Thursday, September 17, 2009

Love Spanish Spanish Spanish poets and their poems

Love Spanish Spanish Spanish poets and their poems The love and passion has been the favorite subject of Spanish poetry since the time of the troubadours, medieval poets who eaed their maintenance on the part of the song for people in the town square or of the nobility during royal gatherings palate. Composers in their own right, the judge court poets sang of love and the bittersweet pain of unattained love for an idealized woman using the jarchas, a form of love song that was actually poetry written in a very short stanzas.It is important for the study of Spanish love poems to differentiate between poems that originated from countries outside Spain, including Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, the U.S., Uruguay and Venezuela, which were written in Spanish, but whose authors are not from Spain. All these poets and their poems have contributed in some way to the development of Spanish as a sort of poetry, because they all have their written work in Spanish, but in the form of Spanish common to their countries of origin. Even if some of them wrote patriotic poems about their motherland, most of the images used to describe the love for the sadness of a country that has lost its freedom.Some of those known Spanish poets and their poems are popular: Carlos Alberto Garcia? Amor   Que soy   Quisiera   Yo te conozco   Olvidarte   Nestor Oscar Morris? Quiero decirte algo   Solo pienso en ti   Jorge E. Leyton Diaz? You   Manuel Mendez? PertenenciaFocusing attention on Spanish poets from Spain, however, the poets who have lived, loved and wrote their best work within the Spanish territory or the so-called? Poetas de Espa? A ', we have a list of illustrious writers whose works have contributed to the development of Spanish literature, as it is today .* Rafael Alberti - La Amante   * Vicente Aleixandre (Nobel Prize 1977)? The destruction of the family   * D? Maso Alonso? Hijos de la Ira   * Gustavo Adolfo B? Cquer? Rimas y leyendas   * St. John of the Cross - Dark Night of the Soul   * Luis Ceuda - La realidad y el deseo   * Francisco Domene - Arrabal? As   * I? Felipe N? Drop a star   * Federico Garc? In Lorca - sonetos del amor oscuro   * Luis de G? Ngor - soledades   * Jorge Guill? N - C? NTIC   * Miguel He? Ndez - Nanas de Cebolla   * Santa Teresa de Jes? S - Every laughter from Brick   * Juan Ram? Jim N? Nose (Nobel Prize 1956)? The poetic   * Antonio Machado - Nuevas canciones   * Jorge Manrique - Coplas por la muerte de su padre   * Emilio Prados - Veinte poemas en verso   * Francisco de Quevedo - Flores de poetas Ilustres   * Ana Rossetti? Where Is My Man   * Pedro Salinas - Ayer Te Bes? en los labios   * Garcilaso de la Vega - Hora de Nuestra If? Now   * Lope de Vega - The Arcadia   * Esteban Manuel de Villegas - Las Er? Ticas   * Leopoldo March? A Panero? offers a variety of programs to lea quickly on your desktop including Spanish and a free guide for language leaing, 8 ways to lea a language quickly and easily.

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