Monday, October 26, 2009

Three Poems of Death and the freedom to comment frog with Liberty

Three Poems of Death and the freedom to comment frog with Liberty Rana SummerSummer grows hot, for the New blood frogs; The errors are subtle, however, the Frogs stay fat, young and daring. In these moments of impasse? Than Only listen, as away.Night-frittelle wither away in sleep. The brightness of the moing comes late, Expressive with my bones together? Frogs bother me, as my clay loosens.Rain drops the frog. The The survivors of the new creation? Their homes all over the world, As we thin !...# 765 7/21/05A dead death OveightOveight Fair, has lived in silence, so died.The air is not the same, Most breathe?. No one stops to see His ashes, I have saved?. Earless and eyeless All his friends are still silent.My with their love has become In sadness, during the night, discreet, quietly.7/12/05 # 766They America Listen No More! Once seemed a little 'things, When I was young and a teenager, but That my life, if necessary: For the honor, justice and the country, In this way, we can hear songsOf freedom! But now? M age? "No matter what you To fight alone, so as to pass through The wait to buy the freedom fainted. 7/24/05Note # 767 [the author]:? Our Constitution, perhaps the most precious document we have in America, or that the world has ever seen? This is the law of the country, seems to be declining in value, but was done for the people, not the govement, like most constitutions are. No? No matter who says this or that. This is the Supreme Court judges who seem to have problems in progress, and Presidents come and go. It is that while the Constitution remains, when the judges and their staff is implanted in him, no longer has value it should. It 'like giving a piece of peace? Who starts a war, which lowers the value of money, which I? I have seen too often. It seems that both the witnesses here today, but what? S quite disturbing and, therefore, our freedom of fashion with him. And so I wrote the poem? Let America listen to anything else? I suppose that in the protest. Poet Dennis Siluk

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