Thursday, September 24, 2009


Motiff Have you ever experienced infatuation with someone you know is not a good match for you? Or how about an interesting relationship that is deeply rooted in your memory ... Here is my room to have someone who has caught my attention years ago and invited me to play in a game Footsie cafeteria. Although not always part of this enthusiasm, which has never left my thoughts.Joining Of Hearts NeverMixing Our Tender Illusions Fantasy FiresRoses are colored red Or are they pink From the sight of you who Everything I do is close the company thinkOf And touch your face The fun we could have In another in some way I managed placeYet To see An image that is the fear Meso that I was not really wait Until the right time Keep believing in fate And the dream at night (c) 2005LEO/LIBRA Leo and Libra: a sign of fire and air together. Natural empathy, even if the two are differentiated by the method usually have the same long-term objectives. Shared visions. That complement each other perfectly. Leo exclusively by their nature tend to be bossy and overbearing. Libra bear this good naturedly, to a certain extent. Leon pushes too if the relationship, Libra will make a quick exit and then punish the Lion.Favorite Neopet Quote: If the totem is wax, not to bathe in the sun! T.L. McMullen 888-300-3947   - Guarantee Credit Repair   - Reverse Mortgage Brixdale

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