attitude revision     We look forward to a brighter future     It is not healthy to harp on this mouing     No matter why     I have a test     The lives of many tasks, a strong provision     Tested with each new situation     Reinvested with bright days     Bouquet of flowers to enjoy the rays of the sun     What is included in the map nobody knows really     Take your time and allow you to grow     It is for me to change my state of mind     No other control in the coil     No one knows the right way     No matter if I make a mistake         You? Re not Blame Gambling Addiction       Tomorrow will come, like the sun in the east     New opportunities are there, get rid of the animals     Open your eyes and see the beauty of things     It is used here as a people     Each with unique features in every aspect     Physical     Several personalities from day to day     Boredom comes from within you     Change the model and see what can be done     Do not stop living, go with your dreams     Before you know it, the completeness of the standard     Focus my inspiration a day of rain     The trees bloom     Bright, beautiful, colorful     It is no longer like this     Change the model and see what can be done     What should I look forward to?     All you can give the people around     In retu will give everything possible to keep     Every day the feeling of true magic     For the real person that counts, it is     Make the change that you are too bad debts     Condemn none really     E 'for me to succeed     Things you can not always be the same     You're gambling is not the fault       A compulsive gambler is aware that his gambling is not to blame. This compulsive gambler to stop gambling, but his life is not always better. His mind was dwelling on the game of chance and not allowing him to move forward. A person who is not gambling on games for the drug before taking their minds until they play again. I knew that a player who has lost his job and more gambling for a period of three months. He was very proud. Unfortunately, was unemployed and had the least resources to live. He retued to work and the next thing I did was gambling online. The self-destructive compulsive behavior keeps players in limbo until you play again. Understanding help stop gambling recovery.Mr. Howard Keith has extensive experience in dealing with the compulsive gambler, relatives and friends of the players and teenage players.   Mr. Keith believes there are many alteatives to aid in the recovery of an addiction to gambling verses twelve steps program. A large part of his e-mail was from a compulsive gambler looking for an alteative to anonymous players and twelve step programs. Anonymous players including a large number of people every year, but there are a large percentage who are unable to achieve.   For more information on gambling addiction and gambling, you can stop using the     I felt the game of chance We can

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