Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Why Write Bad Poetry

Why Write Bad Poetry For a good relationship with YourselfYou write bad poetry, it is not possible? Why so? Here are three reasons: 1 If you think that there is no rhyme or all good, to write a poem, every time you are, the surprise hit in the gut, struck in the heart of a good or bad.2. When you write, read by me. (see below) then start a cordial relationship with me.3. You will soon discover what is truly important to you in all your relationships.Many people assume that poetry is difficult to understand or too boring. Some poems are boring because they simply show academic erudition. But meaningful poems or some 'strange that the poet experiences strikers are wonderful to hear. Some are better known by the monologues of stand-up comics.Poetry as a strong sense and the courage to express the strength of feelings. N. cautious. Apartment condensation moment.When writing bad poetry is wonderfully alive. To improve your relationships.Eventually, you can re-write and tu your poems into some really good stuff.Poetry not making money, but it was rich. Here's one from me that I was free. See if you can tell me how they shared. If you have questions, write me. by Evelyn Cole evycole@hughes.netCRAVINGS want to peel of Candy / to welcome every guest / all types of candy / dripping with red wine decadenceto offer with legs / stuffed grape leaves, Retsina, Italian shrimp / Carrot Cake, Inka Brand dipand juicy salad / chilled, ready to serve / spinach, asparagus, pistachios / aphrodisiacsmarinated all fresh meat / grill ready for every taste / by rare rubber / seasoned tofu for some shelf full of cakes I? ve just cooked / with perfect crusts / mocha mousse tiramisu and a / clafoutisI apricot and a desire for sweets I don? t eat / a passion for cooking other concoctions won? t touch / desire for money for him / Why? The desire to find / a easeWhy? The desire to give / to live? Ah, I need to get out or die? ~ ~ ~ The last verse I was surprise.Here is what the U.S. winning poet, Stanley Kunitz, on poetry. E 'wild and wonderful.Saturated with pulses from Kuntiz Stanley? The Braid? "So much of the creative life has its source in the erotic. The first impulse is highly erotic, but there will be thoughtful - philosophical man, an explorer - - and then as an older and older there? renew knows that the energy associated with erotic impulse. "A poet without a strong libido almost inevitably belongs to the weaker class, how can a poet from a technical effect, with a degree of flourish, but the poem does not embody the dominant emotive element in life. The poetry is saturated with the pulse, meaning that the fabric of experience. How can this element is not poetry without thinning out the poem? "This is certainly one of the problems of a poem is the thought of how a rational production. The predominance of reason, as in eighteenth century poetry, has decreased the power of poetry. "Basic is a place, but can not be dominant. Sensation is much more important in the production of poetry. And the language has become a sensual, can not be entirely rational one. In rhythm and sound, for example, the language is able to reveal the reason, it's like all the erotic game. "That? S is the nature of the aesthetic impulse, aesthetic receptivity. Whether you? Re walk through the garden or reading a poem is? sa sense of fullness. You? ve gone through a chain of experience, change and communication with every step and every line, so that in connection with the phenomenon of time itself, the erotic impulse is so fundamental to human experience that we can never be free to him, even in old age. "So, dear reader, go out and write poetry.Copyright 2006 Cole poetic license? Evelyn Cole, MA, MFA, the whole-mind Writer   Cole main goal in life is to understand all of the power of the subconscious mind and synchronize with the objectives of conscience.

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