Thursday, September 10, 2009

Manco C CAP and the scythe of death in both Spanish and English

Manco C CAP and the scythe of death in both Spanish and English Manco C? PAC: And the scythe of death (1) Manco Capac lived a long, long life, When measured, more than any human life But even for him, the glass master deathThe on Sunday, the sun god For? The son of the race? bright Like the sun, and the most beautiful? Commander and say, Manco Capac of his death to be So he can arrange for the deposit? An explanation of his possessions Since I had him a rich man? The wealth of staff and a match? Thus, the master of his residence Earth-bound, and then Manco Capac at the foot of the Andes, where he found the right man this Nearby fields with his servants: ? Hail, hail, hail, father of the Incas? I come from the city of Golden Thus, the Great King of heaven, For his successor (departure), Manco Capac and the master He lived a great stone, he said, he said, In a voice spoke:? Holy, holy, is the god of the sun, He calls you and loves you? He loves you and wants to go home? Manco Capac not heard To find out how he and the master Refused, and said, in the courtyard? (2) Manco Capac? S Diener said (with reverence) For Mama Ocllo (for the wife): ? The captain, who with her husband? It is not our race, nor life on this earth. Manco Capac and then washed the feet of The commander, after it was a miracle: The tears of the commander is In drops of silver and gold? Mixed. Pure silver and pure gold? Mixed. (3) but increased in a Captain Clap ? Eye and stood before God and said: ? Master, Lord, I may not lead to death? A house of Manco Capac; He is the kind word, truthful And merciful people live on earth? "The Lord said to the captain: ? Go down and keep him company; Eat with him, and do what they ask? I will send you a devouring spirit ? and I will send the Holy Spirit of God It is a dream to his servants (to interpret)? (4) And so was the commander Saturday Manco Capac by his table and Prayed and ate with him after? His own, and he rested the same. And so it was, in which the agent would Stay with Manco Capac, but could not? He said the rest was his desire. In the middle of the night, the servant Watched the fourth time, in fear? He had a vision, heard about the death; For example, he made reference to Manco Capac, and cried: ? The death came? Manco and crying? and so the captain cry?. Mama Ocllo then in his room, Find all in tears, and she was crying, but the question: Why is everyone crying? If Mama Ocllo belongs to the master Of 'knew that he was there, holy. (5) Mama Said, famous for her husband: ? Do not you know that this is the man? Then the thought, Manco Capac, and says: I lied, I know that is very holy? A sacred messenger from the sun? I see the brightness, of all things. And Mama Ocllo kneel and weep? Glory to God who is hell? With wonder? And the man? he asked,? We now come to the revelation Before us, whether for good or evil? and Glory to God, which is like the sun? (6) Thus, Manco Capac left his wife to speak ? to his servant about his vision; , Said the servant, with fear and wonder? I saw all the stars in the sun; I saw the sun tus into a man; And he was down to earth. E, Manco Capac, knew all the stars, a It was his God, and the sun was the light The master was to him? From the Almighty. And the commander Said,? It 'now time for you from the earth? Jouey to God in the shape of your soul? Manco Capac, said:? E 'then Who wants from me my soul? He said the master of alienation: "I am God? S Messenger announced ? God? Intentions. Then the master Disappeared, and retued to heaven !...( 7) The commander said the Almighty Master All that has taken place, and everything that was said. God said the captain? Questions himWhy He is against me, and not one of my Prophet lost the secret of death. All were collected by the scythe of death (?)?( 8) and with the commander's death god And it came to pass, and soon after Manco Capac Death seen clothed with the great beauty and the death of him, as if to seduce Him with fine words, but Manco Capac Called death? Liar, Death is not beautiful. But death has spoken? I just I'm nice to the sinners? Decay? " Do not be fooled, so that the sinner? I very much fear, destruction, loss; And you, blessed man, with a crown of honor !...? And the death showed him two heads, a so-called? Decay, it was a dragon? S face. Other Like a golden Tumi, bright as the sun. He talked about death? Go with the Commander. (9) and Manco Capac, said the death shows My hands now? and death. In A hand was a golden Tumi, and? This was the key to the door The sun, the Inca-prophet knelt Prayed to the Almighty, close your eyes, and death, God, tightening the Moment: As God looked, was to His soul, and pulled up to her by kingdom.ΔNotes [Note # 1]: In l993, I had two heart attacks? A bathroom, and a bad shot, I had the stroke during surgery that the doctor said? They had a fruit cake? Sense, I have been through the shock on the operating table, at this moment, and then, my left side paralyzed and much more. Every day for three days, I saw a great man, at the end of my bed, thinking it was the doctor, only to discover that it was he who was there in the early hours of the moing, at 5.00 clock., Of course, I third day was able to read again, before the words and letters were distorted, nor can I find the phone numbers. It took me three months to lea to play guitar again, and when I played the guitar for 35 years, the point is, perhaps, is that death is waiting in a white dress? There are 72 dead, so that was written. And as we all know was people dying, he is a believer in God or not, someone has made this decision, or something. And so the poetic writing this story, I leaed of the death of Manco Capac to knock? The door, and perhaps this was how it happened. Note # 2: It should be noted that Manco Capac, the construction of a structure consisting of three windows at his place of birth, according to legend is, as you saw to the archaeological site of Machu Picchu, it was stressed that probably came from there . # 784 8 / 6 / 2005 Written partly in Bayfield, Wisconsin 8 / 2005 During the peace, or in St. Paul, MN By Dennis L. SilukVersi? N de Espa? OlManco C? PAC: Y la hoz de la Muerte (1) Manco C? Pac live? a life long, long, De ser MEDIDA, m? S Larga hombre que cualquier Vivo. But one? N point? L llegó? La copa de la muerte.El Amo del Sol, el Dios Sol, Llama? a? El hijo de ninguna Raza? Brilliant Como El Sol YM? N, m? Hermoso D:? Comendador, a baja y Dile Manco C? Pac Acerca de su muerte que ser?, How? ? l can hold on relevo.Una declaraci? n de sus bienes Ya que lo ha hecho un hombre rico? El m? S Rico y de sirvientes abundancia.As? el Comendador dej? So Morada Y se conduct? a la tierra, y fue hacia Manco C? Pac a los pies de los Andes.All?, El Encontre? This hombre honrado En los Campos con sus criados nearby: ? te saludo, te saludo, te saludo, Padre de los Incas? I come, desde la Ciudad Dorada del Sol, Written by El Gran Rey del Cielo For proveerte de tu sucesor (por tu partida) Manco C? CAP y el Comendador Caminaron by a huge roca? Is Habla?, Dijo En una voz humana Suavemente:? ? Santo, santo, es el Dios del Sol, for Emplazarte, y-amarte Amarte Querer Y que t? vengas a casa? Manco C? pac, you claiming? O no? r O? r, while? l y el Comendador Caminaban, hablaban y, en el patio? (2) Los sirvientes de Manco C? Pac dijeron (con temor) A Mama Ocllo (su esposa feel) ? el Comendador who is? con tu esposo? no es de Nuestra Raza, no vive en esta tierra. Manco C? Pac luego lav? los pies Del Comendador; después? S de esto, un Milagro Vio: Las l? Grimas of Comendador if volvieron En Gotas de oro y plata? Mezclados. Pura Plata y Oro Puro? Mezclados. (3) Luego se el Comendador Elev? in a gui? or OJO? Y estuvo enfrente en Dios y dijo: ? Amo y selenium? .. O no puedo Traer sobre la muerte de la Casa Manco C? Pac; Por qué? L es el m? S amable, honesto Y vivo Merciful hombre sobre la tierra? El se? Or, le dijo al Comendador: ? Ve abajo y Mant? N firms? A connection? L, Come with? L, y lo que haz? L Pida you? Yo te represent? todo un esp? Ritu devorador ? y enviar? to Esp? Ritu Santo de Dios Y sobre sus mention a server? O (para interpretar)? (4) as Y ', Esto fue el Comendador though? Manco with C? Pac, en su mesa Y rez? Comi y? with? l seg? n? SUS costumbres, y ellos descansaron igual. Y fue as?, Que el sirvienta Dese? Stay with Manco C? CAP, pero no pudo? L dicho fue ir a descansar? Ste time su deseo? En el medio de la noche, el criado If despertó?, En la cuarta hora, en temor? L hab a tenido una visita? N, Oy? Hablando a la muerte; How?, El Run? Manco to C? pac, y K?: La muerte ha venido? Manco y C? pac, Llorens? Y as? tambi? n el Comendador Llorens?. Mama Ocllo luego dej? on quarter, Encontrando a todos de l? Grimas, y ella Llorens?, Pero preguntó? Por qu? visa? n Llorando? Cuando Ocllo Oy Mama? the Comendador Hablar, supo she? L was santificada, Santo. (5) Dijo, Mama, a su esposo muy Amado: ? T? N. sabes here? n this is man? Luego Manco C? Pac ballpen?, Y Habla?? He mentido, yo s? el que es muy Sacred? A Holy mensajero del Sol? Resplandor veo, de todas las cosas?. Y se arrodill Ocllo Mama? y Llorens: ? Gloria sea Dios, que es Radiante? With Maravillas? Y esposo?, Ella preguntó? D? Janos, watch revelaci now? N Ante nosotros, para eso sea? Bien o mal! y Gloria sea Dios, Quien es como el sol? (6) Luego Manco C? Pac, dejo hablar a su esposa ? with his sirvienta Acerca de su visita? n; Dijo el temor y con sirvienta maravillado:? There todas las estrellas de convertirse sol; There sol al convertirse en hombre; Y? L estaba, descend a la tierra?. Y Manco C? Pac, supo que todas las Estrellas siendo a Era su Dios, y el sol la luz que era el Comendador trayendo estaba para? L? Del todopoderoso. Y el Comendador Dijo? E 'Este tiempo para ti, de dejar la tierra? Viajar hacia Dios en forma de tu alma? Dijo Manco C? Pac? Entonces eres t? quien want Tomar mi alma? Dijo el Comendador extra? EZA;? Yo soy el mensajero de Dios, anunciando .. las intenciones de Dios?. Luego el Comendador Desapareció?. ? Regreso al cielo !...( 7) El Comendador Dios dijo al todopoderoso Todo lo que ocurre?, Y todo lo que fue dicho. Dios dijo entonces al Comendador? pregnancy? ntal one? lPorqu? resist esta? ndose a mi, y ninguno de mis Profetas has the escapado misterio de la Muerte. All Atrapados han sido por la Hoz de la Muerte (??)?( 8) Y con el Comendador, Dios environment? La Muerte Y? Wine is a pasar, pronto después? D Manco C? Pac Vestida Vio la muerte de Gran Belleza? Y la muerte lo salud?, Como se lo sedujera With Bellas palabras, pero Manco C? Pac Llama? a la muerte? Mentira, death is not beautiful?. Pero la muerte dijo;? para el honrado Soy bella, para el pecador? podredumbre .., N. seas committed? ADO, por el pecador? Yo traigo mucho miedo, destrucci? N, consteaci? N; Y para ti, hombre Bendito? A crown of honor! ... Y la muerte exhibitions? dos Cabezas, a call .. putrefacci? n,? is tenia la cara de drag? No El otro Como un Tumi de Oro, as brilliant dijo el sol.Y death? Ve con el Comendador? (9) Y Manco C? Pac, dijo a la muerte? Mu? Litter Ahora tus manos?, Y la muerte lo hizo. It A hand? L tenia a Tumi de oro, en la?. Otra mano estaban las llaves de las puertas del Sol; Entonces el Inca Prophet if arrodill? Rez? to Todopoderoso, cerrando sus ojos y la muerte llama? A Dios, el Agarra Current bid: Mientras Dios miraba abajo, El Arrebat? su alma y lo Elev? hacia su Reino.Dennis Siluk, poet [You Welcome to my website, I have for you]

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