Monday, October 19, 2009

Love and life lessons

Love and life lessons Recent events in my life have taught me that the best thing to do in any situation is just to love people. How can I be a better friend, a better son, brother or sister, etc. So often we go through life and really does not take time for people just love. For example, I jump on a bus, I have all this time to take interest in other people, I still feel, and pass the time, just wonder what others are up a. The risk is that someone arrives, something about them a thrill of this world, inside me, and are ready to judge them. "What's that kind of thinking and dressing." If you can relate to me in this way, I realized that love is the answer. Love What is love? Love is patient, love is kind, not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, not rude, it is not selfishness, is not easily angered, keeps no record of errors. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love is all, believes all, hopes all, endures all. Love never ends. Love never fails. However, if you quote Corinthians 13:4-8 do for you? What is really love, but what it seems? True love is: "Do not just pretend like the others. Really love "- Romans 12:9. Love is a time to speak with the person sitting next to you in the bus, taking a sincere interest in your life? Love is offering your seat to someone who is standing? Love is to say a prayer for the people riding with you, asking God to bless them. Love does not mean kissing the hand and the gentleman sitting next to him. I began to see in my life as I opened the love of people, it's incredible how things have changed in me. I heard this story of a girl walking to school, terribly depressed and in life. Ready to commit suicide, when I come home, as she has had enough. A school that has never talked to her, comes out and asks if he can carry his books, and to walk with her. Coles noted that since the version of love expressed by this guy, who did not commit suicide and find new meaning in his life. We believe in saving lives, such as firefighters and police officers. What about that guy? It is a life? Boldy not enter a building or stop a fire buing. He has just time for love. My first response was, and I've heard from most people is: I am too busy, or because it is sufficient. I would say that if you honestly answer these questions that have the same answer as me. I'm not too busy. I just manage my time a little. I'm riding the bus anyway. Why not love the man sitting next to me. I really like. There is never a time or place in your life that you love enough. Feel free to reprint this article provided that you keep the following title and author biography in tact with all hyperlinks.

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