Sunday, October 4, 2009

Steve s Poetry

Steve s Poetry ALL THESE SUFFERSAll Our thoughts are never told   And all that glitters is not gold   Anything? S can be offered? T should be   And not everything is suffering badTime patch your heart   ? Even if he and they are very distant   And if you think like life? S annulled   Knowing that it is as a retu   In comeAnd worlds, if you feel fear, and evil   Just know that it is always near   And aside from tears and pain   But go, go in May rainHearts Ache and cry for peace   And the anime? Spoiled? May they never cease?   But time is a simple, time is the new bo   So don? T forget to search for joy,   And all new dawnFor suffering that is not badAnd, the future, once more the cool drops   dew in the moing rose, for you.May you.DO God bless you remember? Do you remember? Do you remember?   Or I can just imagine it all? Sometimes I think I remember,   Sometimes, I know almost   It also wonder if you remember   Now that the time ago.Your eyes, hair, reminds me   This item has me back   At a time in the shade   Along the way back trackTall ships, strong winds, war and peace, and the kings and queens   Soft Hot summer love under the sky with clouds   It comes to me when I lost   Lost deep in your eyes forget our love and my loss in our farewell   The void you have left no longer exists   And I asked myself? my heart? would never again?   With you not around, and none of shareAnd I? D called in time? I was totally crazy is that?   With the will and the desire to love and   Or if, like a dream, half-forgotten in the wake --   Forgot? It may be true? "What we have loved, then at another place?   Because it seems to me as if I am in your face   And I see more functionality, I do not see more than looks   We have players from the history books? Feelings like these are not bo in one day   And a love of this kind is not only far   Do you remember? Do you remember   Or I can just imagine it all? I remember you?   I do not remember?   Or I am just a half-Crazy Love-stricken regions crazy? Problems with LETTERSThe problems with writing a letter   What is too long unwrit   Is that all the news and gossip   You tried to   How to run up   To lay siege to your authors? Mind   Everything for the position and the competition is not just accidental behindAll Notes and Comments   You should be the pivot of   A pregnant woman, the cat, the dog,   And Children? Sarah? S? Men?. Which should, in the first   That should last   All types of stories from this and the only way pastThe   I? Ve yet   And 'all the words, writing and training   For items of boredom and words of the song   Or leave everything and in this? S?   Twelve pages! YOUI that you know the source of all problems   So you have the power to solve the problem if you decide the time is right for you.   And I have great confidence that so.If you know how to.I am the creator of all happiness   And how can you not want to change the situation   And what are some things you sacredBecause says so.I understand how everything that you like, and some of the things that don? T want to be   And I know you have these things, how and when pleaseIf you to.I know the balance and harmony, if not possible, if you can and where you   And I know that this process, these creatures do not completeUntil you are ready to so.And it must go hand in hand with your God in this place and hope in time many things, I wish you a great loveBut importantly, I hope that what really want . YOUStephen Kaye lives in Devon, and offers the poetry-on-demand through their e-mail.

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