Saturday, October 24, 2009

In Haiti Mountans of a poem in English and Spanish

In Haiti Mountans of a poem in English and Spanish In the mountains of Haiti (in town)? July is a hot months? Sweating Poverty in every street coer (In Port de Prince); mixingMemory desire to cause agitation. Not much rain in Haiti (1986); Summer is busy for us, the construction The Medical Clinic, in the mountains?. (In mountain)? A new life for the dry village. With only one shower of rays of the sun (Idle) who have finished my work should a rest? The other (young) kept in the sun, Was sick? A bed. And my colleagues were afraid. (Night's)? A bunch of fragmented images When the rays of the sun beating (And the foliage was not drained refuge) has given way to the sounds of crickets And at night? S Voodoo drums. The shadow of the rocks? Be extended It seemed to scream, yell? Speaking !...( rumori night)? I did not know what to think In some ways, seem to speak to me now. Traces, crackling fire, singing voice: with the brush, Locke, and huts? About; All night noises that never cease? N. wind under the door? None; You see, not to know? Only hear (you live). Note [# 777, 7/27/05]: The author spent some 'time in Port de Prince, Haiti, in an orphanage, doing some' work with children, has contributed to a puppet show and the author spent some time in the mountains of Haiti, if you have some 'work to create a medical clinic with a team of his church in a village where there is no medical care, 19-student, was the oldest , one might say, or one of the two, in 1986.In Spanish las Monta? as de Haites? (En la ciudad) Julio en un mes caluroso-h? Medo Poverty afuera en la calle cada (En el Puerto de Pr? Ncipe); mezclar The memory con el deseo causing emocio? N. N. llovía a mucho en Haites? (en 1986) El verano nos mantuvo ocupados, construyendo A cl? Nica medical de las Monta? How?. (En las Monta? Ace)-Una Nueva Vida, por la la? Rtica Villa. Solamente una ducha con rayos de sol (Descansar) is sobre mis hombros Par? el trabajo para descansar un rato; Los DEM? S (j? Venesia) if maintained? A trabajando en el sol, Todos ellos enfermarse postrados consiguieron en cama. Y mis businesses? Eros de equipo llegaron a estar asustados. (The night is) a month? N de im? Gene fragmentadas Donde los rayos del sol-sol? A golpear (Todo el follaje seco no consigue? Dar refugio) Giving Paso, al Sonido de los grillos Y los tambores Voodoo noctuos ? Las sombras de las Rocas, extendidas. Parece? A gritar gritar, talking with gritos? (Sounds noctuos) Yo nunca lo que ellos estaban Pensando supermarket From ALG? NO way, ellos parece? Hablarme an hour. Steps; crujido de Fuegos, voces cantando: Por arbustos, Chozas y, - all in the search: Todos los sonidos que noctuos jam? S pararon -- Sin viento debajo de la puerta-nada; T? Ves, no sabes nada solo oyes (Tu estas vivo). Note (# 777, 7/27/05): El author pas? ALG? s Tiempo de Puerto Pr? ncipe, Haites? in a Orfanato ALG haciendo? n trabajo con los ni? os; ayuda? ndoles a poner un teatro de t? teres; How? El Paso Author ALG? s Tiempo de las Monta? as de Haites?, ALG haciendo? n en el trabajo building a cl? tronic medical group with a de su Iglesia para la villa not a ning ten o'clock? n Medically average, 19 students; el era el mayor Ud. Podr a decir, o uno de los dos; ATR? s it 1986.Poet, Dennis Siluk

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