Monday, September 28, 2009

Invasion of the Body Snatch

Invasion of the Body Snatch Please ignore the aliens   Take my brain   Pulses and pulses are   The hope that my soul still remain.My soul is slowly dying   Remembering my past   The life and love inside me   If only you last.The foreign   Strip me of my hope   My smile, my strength, my determination   Well as tools for cope.I know that I am worth the fight   I don? D like to admit   I can not do my   How do I get from this pit of isolation pit.This   The hopelessness and despair   I want my inner strength   In order to grow and aware.Aware of possibilities,   A life where I am free   Free to lea, love and life   A life where I can see.My truth that comes from inside   I see my physical strength   Strength to reach for your support   I length.You are always stronger than this monster   This works for my brain   With the hand, and support the truth,   My soul is still there.     Note: The only way to make hindsight foreigners from reaching for others. Search for the truth in himself and find the love and the "real you". Mary Pat? Life was for people in need financial, physical, emotional and spiritual. They work in their strength, spirituality, love of nature and a sincere heart, as you walk down this road we call life. Mary Pat has a psr in religious studies with an MS In experiential education.

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