Monday, October 5, 2009

Beacon Verse Series Four article KICK THE CAN

Beacon Verse Series Four article KICK THE CAN KICK THE CAN '? When I was young,   How I loved to "play hero '   Be   Which together with the other free;   But now it is rough, I am just "another zero ',   It 's a little difficult   Just take care of me ... However, the memory retains the hearing,   Stand for what was "correct"   Of "rotation" waiting to swing;   The "sleep" and "Marshmallow roast '   The stories we tell "terrible ghosts'   Decide which girl I liked best,   Then, with that girl "My ring '... To have a friend "to be more"   To find a four leaf clover, "   Fold paper to make a "hat" or "fan";   "He found a nickel, Lucky Bum"   Share the "pale" or "Bubble Gum"   "Ready or not, here I come ..."   Run a 'Kick the can "... The construction of a "strong"   Up to a tree   A sign painting   For "Children only"   Meet the 'crawdad'   I was about to shake hands;   Afteoon swim   Down in 'streaming',   The "Daily windy"   And "Share a lick"   Desirous of hell '   To grow rapidly Real '...   Lord, I would like to have another chance   A 'Kick the Can ... The poem above was published in 1977 in Beacon, "A" Limited Edition "(1,000 copies), a book of poems rhyme with black and white watercolor illustrations. In 1979, I had an attack of conscience "to remove the rest of me ~ ~ then sell like hotcakes copies of the Portland, OR markets that I had ... LOL ... just before calling a 5000 book, 2nd edition printing. If you are one of the lighthouse? buyers, the Beacon? book has a value of ~ ~ at least three times what you paid for then. I would like the author was ... LOL ... Yes, I am the original Russ Miles.While still was 28 years when he published "KICK THE CAN, I was a child when he lived. Today, 58 years, are once again a guy who lives in ~ ~ 1959, when I read it. Still transported back to a time was easier Studabaker speedometer to 160 km / h, the problems have been few, there were many pleasures, and the world is ready for my taking.Roy Rogers was my hero, no one is died in a fist - fight, and Dale Evans is what every bride should be. As with Rusty and Rin-Tin-Tin, good always prevails over evil, George Washington "could not tell a lie," and Dwight David Eisenhaur to be honest, or could not be elected president. "Right?" Both John F. Vice President Kennedy and Nixon were too honest. But it was a Catholic Kennedy and Nixon was a Quaker. Everything has been reduced to black and white. Cree Quakers did not know what he had heard of, but not to go to confession. Most children knew that meant that there was no intention to confession right. My mother says: "Confession is good for the soul." The media have not yet, but I have all the opportunities I have. There was always other "things" that needed forgiveness for. thought I better ask about what my teacher Quakers believe. At recess, when on his way to the house from outside, I stopped in the 10 commandments that he sent over the door. 'It is true that Quakers are not going to confess? "I asked. "Yes, yes, Rusty," he replied. "Like most Protestants do not pray to Mary, either. In this regard, note the bell and ring me exactly seven minutes. I certainly hope that there is no toilet paper over there. "Wow, I thought. Not surprisingly, most of these guys are so evil. Do not pray to Mary that she is not praying for them. I decided right then I would tell people to vote for Kennedy. I wanted our next president will have all the support we could get, with the Russians and all ... For those of you unhappy adults who have never played Kick CAN, is a game similar to hide. The difference is, where are the "No" should be re-run the coffee and can jump on it saying: "All the tin Allen!" Allan if he can achieve everything possible and put in first, and then Billy, Diana and Judy, they were caught, they are free to hide again, while the "No" person recovers and retus the coffee can at the same place ... LOL. .. The first person who is caught becomes the "No" when all are captured HIDERS. Kick the can can continue to teach their children and grandparents of children. That I love you even more for its new video game.As not for me, I hope that this series of articles Towards ezine Beacon will provide another opportunity to open the can of worms out of some who seek to escape the rebels Miles writes books wigglies.Russ romance, poetry, songs, ezine articles, novels of suspense and mystery. In 2006, the remaining copies of the Beacon? and imperfections? are sold through his personal website # # # # and milesBooks@gmail.comComments:

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