Saturday, October 24, 2009

The God of the dead Copan in English and Spanish

The God of the dead Copan in English and Spanish English VersionAnd the death of God has said? Give her glory in the Valle del Rio? For a season, then on, we speak of Copan? Prologue: Empires come and go, to compare the cosmic events, or the storms around the world: Atlantis, Mu, Greece, Persia, Rome, the Inca nation, and even the great Maya heroic times of Copan, in Central America . All and all came to the left, in one way or another, now just dust and artifacts in the spiral of time. But I recognize that only a king, smoke iMix [K-God], because he was the last of the great warrior, I think. [The Saga begins] First of it? New light? 8th Lord of the night in Copan Valley? Then light broke [3114 BC] on the Copan Valley? Women and men went hand in hand to create a new civilization? "But where is peace, there is blood in the sand? and this is where it all began? .1. [628 AD] was the residue of Atlantis So, some people say? Copan is now dead? Athens from another world Standing high in Piazza Grande Copan? Carved in stone? Stained blood red? Toni [Here? Here] It is the field of stelae smoke iMix-God-K The Great Warrior King Maya Praise for Tlaloc: Tlaloc? The well-known Jaguar-God (Smoke iMix, ruler of the 12th dynasty) Lord and God of Copan Valley2. The King Ah! gave blood, the blood Splattered on every stone and stream Ruler for sixty-eight years? (Left Atlanteon tears) He was a builder, like the pharaohs, How old Uruk Gilgamesh; Sign up on the monuments in the world? (What works great) 3 Rio Copan Valley In the Rio Copan Valley, came the drought, defeat, the rivalry between king and nobles, who broke his back and the dreams of the Copan kings, and so is back to its full destiny, and the memory at its zenith ? Ah! ? It 'was a spectacular view once, now fading, fading? via a ", in the bushes, weeds and dust?. # 467/Feb, 2005, to Clark A. Smith, poet, Who thought that Copan has been associated with Atlantis.Versi? N de Espa? OlEl Dios de la Muerte de CopanPor Dennis L. SilukTraducido for Nancy Pe? AlozaY el Dios de la Muerte dijo:? D? Jelo levantarse de su Gloria en el Valle del R? o? estació for? n; después? sd? JALO que se vaya, we llamaremos Copan? Prologue: imperios is y van, comparados events Como c? smicos, tormentas o alrededor del mundo. Atl? NTIC, Mu, Greece, Persia, Rome, la Naci? Inca N, e incluso el gran Tiempo Heroic Maya de Copan, en Am? Rica Central. Everything comes and goes, a u otra forma, now as POLVO justo y de la artefactos spiral of time. Pero escoger? One un rey, smoke iMix [God-K], por el que fue de los ultimo del Guerrero, or eso es lo que pienso. [How? begins leyenda] Before the hubiera? new light? If el Octavo? o de la Noche gobeanza? en el Valle de Copan? ? después? en la luz se esparcir? [3114 BC] sobre el Valle de Copan? Mujeres y hombres y de la caminaron tomados hand to create a civilizaci? N nueva? Pero donde hay paz, hay sangre en Las Arenas ... y todo esto empezó where is it? , 1st [628 Después? S de Cristo] Este fue de los Restos Atl? NTIC Eso dicen some? Ahora Copan Muerto? La Atenas de otro mundo Permanece Alto de la Gran Plaza de Copan? Tallada de Piedra? Manchados con sangre roja? tonos [Aqu? Aqu?] Esta en la Estela smoke iMix God-K El Gran Rey Guerrero Maya Giving an Alabanza Tlaloc: Tlaloc? El Dios renombrada-Jaguar (Smoke iMix, el Gobeador the 12th Dynasty? A) where? Or Dios y del Valle de Copan2. El Rey Ah! La sangre que dio el, la sangre? Tom L? Desparramada de Piedra y cada riachuelos Gobeador for sesenta y ocho a? OS? (Sin l? Grimas de Atl? Nticos) El fue a manufacturer, such as Pharaoh, Como Antiguo de Uruk Gilgamesh; Monuments Inscrita de, en todo lugar? (Trabajos Fueron profundos) 3rd Valle del R? O Copan En el Valle del R? O Copan, Wine sequencer? A defeat, rivalidad entre el rey y que la Nobleza break? el Soporte y los due? os de los Reyes de Copan, y entonces se derrumb? once on a destiny inmutable, desaparecieron y, en su punto mas alto? ? Ah! ? esto fue una volta una vista espectacular, now deca? da, desaparecio? o? oo? between vegetaci? n, y el POLVO Mala hierba?. # 467/Feb, 2005; a dedicated A. Clark Smith, Poet, a CRE that quien estaba relacionado con Copan Atl? ntica.Note: Spanish version completed 4-20-2005.Author and poet Dennis L. Siluk is currently in Honduras in San Pedro de Sula, about an hour ride on the Copan site, which will be tomorrow, and it is only the Spanish version of the poem ... Rosa Pe? Aloza

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