Saturday, October 10, 2009

In the face of this chapter 1 2 and a poem

In the face of this chapter 1 2 and a poem Bavaria? S Harvest [Augsburg, Germany] Its beautiful rivers, rich soil loss; Its picturesque cathedral, blur climate; The city spent his watches? Bavaria * time; The city? S royal source design; Their age, thick walls of Roman descent; Their houses of pleasure, with tinge of red; Its cemetery, where everyone should sit down over time; Lost your hidden beauty and indeterminate. Their houses schnitzel? ** Pensions and beer; Its rural wo collection of old potatoes. (Ah, Augusta! Oh, me! Its structure, its cover.) Festival tents, with the taste of birch? I feel your hand, mediaeval, harvest gold Past, but always within my soul.Originally published in the book: The other door Poetic exhortations? ? l980, on the principle dlsilukFacing East1In [Augsburg, West Germany, l970] was a disturbing moment at the end del'60 and anni'70 the beginning of the war in Vietnam was going on, like the war in Roland? s head, ending a little '. Love does not have a name in my story, even if it has side effects, for both involved. Love like you knew it was the wealth that has given us, so it was worth it at this point, I think it forgot to look at ourselves, it is important to seize the moment for our personal reasons, or gain. And 'perhaps what we wanted, however, necessary, and perhaps this is the best combination of the whole affair. Perhaps this was a problem, yes, who? S exactly what has been, more than one case, yup. But I prefer to live in the river of truth, thus placed in the space between two people, more and more pain. He was twenty-four years, was in the twentieth two.2A Show East (Christopher Chavez) The road is narrow? An army composed, with his concrete tower wall, West Germany, towers above my head as I walked along the narrow sidewalk, if taken seriously by the feet? and the distance you can see the new city, which began around you. Towards the end were the guard towers, trees, roads and more. At night, when I walked the long walk to this house, the lights always seem to be intertwined, but then I was rarely sober.Until come the great wall, the compound was completely hidden, until that moment the element of surprise remains . New recruits assigned to the military rarely dare to look at the long side view of the compound for fear that they may not find their way back, I think. They were young and decoding for the most part, his disdain for being in this foreign land and the city of Augusta, and also be assigned to a small complex Reese knows no limits disappointment.The water tower at the rear the complex could be seen above the large concrete walls as well as some of the trees when I walked along the side wall of the tower is on the road, such as Mercedes and VWS happened. Blade very thought, in any case? Surely the Second World War, the Nazis? could be used for espionage, but I think more on this subject, I think that using more sophisticated means, and spy on themselves? The area surrounding the site was a sort of gothic look, medieval, not in barracks inside the complex. Headquarters patches with green and red and brown to give a rustic feel sad and if it does not affect an apartment in mind. I never liked the colors, but then I? M freak is not decorated with countless windows do.Its iron and wood decomposition would never had seen a defense against any new war in the 60 o'70, why? I'm sure its painful memories of the Nazi era filled spaces. In all four sides of the cabin doors were so heavy as the doors of the church of Augsburg, in the heart of the city that is, parts of iron, like an old fire escape. This brand was the top and bottom of doors.The were small rooms, four men in a room, sometimes two men in one room, and if part of a force of security police, like me, in a one room, but the room was like a prison cell, one could say that this is a beautiful location, not more than 12-feet long and six feet wide. Thank God I was not superior rooms claustrophobic.There barracks these three stories, full of scales on each side of the building, and in the middle of it, as if there should be constant practice [then, that means you have soldiers running around]. The windows were dark at night, only a life of light can be seen from a distance, our sergeant test could be seen walking down the steps to be alone at night with his flashlight to check all the rooms and see what was missing twelve to midnight. He was a fool, who loved to revive the ass of people walked up the stairs, I often said to me? Don? T, no? Do not you dare. I think when you read my mind, the bastard was playing with me.Now ever think of looking back in the building above the wall, one could think of a Peeping Tom, as you look through the windows and see the light in the brightness of stairs leading to the second floor, in some way I can take a picture with a crazy old toothless mouth peering through the door of a guard in a prison cell: escaping.As I continued to think about walking Street, the consumption of tobacco chewing a cigarette walked along this wall, I walk almost every day, my mind will produce these visions, as I proceeded with the enthusiasm that he knew before me as I am a private emotion, nothing to wake the dead. The next bar, a good dark German beer, girls, and a few friends can be one of the bar, that was my emotion. I knew that walking, not hiding in the compound I cursed? D survive in this adventure, solitude, sometimes painful, to me? D arrival and the night began, the stress? The here and now? no shit life.And army that has just kept walking, looking forward, closer and closer to achieving my life for the adventure evening.The well above the fresh air it seems to me now that I had left the its military crowds. Sci Nutgall will meet there, be there or, more likely, there will be the guest in the house, ie, several blocks northeast of the complex. Simply put, the military, his head was somewhere else that always seems to be the reason why I ask you still here, here, in Reese [meaning the military] Germany guess! I thought the way he has acted as if it were on holiday in some parts are separated by real army, but mentally? As the Army of Marines.As saw my watch, I realized that was the good time, when I speak of myself. I was now very far from the big walls of my military job, my home away from home, out of sight, out of mind. This is how I think a bear. Or I wonder if the act so I think people expect to do: sometimes just do not know. Apparently, about half of people in the army joined the Army in fact no one knows why, but the other half as I write. You know who does not? Do not go to school, or married first l965, a court date came up with someone. Are all these rules so you can see who is expendable and who is not. I was a guess to be superfluous. But it was Elvis, here all seem to like him, are the Germans in particular. I think the govement U. S. Elvis tried to get rid of so that it can revert to the old forms of music and thought, was surely a rebel for his time: and if someone has changed America, it was him. Him? And now a little 'hear.I to look forward to guest house where I am now, that captures the wooden beam crossings in the side of laziness as a guest house-x, which seems ever so strong medieval and along the sides and front of the building is the way, looks abandoned, but it's only 8:00 PM, at the beginning of the night life, just wait, before they are rocking Christopher? Dennis can be found at:

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