Thursday, October 15, 2009

Trapped in the arms of DE

Trapped in the arms of DE You might think YOU THINK I AM STRONG I WRONG live life in DAYHOPING GO THAT DAY I HAVE WAYI MY FRIENDS AND MY FOOD PLANMY therapist THOUGHTSMY AND MY YEAR AND MY EXCITEMENTTHEN Y ME PASA ALGO CAUGHTCAUGHT into the arms of my eyes EDTURNING APPROACH FOR MY AWAYFROM WIN FIGHTTHAT THOUGHT I was going to STAY.HE tells me that I doubt SELFISHTHAT AM MY moveon HAPPYDO every minute I have a right to feel so good? questioned my strength and I always knew that DE CONFIDENCE WOULD AM MY TIME inches in my pants fall WAISTAND OFFI SEE THE FACE OF in my head starts to laugh and SCOFFYOU THINK STRONGYOU is what I think BEATLET ME SEE ALSO MOREYOU is be considered lost WRONG.THE LITTLE VOICE ALWAYS THERECHATTERING AWAYCAN'T send him to kill DETENTIONOR GOOD FOR TODAY? Sometimes I fall into my life and realize that they are happy and forget STRONGAND focus on FIGHTPLEASE Let me tell you RIGHT.Mary DA Pat CAREDON'T his actions for others to find theirs.

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